High Magic Earth

Chapter 1880: Intermission: Mr. Glass (10)

"Here, look at Rita here."

In the Osaka Tower, Philadelphia's new landmark building, and the Science and Technology Exhibition Hall on the first floor of the latest technology building, a younger brother carrying a heavy camera greeted his colleague, Rita Lia, quite cheerfully.

But the roles of the two seem to be reversed.

It should have been the photographer who couldn't put up the energy, and the reporter was always full of energy, and the energy he used to rush forward in the end. As a result, the settings of the two of them seemed to be completely reversed.

The little brother of photography carried a camera that seemed quite heavy, like a mouse that quickly shuttled through the crowd of people in the exhibition hall on the first floor, constantly approaching to capture those wonderful shots, or the new small technology placed in the glass cabinet product.

And don't forget to greet Rita.

The reporter named Rita dragged the microphone and followed behind feebly.

She wore the most common dress for reporters on the spot, a light pink casual suit, light makeup on her face, and her hair seemed casual but tied neatly behind her head.

This is a very ordinary reporter's dress, and it is also a standard reporter's dress. There are no highlights, but people can not pick out any shortcomings.

But this ordinary set of clothes, worn on Rita's body, gives another feeling of extra laziness.

probably. . It's because she stretched her face, her shoulders sagged softly, her hands were weak, and the microphones in both hands looked as if they would fall off at the next moment.

"I'm coming.."

Rita said weakly.

She dragged her feet reluctantly, as if two heavy iron **** were tied to her ankles, and followed like a zombie in three steps.

Rita is very mourned, and she is mourned every day. She always seems to be in a state of mourning, or to be more precise, since she came to Philadelphia, the whole person has become mourned.

Rita Lia, a professional journalist affiliated with New York Radio, she is a typical American sweetheart, with wavy blond hair, fair skin, and a pair of light, blue-brown eyes.

Few people can ignore this charming appearance. . So she always stood out among the crowd of journalists and was selected, asking the only question.

So her career went smoothly.

But her career is not outstanding because of her appearance. Of course, there may be such a loss, but it is only a loss, the most important thing is, um. . Nor is it because of her efforts, but because her father is the deputy director of New York Radio.

The family is engaged in the TV station industry. Although such a family composition is far from the consortium, not even the rich class, but it is finally a typical member of the upper class society.

And at home, she is a single girl, so there is no dog blood incident of competing for pets or family, so she was sent to this remote city. . There is naturally a reason.

Yes, issue.

This translation should be the most accurate. Rita feels that she is now treated like this.

After all, the name of Radio New York is Radio New York, and after leaving New York, that's what happened. Although she is known as an expatriate reporter, it seems to her to be an exile.

Well, if she really made a mistake, she would not be complained about even if she was exiled. Even if she was the deputy director’s daughter, she should not have any privileges, but the problem is that she doesn’t feel that she has committed it. error.

The whole process is actually very simple.

When a New York Police Department made a public speech and held a press conference, Rita, who had an outstanding appearance, once again stood out from many journalists and was selected by the police spokesman at the time.

Although Rita looks like a sweetheart on the surface, it is actually very tough inside.

And on such occasions. . In fact, most of the time, no one asks questions that are too outrageous. It’s not that everyone has a tacit understanding. The title of the reporter’s uncrowned king is not in vain, but there are indeed some questions that cannot be asked in person. Like the political bottom line.

Even if you ask, there will be no answer.

So no one will ask such sensitive questions again.

However, there are still a lot of journalists who want to ask, and claim to expose the facts and truth. Of course, sometimes the facts and truth are concealed, but most of the time, concealment is still necessary.

Rita is one such journalist.

When the New York Police Department held a press conference at that time, it was because a very brutal serial killer appeared near the Hudson River. It took a long time to hunt for half a year before finally catching the number one suspect in the case.

Not sure if he was the real murderer, or because the New York Police Department was unable to withstand the pressure, he tried to close the case early. However, not long after the first suspect was arrested, he was declared the real murderer. End.

Rita is not interested in who is the real murderer. This is a matter for the police, and she is not curious and bored to participate in the investigation. She is curious that there are many places in the six months of the case. There is a supernatural phenomenon that science cannot explain.

In other words, it is like a mysterious case of urban legends like Jack the Ripper in London.

The Jack the Ripper incident has disappeared for hundreds of years, but even so, it is still often taken out and talked about, and it has been adapted into many movies, even TV dramas, and it has become more and more outrageous and mythical.

This case actually has many similarities with Jack the Ripper. The most important thing is that it does show obvious extraordinary things that technology cannot explain.

In other words, after a hundred years, it may also become a legend!

Rita certainly won't let go of such an opportunity.

She began to search for information frantically, visited the site in person, and asked many parties. After accumulating a large amount of evidence and information, she asked some core and key questions at the press conference.

This is actually nothing. At every press conference, there are a lot of hard-working guys. The spokesman of the police station has actually learned to ignore it.

But this time, the new recruit from the police station didn't know what was going on. Was it the gangster's undercover or a sudden brainstorm? He actually answered Rita's question.

Although only a few words were stopped by the people behind in time, it was enough.

These few words are like a rock stirring a thousand waves, and in an instant, all the reporters below are boiling.

In fact, these things cannot be announced to the outside world. Of course, they will not be circulated from the police station. . That is obviously impossible.

There is nothing that the group of uncrowned kings dare not report.

Dare to say, he dare to report, even if he did not say, he can report.

That news spread throughout New York that day.

Although it didn’t know how to be suppressed again later, it was a strange story, and after all, there was no evidence, and modern people who had been heavily influenced by science would not easily believe in the existence of supernatural, and did not cause much confusion, but these two The parties were still accounted for afterwards.

The brave little policeman didn't know what was going on, but Rita. . Rita was banished here by her father.

There is a distance from New York, Philadelphia.

Once glorious, it is now a small city like a retirement estate.

Rita doesn't understand her father's approach, he's protecting himself, but that doesn't mean she will think she did something wrong, she is not wrong.

But she couldn't be angry with her father, so she sulked every day. . In the end, over time, it has evolved into the present state of mourning.

Because she has been here in Philadelphia for a little half a year, but there is still no sign that she will be transferred back to New York. It seems that the incident has not happened, or that she has not been forgotten.

But when this continues, when will it be?

Of course, Philadelphia is nothing interesting.

In addition to who lost the dog and whose house had quality problems, Rita found a very interesting news on the Internet. . protector.

Yes, there seems to be a superhero in Philadelphia, he is the guardian.

The image of the guardian is usually a waterproof cloak, and he does not show any extraordinary power. Because fighting with other people will always use brute force, so whether he has extraordinary power on the Internet has always been. There is a lot of controversy.

But it is undeniable that he is a hero and has helped many people.

Ok. . In addition to the controversy about whether he has super powers, the second big controversy is whether he should be called a guardian or a hooded man. .

Or waterproof hood men.

Rita is not interested in such a boring controversy, but she is indeed very interested in this hooded man. She keeps tracing down the clues. Rita knows more and more about the hooded man, and indeed finds a lot of incredible, There is no explanation.

For example, if a normal person falls from the height of a five-story building, even if there is no luck, he may not immediately be able to get up and run to chase down the murderer. .

Rita is more and more curious about the hood man. He finds that the hood man may not be a whim to be a superhero. Although there is no obvious performance, he may indeed have some super powers, for example. . Is he strong?

And this supernatural existence is obviously not the first case, because another example that Rita knows is that she came to Philadelphia, the Hudson River murderer.

Rita knows more and more about the hooded man, even one step away from his true identity, that is, one step away from never knowing to knowing.

Unfortunately, she still doesn't know.

The hooded man is very cautious, even if some traces are left carelessly, it is difficult to follow, and then find valuable clues.

There must be a helper behind him, maybe only one person, maybe a team.

But just when Rita thought she had found a new career focus and was about to turn over again, not long ago, the hood man suddenly disappeared.

His activity seemed to be at a standstill, and no one had seen him again.

The current world is a fast-paced world. The existence of the hooded man is soon forgotten. Occasionally there are discussions on the Internet that are asking each other where he went.

But more of it is still malicious slander, for example, he must have been arrested or something.

This is still good, more often he died, died in an unknown corner.

Rita suddenly missed the hood man.

Seriously, his superhero is actually not qualified, because not many people noticed his existence at all. The crime rate did not decrease significantly when he existed, and did not increase significantly after disappearing.

He is like a dispensable person, no different from those gears and nails in society.

but. . She missed him slowly.

As a reporter, Rita naturally had a variety of channels. She secretly inquired about contact a few times. Rita finally knew a reluctant result. The hooded man seemed to be caught.

Mount Ruiwen Mental Hospital.

However, when Rita was planning to enter the interview as a reporter, she was suddenly stopped by Arthur, who was her photographer.

It wasn't until this time that she knew that the photographer who was partnering with herself in Philadelphia turned out to be the one sent by her father.

What the hell. . She is just an ordinary little reporter, and her father is just a deputy director of a radio station. Would you like to send someone to monitor yourself like an agent!

Rita was helpless, but with Arthur’s blockage and lack of cooperation, she did not find a good opportunity to interview the Mt. Rivenshan Mental Hospital. Eventually, she was helplessly dragged to this new landmark building that had just been completed, Osaka Tari.

Damn the Osaka Tower, what the hell's name is it?

Full of reluctance, of course, I can't expect much positive interest from Rita.

Rumbling walked to Arthur, Rita held the microphone and did not interview anyone, just as she was the photographer and Arthur carrying the camera was the reporter.

Arthur didn't take it seriously, after all, the deputy director had already told him the progress and priority of the matter.

Some unknown big figures did not like the details of the case at that time leaked out. Rita directly lifted things up to the sky, and naturally went out to avoid the wind.

It's better to be quiet for a year and a half, and it will be fine.

Of course these things can't be told to Rita~www.wuxiaspot.com~ otherwise she might still be able to follow this clue and then expose something on the spot.

But even if she didn't say anything, Rita could guess something, but without clues, she couldn't do anything.

It's just such a mess, with Rita's character. . It's strange to be happy.

But Arthur felt that such a Rita was rather cute.

. . Yes, the reason why Arthur is so enthusiastic and conscientious is not only to complete the tasks handed over by the deputy director-general, but also why he did not report the idea of ​​holding the beauty back.

Rita is the daughter of the deputy director and married her. It can be said that it is a step in the field of television in New York.

Don’t think that there is no marriage for the benefit in the United States. Such marriages are everywhere, and they are never national.

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