High Magic Earth

Chapter 1881: Intermission: Mr. Glass (11)

The most important thing is that Rita is very beautiful and is a typical American sweetheart. Even if she is just looking at her appearance, it is totally worth it. She is a perfect score based on her appearance.

Her character is not bad. . Although there is a little temper.

So there are not many people pursuing Rita. Originally, Arthur had no confidence, but now that she has been placed in the slow-paced place of Philadelphia, he has also become her photography partner, so the near water tower first comes under the moon . . He was confident again.

"Look at this, look at this, Rita."

Arthur took Rita to a small instrument enclosed in a glass showcase. The instruments in the showcase were filled with strange metal substances, some similar to mercury, and some like ordinary metals, steel and iron. Yes, they seem to have received some invisible force, and they will tremble from time to time.

"This is a small suspension device. Of course, it is still in the experiment."

Arthur showed a seemingly usual way of doing science for Rita, but he actually had a secret little pride in his heart.

For this time the Osaka Tower Technology Exhibition, he checked a lot of information, in order to show off a wave in front of Rita, and add points to himself.

As a new surface building in Philadelphia, the Osaka Tower was built by a number of technology companies and investment companies. The exterior of the building is all inductive solar panels, which will be quickly adjusted as the sun moves and invested in The actual use of the building will create the illusion that the whole building seems to be inactive all the time.

From the outside, it looks really sci-fi, like a building that can be transformed at any time.

The technological content of the Osaka Tower is indeed not low, otherwise it will not qualify as the new coordinate of Philadelphia.

And since there is a grand exhibition, then in addition to the building itself, there must be some technological products that can be taken out, or other things.

So in the hall, there are many small and exquisite small machines that contain the technology and craftsmanship that are not low. There are finished products, semi-finished products, and some are even theoretical displays. Anyway, it is a technology exhibition. . Show everything.

However, these small instruments are not as powerful as they guessed. Most of them are something inside the laboratory, which cannot be put into production, application, or simply is defective and has not been completed, or even impossible.

There were also things from a few years ago.

Otherwise, Arthur would not find the relevant information on the Internet so easy to recite, which is used for explanation at this time.

These things are not the products of the times, and are not the most rigorous projects in the laboratory, so the information can be downloaded online, but the technical content is not low. If the non-professionals do not want to recite the information like Arthur, they also look at it completely. I don’t understand, but I’m going to introduce it. . It's okay to pretend to be knowledgeable.

Although these things don't seem to be very good, in any case, they don't know how many times higher than the high-end civilian technology. It is indeed a bit of a future technology feeling to be placed in this latest technologically successful solar building.

That's the kind. . It will suddenly make people realize that technology has progressed so far, like the feeling that the next more sci-fi era is coming.

The antiquated era and the emerging technology era.

"This thing contains a lot of hydrogen..."

Arthur was still talking about it, as if he had done all the work of the guide in charge nearby, and he was not tired of carrying a heavy camera.

But Rita next to him just smiled indifferently, smiling. . Without saying a word.

Didn't Rita see it? No, she saw it all the time, and she could see everything. Arthur's careful thoughts and ideas about what he hit were all clear to her.

After all, as a beautiful woman, she always has extra experience in dealing with men.

And as a reporter with a strong head, Rita is naturally very smart, because she is not smart enough, so she can't get her head up.

"and this.."

Arthur said a lot, and when she saw that Rita didn't seem to have much interest, she immediately changed the subject and carried the camera to another showcase.

There is also a precise and compact metal machine inside, but it seems to be more than the previous suspension device. . More interesting.

After all, the suspension device was said to be still in the experiment, it looked very simple, only the metal and mercury placed on it occasionally hopped slightly with the attitude of the salted fish turning over. . If you don't observe it carefully, you can't even observe it.

And the machinery in this showcase is much more interesting than the suspension device.

This is also a crude semi-finished product, or experimental product, but it is a three-dimensional imaging technology.

It's the kind of technology in many science fiction movies.

"The development of 3D imaging has been very rapid in recent years..."

Arthur stood next to the booth. One hand gently tossed the virtual image of the cube generated above the showcase. The virtual image turned a bit jerkily with the rotation of his finger. The other hand was carrying the camera, still talking. With.

His performance was not so obvious. After all, he was not stupid. It was impossible for him to show off in front of Rita.

Arthur has been carrying the camera all the time in order to disguise himself as being recording and recording, and his commentary is the dubbing and explanation during the recording process.

Pretend to show your erudition inadvertently!

Unfortunately, Rita had already seen through. Arthur's behavior was not like a clown in her eyes, but it was about the same.

Gently shaking her head, she didn't talk to Arthur on the head, but she stepped back a few steps without a sound.

"Cool! This thing is like a portal in the interstellar!"

"You said, will any aliens invade us through this... Doesn't the sentence in the comic say that the door is bidirectional?"

Two half-old children carrying school bags stood in front of a showcase and whispered together.

Hey, two chubby dunes, either a dead house or a house, Rita smiled in her heart.

The growth cycle of people in Europe and the United States is relatively early. Rita had the appearance of a blond and sweetheart in high school.

Now Rita is a head iron reporter who looks very devoted and reveals the truth, but she was not like that when she was young.

After all, when she was young, she had some ignorance. Although she was not a role like a college bully, she was almost the same.

She is one of the leaders in the sister group and belongs to the kind of **** bitch. With her excellent appearance, she almost slept the rugby star players of her school and the star players of other schools.

Ok. . In addition to being unclear about the relationship between men and women, there is nothing unusual about it.

But no matter how chaotic and open her relationship is in private, two people, three people or more people, on the surface, all show the best. . And some people don’t know what is inside, they like the appearance they see in front of them.

For example, dead fat houses and nerds in school.

Not every nerd and dead mansion will be like a little spider, who likes girls with good academic performance, not every school has such a girl.

Humans are visual animals. Sometimes the visual effects are better. It is enough. The inner is not so important, is it?

And exactly, Rita fits this condition very well.

She is the dream lover of many boys in the school. Except that the characters in the school can directly kiss Fang Ze, most other people may not even have spoken to her.

Rita's interest at the time was on men, not on bullying other people, and naturally she would not bother to talk to her, even the guys who were purely in her eyes.

But she doesn't look for trouble, and those admirers who don't mean that she doesn't look for trouble.

After all, they are young people. . In the minds of young people, is there anything better than bullying people to show their abilities in front of their beloved girl.

Especially for those muscular but underdeveloped football players.

Of course, Rita knows these things. After all, if you don’t tell your beloved girl, then the fun of bullying is a lot less.

But Rita did not stop it, and of course, did not encourage it. She just watched with cold eyes, posing a typical posture of the goddess of high cold.

Later, something naturally happened, and because of her young growth, she began to gradually change, and eventually became the current justice reporter who likes to reveal the truth everywhere.

It is the true truth, not something that is done as a threat excuse to use the truth as a pretext, or to make up a mess.

But no matter what happened during this period, it doesn't matter. What's important is that Rita is no stranger to these two chubby guys, even reminding her of her previous college and high school days. . Although it is not a good thing.

Exactly, there seemed to be a lot of people gathered at that booth.

After thinking about it, Rita walked towards the two of them.

The two chubby dunes knew nothing about it, and the conversation continued.

"Theory! This is just theory!"

Listening to his companion's concerns about the alien invasion, another fat pier rolled his eyes.

"This portal only exists in theory!"

"And if there are really aliens, do we also have superheroes?"

Rita suddenly became curious when she heard the conversation between the two. . Probably because she heard the words superhero.

She silently stopped behind the two, wanting to see what they were discussing.

There is no actual product in the showcase in front of a few people, but a board full of various formulas and records, as well as a blackboard and explanation board for explanation. . It is just a theory, not even semi-finished experimental products.

Rita's appearance was soon noticed by the two chubby pier. The two looked back secretly, and then they seemed to suffocate in a uniform manner.

What a pretty lady, ah. . It's suffocating.

Rita smiled in her heart. The shelf life of European and American women seems to be short, but if you maintain them carefully, they can still last for a while, and she is not too old.

She has seen more performances and gazes from men, not to mention that now she is in front of two and a half-year-old children, perhaps just as high school age, she naturally would not have any idea.

On the other hand, the commentators in charge of this part are also tirelessly repeating what they don’t know how many times they have said it.

"Quantum transmission technology, this will be the greatest research topic in the 21st century."

"It's known to limit humans..."

"Hey, Rita, you like this kind of thing."

And at this time, Arthur found that Rita didn't know when she had come here, and she naturally followed.

He carried the camera and patted the blackboard hanging on the display in a pretentious manner. . He probably didn't check the information of this purely theoretical thing, so he didn't know what it was, and it was not easy to explain. He finally quieted down for a while.

This is not surprising. The theoretical things are just the words on the blackboard and the explanatory board, which are very boring. Generally, no one wants to read them. What he finds must be those that look interesting. . These things will attract Rita's eyes, he will have the opportunity to show himself.

But the ghost knew why Rita would run to a place without actual samples, only near the theoretical booth.

This thing is generally neglected.

Rita continued to keep a polite smile, she did not intend to expose Arthur or something, it was meaningless, it would only bring unpleasant pleasure to herself, and of course, would not show him closeness, making him feel that he was indeed Have the opportunity.

Maybe Rita used to enjoy this kind of thing, but now it won’t.

The two chubby punks sneaked in when Arthur arrived, and they didn't even have the courage to talk to the younger sister. . Not to mention the interview with the reporter.

Rita’s silence made Arthur not know how to respond. He didn’t know the theory of quantum transmission, so he couldn’t say anything.

Well, it just happens that he can't talk all the time, and it seems good to be quiet for a while. . He can only tell himself in this way.

Rita looked at the narrator surrounded by the crowd~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Arthur also turned the camera's lens over for tracking and shooting. The two of them finally seemed to be interviewing.

"For the current human beings, quantum transmission technology still exists only in the theoretical stage, and lacks a lot of key technical problems, so it is impossible to invest in experiments."

The narrator is still going on. On this day, she estimates that she has no idea how many times these words have been said, and she seems extremely skilled.

She took a step back and gave up two other panels.

Those are two huge photos and a solid model.

The narrator stretched out his hand.

"This is the concept of the quantum portal in the Stargate Science Fiction movie and the other two transmission gates. Of course it is just a model. After all, we lack a lot of theory."

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