High Magic Earth

Chapter 1882: Intermission: Mr. Glass (12)

Not very funny, but the crowd around her still gave a low chuckle to the face.

"There are a lot of theories missing, but it is undeniable that quantum transmission technology will still be one of the most popular technology fields in the future, and perhaps the most dangerous, and these lacking technologies are also waiting for the latecomers to make up."

"Humanity will eventually come out of the earth, and quantum transmission is the cornerstone of the future."

Applause sounded and then quickly fell.

The narrator paused again and smiled at the crowd.

"Let's go to the next booth together."

While talking in her mouth, she looked back at the model of the quantum portal in Stargate and spread her hands to the crowd.

"Thanks to our lack of theoretical knowledge..."

"At least we don't have to worry about the portal opening suddenly, and then a group of aliens come out from inside."

This is of course impossible, because this is just a model.

The crowd around her laughed loudly, and under her guidance, began to prepare to visit other technology exhibition areas.

There are many display stands in the exhibition hall on the first floor of the Osaka Tower. Rita and Arthur just turned around and saw at least four or five.

This intensity is already very high.

After all, as a landmark building in Philadelphia, since many journalists are invited to the press conference, it is natural to also need to prepare something that can be used for interviews and reports.

These scientific and technological instruments contributed by several technology companies that jointly built the Osaka Tower and sponsored by laboratories drawn by investment companies are naturally the best reporting topics.

It is too thin to report the building of a building alone, and it will not exceed ten seconds when the news is broadcast, but if these scientific and technological achievements are displayed, it can be extended for at least a few minutes, and even a separate press conference will be held. Having independent news is not a difficult operation.

Rita, as a reporter, knew everything about these things.

But she who doesn't like Philadelphia will naturally not bother to figure out what is here, collect materials, and then prepare to write a manuscript.

She didn’t intend to continue to follow the commentator to visit the next exhibition area. She didn’t really come to report to the Osaka Tower who had seen a ghost. Even the other staff responsible for the live broadcast were left outside by her. She came over One can imagine the determination to paddle and walk.

Rita is going to go around and find some news she is interested in.

Of course, it would be better if it could make mistakes and be thrown back to New York by Philadelphia Radio.

But little hope.

Just when Rita decided to find some fun for herself, she had just turned around and was going to go in the other direction, and suddenly heard a little girl's crisp voice.

"Mom, mom, look there, is there an alien coming?"

"What nonsense?"

Rita turned her head slightly, and saw a little girl hugged by her mother in the crowd surrounding the narrator.

Her mother apparently wouldn’t believe a child’s words, and she responded casually.

But humans have instincts, even if they know that there may be nothing, even if the little girl is pointing in the direction where she is facing away, but Rita looked back subconsciously.

This also includes other people nearby, as well as the mother of the little girl.

And this time. . Rita froze in place.

"That's... what is that?!"

The tone of Arthur carrying the camera next to him was equally astonished.

Because anyone who sees the scene in front of them will feel this way.

Not far from the center of the exhibition hall, there is a silvery white unknown substance suspended in the air. They are like a kind of liquid. They are soft and changeable, floating in the air three or four meters above the ground. It exhibits extremely irregular and variable shapes.

It's like a large group of water polo **** converging together in a vacuum.

But here is not a vacuum, so this unknown substance floats in mid-air, giving people a very strange and strange feeling.

No one knows when it appeared, or it was originally here.

Guided by the little girl's question, many talents discovered this thing for the first time, and then more and more people noticed it with the sound of discussion and people looking at it here.

Soon, the entire exhibition hall was surrounded by people, but they were all far away.

"Have you seen this thing before?"

"what is this?"

"It seems to be the cutting-edge technology on display, which is quite cool."

The whispered speeches were disturbing one after another, and they were buzzing in the exhibition hall.

Of course, not everyone has such a strong curiosity, even because of curiosity regardless of danger, and some people seem to perceive some kind of uneasy breath and start trying to sneak away away from here.

Arthur felt this uneasiness.

After shooting for a moment, he turned and whispered to Rita.

"Rita... Let's go and see somewhere else first."

He wasn’t sure what it was, but when everyone around him was suspicious, he also thought it looked a little weird and seemed dangerous.

But he thinks aliens invade the earth or something. . It should not be realistic. Have they been so lucky that they can encounter things with a small probability.

So in order to avoid an oolong, and found that this is not a dangerous product at all, but one of the scientific and technological achievements exhibited at the Osaka Tower, he did not say that this seems a bit dangerous. Let’s leave first, just say go first Look elsewhere.

There are so many achievements in the exhibition hall, there is no need to stare at this one.

Don’t lose sight of that.

But in the next moment, Arthur's mouth twitched slightly, because he found that Rita could still take care of him at this time, her eyes glaring round and round, and she was almost shining looking at the ball still not far away. The constantly changing unknown existence is like being enchanted.

Arthur immediately thought of Rita's obsession with urban legend hooded men some time ago. With this precedent in place, he realized that the little ancestor was beginning to be interested in this thing in front of him.

After all it. . It seems to meet the supernatural requirements.

Fortunately, Rita didn't care about anything, but she heard Arthur's words, but she waved her hands impatiently, her claws were almost caught on Arthur's face, and her eyes didn't deviate from that. Said the unknown object.

"Go... go, go, aren't we here for news."

"Snap shot! Just shoot it!"

As Rita spoke, she pulled the phone out of her arms and dialed with one touch. After a single beep, the call on the other end of the phone was picked up.

"come on in!"

Rita said directly.

"Bring all the equipment in. We have big news!"

Then he didn't have to answer the question, he hung up the phone.

She was calling the people outside who were in charge of the live broadcast and asked them to move the equipment in. Maybe the broadcast could be started at any time.

But Arthur next to him was about to cry.

news? What the **** about the news, they didn’t come here for good news.

As a new landmark building in Philadelphia, built by a number of highly influential technology companies and investment companies in the city, the Osaka Tower began to be officially put into use, and these reporters cannot be absent.

If you dare not come, then you still want to get mixed in Philadelphia in the future.

News about these companies accounts for a considerable portion of the Philadelphia news industry. Once they are jointly excluded, they will not get first-hand news and news in the future.

So they are not here to make a big news, they just come to the scene, just as a normal press conference. Of course, they have to do their due diligence.

For example, if you report a grand event on the spot, introduce a section of the Osaka Tower, and then say a few words of blessing, the news time of more than 30 seconds is just right.

Rather than like Rita, what a big news!

Arthur felt that she had to find a way to drag Rita out of here. . At least she can't let her go on like this.

Although he still doesn't think that this thing is related to aliens, even if it is not an alien, it may be that a certain scientific and technological achievement has run out of control. This is a technology exhibition. There are so many things in the field of science and technology. Is it normal?

This is done in comics and movies!

In particular, many things in this exhibition hall are semi-finished products, the unknown substance on the opposite side looks very strange, it is really out of control, it is not surprising!


Arthur called again.

But he didn't think about what to say for a while. After all, he was just a photographer, not as clever as reporters.

But at this time, the voice of the little girl who asked the question again asked again.

"Mom, mom, what is that?"

You just said that this is the alien's portal, and you forget it when you blink, Arthur is slandering in your heart, and the child is trouble.

The little girl's mother is similar.

At first, she thought it was a novelty that the little girl saw. After all, this world has too many unknown things for children, even if it is a neon sign, she will ask questions when she first sees them. Asked for a long time.

The ghost knew how she saw such a big thing as soon as she turned around.

And this thing looks so weird, she doesn't know what it is, she can't even make up a role, which makes the mother accuse it of not knowing how to answer it.

The discussion among the crowd has also become louder. They are discussing what this is. There is no commentator next to it, no signage for explanation, and even no showcase.

This thing is really not the exhibition hall?

Just as the suspicion of the crowd grew louder and louder, Arthur heard a series of complicated footsteps spreading from far to near.

The crowd around here on the right side was driven away and separated like a tide, revealing a gap. In the next moment, a large number of security personnel who were originally in order to maintain the exhibition hall rushed in.

"Please leave here temporarily, the exhibition is over, thank you."

And they started chasing people as soon as they entered the field.

"Hello, please cooperate... Thank you very much."

Arthur heard the security personnel say.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Since they started to clean up the scene, Rita would naturally have no chance to stay here, but then his heart was raised again.

In a sense, this also means that the strange things in the distance are really problematic, dangerous, and may even be some kind of scientific and technological achievements, and there is an uncontrollable situation.

Realizing this, Arthur immediately became nervous.

"Let's go, Rita, they started to clean up the scene."

Arthur said.

But if Rita was persuaded so easily, she was obviously not Rita.

As it happened, I was on standby outside at this time. I didn't know what was happening inside, but she was called in by a phone call. The person in charge of debugging the live broadcast device also came in with the device. Upon seeing it, Rita said immediately.

"Quick! Get ready!"

"Contact the station, we are ready to start the live broadcast, and let them prepare for the broadcast."

Of course, the actions here were immediately seen by the security personnel who were cleaning up.

"Hey, what are you doing."

Black people everywhere. . Captain Security stepped over and stopped in front of Rita.

"Miss, this place has been blocked. Please take your person out of here. I will not accept interviews now, and all interviews are prohibited."


Rita nodded.

"Your invitation time is over, but outside of the end, I am still a reporter and I have the right to interview."

"We also have the right to refuse, Miss."

"But I suspect that you are doing some kind of dangerous operation here. Can your refusal be interpreted as intentionally concealing the truth and the truth."

The black security captain took a deep breath.

Although he now very much wants to block the **** mouth of this blonde little girl reporter in front of him, his years of security experience tell him not to try to reason with reporters, especially female reporters, they can almost distort everything.

Fortunately, when his superior sent them to control the situation, he had already thought about what to do when he encountered a difficult reporter, and also told him the necessary solution.


The black security captain spread his hands, pretending that he seemed to be gone, ready to tell them the truth.

"This is a semi-finished product of an anti-gravity device. It is dangerous because it is incomplete. We are preparing to recover it from the exhibition hall, but we don’t know what the reason is, it happened some kind of accident and the result caused Now this unpredictable phenomenon."

"So it's dangerous here, miss."

"Please leave here first, we will hold a press conference afterwards."

But Rita narrowed her eyes and refused decisively.

"Do not."

"My gut tells me that you didn't tell the truth, this thing is not caused by a kind of technological device out of control at all."

"Then what are you talking about?" The black security captain was smirked. He sneered angrily and said unkindly, "But whatever it is, it's not your business, Miss."

"Listen, I said everything that should be said. Now please leave here immediately."

The order above is to give courtesy before soldiers. If you can persuade them, then it is naturally good, but if some reporters do not have long eyes, then they do not need to be polite.

With the commanding cylinder above, the tone of the black security captain was also a bit tougher.

"I will not leave."

Rita said calmly, and gestured to the staff behind.

"carry on."

"Listen, don't ask for trouble, this lady."

The black security captain became impatient, and he gave a glance to the security personnel next to him, making them ready to disperse at any time and issuing the last warning.

Naturally, this makes no sense.

"Do not."

Rita said again.

Without further warning, the black security captain nodded and waved directly at the security personnel next to him.

"Please invite them out."

Rita would naturally not agree, but just as she was about to continue to play with rogue entanglement, the silvery-white unknown substance in the venue suddenly began to change violently, and at the same time made some kind of mooring sound, like a liquid flowing~www. wuxiaspot.com~ This sudden mutation made everyone present stunned. The black security captain also immediately signaled the action to be suspended here, but just when he was ready to let others step forward to see what was going on. At that time, I saw that the silver-white unknown substance was deformed again, then suddenly contracted, and finally burst. .


With the muffled sound, a huge impact force was transmitted from this material, and the invisible air waves rolled in, even making many people present on the ground unstable and washed down.

However, this shock only dissipated quickly.

But after dissipating, when everyone on the scene regained their spirit, they found that the silver-white substance had somehow expanded, stretching in mid-air as a huge vortex slowly rotating, and at the very center of the vortex The location, and several faint figures, are slowly emerging from it.

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