High Magic Earth

Chapter 1883: Intermission: Mr. Glass (13)

The impact is very strong, and more importantly, it broke out very suddenly. The sudden impact left everyone unprepared, not to mention Rita and Arthur, even the security team at the exhibition fell.

Complaining and screaming everywhere. . They are security personnel at the show, not professional soldiers or more professional bodyguards.

Their usual role is not so much to prevent, but rather to be able to call the police's alarm as soon as the incident occurs, so don't expect how high their combat literacy is.

But as the figure emerged from the silver halo, everything around was quiet.

The complaint was gone, the cries of pain disappeared, and even the breath seemed to be deliberately slowed down, as if everyone was holding their breath.

That is. . what. .

What is that, why is there a figure there.

Many people's brains are completely blank, and they have completely lost their ability to think. They instinctively feel a little bad. They feel that this situation is somewhat familiar, but they can't remember why they are so familiar.

Arthur, who had climbed from the ground, also looked dull, but his head turned fast among these people. After all, he was a knowledgeable photographer. He quickly remembered why this scene was so familiar.

Because the scene of the alien invasion of the earth in the movie and the TV series is not the same! !

He bluntly tapped the camera to keep it in the state of continuing to film, and then said to Rita Mulan without looking back.

"We... should we go now."

Rita next to her was in a trance, she nodded, and she probably didn't hear what Arthur was saying.

The supernatural mystery is everyone's curiosity, but not everyone can accept it. The reason why the supernatural is called the supernatural is because it exceeds the common sense that humans can understand, beyond the existing human technology, even Imagination outside the field of science and technology.

They have a lot of seemingly cool and extremely valuable existence in the eyes of human beings, but there are also many very dangerous, even enough to destroy all existence.

But in any case, when the supernatural existence really emerges, not everyone can accept it.

Arthur and Rita stepped back quietly, and many security personnel who had already returned to God also stepped back quietly. They were only for the meager US dollars every month to feed their families. . Not for life.

The black security captain obviously wanted to go, but he was the captain and took the most money.


A short buzz came again from everyone's ears, some like the air was evacuated along a pipe in an instant, then the next moment, the silvery white unknown substance in the center of the venue suddenly ended, as if Suddenly compressed by a ball of cotton wool into a point.

Disappeared without a trace.

Uh. . It is not completely without a shadow, because in the open space, there are still about seven or eight figures.

"what should we do.."

Arthur and Rita, who had already retreated far away, retreated far away, but did not leave. They still stayed here and secretly observed. Seeing this scene, Arthur asked in a low voice.

Sure enough, Rita hesitated a little, but still felt like staying there to see.

"Wait first..." But her tone was also uncertain, "Let's look at it again."

Two people in the rear. . Well, there are several staff members who set up a live broadcast connection device, hiding in the distance and talking secretly, and the security personnel who are updated a few days away are actually also uneasy.


Someone whispered.

"We should..."

He gestured with his hands, but everyone understood.

The black security captain hesitated.

The natural thing to do now is to explore the upper limit. He also wants to do this, but he can’t. He is obviously not in the army anymore, and there are no brothers who can die.

He felt that he must order not to move this group of ordinary employees who only received meager wages. They are not soldiers. Although they are dressed in the clothes of security personnel, they are actually ordinary citizens.

In fact, if he dared to let them step forward to investigate, it is estimated that they would dare to turn around and go away.

He paused, then pulled the horn that was used to disperse the crowd from the hands of the people next to him, but when he held it in front of his mouth, he paused again.

Because he found himself not knowing what to say.

Say something.

The black security captain looked into the distance.

The situation is very strange now, because the silver-white unknown substance disappeared, but there were a few people who appeared suddenly on the spot, or it should be that they came here through the silver-white substance.

and so. . They can only be considered human.

The distance is not far, so the black security captain sees clearly that they are all humans, or the appearance of humans, and they are all wearing very ordinary human clothes, that is, ordinary people who are placed in the crowd without any abnormalities. .

But even so, he is not sure that these guys must be humans.

. . Of course, they may indeed be humans, and the black security captain's gaze flicked aside to see what was on display at another booth.

Quantum transmission technology, he also joined the army anyway, and studied for a period of time, so it is clear what these words represent behind.

Space door.

So after hesitating again and again, he finally raised the horn again and took a deep breath. . Then asked in a very soft and slow voice.

"Can you understand English?"

Everyone: "..."

The atmosphere is awkward.

But when it was more embarrassing, the air was quiet for about a few seconds. No response came, and the other side ignored him.

. . .

Yi Xiao pulled the collar and loosened some tight buttons. He heard the inquiry from the opposite side. . But he was too lazy to answer.

Athena will not.

most of the time. . Well, in fact, she rarely shows mildness. She treats almost everyone else as a ants, especially when fighting.

This is the arrogance as a god, at least for her.

As for others. . Including Mr. Ilya Glass, there was still no reaction for a while.

"this is.."

Ilya, who finally got rid of the wheelchair, stood next to his mother, looking at the crowd in front of him blankly. There seemed to be so many strangers here. He did not know where this strangeness came from, because he finally stood up again. Looking at the world, it was because I was finally leaving from Ruiwen Mountain Mental Hospital, or simply shifted from one location to another simply for them.

"Osaka Tower."

Yi Chou replied casually.

"I thought you were familiar with this place, after all, your original plan goal was here."

This is the ability of space transfer!

Ilya realized from the place name what Yi Chou's sentence meant. He looked dazed, thinking almost stopped responding.

"...I didn't have my original plan here."

He looked around.

Mr. Glass is Mr. Glass after all. His response is indeed a little faster than others. When Kevin and David are confused, he has quickly calmed down and analyzed based on guessing. The possible causes and consequences of things.

Of course, because there is no evidence, even he himself cannot determine whether this is true.

"...How did we get here."

This is the first question he asked.


Yi Huo replied.

"I could have brought you here quietly, but... didn't you say you want to make the noise bigger?"

Ilya twitched, and he guessed it would be like this.

I just don't know how big the momentum is in this mouth.

Not long ago, Yi Biao originally planned to find them to have a good talk, but Ilya proposed to choose the location at the Osaka Tower.

This world is of little significance to him, Mr. Glass and others who are of great significance, so even if he helps him solve the troubles of the Osaka Tower first, it does not matter to Yi Chou.

There is no trouble at all.

Therefore, Yi Xuan directly proposed what Mr. Safety Glass did not use his usual phantom shift or shadow portal, but deliberately opened a very cool effect, but it didn’t make much sense. Portal that is not much different from Phantom Shift.

Then came from Mt. Riven Hill to the Osaka Tower exhibition hall.

Ilya nodded.

He felt that way.

This is what he observed from the reactions of others nearby. After clarifying the cause and effect of the whole thing, he felt idiot to ask questions across from him.

He understood what the fellow black man on the opposite side was worried about. He was hesitating whether his pedestrian was an alien or an earthman using some technology.

If you are a human, there is nothing to say, of course, you can speak English.

But if it is an alien. . Aliens can pretend to be no different from those of the earth. How could they not speak the language on earth?

This sentence is meaningless.

But Mr. Glass is prepared to ignore this guy like Yi Chao, and not to see him in general.

It was only a pause, and Mr. Glass found out that Yi Chou and Athena had no meaning at all. He knew it was his turn.


Ilya whispered.

He must not be able to do it himself. He is a smart type, so he needs a thug. This thug is naturally Kevin the Beast.

Kevin's IQ is not high, it is relatively easy to control, and before in the Ruiwen Mountain Mental Hospital, the two had a good conversation.

. . It is a pity that Ilya forgot that he indirectly killed Kevin's father, and that the girl who loves Kevin, Cassei, is here, how could she let Kevin's beast personality come out.

But the beast personality does not come out, even if Kevin listens to Ilya's words, he can't fight at all.

Casey blocked Kevin and stared at Ilya dissatisfiedly.

In fact, Ilya froze for a moment after he finished speaking, because he found out that the situation had long been out of his control.

Judging from his powerless situation, once the situation is out of control, such as now, then he will become useless. . power.

Yi Xiao looked on with cold eyes, and was glad to see that Ilya finally thought of power.

In fact, Ilya is not ignoring the power of the individual, nor is he just likes to win with wisdom. How can he familiar with the superhero comic book not know the importance of personal power, how can he not yearn.

But the problem was with him. His illness prevented him from reaching the life of a normal person. How could he hope for power.

And now it's okay. . power.

Yi Chao took a step forward.

"Let's do it... It just lowers the average combat effectiveness."


He whispered.

"Solve them."

Athena nodded and left the team steadily, placing one hand on the double-edged scimitar on the right side of her waist. Her eyes seemed to ignore the existence in front of her and came to the black security captain.

"Leaving here, we have to talk to the people on the top of the building."

Athena said, raising her head slowly, her eyes directly on the highest floors of the Osaka Tower, as if to penetrate all the walls and floors that blocked her in the middle.


She said again.

"You can also help us clean up the others here."

"This will save your life."

The last sentence made the atmosphere suddenly tense. . But it was just nervous, because other security personnel near the security captain held the security weapon tightly in his hand, but other than that, there was no other action.

I dare not have it.

Well, even if Athena didn't say this, they were nervously holding the weapon and daring not to let it go, even though their guns weren't just sticks. . They simply cannot bring them too much security.

The black security captain was obviously nervous.

But he still forced himself to calm down and then asked.

"who are you?"

. . But he forgot to put down his horn.

The horn-expanded voice slammed into Athena's face. Although the black security captain had tried his best to lower his voice, it was still much louder than when he spoke normally.

Athena's face was somber.

The black security captain also thought it seemed a bit short, but he was just about to put down his horn before he waited.


The golden light flashed, and he only saw two streaks of golden luster interlacing in front of his eyes. The next moment, he felt a sudden light in his hand. The previous horn had shattered into pieces, and it fell to the ground.


Calmly close the knife~www.wuxiaspot.com~Athena finally looked directly at the black security captain in front of her and said again.

However, there is only one word.

The black security captain stunned slightly, but he did not wait for any response from him. He suddenly felt a huge force between his chest and abdomen. This power was like a car crashing into the chest, although it did not die on the spot. But it also made him breathless and even felt his bones shattered.


His figure flew out suddenly, hitting two unlucky security team members all the way, and then the three rolled into a ball and stopped at a place more than ten meters away.

For a long while, none of the three climbed up again. The black security captain lay on the ground and spurted a small sip of blood.

. m.

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