High Magic Earth

Chapter 1884: Intermission: Mr. Glass (14)

The action is too fast.

The speed of Athena is much slower than that of Yi Huo, but it still belongs to the superpower of the speed type like Kuaiyin, which can exceed her level.

For ordinary people, she is no different from Kuaiyin, because their speed exceeds the limit of ordinary people's eyes, no matter who they are, they can't see it.

The only difference may be the difference between silvery white luster or golden yellow luster.

The black captain didn't respond. Perhaps he didn't even realize what was happening, and the whole person flew out instantly. . The people next to him are similar.

This may be due to the close distance, and their eyes can't keep up with the speed of Athena, so they can't catch her sudden burst of movements, but people who are farther away. . Maybe it will be clearer.

For example, Rita and Arthur.

"Shoot... did you take it..."

Rita noticed a tremor in her voice that she didn't even know when.

Arthur was even more embarrassed, his tremor was even visible to the naked eye. . Rita gave him a disdainful look, because her trembling was not out of fear or fear, but excitement, which could witness the truth on the other side of the world, and even the big news of a new era.

And Arthur, he was obviously not excited.

"Shoot... photographed..."

But I don't know if every photographer is utterly ostentatious. Although Arthur is afraid of shaking, he still holds the camera diligently, and even occasionally checks whether the focal length is automatically aligned.


Rita said.

Arthur was relieved.

"Then are we..."

He immediately followed.

Compared to Rita, who always thinks of making big news or revealing the truth, and who seems to be fascinated by supernatural phenomena recently, Arthur is still relatively normal.

He is also curious about the mysterious thing of supernatural imagination, and hopes that he can be the first to discover it and be famous in the world, but when this supernatural existence really appears in front of him, and is still so violent and When cruel, the only intuitive feeling he left was only deep fear.

. . And he is not the first person, there are many witnesses here, and he is not sure that the supernatural imagination is really the first time in this world, and it is only the first time he is known.

Naturally, the only thing he is thinking about now is to leave here quickly.

Of course, at this time, the degree of fear in his heart has not exceeded a certain threshold, so he still cares about Rita’s views of his colleagues and strategy goals, that is, he still cares about the order at the social level, such as the views of others, his own Dignity and so on.

If it really reached a certain level of fear, regardless of its dignity or other people's views, he had long forgotten his head and was scared.

After seeing him filming for such a period, Rita seemed to feel good too, and he felt that these people could finally leave here.

but. .

"Can you start?"

Rita didn't disappoint him, she didn't care about him at all, but turned around and asked the two people behind.

"of course."

Two staff members answered behind him, and one of them put on heavy headphones, while the other stood with a cue sign next to the light pole. They didn't know when, they actually built the device!

Seeing this scene, Arthur could not know what was going on. Rita even thought about the live broadcast and contacted Philadelphia Radio directly.

He rolled his eyes in his heart.

However, looking around, he found that although a large group of people were scared away by the dispersal of the security personnel of the exhibition and the impact just now, there were indeed many bold and curious guys spreading far away on the edge of the exhibition. He stretched his neck and looked away, holding up his phone. . I don't know what can be photographed with their pixels.

Arthur also saw reporters in front of several other small local radio stations in Philadelphia.

Because all the exhibition maintenance personnel gathered around the few strange guys that appeared suddenly, or they were directly timid and scared away, so no one continued to come and disperse them.

Ok. . Arthur accepted her fate.

"Mr. Anderson, can you hear Mr. Anderson."

On the other hand, Rita has already started to carry her headset and called the on-duty director of the Philadelphia radio station remotely, and he can only helplessly continue to carry the camera.

"Jesus, if this is a superhero movie set, I hope it's dc...ah no, Marvel, the dc world is too dark."

"It's better to be the G grade for all ages..."

"Only in this way will there be a happy ending, not plasma flying..."

Arthur was mumbling in his mouth, looking sad.

. . .

"Go, open."

Athena looked indifferently in front of her, seemed to put everyone in her line of sight, and seemed to spit out two words again.

People around swallowed saliva.

Although their head supervisor was kicked out by Athena, even now they are still alive and dead, but these people have no intention of stepping forward to avenge their revenge.

Even their own work, maintaining the order of the exhibition, and stopping the work of strangers who disturb the scene seem to be subconsciously ignored.

As mentioned before, they are just ordinary security personnel recruited by the society. Some people may have retired from the military after a few years, but most of them are only professional security personnel.

. . The so-called professional security personnel are the guys who became security personnel when they were 20 or 30 years old, and then worked for 20 to 20 years.

Even so, there is no need for them to be as powerful as ordinary people. It's just that they have been in the security industry for a longer period of time and have been trained.

Far worse than professional soldiers, compared with those recruits, perhaps it is only half a catty.

And even these people are a minority, and more people may not even be professional security personnel. They only have a hard time because they have encountered difficulties. This can only start the security industry.

For example, investment failure and bankruptcy, or fired by the company or something. .

So don't expect them to work hard for that meager salary.

What's more, with what kind of fight, with the stick that they can't even discount the steel pipe in their hands? It's still a low-power stun gun, and this low-power stun gun is not available to everyone.

As expected, the situation of swarming up did not appear. With Athena's cold and violent warning, most people began to retreat slowly after looking at each other. . Then gave up a passage.

As for the black captain, it is not that no one is in charge of him. He and two other unlucky eggs were picked up by him. The two unlucky eggs were not injured seriously. They may have just broken a few bones and could barely move after being racked. That is to stop them from letting out the screams of earth-shattering, which made them especially guilty.

The black captain was the most injured. He didn't even know if he could survive. He had been completely comatose. If it wasn't for his chest and heaving, it was estimated that he could be deemed dead on the spot.

Others did not move him hastily, worrying about triggering secondary damage, so they just stayed around him and dared not do other things.

Of course, the passage of the open road also tacitly avoided the position where the black captain fell.

Athena turned her head and raised her eyebrows at Yi Chou.

"Let's go."

Yi Huo whispered a little, he raised his head slightly, the direction of his sight was similar to that of Athena before, and also penetrated the building in the same instant.

It is a real penetration.

He saw a small group of people on the uppermost floor of the Osaka Tower. They were high-level clover organizations. He also saw another exhibition hall only a few walls away from the exhibition hall on the first floor. A private banquet was being held there. A large number of people, scattered among thirty or forty, are also members of the clover organization.

But people in both places were obviously informed of the riots here, and they are preparing to flee here in a panic.

"Otherwise...but the banquet is about to be missed."

Yi Xiao said with a smile.

Athena took the lead and strode ahead. She didn't cover up her pace as in the previous battles. The sounds made during her actions played the most dangerous war dance as if she were always dancing an elegant dance.

So the golden yellow armor made a clanging clink on her body as she progressed, like the cracking sound when the silver bottle broke at first, with a clanging sword breath.

If you are fighting Athena directly, this momentum alone is enough to scare and paralyze a lot of people. If you change it to game terminology, it will be intimidated, and the test will fail.

The dignity of the gods is more than just talking, and it is reflected in Athena's indifference to life like ants.

But what Athena does now is not murder. Although she shoots mercilessly in the battle, she will not kill if she has enough fun.

Just like the people who were responsible for maintaining the exhibition before, they shrank away from the warning after Athena, and did not continue to cause trouble, then Athena let them go.

Although the black captain was seriously injured. . But at least he didn't die, did he?

Therefore, although the atmosphere of deterrence is full, Athena did not embarrass these ordinary people. . It's like humans seldom deliberately trample on ants to play, except for children.

With the continuous advancement of several people, the people who remained in the exhibition hall were backed away on both sides, but they did not frighten away from here, but looked curiously, holding their mobile phones to shoot.

Athena and Yi Chou did not respond to this, this is a world that will not be deeply connected with them.

Ilya actually expressed her welcome with her hands raised. This was originally the original plan. After realizing that there was some kind of behind-the-scenes power to prevent the birth and appearance of the transcendents, he thought of ways to mix into this behind-the-scenes force. . Okay, it's a little bit of gold on his face when he gets in, but he is after all exposed to the truth of the matter, isn't he?

But the next thing is a bit difficult, because this force has been preventing the emergence of supernatural forces for many years. There are very few supernatural forces that are still active outside, or there are few, and there may be only one David found by Ilya.

The clover is very powerful, and perhaps their armed forces are not strong, but because all the clover is composed of elites in various fields, they span and cover a large range.

Under such circumstances, it is too easy to find some bizarre characters suddenly appearing all over the world.

And it doesn't need too much power, because the extraordinary existence will not get together in a certain place, they only need to deal with one by one.

There is no other companion as a helper, Ilya itself is not the type of superior combat strength, helpless before he can only retreat to plan everything originally. . Using the deaths of several of them, it is expected that Mount Ruiwen is spread throughout the psychiatric hospital, and hundreds of cameras are almost everywhere, exposing their extraordinary.

Expose to the whole world, warn the world and bring more extraordinary.

So Ilya did not have any repulsion against the camera, but was very happy. Of course, the original plan is not used now, but there are not many back paths, and exposure is always good.

Kevin and Casey also have no feeling about this. Kevin suffers from multiple personalities, but the mentality of the master personality is not yet very mature, as for Casey. . A woman in love can basically be half a catty with Kevin.

Only David, who didn't like to be exposed to so many shots, he silently put on his black waterproof hood and dragged Joseph, trying to leave here first.

But as soon as he was moving, the afterglow in the corner of his eyes suddenly discovered that there was an extra person behind him.

Or. . Be human.

Crimson skin, with tails emerging from time to time in the back. . David froze for a moment, his face flickering slightly.

How does this guy look? .

David is worthy of the facial paralysis of several people. Even if Neferhot appeared suddenly behind him, he was only surprised for a moment, and then calmed down again.

He looked at Neferhot silently and didn't speak. Under this silent gaze, Neferhot seemed to be a little unbearable and erratic.

But David knew very well that he wanted to leave here quietly, which was obviously impossible.

Ilya immediately noticed the anomaly in the rear, and just saw David's position and direction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He instantly guessed the experience and the truth of the matter.

"My friend, you can't go now... oh oh you..."

Ilya saw Nephihut at the first glance, and he was naturally taken aback by Nefihot, and he felt that Nefihot seemed to be looking at it. . look familiar?

Unlike David's familiarity, he saw that Neferhot's first reaction was monsters, not human monsters, aliens and the like.

And Ilya, he really feels familiar. After all, he is familiar with superhero comics. What he thought of in the first time is how this guy looks so like. .

"Red devil?"

Ilya asked tentatively.

. Nine Heavens Emperor

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