High Magic Earth

Chapter 1885: Intermission: Mr. Glass (15)

Ilya's temptation did not get a response.

Neferhot came from the age of theocracy in ancient Egypt, and his loyalty to Yi Chou may be second only to Athena and others who have accepted the plan to transform God.

Without Yi Chou's order, he would not say a word.

But for a long time did not get a response, Ilya did not continue to question.

But he clearly had speculation in his heart, this guy may indeed be the Red Devil, or rather. . Mutants.

This world also has superhero comics, otherwise there will be no birth of Mr. Glass, but obviously, there are not only comics, but also dc and Marvel comics, at least Marvel.

Therefore, Ilya can think of Neferhot's identity.

But he wasn’t quite sure.

The reason why I have this idea is because Nefihot's appearance is too recognizable. If I change it to a phantom cat, the appearance of little naughty is no different from that of ordinary people. In the variant of normal clothes, Ilia may also Can't think of it.

But Neferhot. .

Of course, although Neferhot is very recognizable, he is too recognizable. There are countless existences such as Hell Devil, and there may be many settings in the same series of comics.

Although Neferhot can make people identify at a glance, or that he is special, but in-depth study, but he can not confirm his identity.

Ilya can be sure that Neferhot is special, but in fact he is not sure that he must be the mutant.

Even changing to laser eyes and Magneto wearing a helmet can be determined on the spot, but Neferhot only depends on his appearance. . No way.

However, if he demonstrates his ability to be a mutant, he can instantly determine his identity.

Ilya glanced at Neferhot again and realized that he didn't care about himself, so he slowed down and walked on the same level as David.

"I know what you are thinking, old friend."

"I am not your friend."

David said quietly.

"Well, brother."

David glanced at Ilya again without saying anything.

"You don't really naively think that things have reached this level, you can still get away from here at will."

"Even if you leave... where can you go?"

Ilya smiled softly.

"They have known your identity for a long time. When they leave here, they will come to the door again. You are not without weaknesses. So the next time is your death."

David still didn't speak.

But Ilya obviously has a lot to say.

As a villain, if you don’t share the psychological history with the enemy, it is obviously unqualified, but now his enemy has not appeared, it does not matter, he also has a superhero companion. . After all, companions are for this purpose.

"I have long discovered that a force is stopping us."

"They secretly deal with us."

"Otherwise, why would I reveal my identity to you... You know what I like the most, and in the comics, the truth should obviously not be revealed so early."

"It's because of them."

"I have to do this."

The conversation between Ilya and David was very low, but still attracted the attention of Ellie next to him.

"I have to admit."

Ilya continued.

"They have done a very good job for so many years... Nothing extraordinary has broken the peace of this world."

"They are struggling to maintain balance. Whether it is justice or evil, they are their enemies and they are completely prevented by them."

"But... they seem to have forgotten one thing."

"Superheroes and supervillains are enemies, but not permanent enemies."

"Perhaps half of the entire comic is about the confrontation between the heroes and the bad guys, so what about the other half."

David seemed to raise his eyes.

Ilya next to him smiled happily.

"They have forgotten one thing, so that is why the heroes exist."

"It's not the enemies that were brought in by their existence, it wasn't their presence that led to the villains. It was because of the advent of disaster and the spread of crime that they came into being."


Ilya's smile became contemptuous.

"These guys have forgotten one thing. They have suppressed all supernatural beings, be they superheroes or super villains, so...when real enemies come, what should they do."

With that, Ilya turned to look at Ellie.

"Now, they are here."

Yi Chou's footsteps suddenly stopped.

The whispering behind him also stopped abruptly.

But Ilya did not worry much, he did not mind that these words were heard by Yi Huo. . He believed that the two mysterious guys in front of him might indeed have such means.

Instead. . Now that they have saved these people, neither malicious nor good intentions should have been saved to kill them in another place.

Of course, this possibility is not excluded, but the possibility is not high.

Then he is naturally nothing terrible.

Ye Yichao really does not care what they are discussing, but. .

"They are going to run."

Yi Chou turned his head and said not only to Ilya, but to everyone.

Of course, only Ilya responded to him.

"So... shall we speed up?"

"That's not necessary."

Yi Huo's expression was dull.

"You chose the location here, to make everyone notice it. It's better to focus your eyes on the whole world, right."

Ilya nodded.

"So, let's just make things bigger."

Before Ilia could ask what was bigger, he saw Yi Xiao raised a hand, and then his finger gently in the air.


In the next moment, everything in front of me was broken, just like glass, a glass into which the whole world turned, and then the glass shattered.

. . .

On the other side of the exhibition hall, the Osaka Tower is at another banquet just a few walls away from the technology exhibition hall.

The banquet is in progress.

But obviously the atmosphere of the banquet was not so pleasant, because many people were talking on the phone with seriousness or panic, or even simply left the table.

This is a banquet organized by the Philadelphia Clover.

Of course, the banquet was not held to celebrate anything about David and Ilya, but purely for the success of the Osaka Tower.

As Ilya guessed, the emergence of the clover was to prevent the extraordinary power as in the comics from breaking the balance of the existing society.

Other than that, they have no other purpose, such as secretly controlling the world or something.

So in other words, if they are not gathered for an extraordinary existence, they are mostly indistinguishable from ordinary people.

Talk about commercial content, talk about the latest science and technology. . This is what they do most often on weekdays.

After all, they are ordinary people, so they are so resistant to extraordinary breaks of peace.

And there are not so many extraordinary existences, otherwise Ilya will not get nothing for so long, so most of the time they are like a common business organization, and gathering together is just ordinary communication.

Ellie is responsible for truly dealing with the extraordinary existence, so Ellie does not appear, it is an ordinary banquet, and when Ellie appears, things will only involve this aspect.

And most people don’t have a good impression of the money and status that they can break the balance and break their own so many years of hard work.

Naturally do not care.

They will not have a banquet to celebrate the death of David or Ilya. They will appear here simply because of the Osaka Tower.

This is a new technology building that will bring them great benefits, of course. . Philadelphia only.

Similarly, as there was a problem with Ellie, they also received the notification at the first time. They did not like the extraordinary existence, and they naturally feared the extraordinary.

When they received the extraordinary people who had been suppressing them suddenly appeared in the Osaka Tower, they could not account for what would happen if the extraordinary people appeared in the world to break the peace. More importantly, they were life-saving.

Almost in just a few minutes, at least half of the people walked away at the banquet. They even got on the bus and were about to leave the Osaka Tower.

But all this. . At the next moment, it stopped abruptly.


Because of the sky, it seemed to break suddenly.


The crowd who had walked outside stopped suddenly because they heard an unusual sound coming from above them.

Raising his head uncomfortably, the next moment, they were horrified to find that the sky seemed to shatter.

It was as if they were suddenly snapped under a glass cover, and now, the glass cover is about to break.

"Go! Go!"

However, after all, they are elites from all walks of life. They quickly realized that this is a good thing for those who are extraordinary. After all, their purpose is to prevent the appearance of the extraordinary.

And it is still a very powerful transcendent, at least not the ones they have contacted before, what strength is greater than normal people, can useless ability for a short period of time after taking off.

Now it's true.

And instead of wasting time here surprised, it is better to run away quickly.

In the face of what cannot be dealt with, fleeing may not be the most effective option, but it is often not a wrong choice.

It's a pity that the broken sky originally appeared to prevent them from escaping.


A cry came suddenly not far away.

They are two middle-aged couples who came to the banquet. . They had already left the banquet scene for the first time, and even rushed to their luxury car, but before they even entered the car, the ground seemed to crack.

Yes, like a puzzle, the ground cracked.

This unusual and sudden change was obviously unexpected, and the two of them did not respond at all. The ground under their feet was like a mechanically controlled crawler, moving like a direction instantly.

The two of them were unresponsive and even fell to the ground for the first time.

The limbs are attached to the ground, so they maintain balance during the sudden movement of the ground under their feet, so that they will not lie completely on the ground.

But when they found a balance and reacted, it was too late.

The ground is like a pallet placed on the mechanical arm of the factory assembly line, and the two are instantly pulled away from the left and the right. No matter how they struggle and crawl forward, they are quickly retreating between the two. . . further and further.

But when they could no longer see each other, they saw each other again. . And quickly came towards the other party.


Just when the two were less than half a meter apart, the middle-aged man quickly crawled forward a few steps, and then tightly held his lost wife in his arms.

this is. . What do you mean.

After calming down, he soon began to wonder what the **** was going on, but he didn't need him to think more. He soon realized that he and his wife had returned to the same place again.

Yes, that is where they sat before the banquet.

Round tables, chairs, and even the bar next door are readily available.

And with his sight, he found that this situation is appearing everywhere, some people were brought back to the place by the movable floor like he and his wife, and some were brought back by the wall. . Instead of hanging on the wall, the gravity of that wall seemed to deflect, and the wall became ground-like, standing on the wall and returning to its position.

There is even falling from the sky, or jumping up.

Exclamation, shouting in fear.

Gravity seems to cease to exist here, up and down, left and right have become the ground that can be used for vertical combat. They are like in a precision working mechanical winch, the winch drives the gear, the gear drives the tray, and they are Like the magic cubes on the tray, they are waiting to be restored one by one.

There is nowhere to escape.

. . .

"That is.."

Ilya's eyes suddenly widened.

If Neferhot’s identity was a little vague before he did not use the mutant ability, then this method used by Yi Chou at this time was too good to distinguish.

Ilya felt that her guess was more than 90% correct.

"Dr. Strange!"

He almost blurted out.

Yi Chou glanced back at him.

"I'm not him."


Ilya wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yi Chou.

"I don't want to repeat it a second time."

Ilya heard Yi Chou's seriousness.

He didn't speak, but he was not less than Kevin in the brain, and he had already filled out at least two volumes of grudges and hatred in a flash.

Simultaneously. . I was relieved in my heart.

Marvel comics, although equally dangerous, are at least much better than the worst scenario he expected.

just. .

After hesitating for a few seconds, Ilya couldn't help asking.

"Kama Taj's magic is to hide ordinary people...but our purpose is not this."

Yi Biao's movement paused, he really didn't expect this, but it didn't matter.

"Now it's just trapping them."

Yi arrogantly said ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The real good show has not yet begun. "

He stopped the spellcasting method of Karma Taj in his hand, and in a blink of an eye, some kind of alchemy symbol appeared on the back and palm of his hand.

Ilya is right, Karma Taj’s magic is for concealment, and the last thing they need now is concealment.

But this does not mean that Karma Taj’s magic is useless, because as long as the inside and outside of the mirror world is transferred, the so-called concealment becomes extremely high-profile.

of course. . There is no similar magic in Karma Taj, neither is Yi Chou.

But the silver tongue can solve this problem.

. m.

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