High Magic Earth

Chapter 1886: Intermission: Mr. Glass (16)

"You're right."

"This...you reminded me."

Under Illia's unwavering gaze, Yi Chou gently raised his hand.

Some kind of red complex emblem appeared on the back of his hand, and also appeared in the palm of his hand. The emblem was very bright, and the bright one seemed to glow, but it was not.

Ilya does not doubt Yi Chou's actions... he is just curious.

Then under his gaze, Yi Huo murmured softly, or as if talking to himself.

"I need... well... a magic book that is the opposite of Karma Taj's magic... well, it might be difficult, then... just change it to a spell."


But the magical thing is that, at the moment when Yi Huo's voice fell, a book suddenly popped out of the air, just as if it had changed out of thin air, and fell into Yi Huo's hands.

Yi Huo shrugged.

"I am indeed a mage."

He said to Ilya.

"It has nothing to do with Dr. Strange's group."

But Ilya’s expression was strange... Obviously it was a face of unbelief, because the sentence just now was a spell, it was a hell’s spell, he hadn’t seen any magician’s spell like this.

Not even the pastor’s prayer! Not so random!

Of course, Yi Xao himself knew exactly what he was. This was indeed magic, and not as strange as Ilya thought.

This is a silver tongue.

Yi Xiao used the silver tongue to solidify a permanent alchemy magic circle in his hand. Some small things, small magic, he can create at hand, the most inconvenient, and can simulate the effect.

For example, a magic wagon is created in the hand, or a large field of wheat.

Real wizards as described in fairy tales.

But with a powerful presence and powerful spells, he still needs to rely on the silver tongue. For example, he cannot create a carriage that can break through the space at random... Even if he can, he needs to think carefully.

Like just now, it is not difficult to create a spell, but if you want to achieve the level of one of Karma Taj's signature magic, mirroring the space, it is not free to create.

Gu Yi is a master in the field of time, but in the final analysis she is still only a user, holding a time gem, so no one can fight her in the field of time.

But the place where she is truly powerful is still in the field of space.

The mirrored space is fascinated by her play. Although the ordinary mages of Kama Taj may not be as powerful as her, they still learn the essence of space.

As for the magic of the mirrored world itself... In fact, it has reached a certain limit.

It is not that easy to modify easily, so Yi Chou needs a silver tongue.

The kind of whispering, self-talking, and even some words like prayers are silver tongues. One word represents dozens of meanings, and the two words are connected with pronunciation to form hundreds of meanings.

The pronunciation here is not only the sound frequencies that human ears can capture, but also many frequencies that humans can't capture at all... but Yi Chou's throat, which has been changed by magic, can come out.

So Ilia seemed to hear English, but it was actually just a transliteration. Although it was a transliteration, it was coherent and became a complete sentence... sometimes it sounds weird. Of course, on this point, it is Yi Huo's bad taste.

It took Lucy three days to create the silver tongue language, but in order to make the transliteration of the silver tongue language sound like English, it took more than a week.

But the effect is obvious.

Now others not only can’t hear the correct story, but also avoid the fact that after half the battle, Yi Huo suddenly took out a heavy hand and started reading the story. It also avoided the existence of the silver tongue detected by others...but also Even the spells are different.

Even if you say you are not a wizard, no one doubts...

"This is Radio Philadelphia."

"Radio Philadelphia will broadcast the latest progress of the Osaka Tower incident."

In front of the camera, Rita held her microphone quickly, but her handwriting was clear.

As early as Yi Biao took Ilya and others away from the security personnel, Rita and Arthur and others slowly left the scene.

Of course, it is not to leave completely, but to live broadcast from a clearer angle.

They came outside the Osaka Tower, outside the gate of the exhibition hall on the first floor.

And there is already more than one of their TV stations here, including the New York radio station in Philadelphia, and even a special correspondent in Washington.

There are even two overseas journalists.

News from reporters... always coming the fastest.

The news about the appearance of suspected superpowers in the Osaka Tower has been broadcast live for at least ten minutes...Unfortunately, the feedback spread is not as great as expected.

First of all, because the time is relatively short, for ten minutes, for reporters, it may be enough to communicate with each other throughout most of the United States, but for ordinary people, a news appears in ten minutes and the news is flying, which is almost impossible. Too.

Unless this matter is very large in itself, although the Osaka Tower does seem to have a supernatural figure in it, its scope is too small.

Even in the news, many people simply don't believe it...because there is no evidence.

The most intuitive evidence should be the silvery-white unknown substance before the emergence of Yi Huo and others. Unfortunately, at that time, there was no reporter who was just communicating with the stage and broadcasting live.

Every reporter who comes to the invitation regards the trip to the Osaka Tower as a task. It is just a task that needs to be completed...I didn't even think about the big news that can be dug out from here, and naturally I didn't take much seriously.

and so……

Even if there was a video afterwards, it was also a video at the time, not a live broadcast.

The video can be faked, and cannot be taken as absolute evidence, as is Athena's power.

In addition, with the disappearance of the silver-white substance, the Osaka Tower became calm again. No one knew what happened next. Naturally, the entire news did not have much credibility.

No matter what space door, the alien invasion does not need to be considered. Even if it is said that a supernatural phenomenon has appeared in the Osaka Tower, not many people believe it.

And besides having no direct evidence, there seems to be some kind of power to stop them in secret.

Of course, at this point, the reporters in front of them could not feel it, but the staff of the rear TV station could clearly feel it, because in a short time, there were several calls coming in, and there were complaints that they broadcast false information. Others said that they did not have the right to broadcast, and even said that their building has hidden health risks.

There are indeed a few radio stations that have interrupted the live broadcast, but there are still a lot of them sticking to it.

After all, journalists are the famous uncrowned kings, and the radio station behind them will naturally not be much worse.

"We can see that the group of unknown people stopped when they tried to leave the exhibition hall on the first floor. They were talking, but no one knew what they were talking about."

"But before that, someone captured the badges of the doctors attending this group of people's psychiatric hospitals. After inquiry, it was found that she was indeed Dr. Elly Stup."

"It makes people have to wonder what the truth is."

"But these people suddenly and strangely appeared here, but we are temporarily unable to explain."

Next to Rita, another reporter also held a microphone and said very quickly that he was a reporter affiliated with New York Radio Station in Philadelphia, which was Rita's original owner.

His live broadcast here, in New York, is equivalent to that of a certain news.

As a reporter in New York, he certainly knows Rita's identity very well. He doesn't want to offend the deputy director. Naturally, there is no need to sing Rita in the news.

But there is no evidence, and he can't make any conclusions, so he can only say the same nonsense as he did.

And these nonsense did not let him speak for too long.

Just as Rita and he continued to wait and see if there were any new changes in it, a roaring car sound suddenly came outside.

"Leave! Leave! Leave here!"

"This is blocked!"

"Quick! Quick!"

"Broadcasting and video recording are prohibited, soldiers! Take away their shooting equipment."

"Hey! Hey!"

The roaring locomotive sound appeared for less than three seconds, and rows of trucks rushed rushing over, very accurately enclosing the entire Osaka Tower, and then the soldiers jumped from it.

Obviously, it was not the police at all this time, but the military arrived directly.

After jumping down, these soldiers were not polite. They ran directly to these reporters. Obviously, they had already received the order and acted according to the order. There was no discussion at all.

And they also have technicians. Before they started, they turned off the live broadcast very neatly, and then began to force the collection.

Of course, Rita couldn't agree, and immediately yelled, or Arthur saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly stopped her behind with two other staff... This stopped her behavior.

There is no S.H.I.E.L.D., and they are facing the military... The ghost knows what they can do.

Arthur is not surprised at the appearance of the military. They should have been here long ago. Although Arthur has been trying to drag Rita away from this land of right and wrong, the desire to leave does not mean that he does not believe it.

In fact, it was precisely because he believed everything he saw in front of him that he felt the danger and kept trying to get out of here early.

Therefore, he is not surprised at all now.

Instead, there is a feeling of relief.

In the comics, those journalists who are active on the front line of superheroes seem to have a death-free aura. They are less likely to die than superheroes... and even have adventures.

But when Arthur really encountered such a thing, he found that the only thing left all over his body was fear.

But all this is finally going to end...knot...knot...

Arthur suddenly found himself floating.

Weightlessness, or a sudden loss of resistance around, but...

No, no, it's not very accurate to say that, because it's not just him who is floating alone. When he looked up in a panic, he found... that everyone was floating.

The whole world floated up.



Arthur heard strange sounds in the distance, like countless glasses being stirred together, he turned his head hard, and then he saw everything not far away, the whole not far away The world seems to be contained in glass, and the glass is transformed into countless pieces, like a kaleidoscope, layered and intertwined.

The building is overturning, the ground is rising, the walls are no longer walls, and the sky is not just the sky.

Everything was messed up, some people fell from the sky and slowly floated to the ground, but someone next to them slowly rose from the ground...Although it was raised, but it can be seen that he is actually from The ground fell to the sky.

Distorted, disordered.

They are like being in a weightless space... No, it is better than a weightless space. There is gravity here, but it is disordered gravity. There is no boundary or limitation at all.

The screams were continuous, but most of them were journalists. For example, Rita, her screams were almost the biggest among all people.

Those soldiers... they are more calm after all.

But strangely, Arthur found that instead of calming down at this time, he was not as scared and frightened as expected, and after finding out that he would not fall to the ground and die, he floated very calmly in the air, There is still time to think wildly.


Arthur told himself.

"The current situation may indeed not be as dangerous as expected... because I don't know that the world I live in is actually a comic book world."

"Still Marvel Comics!"

Although he hasn’t read any comics, Arthur has seen movies, especially Doctor Strange, which was released not long ago.

All of this in front of me is exactly the scene reproduced in Doctor Strange.

But this time, he is one of them! ...

The Osaka Tower is twisting.

Because the outer layer is like the latest successful automatic solar energy, the building itself is constantly being distorted, because the solar panel needs to adjust its angle to maximize the supplement.

but now……

It is completely distorted~www.wuxiaspot.com~Like a haha ​​mirror, there are countless haha ​​mirrors on the front, back, left and right, shining the building in it, projecting a different and different twisted appearance.

All of this seems so unreal, like the most absurd dream, but it is not false.

It is true, because here, it is the world of mirrors, mirroring the space.

But this time, its existence is not to hide anything, but its existence, which itself means to show everything.

Yi Xiao withdrew his hand and looked at the Osaka Tower as the center, almost within a hundred miles of the mirrored world, and the mirrored world was directly connected with the outside world, without a trace of hiding, said to Ilya again.

"Now... none of them can run away."

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