High Magic Earth

Chapter 1887: Intermission: Mr. Glass (17)

Ilya's **** foot has returned to normal under the cure before Yi Chou, but he still seems to retain the habit of walking when he was disabled. . Some limped from left to right.

After all, he has a long **** foot, and some habits can not be reversed in a moment. Even if his feet are intact, the signals in his mind and signals on his body have not yet had time to recover.

Of course, Ilya is aware of this.

"Oh my god."

He walked to the window somewhat unevenly, though he tried to keep it steady. . But he still looked a little wobbly, ridiculous, like it was. .

"I don't want a penguin nickname..."

Ilya murmured and secretly decided to have time to practice walking.

Then his eyes fell outside the window, looking at the almost earth-shaking world.

Countless buildings are rolling in the sky, some of them are perpendicular to the ground, some are parallel to the sky, and even they cross each other.

It's like the whole world is divided into countless pieces, disrupted, and turned into a Rubik's Cube. . And this Rubik's cube is still being reversed.

Mirroring the world is obvious.

The outside world is divided into pieces of mirrors, they are independent of each other, so this gorgeous, unbelievable scene like in dreams, so these people can fall from the sky to the ground, or even paste Walk vertically against the wall without falling.

Because this is the world of mirrors.

Ilya, who is familiar with superhero comics, naturally cannot recognize such a unique skill.

"Are you sure you have nothing to do with Doctor Strange?"

Yi Xiao gave him a faint glance without speaking.

But Ilya's heart sank slightly.

"Let's continue."

Yi Huo said softly.

He raised his hand again, and suddenly everything in front of several people began to twist and flip. The Osaka Tower seemed to lie flat in front of several people in an instant, and the dozens of floors soaring into the clouds became long corridors, almost overwhelmed. To the end.

Then before waiting for a few people to react, the floor beneath them moved slightly, and then they drove them forward as if they were a sky train.

No, not only the floor under their feet, but also the surrounding corridors themselves began to fold. They engulfed each other, layered on top of each other, and soon reduced the dozens of layers to only a few layers.

This also means. . They arrived.

Sure enough, Yi Chou raised his hand again, and everything around him began to reverse again, as if they had passed the Yunxiao train again, and this time it was indeed going straight to the cloud.


Ilya supported his mother, standing calmly.

The sky is slowly tipping over, the earth is slowly splitting apart, and the outside world is falling apart, the world seems to be about to feel the destruction of the end, and the ground beneath them is still rising rapidly.

In this case, the average person may not even find a sense of balance.

But Ilya's standing is still very stable.

Because their feet are indeed very stable, the floor roller coaster does not shake a bit, which is much more stable than the usual roller coaster.

The reason why it feels out of balance is because everything around it is indeed passing backwards quickly, including the background wall like the end of the world outside.

This comes from the imbalance in the mind, not the body.

In other words, as long as the heart is firm enough, this imbalance can be ignored.

Ilya's heart is firm enough. After all, he always pretends to be a villain who plays with wisdom. He has no special superpowers, so he can only make up his mind and wisdom.

He stood on the spot very steadily, and could even support his mother.

other people. . In addition to Athena and Neferhot, it seems very embarrassing. For example, Kevin and his young girlfriend Cassei, the two fell on the ground and seemed unable to find a sense of balance, even David was half Kneel down to maintain your balance.

Athena does not have to worry. As a **** of war, she has a natural advantage in combat, and maintaining a sense of balance is a very important element in combat.

As for Neferhot. . As a guy who can move instantaneously, his balance may not be weaker than Athena.

Watching the rapid decline, Ilya took a deep breath and then whispered to his mother.

"Mom, you have to remember, no matter what, I am your son."

Despite Ilya’s help, his mother still felt a little dizzy when she looked around, and even had a soft leg.

But suddenly hearing Ilya's voice, still such a serious voice, she instantly refocused from her dizziness.


Her eyes were worried.

As a black woman who was able to pull Ilya up and grow up alone in the nineties, and even had money to buy him a complete set of superhero comics, his mother was by no means a simple character.

Because these things are not available to restaurant waiters, the staff of some fast food restaurants and convenience stores can only guarantee that they and their children will not be starved to death.

Her mother should have her own skills, perhaps translators, or accountants, and her IQ will not be low.

She naturally heard Ilya's implication. . He seemed to anticipate something bad.

As Ilya’s mother, she is definitely qualified. She may not be the best mother, but it is the best for Ilya.

She always encourages Ilya, even though Ilya herself has given up hope, she has not given up.

Of course, she is always encouraging Ilya, even spoiling, and saying there is no harm.

Ilya believes in the existence of superheroes and believes that she is special. Whether she really believes or not, at least she has never vetoed.

No matter how she thinks there is really a superhero in the past, but everything at this time is displayed in front of her and the arrival of the two. . She had to admit.

Everything Ilya said may be true.

He is not stupid, nor crazy, nor is he silent in his own world. . He is special.

In this case, naturally, what he said could not be as perfunctory as before. If he foresees that something bad is about to happen, then it may be true.

Ilya smiled.

"Don't worry, mother."

"You just need to believe me."

"Trust me, in any case, I am me... your son."

The exchange between the two was very short, only a few sentences, because the next moment. . They have arrived.

. . .


"Boom! Boom!"

There was a heavy muffled sound all around, as if huge stones were piled up together and sounded loud.

Ilya patted his mother's shoulder gently, forcing herself to concentrate.

He does have a very bad hunch now, no, not a hunch. . Rather, he had a very bad guess about what happened to these people.

After all, it should be reliable.

It took less than two days. . He still hasn't forgotten how he met Yi Yao at the time.

Night, black walls, black whirlpools, and then the two of them walked out of it.

He did not doubt the identity of Yi Xao's magician, just as he did not doubt that Yi Xiao was not an alien. . At least not in their world.

Because of their world, there should be no Karma Taj.

If there is, it is not just a Karma Taj, Stark Industries, Osborne Industries, and the most ineffective SHIELD should also exist.

At that time, not only was it impossible to get a clover, he couldn't find any news for so many years. The hidden secrets of SHIELD would eventually leave a few clues and traces.

And S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't even think about hiding, they just isolated ordinary people and supernatural beings, and divided ordinary people from those superheroes, supervillains, and super items into two worlds, not hiding themselves.

Of course, not high-profile.

Therefore, Ilya is confident that no news can be found.

They can only be aliens, people from other worlds.

. . However, it is good news whether Yi Huo and the two come from other worlds, or whether their world is actually a comic book world. The news of the Marvel comic book world is better, and Ilya cannot judge.

But in any case, the two are very dangerous.

It may even come straight to yourself.

Ilya does not believe that they have no purpose at all, purely to liberate their fellow citizens, and other extraordinary existences.

Because even if it is a superhero, the purpose of saving people is to collect companions, and then save more people and fight against stronger enemies.

What's more, those who are not superheroes exist.

Yi Biao mentioned before that he did not belong to Karma Taj and had nothing to do with Dr. Kiwi. This sentence revealed many meanings.

He did not deny the existence of Kama Taj, nor did he pretend not to know. Obviously, Dr. Kiwi really existed and knew him.

Comics. . It really is.

This news is very important.

More importantly, the guy in front of me doesn't seem to like Dr. Strange. . He was serious, and Ilya could hear it.

But in the following, Ilya deliberately mentioned this matter again. In a sense, this was already a certain degree of provocation.

It is not that Ilya is stupid and dead, but that he wants to know more news through temptation.

. . The result of the temptation is not good.

He thought Yi Chou would give himself some lessons, as killing chickens and monkeys, or whatever, but, no.

This is not a good thing. He does not believe that Yi Chou can be good-tempered enough to tolerate such provocations. This guy who claims to be Angomaka is not such a good-tempered person.

Although Ilya is not proficient in psychology, she has also studied.

Since it is not a good-tempered guy, there should be other reasons, for example. . If they are regarded as slaves, then Yi Chou does not need to know him in general.

Because soon a few of them will be sold by resale, which has nothing to do with Yi Huo.

Of course, Ilya did not feel that the two of them had crossed the world just to come over and grab a few slaves, nor to come to rule the world.

In view of the magic shown, in his capacity as a magician, there may be some means to directly control them, which is the more likely thing.

Therefore, Ilya tells his mother to believe in himself in advance, no matter what he becomes, he is him. In addition to giving his mother a preventive shot, he is also very confident in himself.

Ilya is confident that she can fight the magic that reverses the mind and the will.

. . probably.

On the other hand, Yi Xiao gently waved a few large walls not far away in the sky, and blocks of stone bricks and walls floated on the ground. They collided with each other to form a larger platform.

There are still many people on the platform.

Elia frowned, and found that many people were wearing suits and suits, sitting near the red round table, three people for two or four people for one table, still a little shocked.

After thinking a little, Ilya immediately figured out the aftermath.

Unsurprisingly, these guys should be members of Clover. They held a banquet in the Osaka Tower. They should be members of Philadelphia.

As a result, Yi Pan's magic pot was all here.

In addition to these people, Ilya also saw several reporters scattered not far away. Obviously, they should have come by roller coaster, but they did not ease it.

Although it is clear that the roller coaster will not let them fall, this psychological feeling is still not affordable for ordinary people.

It seems that everything is ready.

Ilya realized that Yi Chou had paved the way for herself.

The road to big news.

No matter what kind of purpose Yi Biao has to these few people, at least Yi Biao's sincerity is enough now, because one of Ilya's wishes is to make everything extraordinary to the public.

The original plan chose to die together with David and others, and then use the camera to pass the message out, which is no way to do it.

But now there are better options.

And with better choices, Ilya naturally thinks more things, for example, he is not just satisfied with making the extraordinary public, he loves the superheroes, of course, it seems to be them.

For example, moving the stories in the comics to reality.

Originally there was no way, he used the same means to die, he could only leave the scene early, if it is placed in the comic, it is as a forerunner, or the origin of the story and the like.

Some options. . In fact, Ilya does not want to choose this, because living is the instinct of every creature.

And now, he has the right to choose ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is given to him by Yi Chao.

Yi Xuan showed sincerity. Before he could figure out his true purpose, Ilya also decided to continue to follow the second plan after he met Yi Xiao that night.

Although he jumped out of the clover plot, he seemed to be caught in another dilemma. There was still too little intelligence and insufficient power for these reasons.

He knows too little about Yi arrogance, and David and others cannot fight against Yi arrogance at all. . This made him fall into a passive state again, just like when he discovered that clover was preventing extraordinary power from appearing in the eyes of the world.

But pretending to be stupid, he has been pretending for several years, he is very good.

So now, after a pause, Ilya adjusts her emotions and makes herself happy. . Then stride forward. Fu Pin Chinese

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