High Magic Earth

Chapter 1889: Intermission: Mr. Glass (19)

The voice is very abrupt and very young, it sounds like a young man.

Well, in fact, only young people can't hold their breath at this time. Although the middle-aged people who have seen the storms and waves are equally panicked, at least they still maintain the most basic calmness, without yelling.

Those who are scared are not counted.

They used silence to disguise themselves in an attempt to regain dominance. . Although seeing the surroundings as if it were a movie, when it was still a tens of millions of science fiction productions, Sani told them that it was almost impossible.

But people always have to be hopeful.

Only young people, they are always frizzy.

Ilya suddenly looked up, looking at the man who made the sound with two intact eyes.

Sure enough, it was a young man.

"This is a good question."

Ilya raised her voice.

"Just like why you want to catch us, just like why you bother to maintain the balance of this world, are good questions."

The young man stood up and looked at Ilya without fear.

"I don't think I need to answer these questions."

Indeed, Ilya's heart is very clear.

Balance, why maintain balance, why suppress the existence of transcendence. . Because the appearance of the transcendence will break the existing balance, and will instantly destroy all the existing of these people below.

Through hard work, they earn money, and eventually become a well-known first-class entrepreneur. They use various wisdoms and means to achieve high positions and work hard every day.

But for the transcendentals, they may have everything far beyond ordinary people just because of a car accident, an accident, a bite of an insect, or a mistake in taking something.

It may even be that they were born beyond their ordinary existence.

Is this fair?

This is not fair, even if it is from Ilya, he feels unfair.

But this is only the good side. Why not look at the bad side, whether it is a superhero or a supervillain, after possessing extraordinary powers, it is also endangered by ordinary people.

The price may be life.

Or something more frightening than death. . Because in the mysterious side, death is not the end.

The extraordinary power is indeed enviable, but the danger it bears should not be ignored.

"of course.."

Ilya exaggeratedly folded her hands together, just like singing an opera.

"So what are we doing now...you should be very clear, too."

He asked back in the same way.


The word appears in the heads of the young people below, and also in the heads of everyone at the banquet below.

The moment they saw Ellie, they realized what was going on now, and those extraordinary people found it with ease.

This is not surprising, since their clover organization is doing this, then accidents will naturally occur sooner or later.

The real problem is that this transcendence seems to be a bit too strong.

. . The attitude displayed by the other party is not only announcing everything, but it seems to be enemies against the whole world.

The whole Osaka Tower was twisted like this, no, the whole city was twisted and folded.

Unless all this is an illusion, it won't take long for the entire world's eyes to gather.

Don't talk about these extraordinary people by then, even their clover can't bear it. . So they did not speak wisely.

The power is weaker than the other, and it is simply unable to resist, so there is no need to struggle, not to mention, since they secretly continue to deal with the transcendental, then it is normal to be really retaliated back.

They are already psychologically prepared.

Many things have risks when they have benefits and gains when they have gains. . cost.

Young people also know.

But knowing Gui knows, he still has to put out cruel words, otherwise he does what this early bird does.

"Do you really think you can fight the whole world?"

He sneered and asked back.

"Not even Superman."

"But we can cooperate."

"It's too late to cooperate now."

The young man said quietly.

There is no high charity, no sneer, no panic and begging, very calm, calm is like exploring a business.

Yi Chou watched this farce coldly.

To be fair, this young man is already pretty good.

Not everyone can maintain such calmness when they see such a big scene. . You should know that outside, or most of Philadelphia, under the influence of Yibush magic, you can take a realistic version of Doctor Strange.

And this is not an illusion, but real.

The whole world can see.

Yi Xiao could feel that the pot had exploded outside, and countless troops and various strange guys were stuck outside, just outside his magical range, trying to touch it in and mold it into half of Philadelphia. . But he was stopped by his magic.

Not to mention the outside, there is a team of American troops who came first downstairs under the Osaka Tower. Unfortunately, they were also created by the silver tongue, and the reverse magic of Kama Taj stopped it. They never came to the Osaka Tower.

Faced with such a big scene, he could still talk eloquently. It was really not easy.

You have to know that the last ordinary person was Yi Biao, who was a newcomer. The few **** he encountered in World War I were robbed bastards, but they were almost scared and fainted.

That scene is much smaller than it is now.

The social elite deserves to be a social elite. The young man in front of him is placed in the superhero world. At least he is a stranger Dr. Strange.

Of course, before he became Doctor Strange.

Unfortunately. . He is just a leader among ordinary people.

In fact, there are many excellent ordinary people because their cardinality is too large, but there are few who can really become superheroes.

The reason is simple, they don't have this life, that is, they are not the so-called protagonist, supporting role.

This is why Yi Baofei has to look for those protagonists and supporting characters, even in the world of unpopularity, and also have a protagonist or supporting role as a material for the creation of God.

Because there are many things that are indeed invisible, but they do exist.

The young man who was examined by Yi Huo was also calm.

"Think about it, whether it is a superhero or a supervillain, most of them have their own team, their own organization or company."

"Even the most powerful Superman, he is a member of the Justice League."

"Single fight...not a good choice."

He continued.

He is very confident.

As a member of the so-called social elite, of course, he does not stand up when his head is hot, or when his head is hot, many ordinary young people will appear, but as the backbone of the business elite, calmness is the most basic element.

He was naturally well thought out.

such as. . He will get a lot. If he succeeds, everyone present will remember him. Clover is a hugely covered organization. With this alone, he will have a promising future.

Second, maybe a superhero or a supervillain might be harvested, turning the enemy into a friend.

And he also has confidence in himself.

The young man looked at Ilya calmly.

It's like having a very ordinary business meeting.

He could see that the guy in front of him was not normal. He seemed to substitute himself into some kind of superhero story, thinking he was performing this chapter.

So he also borrowed the superhero story as an example. . Worthy of being a business elite, only a short period of communication and observation revealed the problem of Ilya, still in such a chaotic situation.

"You don't think you are really invincible."

"Think about, in the comics, people who have such thoughts mostly end up."

The young man continued.

"You actually believe in comics."

Ilya suddenly asked back.

This made David, who was expressionless in the back, want to talk. . But he pretended to be very good, and his expressionless expression made everyone unaware of his crazy vomiting.

In addition to Yi Huo who seems to have no intention of looking back.

"After all, there is no other reference, is it."

The young man said calmly.

"So, your answer."

Ilya paused, seeming to smile.

"Cooperate with you?"

He questioned exaggeratedly.

After turning around a few times, the purple dress refracted its luster in the sunlight. . It's like dancing a funny dance.

The young man is still calm.

"Why not."

"You have nothing to worry about."

"You should be very clear what our purpose is... not to maintain world peace or justice, we do not have that great ambition."

"We, just for us."

"The emergence of the transcendent existence will break the existing pattern and destroy everything we have built so hard. Of course, I admit that we are jealous of those transcendents who suddenly have power."

"But we are more pragmatic."

"Since it can't be stopped, why not cooperate... If so, it can bring us the same benefits."

"Fantastic speech."

Ilya slowly clapped her hands.

This was almost unthinkable to him before. . Because he couldn't force his hands to touch.

"But it's all based on one condition."

At the next moment, Ilya suddenly turned her head and looked at the young man with an inexplicable gaze.


The young man asked with interest.

. . Although he knew that this guy might be just pretending to be in front of him, but still staring at this kind of eyes, he still had a feeling of inner hair.

Even unconsciously began to think about whether I missed something.

"We can't fight the whole world."

Ilya said calmly.

The young man's face is quiet, but his heart is relaxed.

The same is true of other clover members who are silent.

This is indeed a problem, but it is not a problem at all.

Because it is impossible at all, someone confronts the entire world, even if he has infinite strength, he will eventually have weaknesses, even if he does not have weaknesses, he will eventually have concerns.

unless. . He is not human.

When it comes to things here, the members of Clover already can't sit still. They start to think that the situation may not be so bad, so they are not willing to continue to sit there in a frightened and stupid way throughout the whole process.

"young people."

Not far away, an elderly gentleman with white hair on his head said slowly.

"This world is not as simple as you think."

"It's complicated, interpersonal, social, and financial... many things can't be solved with strong force."

"Otherwise the leader should now be the general, not the president."

Ilya raised her eyebrows, shaking her head as if agreeing, and nodded.

"You're right."

He said.

"But you seem to have forgotten another premise."

"The premise is... he really belongs to this world, man."

The old gentleman stopped talking, and the standing young man's face also stiffened slightly.

It is a wise man, they naturally heard a different meaning in Ilya's sentence.

Ilya laughed.

"I have already talked to Ellie before."

"You are always suppressing extraordinary appearance...for the so-called balance, for your own sake."

"But have you ever wondered why the transcendent appears, or what the transcendent appears for what it means."

"You seem to be familiar with comics, it's not as good as you say."

Ilya turned her eyes on the young man, but he didn't speak.

Ilya continued.

"It's the comic itself."

"Comics are made up of stories... When superheroes and supervillains come on stage, stories often start."

"We don't need to struggle with the appearance of superheroes and the emergence of supervillains, or the birth of supervillains prompted the emergence of superheroes."

"Because in the story of the transcendental, there is this other classic unfailing character."

"From outside, intruder."

"Is not it."

The young man's head seemed to ooze sweat. . He felt that the situation seemed to be somewhat out of control, just like today it was just a good banquet, and then suddenly the whole world changed.

Extraterrestrial intruders. . Isn't that alien?

Yes, it is true, not to mention comics, this is also a classic story in many movies, playing aliens, saving the earth or something.

But the problem is, not every movie can be won, and. . Not all endings are perfect.

However, at this time, Ilya no longer continued to waste his eyes on him, but turned to Yi Chou.

There was no speech, but the meaning of the inquiry in his eyes was already obvious.

Against the whole world.

Are you okay?

Yi Chou looked at him equally calmly, paused, and then suddenly chuckled.

It's really interesting. .

Ilya’s idea seems to be correct. He and Athena are outsiders. Whether in comics or movies, outsiders like them mostly come with the purpose of ruling the world or destroying humanity.

And also has the corresponding strength.

At least it is. . Those who think they have corresponding strength.

So it seems not surprising that Ilya has this question, and it is not obvious.

However, Yi Chou could see that Ilya was just trying. By the way things happened, he came over and tried to see if he could get more news.

Indeed. . Self-proclaimed as the super villain of the smart character.

Although the method is not as good as www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is also effective.

The most important thing is that he should feel that Yi Chou has no strong malicious intentions towards him. . There is a reason for this, but he does not know it for now.

World energy. .

Looking at the world energy that still can't be collected, Yi Chou thought for a moment, and then twisted with one hand out of thin air.

"Hula La La La!" "Hula La La La!"

In the next moment, the sound of countless propeller rotations emerged. At the top of the Osaka Tower, they were surrounded by at least four or five helicopters near the platform suspended like a Babylon Sky Garden.

It seems to surround here.

. m.

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