High Magic Earth

Chapter 1890: Intermission: Mr. Glass (20)

"Falcon One has found the target. Here is Falcon One. The target has been found."

"Guys, have you seen it."

In the direction of six o'clock, a helicopter slightly raised its height, trying to see everything on the platform more clearly. At the same time, the helicopter pilot, a black young man in military uniform, was clever Opened a public channel.


"How could it not be seen!"

"Shut up, you!"

He responded to the violent voices of the pilots of several other helicopters.

Before Yi Xiao withdrew his magic, everything here was invisible. The mirror image magic created by Gu Yi over a long period of time was originally intended to conceal the existence of magic and confront the masters of Kama Taj Creatures outside the realm are not discovered by ordinary people, and are born without affecting ordinary people.

Concealment is absolutely superb.

Although Yi Xiao used the silver tongue to reverse a spell with the opposite effect, he opened up a hidden mirrored world in the ordinary world, and directly merged the ordinary world and the mirrored world into one. . But the core effect of the spell has not been changed.

Within the scope of the mirror world, everything is still elusive.

There is no second mage here, and no one can interfere with this mirrored world anymore, so these helicopters can only hover in mid-air before Yi Chou opens the magic.

They looked at the sky in front, back, left, and right, without landing points, or any obstacles, and they could not even fall. . Until the skydiving, or the engine oil is exhausted.

When Yi Chou dispelled the magic, they immediately captured the existence of the target.

This huge platform at the foot of Yi Chou and others.

The dozens of floors of the Osaka Tower building have long disappeared. It seems to have been dismantled one by one, layer by layer, distributed like a golden disk of the Hano Tower, and quietly integrated into other buildings. Among them, it is integrated with the ground, and even with the sky.

They have become one of the ubiquitous background boards around. . Those that are like space garbage, ignoring the weight, and rotating slowly with the group of people as the core.

Architecture, ground, vehicles, billboards, and even crowds, as well as, most of Philadelphia's cities.

Under the shadow of the world of mirrors, everything here belongs to chaos, the direction no longer exists here, and the laws of physics seem to have no meaning. . But it is not pure chaos.

In this chaos, it seems to reveal a certain rule, which belongs to the rule of the mirror world.

The only thing remained stable. . Probably the platform at the foot of Yi Huo.

The targets that these helicopters have been searching for without any support seem to be a huge platform that lifts themselves up by some kind of magnetic levitation force.

However, this suspension force seems to be a bit too high, because the height of the platform is at least 100 meters above the ground.

And the area. . Yi Chou chopped all the other banquet halls of the same size as the exhibition hall next to the exhibition hall on the first floor of the Osaka Tower. By the way, he also lost the elite people who boast of themselves as superiors on the top floor of the Osaka Tower. How can it exceed 100 square meters? Meter.

Moreover, Yi Ao’s aesthetic is very different from those of Karma Taj’s mage. I don’t know if it is because of the same vein with Supreme Master Gu. Gu Yi likes to symmetrically mirror the world, even the pedals under his feet like the pattern, Most of the mage from Karma Taj are also like this.

But Yi Chou obviously doesn't have such a forced sense of alignment. . The platform under their feet had no beauty at all. Some of them were made of marble tiles on the original surface, and some of them were white walls that were directly laid down.

The only place that is relatively balanced is that it is a flat surface, and there are no raised or depressed places. . Because they are all below the platform.

And this unsophisticated platform is what the helicopters want to search for.

But the goals found do not mean that their tasks have a good start.

In a sense, this is even worse.

Ignoring the black companions who came with the comedy aura on Falcon 1, the helicopter pilot at nine o'clock, and a young and handsome white pilot, his face was serious.

He was regarded as the temporary captain for this mission.

"Nitrogen One... This is Nitrogen One, call the command center."

"Sergeant Kane, this is the command center."

White man. . Sergeant Kane, the driver, held the connector with the soft-spring cable in one hand and hesitated a little before asking again.

"We have found the target."

"Please indicate... the next step."

"Please advise."

To be honest, Sergeant Kane, as the temporary captain, naturally has a certain command, and now this situation should be ordered by him. After all, they are on the scene, and many things are only realized and considered by them. .

but. . Kane didn't know what he should do next, and what to do.

If it is time to rescue the hostages, then he knows what to do, pull the height to find the right angle, and then directly kill the hostage, or the kidnapper, because they do not need to negotiate.

If it is a break-in mission, then they may have found a hidden place for hovering, and then rappelled.

Just now. .

Kane glanced outside the glass of the cab, as if it were the urban space of the future sci-fi world. . To be precise, if you take the background of the blue sky and white clouds and replace it with the dark blue background of the starry sky, you can switch to the space station in no time at all, and ignore the gravity of Philadelphia.

He really didn't know what to do.

The notification they received before departure was just an ordinary attack. . Ghost knows, Ghost knows that such things will happen.

Whether this is the cutting-edge technology of a hostile country or an alien, they don't even know what they are facing and what they are about to face.

He was not prepared at all.

Although the surface remains calm. . But his brain was obviously not as swift as before.

And the driver of Falcon One seemed to be very optimistic, but everyone on the public channel could hear him, but he used Rakuten to cover up his fears.

This is not surprising because they are all like this.

Anyone who encounters this situation will be at a loss. . The situation they are facing is completely unknown, and a moment of panic is inevitable.

Therefore, the headache is still left to the command center.

Kane believes that the current command center should also be a fryer.

As for whether the command center will issue any crazy commands, he is not worried, because the live here has been passed back through the real-time pictures, including the sound.

What he heard was what the command center heard, and what he saw was what the command center saw.

. . .

Kane did not guess that the current command center had indeed exploded.

Or the full name, the Philadelphia temporary command center.

But the command center is not in Philadelphia, but in New York.

Everything about Philadelphia is transmitted via satellite signals, remotely commanded and understood, and at this time the Philadelphia incident occurred. . It was about half an hour since Yi Chao drove this group of people.

In fact, it was not the military who first discovered this.

It's the police station.

This is normal. When Yi Biao and others came directly to the exhibition hall on the first floor of the Osaka Tower in some incredible way, the crowd watching did not know anything, but this did not prevent them from reporting to the police.

If you encounter something that you do not understand, it is not too much to report a warning.

Of course, the police did not take it seriously, after all, the drunk and the idiot who called to say that there were alien invasions did not have three or five every day.

But it didn't matter.

They also know the grand activity of the Osaka Tower. As the birth and opening of Philadelphia's surface architecture, the police station certainly cannot ignore it.

In addition to celebrities from all walks of life, there are many reporters there, once something goes wrong, enough for them to eat and go.

So even if he knew that this might be an idiot's prank, the Philadelphia Police Department stopped a small team patrolling nearby to see what was going on.

then. . The alarm phone rang in succession.

There may be one drunk idiot, but there can be no second and third. Of course, this does not rule out a bad event of mass mischief.

This kind of unbelievable operator is not without. . But there may be only one. It is impossible for all operators to have no IQ. They didn't know how to pass the assessment.

The Philadelphia Police Department soon realized that something really happened here.

But did not wait for them to start large-scale operations. . The news came out.

Because there is a real uncrowned king, a reporter.

The broadcast was terrible, just like the problem that Rita encountered at the time, they lacked intuitive evidence during the live broadcast, but even so, it still attracted some attention.

Any news can be broadcast on TV programs, but likewise, any news broadcast will be informed by analysis departments such as the CIA and FBI for data analysis.

The abnormality was diagnosed quickly.

Mainly this involves clover tissue.

The existence of clover is not hidden, I want to hide completely. . In the age of science and technology, it is almost difficult to do, but it is also not taken seriously.

Because it has no goal or purpose in existence, the members of this group unite to help each other, more like the nature of the Brotherhood Sisterhood.

This is also the main view of the outside world. . As for suppressing the extraordinary, nobody believes.

This is also because the transcendence is too few, and the strength is very weak. In addition, although the clover has no purpose to rule the world, but because the members are so extensive, they want to hide some information. . It's easy.

But although they are not usually taken seriously, once such things are encountered, someone will remember them.

Things involve clover tissue.

I haven't waited for the military or CIA to contact Clover to ask what is going on. . The next moment, most of Philadelphia flew.

Fly into the sky.

Like a miracle.

. . .

At this point, nothing needs to be determined, because Philadelphia is absolutely unmistakable, and the military began to mobilize personnel urgently and sent the nearest team to Philadelphia.

Philadelphia is very close to New York, and there are not so many permanent soldiers. There is no suitable manpower near Philadelphia. This squad still went to other squads trained for a training task and returned along the way.

This matter has nothing to do with the FBI, because they are mainly responsible for foreign spies and are the responsibility of the CIA. Similarly, they have begun to mobilize personnel quickly to try to find out the truth of the problem.

The helicopter team arrived the fastest. . The helicopter is a police helicopter of the Philadelphia Police Department, and the pilot is the military squad passing by.

Looking at the delayed picture from time to time on the big screen, the command center, the commander standing behind the screen, rubbed his eyes wearily.

"No more information yet."

He whispered to his adjutant, but the adjutant just shook his head.

Unfortunately, the entire clover of Philadelphia was taken away. . The clover members in other places did not suffer any impact, but they knew nothing about it.

I don’t know if it’s true, or if I have concealed some news from Philadelphia clover members, it’s unclear.

Secondly, Mt. Mt. Mt. Riven Hill is not far from Osaka Tower, because according to Ilya’s original plan, Mt. Mt. Mt. Mt. Riven Hill can directly see the Mt.

Even if there is distance, driving will not exceed half an hour. . In case of traffic jams.

Yi Biao's world of mirrors has almost trapped most of Philadelphia, and Ruiwen Mountain Mental Hospital is naturally among them.

Agents who had sneaked in also found no clue.

Since the incident, the time has quietly slipped away for nearly five minutes, but they still found nothing, and there is no clue.

Even the picture that the two have now returned, this platform, how did these people on the platform come out, and why would they be on it. . None of them knew.

After a silence, the commander whispered.

"Nitrogen One, keep your distance, and stay alert."

"Don't do unnecessary actions and wait for commands."

"N2 understands."

On the other hand, Kane was also relieved.

Although he feels that the command center will not make stupid instructions like letting them fire at will~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but who is right, there will always be brains at every critical moment, shouting what is Hydra long live May also be. . Isn't it all performed in the movie.

And it was an order, and they had to listen again, so he was relieved to hear that he was standing by.

Opening the public channel, Kane quickly passed the order on, and sure enough, everyone else secretly reassured. . They were not afraid, but did not feel that it was the right choice to act recklessly in this situation.

It is best to stay in the current state.

. . .

But this does not mean that Yi Chao will be indifferent.

Otherwise, they will not see this suspended platform.

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