High Magic Earth

Chapter 1894: Intermission: Mr. Glass (24)

"So, can you tell me, what is special about me?"

Ilya asked.

But after a long while, Yi Yi shrugged as she looked completely unanswered.

"Don't do this... Even in the story of the superhero, there is such a link, for example, the villain always tells everything before the last moment."

Ilya has an innocent tone and a very innocent face.

"You think I am like a villain?"

Yi Huo asked faintly.

Ilya shrugged again. Isn’t this obvious? Look at what you are doing now.

"Well, I'm not a villain."

Yi Chou spoke again.

"But it's not a superhero."

"and so.."

Ilya understood the meaning of clamor.

Yi Xiao is not a superhero or a supervillain, so he is not a person in the circle, and naturally he has nothing to say.

The only question is, how could he not be, he is not a superhero or a supervillain, and what would it be, of course, Ilya can’t refute, who makes Yi Fang’s fist bigger and bigger now.

Ilya, who is familiar with the stories of superheroes, knows that mouth guns are useful, but maybe they are useful, but more convincing, they are still fists.

Yi Chao seemed to see Ilya's thoughts.

"This world... is far more complicated than you think, Ilya."

"Follow me, you will know all this."

"Follow you."

Ilya repeated, "This is also good news, at least it means that I will not die." He seemed to laugh at himself.

But this time Yi Chou didn't speak anymore. He took a step forward, and the whole person had melted away like a gravel, and then in a blink of an eye, he quietly reunited in front of Ilya, and then slowly stretched out Out of the right hand.

The black shadow spread along his arm, as if he had his own life, with greed and greed. . Clearer.

. . .

At the same time, the Temporary Command Center in Philadelphia was also a strange place.

The core commander's room was full of vocals, the hustle and bustle, and countless instructions and first-hand messages were being conveyed, categorized, and then sorted out.

But inside the core command room. . It was quiet, even a little silent.

The lieutenant general and his adjutant stood in front of countless large screens, motionless, without saying a word, and the remaining dozen communication personnel also said nothing. They sat down honestly in their place, and the atmosphere was also Don't dare to come out, for fear of disturbing something.

They wished to hide themselves under the chair.

The reason is because of the big screen. . Well, there is nothing on the big screen, only a snowflake, and all of the six big screens are snowflakes.

With the sudden runaway of Daenerys, the entire helicopter squad was instantly destroyed. Without the helicopter as a direct monitoring method, the command center could not see what was happening at the scene.

Because of the outer magic block, the outside army and communication personnel can't even touch the edge of these people.

Without the detection means on the helicopter, the command center immediately discredited the situation of foreigners.

And this is not the focus of the problem. The focus of the problem is that the entire six helicopters turned out to be. .

Well, it’s not that a survivor didn’t. For example, the lucky Sergeant Kane jumped off the plane. At this time, the big screen representing him was still on, but it was no longer the head-up and condescending perspective of the helicopter. It is a constantly rotating, turning, and even distorted field of vision.

The camera was attached to Sergeant Kane’s helmet, in line with his line of sight, and what was displayed on the screen was basically what he saw with his eyes.

. . That is really unfortunate.

Because the current screen is simply a mess, if this is really what Sergeant Kane saw. . That was definitely a nightmare.

The screen was spinning, everything on the screen was spinning, twisting, like Sergeant Kane was sitting in a crazy roller coaster, and the roller coaster seemed to rush out of the track and fall off.

Upside down and no direction left and right, you can only see everything on the screen is falling, falling continuously, as if there is no end, as if falling into a never ending nightmare.

Similarly, there is no Sergeant Kane's voice here, they can't determine whether Sergeant Kane is alive, and whether he really jumped out of the plane, because they can only see the fast and erratic ones on the screen. Strange pictures flashed.

It's like watching a sci-fi blockbuster filmed by a psychiatric director.

The lieutenant general's face was hazy.

Three minutes ago, he had asked the correspondent here to try to contact Sergeant Kane again. After all, he was the only one with a picture response, but found nothing.

There was no response from Kane, and he could not know whether Kane survived. . It was just a corpse hanging on the parachute.

This made his mood worse.

The snowflakes on the screen are like his bad thoughts, chaotic and illogical.


However, others did not dare to speak, fearing to hit the gun, but as lieutenant general, they had to speak.

"Whether it is connected to the signal of the relevant TV station... Some reporters are staying at the target location, and they are broadcasting live on their respective TV stations."

Lieutenant General's complexion remained unchanged.

But anyone can see how uncomfortable he was at this time. After all, they didn't even get the first-hand information, and even needed to watch the news on TV.

"Come in."

But the lieutenant general said calmly.


The screen flashed, and the screen with snowflakes flickered, and then three of the snowflakes disappeared and became a screen for broadcasting news.

The host stood at the front, and behind them was their enemy this time. . Unknown person with unknown identity.

"...This is the case now."

"We don't know more news, but Philadelphia Radio will broadcast the first-hand source for you as soon as possible. Please pay attention to Radio Philadelphia at all times."

The hostess on the screen is serious and can be seen that she is trying to maintain the seriousness of her work, but it is still difficult to conceal her spirit.

Obviously, she didn't feel scared or afraid, only the excitement of picking up a big news in her expression!

The lieutenant general's complexion became even darker.

The side door of the command center opened, and an intelligence officer came quietly. The lieutenant general admired quickly. The two whispered a few words, and the intelligence officer left the place, and the adjutant joined the lieutenant general again. .


"Someone's identity has been verified."

The lieutenant general's expression aroused.

"who is it?"

He quickly asked.

The adjutant pointed to a screen, and the communication staff at the back quickly displayed the information. The next moment, the head of Daenerys appeared on the screen.

"Emilia Clarke."

"British actress, born in London in 1987."

"She doubled in value because she appeared in a very successful TV series, The Song of Ice and Fire."

Speaking of which, the lieutenant paused.

The lieutenant immediately stared at the adjutant with puzzled eyes. . He has never seen a song of ice and fire, nor does he know any British star, of course, he knows a lot of Hollywood female stars, but most of them have only one night's friendship.

He did not continue to say that it was because he was waiting for himself to watch the TV series.

Seemingly feeling the uncomfortable gaze of his chief, the adjutant quickly continued.

"And this woman..."

He pointed to Daenerys on the screen.

"It's the role of Emilia Clarke in the TV series of Songs of Ice and Fire, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Mother of Dragons, Stormy Daenerys, Daenerys Targaryen."

The lieutenant general nodded while listening.

When the adjutant thought he might believe it, and there was no problem, the lieutenant general said suddenly.

"There are no cameras here. Don't use the same lines as the stage play to answer my questions, soldier."

"Yes, sir!"

The lieutenant was taken aback, and quickly consciously answered.

Seeing this, the lieutenant general seemed to be satisfied, and then the next moment.

"So, you mean, this woman is a character in a TV series."

Well, this question really can't get around.


The adjutant replied bitterly.

"You intend to convince me that the fictional characters in the TV series have come into the real world, right?"

"Yes... yes, sir."

The adjutant's voice hesitated for a while, but he finally stood firm.

Just when he thought that in the next moment, the lieutenant general would be furious, and then sprayed him hard, even when he was ready, the lieutenant suddenly nodded.


"Don't look at me like this."

The lieutenant general glared at his amazed adjutant.

"Since even that kind of monster appears in this world, it's not so incredible that fictional TV characters come to the real world, right."

"After all, who can prove that our world is the real world, maybe our world is also a movie and TV series in the eyes of some people."

The lieutenant general’s answer was somewhat unexpected by the adjutant, but although it saved him a lot of tongues and saved him from a training, but. . But it sounds very doubtful whether the lieutenant general is crazy.

"Long... sir."

The adjutant did not know how to answer.

Fortunately, the lieutenant general is not really crazy.

"But even if the final answer is so incredible, it must be logical."

The lieutenant paused and looked at his adjutant.

"I believe that you are not opening your mouth, but since you have come to such a conclusion, there must be something that made you make such a judgment."

"So, the evidence."

The lieutenant general asked.

Hearing the doubt, the adjutant was relieved, because, as the lieutenant general said, he did not think that this woman was Daenerys out of thin air. There was a reason for this.


The adjutant replied loudly.

"After appearance recognition, the target is more than 90% similar to Emilia Clarke in appearance, and more than 98% similar to the appearance of Daenerys Targaryen in the TV series."

"And fbi's behavioral psychology and micro-expression psychology departments also came to the conclusion that the probability that the two are the same person is more than 95%."

The lieutenant general listened quietly, nodding from time to time as the adjutant's narration, but at the same time as the adjutant's voice fell, his actions also stopped abruptly, and then. .

"that's it?"

The lieutenant general asked in surprise.

"Yes, it is."

The adjutant suddenly felt a little bad.

"nothing else?"

"Yes, sir."

The lieutenant took a deep breath, seeming to suppress some discomfort.

"So... I won't ask how you got these 98% and 95% data for the time being. Can I understand your proof as two points?"

"She looks a lot like the fictional man in the TV series, Daenerys, imitates too, so do you think she is Daenerys?"

The adjutant paused, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

But the lieutenant general obviously did not intend to let him go so easily.

"Have there been any of these people in the TV series."

He pointed to Yi Chao on the screen.

The adjutant shook his head.

"Can Daenerys Targaryen in the TV series also become that huge monster."

The adjutant continued to shake his head.

"So, why do you think she is Daenerys Targaryen."

The adjutant couldn't answer. . At the same time he realized that there seemed to be something wrong.


The lieutenant rolled his eyes.

"You are just kidding me."

The adjutant spoke up and dared not speak.

But the lieutenant general is not really angry. After all, this is not a big or small intelligence. These unidentified people look the same as the British actress and seem to be the role she played in a TV series. The image is very similar.

He also felt that this might not be a coincidence.

just. . The cause will not be determined by the lieutenant general, so he did not blame the adjutant. After all, in the face of this unknown phenomenon, all of them are the first contact.

Making mistakes is inevitable.

While the lieutenant general was thinking, the lieutenant once again briefly exchanged a few words with an intelligence officer, and then returned to the lieutenant general's side again.


He whispered.

"The Congress side... Some people want to know what is going on and how we will respond next."

The lieutenant general turned his head to look at his adjutant. After many years of tacit understanding, he knew that the adjutant must have nothing to say. Sure enough, under his instructions, the adjutant hesitated a little before continuing.

"They want to know... will we launch the final blow..."


The lieutenant general scolded.

The so-called final strike is the last resort, which is the nuclear bomb.

Although it is not like the movie, a nuclear bomb can be launched into a city with a random decision, because they are worried about being liable. Once the nuclear bomb is thrown out, several people will be sacrificed to calm down the situation.

But if it is really the last time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ they will definitely not be soft.

"Take the phone in, and I said to them personally... We can still control the situation now, not until then."

Looking at his chief officer, the adjutant's eyes widened, and now he still controls the situation?

"There is no obvious hostility on the opposite side... we should have talked about it."

The adjutant froze again.

"But don't we not talk about conditions with terror..."

The lieutenant stared at the adjutant.

"Your eyes saw that they were terrifying, they were aliens, this is not an attack! This is an exchange! An opportunity to contact the third category!"

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