High Magic Earth

Chapter 1895: Intermission: Mr. Glass (25)

Listening to his chief's righteous words, the adjutant's mouth twitched slightly.

What kind of friendly communication is the third type of contact. . To put it bluntly, he did not dare to fight with each other.

This is also normal. First of all, it is the issue of responsibility. In fact, no matter whether they can do it or not, if something goes wrong, the responsibility will definitely fall on their heads.

Obviously, the use of force will make things worse. . They naturally want to avoid this situation.

Secondly, the use of force is not a good choice, especially before the other party does not touch their bottom line and interests. As in the film, it is not without direct action, but that is when the situation is extremely extreme. Too.

Now, this is clearly not the case.

Seeing that the lieutenant had made a decision, the adjutant immediately signaled the correspondent to cut the line in. The contact machine reached the lieutenant in the next instant.

After a brief exchange, those unrealistic ideas were also dispelled by Congress.

In fact, they are not all idiots in Congress. They didn't plan to actually do it, they just acted like this, which put some pressure on the Lieutenant General.

This kind of pressure is not necessary for this kind of moment. They still want the pressure of infighting, but they are also at a loss in the face of this kind of thing that seems to be a third type of contact.

As politicians, they prefer to be active in an era of peace, and in this chaotic period, the military people are naturally more confident than them.

. . They naturally hope that the situation will be understood as soon as possible.

So if you make it like this, you will not force the command center to make any wrong decision here. After all, these guys can shirk their responsibilities more than the lieutenant generals.

It wouldn't make a head bird.

but. .

Putting the liaison down, the lieutenant general's complexion is not very pretty either.

He was indeed not stupid enough to attack these unknown creatures, but the problem was. . How should they come into contact with these creatures?

There was no new news from the rear, and Congress and other parties did not continue to urge it. The command center was quiet for a while, and only these large screens still played the news.

But the lieutenant general knew that he could not remain silent like this.

"How long will it take for the nearest Blackhawks to arrive."

"Twelve minutes."

The lieutenant clearly paid attention to this issue at all times, and gave the answer with little thought.

The lieutenant took a deep breath again.

"Let them turn around and stop coming here... go straight to the scene."

After a pause, the lieutenant continued.

"Mainly by detection, try to avoid direct contact with each other and wait for support."

"Yes, sir!"

The adjutant did not hesitate and turned and ran out.

Straight to the scene without rest, the state of the combat team will naturally be much worse, not to mention, they are not a standing team nearby, they are transferred directly from the coastal area. Before they were training, no matter what, they consumed a lot.

But the command of the chief is everything. The lieutenant would not question his chief, and the lieutenant general did not let these teams die, and the lieutenant general knew that they had no rest and supplies, so they did not allow them to make direct contact with the other party.

It's normal to perform detection tasks.

but. . I hope things will go so smoothly as imagined.

. . .

Although Ilya didn't look nervous on the surface, she felt uneasy.

He took a deep breath and was ready to wait to see what Yi Chou called you special and what was special.

Ilya is actually not afraid of suffering. As a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta, he may have suffered more fractures in his thirty-year career than normal people’s lives in life. This is still in his at least ten years of being locked up. In psychiatric hospitals, where the movement is controlled.

He has long been used to suffering.

However, as a veteran superhero enthusiast, he is also very clear that for superheroes, sometimes the pain is not only on the surface, but also from the soul.

Even more fantasy everything, such as pain in the soul.

Then he was not sure if he could bear it.

He was never a tough guy, Ilya knew this. . I just hope not to lose too much talent.

The shadow extended from Yi Chou's arm, getting richer and thicker, and getting closer and closer to him. Just when Ilya had already made sufficient psychological preparations, the next moment, he saw Yi Chou's hand reaching out fiercely. Scratched, it seemed that he had grabbed something from the air in front of his face. . Then there is no next move.

Even those shadows soon dissipated.

For a moment of silence, Ilya felt that she might have entered the time of laughter, which is the humorous passage often used to regulate the atmosphere in superhero movies, which can cause laughter in the cinema.


He asked slowly with an inexplicable expression.

"Is it all over, or has it not begun yet?"

If this is really a story of a superhero, then Yi Biao's answer will definitely tell him that it has not yet begun.

But even for Ilya, it is clear that the real world is ultimately different from comics.


Yi arrogant tone is brisk.

"So it doesn't need to be so nervous, it's not as bad as expected... right."

Then he pushed gently.

The whole person of Ilya is like floating in a vacuum, and immediately flew out a distance of four or five meters. He once again landed lightly, pulling away from Yi Chou.

He did not continue to gather together because he could see, because what he saw, Yi Xao seemed to be studying something, which might be what he called special.

Yes, Yi Chao is indeed observing the last bit of world energy in his hands.

Why is the last point. . Because he couldn't intercept the energy of the world at all. Once it began to collect, it would gather in the shadow by itself. Obviously, it was transferred back to the Fantasy Island, and the process of the energy of the whole world was flowing, and Yi Chou could not intervene at all.

Of course, he was not really prepared to intercept a part. . Okay, maybe there is an idea, but it's just a little bit, but it seems that even with this idea now, it doesn't make much sense.

Yi Biao frowned, and the pupils of his eyes were constantly flashing strange gloss, and even the pupils themselves were rapidly changing the shape and shape.

His hands are illuminated with magic circles, trying to analyze the secret of world energy from more angles. . Lucy is not with him at this time, and Yi Chou can only choose the more primitive way before.

The world's energy flowed for a total of fifteen seconds, and then completely disappeared.

The time is not long, but it is easy enough to see something.

He closed his eyes slightly and began to meditate.

Of course, in the eyes of the outside world, for example, in the eyes of Ilya and others, Yi Chou did nothing. He gently reached out and grabbed in the air, and then his hands seemed to be holding something, and everyone looked at it. Something that can't be reached.

The thing seemed to be observed by him for a while, then disappeared, and then he began to meditate.

This is probably the whole process.

There seems to be nothing wrong with it. . But the premise is to ignore Yi Huo's hands that have nothing at all, as if holding the air.

"So... there is no difference between magic and magic, right?"

Ilya, who stepped aside, didn't know when he was next to Kevin and he whispered to Kevin while watching Yi Chou.

But obviously, whether Kevin started Cassei, he was extra vigilant, especially Cassei. Although Ilya didn't seem to hurt her directly, she still instinctively doubted and vigilated Ilya.

No one answered Ilya’s question, and even Cassei pulled Kevin back a few steps.

Upon seeing this, Ilya just shrugged, and it was boring not to continue asking.

Of course, he knows that Yi Chao's magic is essentially different from those of close-up magic. Although they don't understand what Yi Chao is doing now, they don't understand it, which does not mean that it is wrong.

He is very patient and even enjoys these supernatural phenomena, because this is a strong proof of the existence of superheroes.

Ilya did not speak, nor did Kevin, David and others speak out. As for the following clover social elites, they would not even catch fire.

The scene was strangely quiet.

Not far away, Daenerys lipped her lips, and it seemed that the guy around Yi Chou was always cold, and cold, he was too boring.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before Yi Chou opened his eyes again.

"Very well, at least this trip is not fruitless."

He smiled at Ilya in the distance.

After all, coming to this world, Yi Chao's primary task is to collect the world's energy. As for the people of Ilya, it is the purpose of incidental.

"Then these people."

Yi Xiao pointed to the clover member below.

"You brought them, and now, you need to deal with them."

Ilya answered quickly.

"...Then let it go."

But his answer attracted David's strange sight instead.

Ilya noticed David's movements.


He shrugged.

"Do you think I will kill them all?"

"Please... I am not a murderous demon."

David sneered.

He dare not agree with this sentence. After all, in order to test whether he is a superhero, Ilya can sacrifice a train without hesitation.

Ilya saw David's thoughts.

"At that time I had a purpose, and now... I will not kill innocents naturally."

David said not to speak.

His words are few, he prefers to be silent, and likes to explain problems with actions rather than words.

But Ilya is the opposite. After all, he could not act at all before, and words are his only weapon.

"Those people...not sacrifices in vain, after all, they found you for me."

David remained silent.

"Think carefully, without them, how could there be everything today."

"Anything has a cause and effect."

"Without any link, perhaps the future changes will be vastly different."

parallel world.

This concept is the concept of a parallel world. Most of the people present understand the stories of superheroes, because both John and Cassey have read the comics because of their fathers and sweethearts.

Even including Ellie, the only thing you don’t understand is probably the following social elites.

Their lives are destined to prevent them from looking at these things, and even the balance of ordinary people and the emergence of supernatural beings is the purpose of their clover. . They will not care.

This is one of the secrets to their success, and it is Ellie who is responsible for this part.

But David was still silent.

Ilya was not surprised by David's silence. He studied David but studied for a long time. His understanding of David's character may even exceed David's own.

It's just that this silence of the past is really boring.

Ilya did not continue to talk nonsense.

Seeing that their narratives and wishes are over, Yi Yi's smile is becoming clearer.

A golden halo appeared on Yi Biao's wrist. His hands crossed in front of him with a few coherent and beautiful movements. The surroundings seemed to be still, the world and earth were completely confused, the ground was floating in the sky, and the building was inverted and the world of the ground. Then he started shaking again.

To be precise, it is attributed.

The twisted buildings began to recover. They were layered on top of each other, and the cracked sky and ground began to move as if they were jigsaw puzzles. They recovered quickly, as if the stitching of the map had reached the end, leaving only Put the rest of the jigsaw piece by piece in the next sporadic part.

The platforms under their feet also began to disperse, and a block of stone bricks seemed to lift up and down quickly from different directions and angles, and as it descended, the Osaka Tower began to rise from the ground again.

Screams came from all directions, no matter how many times it was spent. . This changing experience of the mirror world is definitely not good.

Of course, in addition to screaming, another person was relieved, that is Sergeant Kane still floating in mid-air.

He jumped off the helicopter, and luckily did not die, and then began to fall continuously. As a member of the elite team, Kane naturally experienced professional skydiving training. He has been pinching the height of time, preparing to open the parachute at the right time.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But after a few seconds he realized that his preparation seemed meaningless.

Because he realized that he was not falling at all, or that the distance he fell was endless.

The space below seems to extend indefinitely, no matter how fast he descends or how high he descends, the ground below can never see the end.

Everything around him was stretched indefinitely, flying continuously in front of him, but just unable to touch the ground below.

He has been falling so quickly for a full ten minutes or so, and even so long that he has adapted to this situation. . Just when Kane thought he would fall like this forever, until he didn't know when suddenly the space no longer extended, he didn't have time to react, and then fell directly to death, the infinite stretch suddenly stopped.

And he is rapidly shortening the distance from the ground.

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