High Magic Earth

Chapter 1896: Intermission: Mr. Glass (26)

Kane was taken aback.

He seemed to be in a state of weightlessness, that is, he actually could not feel whether he was actually descending, and naturally there was no feeling of the high air flow pumping his cheek like a knife.

If it wasn't for the various buildings around it were stretched into strange shapes, twisted and rotated, it could be used to locate whether he was landing. . He may not be sure what he is in, whether he is declining, or not.

Fortunately, this is a landing process similar to weightlessness. Otherwise, under the destruction of high air flow, the whole person must have been frozen for a long time after falling for more than ten minutes, including thinking.

Once thinking is slow. . Crisis will follow.

But fortunately, Kane’s thoughts were not frozen, and his attention was not distracted because he could not see the end of the end for a long time, avoiding that he did not find that the endless end had ended, and had no time to react. The tragedy of death.

Seeing that the distance between him and the ground finally began to decline, and also felt the obvious upward airflow around him, Kane froze for a moment, then quickly touched the parachute bag with his backhand.

He pulled the parachute skillfully, continuously adjusted his movements and center of gravity in the air, and he was relieved to see that the speed gradually slowed down, and was approaching stability.

In fact, there is not much time left for him. According to Kane’s observations, the distance between the two may only be less than 100 meters from the beginning when he found that the ground is shorter than he can observe with the naked eye.

This is already a rather dangerous height.

Even for him who has gradually stabilized at this time. . It's still very dangerous.


Kane's feet stepped on the ground fiercely, and the strength of the shock even made him feel like heaving blood.

He didn't dare to think about it. He quickly rolled over and tried to remove the remaining impact. The parachute immediately covered him. As Kane rolled, he immediately wrapped the whole person in. inside.

But even so, Kane still had a feeling of almost broken legs, making him unable to stand up from the ground again.

Damn it. . The bone must have cracked.

The room left for him is still too short. Even if he has tried his best to maintain his balance and tried to make a relatively safe and standard action to land, it is still too slow.

The strong impact is not something he can bear, which is really bad.

But what's worse is that even if he hurt his leg, he still needs to leave here first. . Otherwise, the ghost knows what else will happen next.

Everything that happened here is beyond his knowledge of the world, the education he received in the first half of his life, various learning experiences and social experiences have not told him what to do if he encounters such a situation.

Damn it. . He never thought that this world would have such a side.

It's like making a movie, no, it's like making a movie!

But now is not the time to complain about these problems, he must leave here as soon as possible, because if you look at the plot in the movie, like him. . Most American soldiers will not end well.

In order to be more in line with the American spirit, most of them have to find a suitable opportunity to sacrifice themselves.

In addition to the Transformers series.

And he, he didn't want to sacrifice so early.

He stuck the umbrella cloth of the parachute with a special dagger, and the special umbrella cloth was cut open by him, and the umbrella cloth was cut apart in three or two times. Kane struggled to climb out of it.

"Here! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

But before he was ready to continue struggling outward, a very familiar voice came from his ear.

Kane, who didn't know how long he was in the army, was naturally no stranger to this. He suddenly looked at the place where the voice appeared, and saw several soldiers running quickly.

It's the person who came to the aid.

Kane was shocked.

"I'm injured!"

He shouted loudly.

"Skydiving damage!"

Kane couldn't see their origin for a while, but after all they were professionals, and they wouldn't be much different.

Two soldiers stepped up to help him up, and a group of people took him to begin a rapid transfer.

"Who are your officers, I have important information to send back."

Kane and the command center have always been in contact, after all, before the monster appeared, he also had a direct conversation with the command center's top person in charge.

But since he jumped. . No, it should be said that since he was in the singular weightless state in which he always seemed to be in the air in any way, he disconnected from the command center.

There was only a rustling current in the communicator. He did not know whether he was still connected to the command center, but he did not receive any news unilaterally anyway.

He could not determine whether the command center still knew the situation, so he rushed to pass the information back.

"We already know the situation here, Sergeant Kane."

"You did very well."

There was a sudden sound coming from my ear, but. .

Kane froze for a moment, because the group with whom he moved quickly did not speak, so he answered him. . It is a contactor that has been in a state of no signal all the time.

The other end of the liaison is the lieutenant general of the command center.

"Thirteen minutes ago, you were in a disconnected state, but only the sound could not be transmitted, and the image transmission of the No. 7 camera was still working normally. Therefore, we cannot determine whether you survived.

Number seven camera. .

Kane knew that the position of the No. 7 camera was on his helmet, and his own field of vision was its field of vision. If it was still intact, it was this camera. . In the absence of voice calls, it is indeed impossible to determine their own survival status.

"But we can still receive the picture message."

"The message you sent back is very valuable, Sergeant Kane, thank you for everything you do. Now, you can rest assured that I have sent more teams to support."

"Thank you for your help, Sergeant Kane."

"Your sacrifice will be remembered."

The words of the lieutenant general at the other end of the communicator were stable and powerful. . And he is very skilled. Obviously, he has no idea how many times he has said this in his career.

But Kane didn't seem to hear it, or, even if he did, it didn't matter.

"Yes, sir!"

The communication was hung up.

Kane fell into silence again, held up by other people, leaned on one foot, and continued to move outward quickly.

After his right leg was slightly relieved, he was able to use force. It seems that the long one is not heavy. It should not touch the bones. It is just a muscle injury or a tendon injury, but the left leg and the left leg are more problematic. It can hardly move. .

It must have hurt the bone.

But with his teeth clenched, Kane was still walking towards the foot of the slope.

For those comrades who died, he was not too sad. As a soldier, he knew long ago that they would die on the battlefield one day.

of course. . Perhaps it is because the feelings between him and them are not so familiar.

Although this squad was not made up temporarily, it didn't last long, only less than a month, so there was no revenge on Kane for Kane's death.

But even so, he was still very unhappy, after all, he almost died in the helicopter just now.

Looking back subconsciously, Kane froze slightly.

Everything around me does not know when it will change again.

Not long ago, this place was originally an abstract and distorted world, just like a weird space completely refuted by human cognition, everything is rotating and upside down.

Kane sometimes even once thought that he was having an absurd dream.

But now, everything seems to be emerging again.

The Osaka Tower stands behind him, as if it has never been destroyed, and the surrounding buildings are also very securely standing in their respective positions.

If it weren't for the crowds running away and screaming, it seemed like nothing had happened.

No wonder I feel a little noisy.

During the fall of Kane, there was no sound at all around him, not even the sound of the wind, let alone the human voice, but now this noisy noise is deafeningly chaotic.

At first Kane didn't pay attention. After observing with his eyes and realizing that the surroundings had changed again, he noticed the crowd's exclamation.

but. .

"All this... what the **** is going on."

Everything in front of him made Kane feel a little confused.

He couldn't believe what he saw, and he couldn't believe this strange world, although he constantly forced himself to accept it as soon as possible. . But obviously not so easy.

No one can answer his question.

One of the soldiers who seemed to have a higher rank stood out.

"Sir, we don't know the situation here. In fact, I don't think anyone can know."

"And this is exactly the problem we want to solve."


Moving forward for more than a hundred meters, Kane had already seen the shadow of the temporary base. He was relieved and admitted that the guy said something.

Just hope. . Everything will be as smooth as imagined.

. . .

Osaka Tower, in the exhibition hall on the first floor.

As Yi Chao dispelled the magic, everything that was twisted was easily restored to his original state, but there was a reverse magic similar to the mirror world. . Basically, it exceeded the standard and fulfilled Ilya's original purpose.

To the whole world, unravel the truth that was blocked by clover.

And this time, they have absolutely nothing to bury.

If Ilya only exposes the video of the extraordinary battle between them, no one can be sure what the final result will be.

Perhaps the clover organization will repress the chaos caused by the video, excluding this is just special effects, movie trailers, etc. After all, there are too many things on the Internet.

Moreover, the battle between David and Kevin is not as cool as in the real superhero comics, and their abilities are still very weak.

Perhaps, just after seeing this short video, someone realized what he was, what a special place he was, and became a superhero. . Or super criminals.

He also began to board the world stage.

In this way, everything that the clover just covered up would be meaningless again. The whole thing might reappear and then intensify.

This is possible.

Even battles like Athena may be hidden and buried, because her influence and scope are not large. As long as all kinds of news and public opinion are blocked, there will be no witnesses and Anyone other than the insider knows.

But easy. .

This effect of distorting most of Philadelphia into an absurd world is absolutely impossible for anyone to bury.

Because most of Philadelphia went to heaven, even if they were not in Philadelphia, they could see clearly what happened here.

What's more, Yi Chou has always brought a few uncrowned kings who are not afraid of death.

"Then you are not going to solve these people."

After waiting for a few people to regain their feet on the ground, and it seemed that their hearts had calmed down again because of the stability of their feet, Yi Xuan started his questioning.


Ilya nodded.

In the next moment, Yi Chou waved his hands. Those who have been paying attention to this place for a long time. The so-called smart people immediately swarmed out. They didn’t even need the car outside, and they ran directly.

Even the guys from middle age to middle age are fast.

Then Yi Chou once again grabbed an unlucky reporter, and this unlucky egg was. . Rita.

"You have been broadcasting live, right?"

Rita, who was full of big news, fell into the hands of Yi Chou, even feeling less than one meter away from him, and finally felt a sense of tension.

"Yes, it is."

She did not deny, nor dare to deny.

Rita has been observing and watching the situation here all the time, so she knows exactly what a terrible existence Yi Chou is.

he. . If she has the ability to read, Rita is not surprised.


Yi Xiao took her earphones, beat them a few times, and put them on her ears.

"Don't be nervous, this is exactly what I want you to do."

"You did very well."

After a few seconds, Yi Xuan took off the headset and threw it to Ilya.

"Your purpose is achieved."

"Now, the eyes of the whole world are gathered here."

Ilya did not pick up the headset, but let it fall to the ground.

"I know."

Ilya smiled.

"I believe too,"

"that's good."

Yi Chou continued.

"This also means that your wish has been fulfilled, right."

Ilya shrugged.

"Even if I have other wishes, you probably won't do it for me, do you?"

"indeed so."

Yi Chou nodded.

"Are you leaving?"

Ilya also thought of this expression for a long time. It seemed to ask inadvertently, but it was obvious that he was concerned about this issue.


Yi Biao nodded~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he didn't wait for Ilya to speak again.

"And you will go with us."

"Renovation is about to start, you can choose your favorite place, here... or ours."

Ilya's expression was slightly stiff, although he had long thought of this possibility, but when he really heard it, he still didn't know how to face it.

As for other people, such as David Joseph and Kevin, the guys who didn't think of these things at all, the expression on their faces was almost stiffened with naked eyes.

Remodel. . Was it the kind of transformation they thought?

With the fall of Yi Chou's words, the air at the scene was almost frozen to the freezing point, cold and biting. Fu Pin Chinese

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