High Magic Earth

Chapter 1897: Intermission: Mr. Glass (27)

Ilya forced himself to calm down, although he was not much less panicked than others at this time. He leaned slightly over his body and blocked his mother again.


He opened his mouth and seemed to want to ask something.

But in the face of the expression, I don't know when it has become cold, as if looking down on their godlike clamor, countless problems eventually converge into one.

"Just... do you have anything else to tell us?"

Mr. Glass's language style, if his attitude at this time is not fear, but still the same as before, that kind of cynicism.

Yi Xiao looked at him.

The people around dispersed.

Those social elites ran faster than one, hoping to run with their hands together, and there was no shadow in the blink of an eye.

There were only people like David around, as well as a few bold reporters, even the unlucky reporter who had just been caught by Yi Chou. After that, he moved back on the ground for a distance, and then continued to start shooting.

. . Sure enough, those who can become journalists are not afraid of death.

In addition to these people here, Yi Huo can feel that there are some guys outside who are commotion. They have returned to the normal world, which is the first floor of the Osaka Tower. The outside is also a very real world, no longer a mirror space. .

So naturally, some guys who don’t like people no matter where they are, should be here.

correct. .

Yi Chou's eyes moved slightly and saw Allie paralyzed on the ground beside him.

"You didn't leave?"

Yi arrogantly asked.

Ellie froze for a moment, probably without thinking that the topic would suddenly be thrown at her.

"I... I don't know what I should do."

She decided to tell the truth, because she really is this feeling now.

go away. . She seemed to be able to leave, with the group of social elites just now, but what should she do after leaving.

As the person in charge of the whole thing, but the first contact person, she will be able to imagine what will happen to her next.

There will be no torture like she did to David and others before. After all, she has nothing special, but endless inquiries will definitely torture her crazy.

And the whole thing definitely needs a scapegoat, then except her. . Is there a better option?

It's better not to leave.

But again, what is the point of staying here, and Ellie doesn’t know that Yi Chou’s goal is to have a few people in David, anyone with a normal IQ can see.

Yi Chou didn't cover up at all.

So even if she stays, it is likely to be ignored by Yi Chou, and even Ilya will ignore her.

Ellie knows Ilya well and knows he can do it absolutely.

and so. . She really didn't know where she should go now.

"Forget it." Yi Xuan was not in a mood to pick up what the old master had done as a spiritual tutor. As an ordinary person, Ellie didn't have much value in his eyes. Even she was a former headmaster of Madison.

Yes, in the world of witches, she is the contemporary principal of the witch assembly. . Before Yi Chou arrived, and now. . The principal was not surprised that Madison was.

The headmaster returns to the headmaster. The Supreme Witch is the Supreme Witch. Both can be one person, and it does not mean that they must be one person.

At the time, the supreme witch Fiona was Ellie’s mother. In order to continue her life, she passed the position of the principal to Ellie and abandoned her burden to find everything. Ellie was not a supreme witch.

. . Of course, in that world, she is not called Ellie, but Cordelia, but the actor is the same actor, and the face is the same face.

"Exactly you are here."

"Tell me something, besides clover, is there anything hidden in this world."

"You are a smart person, and I believe you understand what I mean."

Allie is indeed a big and small supporting role. If there is no such person as David, Allie is actually within the scope of the material.

And according to the strange transformation of high latitude energy, she probably will. . to. . Anyway, it's going in the direction you want to be like a superhero.

As for the principle and reason, Yi Chou also said not very clear.

Unfortunately, with the guys David and Ilya, Ellie is nothing. After all, David and Kevin have real superpowers. . Although very weak.

But Ellie, who is still an ordinary person, is a world apart.

Allie really understood the meaning of Yi Huo.


She said.

"Only us, the clover organization."

"But even for us, it's just a group of ordinary people who don't want the balance of the world to be shaken. We just want to maintain everything that exists, without any other malicious intentions."

Ilya disdain.

"Don't treat yourself as innocent, and prevent the appearance of extraordinary power, which is what you call balance."

"I believe that you are not malicious, this is not a personal grudge, but how can you be sure that preventing the emergence of extraordinary is the right way."

"How do you know that the so-called balance now, this ordinary world without waves and boring, must be the right future."

such as. . they. .

Yi Huo two people.

Ilya's remaining words were not spoken.

What he wants to say is that if it wasn't for the clover that had been suppressing the emergence of extraordinary power, maybe the extraordinary power appeared as early as a dozen years ago, and now it is the golden age.

A guy from across the world like Yi Chao, whether it is a villain or a hero, will have a hero duel with the superheroes who guard this world!

but now. .

If you put it in the comics, the clover is an annoying sky-eye meeting, wicked Hydra! This is what Ilya thinks of them.

Ellie wisely did not quarrel with Ilya. After all, her current situation is not her home, as if she did not hear it, she continued.

"As for the others, there is nothing special."

"The only difference in this world is the gradual emergence...the records of their appearance are very early, much earlier than we thought."

"Mr. Ilya is right. Comics are actually another form of historical records. Using comics as a carrier, they have recorded many stories."

"There are fakes and real ones."

"But... the extraordinary power hasn't increased much in a long time, they have always been like this...not as strong as imagined."

"Just even so, their appearance will still break everything that exists."

"They will allow humans to start chasing another path, so they still have to be banned."

"In addition to these extraordinary individuals, there are no other anomalies, and there is nothing else that will cause humans to deviate from their existing trajectories."

"Neither the military nor other forces."

"Clover prevention is not an official force, but our relationship network is very large. If there is something that is hidden, even if it is hidden deep, maybe we can't detect what it is, but at least we will be aware of the existence. ."

"But, no."

Allie's answer is rare without the psychiatrist's unique tone, but very rigorous, rigorous even as if giving a report.

Yi Huo is very satisfied.

This is his question.

Just like the Marvel superhero world, if you only look at the surface, it seems to be just a group of people with super powers, but if you delve deeper, even a non-influential Lady Viper, there may be any black magic behind him God, cosmopolitan guy or something.

The water is deep.

Yi Chou knows a lot about the water in Marvel World, which is because he comes from outside the box, and the information outside the box is very, very much.

But outside the box, there is not much decrypted information about the world of Ilya.

In this way, Yi Arao came to the world of Mr. Glass, and probably knew no more than the aborigines here.

He was still very worried that as soon as Mr. Ilya was taken away, a **** of glass, Vasir and the like, came out. .

Although Ellie’s answer cannot be fully trusted, it is also very informative.

What I can’t believe in is not that she is telling lies, and under Yi Biao’s magic, she is absolutely telling the truth, but that some things may not even be known to her, and they are also kept in the dark. letter.

And there is reference value, at least this part of her understanding is credible.

For example, the little bugs that are coming close to the outside world are not enough to be afraid.

Because Yi Chou doesn't need to jump out of two Hulks or something. .

Then. .

"We continue with the previous question... Ilya."

Yi Chou turned his attention back to Ilya.

"In fact, I don't want to answer this question."

"Because the experiment will help you answer all questions, after the experiment, you will not have so many problems, because you will naturally understand everything."

"Don't worry, you are very important to me, much more important than you believe."

"We will be okay in the future...may not be a partnership, but it will also be very close to the superiors and subordinates, believe me, I will take you to victory."

"Then the enemy, who is the enemy."

Ilya immediately asked when he saw the stitches.

Yi Huo shrugged.

"Look, that's why I don't want to answer. There are too many questions, one after another, but after the experiment, you will naturally know all this."

Ilya nodded.

"We can't refuse, right."

"of course."

Yi Xuan answered very simply.

"You can resist, if you think it is feasible."

His eyes crossed Kevin and David.

Casey and Joseph had visible concerns on their faces, and the expressions of David and Kevin were not very natural, but they both wisely did not choose to do something, even if it seemed that Kevin was a little unusual.

Because even Kevin knew that he couldn't be Yi's opponent, even Daenerys next to him, he probably couldn't deal with it.

. . Perhaps Kevin is more wise than David, after all, he is a beast, and the intuition of the beast is not bad.

David is the irrational one, because he has faith, and faith is unshakable, and this unshakable nature will naturally cause a lot of trouble.

But in Yi Chou's eyes, he did not choose to resist, and he was still expressionless.

"Very well, it seems that we have reached a consensus."


Then Yi Chou threw out a black thing, as if the small ball fell on the ground and instantly swelled. Like a huge jelly, after expanding into a cube of three by three volumes, it seems to have jumped twice in the same place, which is completely quiet.

. . But it is not soft, but a metal-enclosed space. The reason why it still jitters twice is the reason for Yi Chou's magic.

His magic has recently been somewhat biased towards the original Harry Potter and fairy tale style.

"Your Majesty."

Then immediately, Yi Xuan turned his attention to Daenerys again.

"There seem to be some uninvited guests outside...can you do me a favor?"

Daenerys gazed, her jaw gently.

"There is nothing I can't say."

She asked.


Daenerys turned and left.

The reason why I chose Daenerys instead of Neferhot was not because Neferhot was not strong enough, but because Neferhot would only kill people. Instead of stopping.

Daenerys is at least able to communicate.

As a queen, she is absolutely overkill to deal with such scenes.

She is a very smart guy. She was originally very smart. After she became the first appearance, IQ has made a substantial leap, and Daenerys is very easy to learn.

When she hadn’t met Yi Chou, she kept learning, trying to learn to be a good queen, a more qualified queen and the like.

Later, she didn't give up and leave, so even if she came from a magical medieval, after this period of time holding a mobile phone evil supplement knowledge, it is no stranger to the modern world.

. . She didn't hold a mobile phone to watch TV series and play games all day. She was also a talented scholar.

After sliding a few gestures gently, the black box in front of the cube seemed to start up. At the next moment, Yi Chou's eyes looked at several people again.

"So... then who comes first."

. . .

David was sitting in this black box, and a look of tension was inevitable.

John outside was extremely nervous. If it was not Yi Chou and the others were still here, if it was not that he did not have the power to resist. . Well, if there is no change, David will not be there.


The first one to enter was not Ilya, but David.

Although it is said that Ilya will definitely not voluntarily go in first ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, in fact, Yi Chou has already made preparations to kick Ilya directly when everyone is silent.

But I did not expect that someone really volunteered to be the first.

That is David.

It seemed that he was indeed a righteous guy. When he knew that he could not resist, he did not have the heart to enter Ilya and Kevin first, but decided to use himself to explore the way.

After all he. . It is much stronger than these two guys.

But Yi Chou obviously does not care about their psychological activities.

I do not know where to take out a notebook, Yi Xiao gently tapped his palm with a signature pen.

"The experiment is started for the first time."

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