High Magic Earth

Chapter 1899: Intermission: Mr. Glass (29)

Yi Xiao picked up the body after David's failed conversion from the black box and threw it outside.


He sighed, crouched beside the inexplicable creature still instinctively twitching, grabbed a wand and poked it.


At the top of the wand, a large burst of sparks, like a splash of electrical appliances out of control, suddenly squeaked, and the surface of the wand began to blacken at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and became black.

Do not. . Accurately, it is covered with a layer of gray material, making it look like a scorch, but a closer look will reveal that this layer of gray material is not coke or ash, but seems to be a living thing, as if Jelly-like, like a mollusk, from time to time, some tentacle-like buds are drawn from the surface.

Tenacious infectivity.

Yi Xiao threw his wand on the corpse, and at the moment when the wand touched the corpse, it blended in perfectly like a goose returning home, disappearing without a trace between breathing.

Instead, there is a shallow trace on the surface of the corpse, like the folds of the pattern and the skin, but it looks like a wand.

This pattern. . Even the finely detailed wood texture on the wand was fed back without a trace.

There is also a terrible assimilation force.

Yi Xiao stared at him.

Far beyond the assimilation ability of the generally indescribable high-latitude creatures.

If there is no accident, assimilation should be its ability. The indescribable objects at high latitudes do have unusual infectivity, erosion and assimilation, but they are not so strong.

Especially it is just a low-level creature.

So the only possibility is that it is so characteristic, that is, after transforming David at a high latitude, he is given the appearance ability.

Just like in the appearance form, Athena possesses the power of pseudo-gods of the gods of Olympus, the indescribable version of the divine power, Fujiang can be divided indefinitely, Yoshioka Nobuko can control his bones, and Sadako has not yet fully developed the evil The appearance of ghosts, even Dastan's time ability and so on.

If David succeeds, his ability may be assimilation, or absorption. . In a sense, this is also a form of defense, and it is quite a powerful defense ability, which is in line with the super ability that his watchman can now show, and he is invulnerable.

Although his so-called invulnerability is still weak, it is also a very clear direction of defense. Absorption is also a defense capability.

It's just a pity that all of this is done when the experiment is successful. . He failed.

Shaking his head regretfully, Yi Chou took out a wand again. . He has already abandoned the storage method such as the invisible stretch mantra. Whether it is the boundary he once discovered, the dream island itself, or the spell created by the silver tongue, it can easily simulate the effect of the so-called storage space.

The magic wand has already become a consumable, and Alchemy’s own alchemy level is sufficient to make ordinary wands, not to mention the rapid alchemy of the silver tongue and the silver tongue itself.

The wand turned in his hand, and the cold light flashed, and a large piece of useless soft tissue fell to the ground.

But before it fell to the ground, Yi Chou's wand prepared it again and suspended it in the air.

Yi Xiao took out a special black box and placed it under this unknown software organization. Then he waved his wand and the software organization dropped into it with a snap.


With the lid closed, Yi Chou gently brushed the surface of the black box with his wand. Suddenly, the decorations on the box that seemed to be patterns began to flow as if they were alive, such as the waves and undercurrents in the deep sea, they intersect each other quickly. But they passed by without disorder.

There is even an extraordinary beauty that is pleasing to the eye, the beauty of order.

After a while, the flowing pattern stopped, and the black box became a whole. Even the last gap, the gap between the lid and the body of a normal box, disappeared.

as. . It was originally a boxy cube, which could not be opened at all.

High latitude is not a kind creature. Even if it dies, even if it fails, it is still very dangerous. There is no doubt at all.

So it needs a special home.

Yi Xiao gently brushed the black box with his hand, and the patterns on its surface began to twist again, and then formed a few lines of small beautiful flower text.

"High-latitude biological tissues, the ability to suspect assimilation and absorption."

"From David Dunn, a regular superpower, with a weakened version of super defense and super power."

"A brave man from Mr. Glass's world. He has justice in mind, but luck is not enough."

Yi Xiao put the box up.

Although it failed, it is still necessary to keep the samples. Even such samples have been collected in the special laboratory of Red Castle.

Although regrettable and cruel, these. . But they are all necessary sacrifices. Yi Chou's hand turns his wand, just like those juggling tricks in the hands of magicians instead of magicians, the delicate and small wooden sticks are turned by him quickly.

Although Yi Biao doesn't need his wand any longer, he was very skilled in playing it at first, which is necessary for almost every wizard, and he hasn't forgotten it now.

But in the next moment, the wand that was almost turned out of the flower by Yi Huo suddenly had a meal.

The samples do need to be collected, but there are other things besides the samples. .

"Burn out."

The wand pointed at the white opaque substance on the ground, and Yi Huo uttered two words in a low voice.

At the next moment, the flame erupted, and the endless flame, like a fire dragon that could burn everything, burst out along the top of the wand, and instantly swept everything on the ground.

Burned to death.

Put your hands in front of you, Yi Chou closes and stands in front of the flames.

High-latitude organisms have very good tolerance, and all aspects of tolerance, such as cold resistance, high temperature resistance, etc., can not be burned by ordinary flames, not to mention, this is a high-latitude creature with assimilation and absorption capabilities . . Even if it's just a corpse.

Only some unconventional flames can hurt them, such as magic flames.

Of course, technology is not impossible, after all, the key point of the problem is not the magic flame, but the unconventional meaning and general flame.

If technology can do it, then nature is also effective for high-latitude organisms, but only by heating and warming to try to enhance the flame of extraction. . Certainly not qualified, it is still a conventional flame, but the temperature is higher.

Only some more special flames, such as the burning of some rare elements existing on some extraterrestrial planets, or the burning of substances and chemical phenomena that will be born in certain extreme cases, are unconventional flames.

Because there is a mixture of other elements, although the essence is flame, it is different after all. The magic flame is also the same. The essence is also flame, but it is mixed with magic.

Therefore, magic is more convenient and convenient than technology. The magic power has a changing nature and can be freely transformed into the existence that can harm high-latitude creatures, and this principle is unknown. . In fact, it is one of the essence of magic, that is, the energy magic of Oz.

And the field of science. . The ghost knows what elements can be effective for it, and the ghost knows that this element may be there. To know that high-latitude creatures exist independently, each of them is different, and their indistinct features are their characteristics, so don’t expect to find one. Method, you can deal with them all.

But this does not mean that magic is simpler, otherwise the magician will not be divided into different levels.

Even scientists are divided into chief and assistant.

However, this is naturally not a problem for Yi Chou, his magic is naturally enough to completely burn the infamous thing that failed before him.

The flames were flying, the heat wave spewed out, and the ones that burned the surrounding air seemed to be deformed and twisted. It continues to burn continuously, the less the bigger, the more prosperous, and even brings a daunting suffocation.

Everyone couldn't help but step back, Ilya, Kevin, and even Neferhot.

Even if they knew that the flames would not burn them, they still felt fear, and the terrible heat awakened their fear of flames in their bones and genes, which was the name of humans in ancient times when they saw thunder , Seeing the campfire will praise life and hope left behind.

Except Joseph.

His eyes widened, staring straight at the burning flame, the pool of white, opaque rotten meat, which burned slowly, like unrecyclable garbage.

but. . That's his. .

There were no tears in Joseph's eyes. The scorching air wave had evaporated all the existence that could evaporate. Even his eyelashes and eyebrows began to curl. It was so real that the heat wave like a tongue was licking his hair.

Even soon, Joseph’s eyes began to blur. It was not an illusion, or a distortion caused by the evaporation of the air, but the heat wave was burning his eye mask, even baking. His eyes.

Human eyes are undoubtedly fragile. Even baking for a long time may cause blindness and blindness, but Joseph has not closed his eyes, even the tears in his eyes, and the last trace of liquid in his eyes has been dried up. He is still still. He stared blankly at the burning flame ahead.

Until. .

"Slap! Slap!"

A brand-new pair of leather shoes appeared in his sight. It was so brand-new that there was no trace of dirt, as if there was no dust.

"I'm sorry, boy."

Yi Xiao squatted down and looked at John imprisoned by his clothes in bandages.

"There are always imperfect things in the world, aren't they."

John didn't speak. He still looked at the burning flame not far away. The matter in the flame seemed to have been burned out, and the flames were getting smaller and smaller.

But the sadness in his eyes grew stronger and stronger, almost overflowing.

Not every one is a born warrior, and he can face everything fearlessly, just like John. His grief at this time can hardly be suppressed, but he can do nothing but grief.

Can only look at everything in vain, passive. . To accept.

Joseph didn't even look at the enemies in front of him, he didn't stare at Yi Chou with hateful eyes, maybe he hadn't come out of sorrow, maybe he buried the hatred deeply in his heart, maybe it was. . Dare not.

This is not cowardly, because even hatred requires courage, and not everyone has such courage.

John is the son of a superhero, but he is also an ordinary person.

Yi Xao touched his head with his hand.

In the original plot, he was so weak in the face of David’s death. He tried to resist, but he was just an ordinary big boy. He couldn’t fight against the clover’s armed forces. He was suppressed by death, and he watched. As David was drowned in a shallow puddle.

He could only cry, weeping weakly and vainly after those armed men dropped David's body.

"I'm sorry, boy."

Yi Huo said softly.

The flame did not know when it was extinguished, and the burning sensation in the air slowly dissipated, replaced by a strange and unpleasant strange breath.

It was quiet all around, a little quiet. . It's scary and chilling.

Yi Xiao reached out another hand and gently lifted it, and invisible winds began to form. They were spinning and gradually formed a small vortex in Yi Xiao's hands.

In the vortex, there are some small, particles-like flying debris. They come from a distance, come from all directions, and gradually converge towards here, the more they gather.

After a pause, Yi Chou gently lowered his hand again.

The converging vortices here have disappeared in all directions, and the last whirlwind is rotating in the hands of Yi Chou. It is a piece of scorched black, because it is completely composed of countless black ashes, which slowly rotate with the flow direction , Slowly condensed, stacked together, solidified into one, then. . It became a beautiful black box.


Yi Xiao gently placed the urn in front of Joseph.

"Be careful."

He whispered.

Joseph, who sobbed silently, didn't realize that there was a problem, and no one else even realized it. It seemed that this was just an ordinary farewell. . The facts also seem to be true.

But Ilya was keenly aware that something was wrong. He was expressionless, but he noticed something abnormal.

Then in the next moment, he saw Yi Chou stroking the hand on Joseph's head, which seemed to exude a little luster.


Almost in less than a second ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ilya finished thinking, and then blurted out.

Yi Chou's movement paused.

Ilya's call attracted everyone's attention, except for Joseph, who was still sad and immobile.

Casey, Kevin and others looked puzzled, even Ellie.

But Ilya knew exactly what she was doing at this time, especially after seeing Yi Chou's reaction.

"Don't kill him."

After a pause, Ilya said again.

Word by word.

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