High Magic Earth

Chapter 1900: Intermission: Mr. Glass (30)

This time, everyone heard clearly.

But although they may still be unable to understand what is going on for a while, the words are still understandable, don't kill him? This is saying Yi Chou, he is going to kill Joseph.

Why, why did he do this.

Kevin and others were full of doubts, but they also understood the beginning and the end of what is happening, but the problem is that even if they know, they will not do anything, nor will they be like Ilya. . To stop.

Because they are not familiar with Joseph at all.

If it weren’t Kevin, David, and Ilya were locked up in Mt. Rivenshan Mental Hospital, they might not meet for a lifetime, although their lives would have been entangled.

But fate is so beautiful.

And the only person who really cares about Joseph, David, has already. .

Yi Xiao didn't get up, he didn't even raise his head to take a look at Ilya, the light in his hand was still blooming, the green luster, even more intense.

Ilya is very clear that simple persuasion is not effective for Yi Huo, not because Yi Yao’s stubborn character is completely independent of external language, but they are not qualified for Yi Huo, even qualified for equal dialogue. ,nothing.

and so. . He'd better not waste time talking nonsense.

"If you kill him... I may become less cooperative than expected."

"I know we can't fight you, but I also believe that my voluntary cooperation is always better than your forced me to cooperate."

"After all, no matter what, voluntary is always better."

Yi Chou's hand rested there.

The faint green luster gradually extinguished, Yi Chou closed his hands, and then stood up.

He faced Ilya, the ashes rippling behind him again, it seemed that the afterglow had not been completely burnt out, the rich and strange smell filled the air, even making Ilya feel as if he was breathless.

"Are you threatening me?"

Yi Xuan asked back with a slight smile.

"Do not."

Ilya took a deep breath and seemed to be supporting herself.

"I'm begging you."

After saying that, Ilya seemed to stare at Yi Chou slightly nervously, because he did not know what response Yi Chou would give.

But Ilya did not wait too long.

"If this is a request."

"I promise you."

Yi Xiao left Joseph's side, and as he left, even the bandage imprisoned on Joseph collapsed and scattered everywhere. . But Joseph did not get up, he was still paralyzed on the ground, as if unable to climb up.

Ilya walked slowly past, limping, looking a little funny. . His legs are already fine, and he has been adjusting from Riven Hill to the Osaka Tower, trying to reverse it.

But obviously the power of habit is huge, which is not so easy.

However, no one dared to laugh at him.

Ilya came to Joseph and took the place of Yi Chou. He bent down and picked up David's ashes box from the ground, then handed it to Joseph.

"Cheer up, boy, won't you come this morning?"

"You need to learn to face it."

Undoubtedly, Ilya did not get feedback. He also did not persuade Joseph from suffering. Joseph was still curled up on the ground, but he hugged the urns in silence, silently.

Ilya patted his shoulder gently and limped away again.

Yi Chou watched quietly in the distance.

Ilya guessed right, he intended to kill Joseph.

It has nothing to do with personal grudges, only that he must die.

After all, he killed Joseph's father.

Of course, Yi Chou didn't think about clearing his memory, but after hesitating a little, he decided to do it once and for all.

Although Yi Xiao is very convinced that few people in his magical world can crack it, and the memory itself is a very delicate thing that can be deleted, does not mean that it can be restored.

just. . There are few people, it does not mean that there is no one, there will always be someone who can crack the clamor of magic.

Moreover, although memory magic is a very delicate thing, the brain is also difficult to recover, but it can jump out of the limitations of thinking and do this from another angle, such as going back in time directly.

If the magic level exceeds the existence of Yi Huo, then it should not be difficult for it to look back in time.

In addition, here is also a reserve for a superhero world. In order to avoid any accidents, Yi Chou decided to settle Joseph once and for all.

But since Ilya spoke. . Yi Chaoling didn't mind letting him go.

Because, as Ilya said, he can directly control Ilya and others and force them to enter the black box, but voluntarily enters, with the effect of the plan of creation. . It may indeed be better.

. . Well, in fact, Yi Xuan is also not sure, but just like the instinct that humans think that it must be cheaper when they see discounted products, in the face of the high latitude energy that is not well known, Yi Xuan can only think that voluntary is more important than non-voluntary Voluntary, maybe the fit is higher.

Even if he is not sure if there is such a thing as fit.

On the other hand, Ilya is also very satisfied.

His original intention was not to save Joseph, just like everyone else, he also did not care and did not care about Joseph.

He may even be more indifferent than others, already full of blood.

but. . Ilya didn't want to save Joseph's life, he just wanted to create a revenge drama that could appear in the future.

As a superhero, his father fought against evil and eventually lost his life. His son was just an ordinary person, cowardly and incapable of any ability, but after a series of events and adventures, he eventually inherited his father's business and revenge. . Isn't this the enduring plot in the superhero story.

This is really amazing. . Excited.

Ilya was quiet, but her eyes shone with excitement.

. . .

"Don't you try it?"

Yi Chao, who left Joseph, slowly came to Kevin's side, as if David's death hadn't happened at all, he asked normally.

But this made Cassei nervous as if he had blown up a cat.

"No... no!"

With little hesitation, Cassei directly stood in front of Kevin. She stretched out her arms and separated Yi Chou from Kevin like an old hen protecting the calf.

She seems to have forgotten the horror of Yi Huo for a moment.

"I believe you must be ready."

But Yi Biao directly ignored Cassey in front of her, and calmed her eyes over her head, which was lower than Kevin, and directly looked at Kevin behind.

Kevin the Beast. . It sounds terrible, but after all, his nickname is a beast, except for a blue guy, most of the beast wisdom is not high.

Kevin's beast personality is always like being at nine years old.

Others have different personalities and ages, and their IQ and thinking are high and low, and some are more mature. They are not optimistic about their current situation, they are worried, and they are also more childish, they don’t realize anything, and they are even more funny. Bi and evil, no matter what.

Kai Wen's body, which is his master personality, is a relatively normal young man, and a little cowardly.

This is not surprising, after all, the beast was born to protect him.

Kevin's personality is not stupid or mentally handicapped, nor is he always acting like a child, but he is not as smart and brave.

Like Joseph, just an ordinary person.

So when faced with Yi Huo's sudden question, he was still there for a while, and he didn't even know how to answer.


Upon seeing this, Yi Chou questioned again, and this time the tone seemed to bring some dissatisfaction and hidden threats.

Cassey, who was blocked between the two, seemed to tremble.

But at this moment, Kevin suddenly came forward from behind.


Kevin's personality is a little braver than Joseph, even though he used to be so weak.

He didn't want Cassei to stand in front of himself, block Yi Chou, and help himself stop the danger. . Does he like Cassei? Kevin doesn't know, he loves her? He didn't know it, but he knew that he couldn't put Cassei in danger.

So he stood up.

But after he stood up, he hesitated, but he found that he didn't even know what to say.

Although Yi Ao's expression didn't look like anger, but with a faint smile, but in this somewhat embarrassing long silence, he felt that his breath was becoming heavier and heavier.

"He... he won't go!"

"You just turned a person into a monster and burned it! This is pure death!"

Cassei grabbed Kevin's arm nervously, his big eyes staring at Yi Chou angrily, as if he looked ready to sacrifice everything for his beloved boyfriend at any time.

Yi Xiao narrowed his eyes.

"This is what you mean?"

He asked Kevin.

Kevin swallowed.

Reason is telling him that it’s best not to enter the **** box for any experiment, because then it may die, but reason also tells him that it’s best not to try to refute Yi Chou, otherwise what will happen, maybe not How much better than death.

Kevin was a little nervous, and he was not stupid. Of course, he knew the difference between himself and Yi Chou. He was powerless to contend. Even if he awakened the personality of the beast, it might be worse.

After all, the beast is him, and he uses a body. If the beast is dead, he is dead. Isn't the beast beaten? . Will he hurt?

The atmosphere gradually dignified.

But at this moment, Ilya did not know where it came from.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous Kevin."

"Since he is not ready, let me do it."

He first calmly pacified Kevin, and then the latter sentence became Yi Yao.


"Yes." Ilya's tone was relaxed. "Do you need to follow any order."

"That's not necessary."

"But David just died before you, don't you worry?"

"If I answer worry, then I don't need to enter there."

Ilya's answer, as always, has a super-English comic dialogue style.

"If I answer yes, would you really be willing to leave like this?"

It seemed that Yi Huo would have such a rhetorical answer. Ilya was stunned for a moment, not speaking for a moment.

Yi Xiao smiled.

"Why, your comics haven't revealed to you, in the face of the transformation of an evil magician, how should superheroes choose, whether to choose to accept the transformation of fate, or... jump out of fate."

Ilya still did not answer, and Yi Huo did not continue to question.

"Since you recommend yourself, you can go in now."

Amidst his mother's worried eyes, Ilya was silent for a while, then limped and walked towards the black box.


The black box is closed.

It seems that he made a decision.

. . .

Yi Xiao continued to stand outside the black box.

His position is exactly the same as before, and the standing posture is exactly the same. If there is not an Ilya among the people standing outside, and Joseph is still curled up on the ground, then this is no different from the last David's experiment.

However, this time it was Ilya in the black box.

It was Joseph who replaced him with his mother, who watched all this with worry and despair.

Ilya’s mother supported him as always, including this time, and even after Ilya decided to enter the black box, she did not show strong opposition as Kasai.

But there are certainly concerns.

The uncontrolled feather pen continued to write and draw on the record board. No other voices were heard from the black box this time, such as roaring and crying, but Yi Chou could see it. . Ilya is still inside.

Everyone's encounters when undergoing transformation are different, so it's not surprising what happens.

I just don't know if this time it went well.

Hell, scratching his chin, Yi Chou suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something, for example. . The Chuangshen Project actually has a success rate.

Finding three suitable materials in the world of Mr. Glass does not mean that he will definitely add three manpower. Although the failed data is also valuable data, it is not as good as the man who is urgently needed now.

Hope this. .


Interrupted thinking, Yi Biao suddenly looked sideways~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because he seemed to hear a loud noise. . Sure enough, in the next moment, American soldiers in camouflage uniforms walked in from all directions, through the broken glass doors and windows of the exhibition hall.

Yi Chou's thinking was stunned again.

and many more. . Are the American soldiers of this place so capable? ! Even Daenerys can hit from the sky?

But, but the helicopters just now were not like that.

Although thinking about these things, the word of untimely captive suddenly appeared in Yi Biao's head, um. . Yi Chou shook his head vigorously, throwing out some messy thoughts.

He still has to figure out what's going on first, Yi Biao doesn't think so. . Daenerys is an easily defeatable being.

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