High Magic Earth

Chapter 1905: Intermission: Mr. Glass (35)

Although it seems that there is a tendency of Stockholm syndrome, he fell in love with Kevin after being kidnapped by Kevin, but Cassei is also a born of talent, and he will not even know this common sense.

The ones who can be kidnapped by Kevin are at least the main players of the cheerleaders in the school. Needless to say, their appearance, learning... The cheerleaders really have nothing to do with learning.

Fortunately, although Kasai was blinded by love, she did not completely lose her mind. She felt that Yi Bao’s words seemed reasonable. For example, if she was really with Kevin, she was still opposed by her parents. Circumstances, then Kevin does seem to need a job.

At least he needs to be able to take care of himself and kidnap cheerleaders, that is not a serious job.

Kevin has only one personality who is enthusiastic about kidnapping cheerleaders. The rest, whether it is a beast, is not interested in kidnapping at the beginning of Kevin’s personality. This need not worry, but in view of Kevin’s schizophrenia, he wants to find A normal job also seems unlikely.

And working for Yihou seems to be really good.

In addition, she did not leave this world and was completely separated from this world. This one is the key, so after a little hesitation, Cassei nodded.

"Okay...I agree."

She whispered.


Yi Xiao raised an eyebrow at Kevin, and Kevin smiled abruptly.

To get rid of personal grievances, Kevin's personality is actually a pretty good guy. In addition, he does not have the sense of justice as David, and after his thinking was modified by the plan of creation, there was not much repulsion between him and Yi Chou. .

Very successful transformation.

Having settled the most troublesome Cassei, Yi Chou also breathed a sigh of relief and turned straight to Ilya.

At the moment when Yi Chou left Kasei's eyes, the pupils of his eyes converged and changed into another shape, another look... more like the shape of a normal person's pupil.

Yes, Yi Biao just looked at Cassei obviously not the eyes of normal people, but that is not the meaning, but a hint of magic at the spiritual level.

Otherwise, Cassei, the little girl in love, would not be easily fooled by Yi Chou...

Of course, Yi Biao did not completely lie to her. The two worlds are indeed connected. Just as Yi Biao can return to the world of the song of ice and fire at any time, this Mr. Glass world can naturally come back at any time if necessary. .

But it is not absolute, because there are still turbulences in the world, this thing has blocked the world of Little Tom, the Harry Potter ancestor era, and the Decapitated Valley, and Yi Chou has no way to intervene again, so...

But accidents are always inevitable, not to mention that this thing is indeed an accident, such as the world of the song of ice and fire, which has never been blocked by the turbulence of the world, so this is not deception.

Yi Chou came to Ilya.

"You have made a good decision."


Ilya was indeed easier than Kevin.

He smiled and nodded.

"My mother will leave with me, and I will take care of her... The world over there is not a doomsday or other strange world."

"Do not."

Yi Xiao shook his head, "It's no different from here, the only difference is... a group of superpowers are active."

"That's paradise."

After being transformed, Ilya still has a love for the superhero complex, and when he heard it, he immediately appeared a little frazzled and energetic.

"You will have fun."

"Leave now?"

Ilya asked again.

Yi Chou paused a little, "Nothing else, for me, you..."

"Don't you leave any gifts to this world."

Ilya apparently did not give up his plan for a national superhero, but Yi Huo thought about it and felt that he had helped Ilya do enough things. Although it was mainly for the purpose of gaining world energy, he finally met Ilya’s purpose. .

"Those radio anchors have broadcast the news here. In order to avoid the news being blocked, I also directly converted most of Philadelphia into a mirrored world."

"Your plan was successful."

"Leading and awakening other potential transcendents... Believe me, if they really exist, they will definitely see these things today."

"What else do you want to do."

With the IQ of Ilya, of course, he can hear Yi Chao's implied meaning, but loyalty to Yi Huo does not mean that he is completely obedient to Yi Huo. There can still be disputes. Of course, the premise is that it does not involve the bottom line.

Just like now.

Although Ilya wants to use his own power to push his world to the era of superheroes, it sounds a great thing, but for Yi Chou... this is actually no more than what Athena wants to eat at night It is more difficult to come.

All belong to the category of things that are optional, so Ilya can have a slightly different opinion from him.

So Ilya is still a little unwilling.

But he didn't give up, and he didn't know how he should do something. Should he continue to make a bigger one in Philadelphia than before, or would he broadcast the entire network, or even send an email to everyone?

Even if Ilya did not know the setting of Reiki, otherwise she might ask Yi Chou to have a superhero recovery... Of course, this is not so easy for Yi Chou.

Yi Chou shook his head.

"If there is nothing to take away, we will leave now. The world is not peaceful. The group of guys...is also a group of miracles."

He turned to prepare to open the portal for both Kevin and Ilya, and left with Daenerys and others. As he told Ilya, Mr. Glass's world was not of much value.

In other words, not currently.

Even if there is, it may be in the future, and do not know when.

The reason for this is because there are only three TV series about Mr. Glass's world, and the timeline of the third part has stopped abruptly until the present time.

So even in the future, Mr. Glass will still produce some wonderful stories, no matter whether it is more than ten years later, or even a few hours later, Yi Chou will not know.

Without the information that the world reveals, even if Yi Chao is a person outside the box, there is no advantage of prophecy.

Without this advantage, Yi Chao is just like the local residents, and there is not much difference, so this world has no more value for Yi Chao.

Its timeline has come to an end, and based on the plot alone, it has no value.

Of course, its value is not high. If it is like the Harry Potter world, even if the plot ends, or if the plot does not start, there are potions or souvenirs such as spells, Yi Chou will not give up easily.

Unfortunately, this is not the case, at least not known by Yi Chou.

A low-energy superhero world is still in the early stage of superhero recovery... For Yi Chao, the rhythm is too slow.

But in the next moment, just as Yi Huo was about to open the portal, and even Neihuohot and others were coming together, Yi Huo's movements suddenly stopped.

"you are right."

He seemed to be thinking about something and said slowly to Ilya.

"Here... there is still some value."

Ilya's expression is strange. He naturally understood Yi Yao's meaning, but... what Yi Yao wanted to do.

"I left a gift to Joseph, and I should also leave a gift to the world. I believe that after coming back after a while, this place will definitely become more exciting."

"More in line with your ideas."

Yi Chou looked at Ilya.

In the next moment, Yi Biao's hands already had a small toy like the one used to transform Ilya and others when the black box was shrunk.

This made Ilya's mouth twitch.

Wouldn't he plan to leave something like a black box, as something experienced, if he can come out alive, he can gain superpowers, if not, then...

Ilya was silent for a moment. Although he had not run in with Yi Chou, he felt that with Yi Chou's character, it was really possible to do such a thing!

"Relax...not as you think."

Yi Xiao threw the small toy after it was shrunk to the ground, and the next moment, it began to grow wildly like a gyro in the wind, and it almost turned out of the afterimage.

Then, it became something like an arcade game machine in the nineties.

Terminal for Destiny Cards.

Yi Chou changed the style of the stele from the ancient Egyptian era to the present, and the acceptance of it by modern people is probably higher.

"You just came."

"I will show you a treasure... Bah! I left you a good thing."

After throwing out the terminal of the Destiny Card, Yi Chou suddenly said to the left and right, Ilya looked up, only to find that the soldiers gathered around tirelessly sometime.

The colonel who just touched felt a little guilty.

After passing through the ring of fire, he found that it was quiet, there was no strange sound, and the huge monster disappeared.

It's like everyone is gone.

But...whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, because even he doesn't know whether these people have disappeared, or whether it hasn't gone yet.

Needless to say, if the latter does not leave, then he must face an unknown danger, and the former... this operation has almost nothing to gain. As the person in charge, he must definitely take the blame.

So neither aspect seems to please either. Of course, the latter seems to be more acceptable.

The space on the first floor of the Osaka Tower is not large, and the colonel is not long to think about it. After turning a load-bearing column, he quickly saw Yi Bao and others who had not left not far away.

Colonel: "..."

Okay, now he doesn't need to struggle.

He knew that the command center was watching behind him, so even if he was hesitant, he had to move on.

It took three minutes for him to wander from the periphery to the vicinity of Yi Chou, and before he could stop, the strange group of people spoke first.

But the colonel was an experienced conductor after all, and after a brief moment of stunned mind, he calmed down again.

"Sir, can you introduce yourself first?"

The colonel's tone was calm.

Being able to communicate makes him feel relieved. Being able to communicate is a good thing, because he is worried that the other party is the kind of existence that can not communicate at all or disdain communication.

Because that means there is only one way left.

And he obviously didn't want to go the other way.

Unfortunately, being able to communicate does not mean that Yi Huo is willing to communicate with him. These people are not Ilya and they are useless.

"My identity..."

"My identity and all about this, I have written on this card."

Yi Xiao splits his hand and gives the colonel a card, and it falls into his hand very accurately.

"Use it and you will know everything."

The colonel was stunned, just when he was about to ask how to use it, an instinctive feeling emerged, letting him know how to use it naturally.

And in the next moment, when he recovered from the stunned god, he only saw that Yi Chou et al. stepped into a thick blue-black fog like an interstellar portal.

A thick wriggling, and then wrapped in Yi Chou and others... disappeared.

The colonel froze again, looked around for a while, and saw the soldiers who were only on alert and no other actions because they did not have his orders. They still stayed where they were, and no one came up.

Colonel: "..."

Well, I hope that the cards he brought back will satisfy the command center...

Variant World, within the limits of the New York World Trade Center commercial street.

The figures of Yi Ao, Kevin and others reappeared in his office, the office of Destiny Card Company, and when they had just stood firm, Yi Ao heard the voice of Athena.

"It's faster than expected."

"But in fact, you don't need to be so anxious... that group of mutants still have nothing to do."

Yi Biao didn't answer, but glanced at Neferhot. He burst into red mist and disappeared instantly with the others, not knowing where he went.

Daenerys nodded at Yi Chou and left.

Yi Ao threw Athena, who occupied her boss chair, aside, and threw it back to her secretary chair.

"You can't let your guard down."

He said quietly.

Athena's memory was erased by him, so she didn't know that the mutant wanted to reverse things in the future, and naturally had no sense of crisis.

However, there is a clamor.

"Now that the manpower has expired, then... the plan can be officially launched next."

"From now on."...

On the other hand, Mr. Glass World.

With the departure of Yi Xiao and others, the colonel also left enough people to block the scene, and took a small number of people to see the chief of the operation.

Facing the big party present, he placed the card Yi Yi gave him on the table in front of him.

"So this is the only thing to be asked~ Lieutenant General www.wuxiaspot.com~.

The colonel nodded.

"what's next."

The lieutenant general did not have any other expressions, and still seemed very calm.

The colonel picked up the card, followed instinctive instructions, and then flicked forward. At the next moment, everyone was empty in front of him, and the card disappeared directly out of thin air.

Regardless of the colonel or lieutenant general, everyone present was stunned.

But before waiting for the lieutenant to continue to ask questions, a hurried knock on the door interrupted their meeting. The next moment, an intelligence officer quickly walked in and whispered to the lieutenant general.

"Sir... ten seconds ago, everyone received an unknown email. According to our tracking, this range covers at least the entire American continent."

Colonel: "..."

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