High Magic Earth

Chapter 1906: So the title is going to be boring again

When Charles and Moira came back from the CIA base, their faces were not very good-looking. After all, the two of them left confidently, but they didn't expect that they were refuted by almost all in one face.

In fact they should have thought about it, but both Charles and Moira subconsciously ignored this possibility.

It's not that they are really ignored, but that they don't want to believe it.

But reality told them with a heavy punch, the CIA is so stupid.

Well, it can’t be stupid, aliens, time travel, these things really sound incredible, if Charles is not the evidence before them, I’m afraid even Charles can’t believe it.

Charles, who was originally an incredible variant in the eyes of others, couldn't believe it, let alone the ordinary people in the CIA.

They can't blame them if they can't produce evidence.


Moira parked her car in the underground parking lot at the branch base.

"what should we do."

She asked Charles quite helplessly.

Moira is actually not a weak woman. After all, as an elite agent of the CIA, she even dared to go to the Hellfire Club alone. If she is a weak woman, there may be no female man in the world.

Only in front of the man, especially in front of the loved one, she will also unconsciously reveal the weak side. . Although Moira's relationship with Charles hasn't reached that level yet, it's fast.

The most important thing is the Father's aura that Charles comes with. Like a good man, he is born to be hostile and even trusting.

Moira apparently hit him.

Charles's ability and his own aura, it really matches.

Charles sitting in the co-pilot groaned.

"do not worry."

It is worthy to calm down Charles. Although there is no good way in his heart, he still remembers to appease Moira in the first sentence.

"Since the CIA can't help for the time being... then we can only rely on ourselves."

"How to do it?"

Moira frowned.

"I admit that the mutants are quite powerful, but the mutants you retrieved... they are all still children."

After all, she is an elite detective. Charles can think of her as well, or they don’t have many choices now. Even if she doesn’t have the ability to read minds like Charles, she can easily guess Charles’s thoughts. Ira is not optimistic.

"I know."

Charles also had to admit this. Except for him and Eric, the other mutants he found were not old. Whether it was Darwin who drove a taxi, or Angel who was in the dance hall, they were even half-sized. child.

Including Raven the Magic Girl.

but. . This is not a problem.

Charles smiled calmly and confidently.

"So what we need to do next is to strengthen ourselves as much as possible."

"I want to train them."

. . .

Seven hours after the end of Mr. Glass.

Busy New York was reawakened by the roar of the first subway, whether it was a poor **** or a bustling paradise, it was once again rejuvenated, like a blood-sucking beast awakened from the ground, for the next time to draw human blood Saving power.

Inside the Destiny Card Company building.

Sitting at his desk, Yi Xiao, with his eyes closed, has already used magic to clearly understand all the recent news inside and outside the company, except. .

"What Dastan is doing recently."

He asked in a low voice.

The other person in the office is Athena, who knows that the plan is about to start full operation, and she doesn't have the usual gag, but is slightly serious and blind.

"Stay where you belong, every day is rest, recovery, his time and power seems to be very heavy... I don't have the relevant ability in the time field, I can't see what is going on."

"Maybe you can go and see for yourself."

Yi Huo nodded.

Dustan is not in the Destiny Card Company, nor in the Red Castle on Neverland. In fact, he and Rocky and Lorna are in a villa in New York City.

New York in this era is not as developed as in later generations. Pieces of wealthy villas are available for selection. In this period, New York was still half of the industrial city, and half of the urban area had a waste water flow, and then only a part of the rich area.

The rich area is extremely expensive, but this is not a problem for Yi Chou. He immediately took down a villa and arranged these guys into it.

Needless to say, Rocky would be good if she didn't make trouble. She couldn't count on her help in the plan of fate cards, but in the later period, when she needed to fight, or when she needed to stir up chaos and war, she could let her play directly.

This is her old business.

Lorna is a surprise. The surprise prepared for Lao Wan is also the material of the God of Creation plan. More importantly, she is still small. The battle may be compensated by the God of Creation plan, but for the entire Destiny card plan, she What can such a small child do.

As for Dustan. . It was simply that Yi Chou was not at ease with him.

Although he has the characteristics of a typical outward appearance god, and has a direct induction relationship with Yi Xuan, as an appearance appearance **** with time ability, Yi Xuan will not be relieved of him anyway.

Not to be alert to Dastan himself, but to the person behind Dastan, that is. . Easy time on the future timeline!

If all this is true, if there really is a future in existence.

The one who knows himself best is undoubtedly himself. Yi Chou is sure not to let Dastan make any waves, but he is not sure to guard against another himself.

So he was always vigilant against Dalstein.

"..I know."

"Forget about him for now, the plan is as usual."


Athena nodded.

Yi Xiao knocked on the table, the teacup and ink beside him jumped out of their respective positions, trying to twist themselves into a complicated twist shape, and put a few numbers in front of him.

"It's almost time."

Yi Xiao said.

When returning from Mr. Glass's world, it was midnight, although Yi Chou and Athena could both stay alive without sleep. . Athena is the **** body, Yi Yi is under the blessing of magic, the body is no longer a regular human, and the cell rotation can also be done by sleeping.

But the rest of the company needs to rest normally, and the operating rules of this world also need to be followed. It is impossible for them to do whatever they want, and it has not yet reached that level.

It's hard to get to the dawn, then everything can start.

"Preparing to sell Destiny Card Terminal."

"I have already contacted this matter and there will not be much resistance."

"Just start from New York, the first phase... New York as a pilot, radiating outward."

. . .

"came back?"

This site, temporarily affiliated with their so-called mutant department, has a large area, but after all, it is a more rigorous base building, not as casual as the Charles manor.

It can also be understood that this is not a comfortable living environment, but more suitable for office work. The cubicle and the small office are next to each other, and then the twisted built-in corridor like a maze.

In addition to a few meeting rooms, it can really accommodate more people. By the way, it can also bring new ones to Charles. They are completely untrained and undoubtedly ordinary people. They are almost a half-old child and have little energy to vent. There are almost no large houses where people have TV sets.

Or there is only one.

It is the temporary stronghold of the mutants. In addition to this and the private lounge, other houses and offices are still occupied by the CIA personnel in the original base.

Charles and Moira naturally returned here immediately.

I thought I would see Hank and Raven here. . But unexpectedly, I saw a Logan, who was leaning lazily on the sofa, drinking beer and watching TV, and greeted the two of them comfortably.

I don’t know where he got so many beers, peanuts and fried pig skins, scraps are everywhere, and the atmosphere here was changed into a bachelor’s nest.

And this guy continued to complain unconsciously.

"This TV is too small... But this is the CIA, they can't change the big one, and they can still receive black and white signals."

"This thing feels older than me."

Charles twitched his mouth, but he already knew from his memory who Logan was, and he was not surprised.

"What about the rest."

He opened a bottle of beer and gumbled down half of the bottle. The journey was not smooth. He was utterly gasped.

"This group of ghosts made me rush back."

"Next is not their time."

The beer that Charles had just raised again was put down again.

"Not smooth?"

He saw Logan staring at himself sideways, spitting out a cigar.

Charles nodded.

"Huh... I guessed it long ago."

Logan took another sip of cigar.

"Tell you good news, even in the future after 2000, the CIA is just as stupid."

Moira was a little unconscious, and Charles smiled bitterly.

"This is not good news, Logan."

"Why not."

Logan breathed out the smoke ring calmly.

"This shows that we only need to rely on our own strength... all the time."

Charles was stunned, it seemed that he didn't expect Logan to say such philosophical words. After all, he had always behaved like a big boss, and the memory that Charles saw was also expressed this way.

Probably Charles's expression was too obvious. Logan snorted, but didn't care.

"But our current strength is not enough."

He said again.

Charles's attitude was also straightened, he realized that this was probably the important thing that Logan really wanted to talk to him when he returned.

"Only those children...not enough."

In fact, Charles felt the same way, but according to Logan’s memory, he did see some good candidates, but Logan’s memory was a bit confusing. The card of fate that sent him back showed him a lot of parallel world timelines In the future or in the past, many people he met did not belong to this timeline.

Even if it is a good candidate, Charles cannot find it. After all, some of them have not been born yet, or some of them may be dying.

But just as Charles was about to hear what Rogan had in mind, he suddenly discovered that Logan closed his mouth.

Charles, a clever man, even without reading, he has the title of professor, and he immediately realized what Logan meant.

. . Moira, he did not believe in Moira, and regarded Moira as an outsider.

Charles hesitated, according to the distinction between mutants and ordinary people, then it is indeed the case, but Charles thinks Moira can be trusted.

And he knew what Rogan was worried about. He was not worried about the difference between ordinary people and mutants, but worried that Moira knew too much and would be read by those aliens.

Charles doesn't need to worry about this issue. He is the world's strongest mind mutant, but Moira obviously has no such guarantee.

But after a moment of hesitation, Charles said.

"Relax.. Hank. They already know a lot of things. If there is such a problem, they are not safe."

Logan has nothing to do. As an old guy who has lived for hundreds of years and even traveled frequently, he is definitely not as stupid as he thinks. It is just his character that makes him look like a big man.

And he really doesn't like to use his brain. When Charles was there, he preferred the old man, who is known as the strongest brain on earth, to use his brain, and he was only responsible for it.

So Charles spoke, and he was too lazy to refute.

"We need to contact the Black Emperor Xiao, and besides him, I have another candidate... Tianqi."


Charles subconsciously refuted.

He knows who the Apocalypse is, of course, from Logan’s memory, a mutant who existed in the Egyptian era ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the oldest mutant, even known as the origin of the mutant.

Regardless of whether these things are true or false, the power of the apocalypse is undoubtedly, as well as his crazy ideas.

As the oldest mutant and the most powerful mutant, he is undoubtedly the **** of the Egyptian era, and after a thousand years of modern awakening, the **** is still the god. . He still wanted to rule everything.

According to what he saw in Logan’s memory, Apocalypse soon learned everything in modern society after his recovery, and then summoned Magneto and others as his subordinates, strengthened them, and then used himself, that is, Charles’ mental ability, Come and control human beings and let them destroy all their nuclear weapons.

Without the nuclear threat, Apocalypse began to officially declare war on the world.

Of course Charles and others tried to resist, but the Apocalypse was too powerful, and few of them could fight the Apocalypse, even the Magneto who later returned to the same camp as them.

In the end their victory was purely a fluke. . It is because of the power of Qin Gelei's Phoenix.

Charles did not know the power of Phoenix, nor did it come from, but this force is undoubtedly extremely powerful, so powerful that it can almost destroy everything. After the unconscious explosion of Qin, it naturally destroyed the Apocalypse, and it was almost effortless. Blowing power.

The power of Qin Gelei is of course a big problem, but at least the apocalypse is solved.

Now they are actually facing another problem. The resurgence of the apocalypse on the normal time line is at least 20 years later, and the piano at that time was also in its twenties.

In other words, Qin may not have been born yet, or even if he is born, he is probably only a few months old.

The strength of the piano is indeed a hidden danger, but without the piano, they simply cannot fight the apocalypse.

So Charles instinctively opposed.

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