High Magic Earth

Chapter 1909: So why do so many things happen when i'm away

Charles probably realized that Eric seemed to have misunderstood something. . He touched his nose.

In fact, Charles was able to make such a decision, not only because of Eric.

Eric's guess is correct. If it was him before, he would definitely not be able to make a move on Xiao, because this is his principle. Eric's claim is bloodshed, and he is not.

but. . This is just the previous him.

Reading memory does not completely change a person, turning a person into another way. Reading memory is like watching a movie. Did you watch a movie? . Will the viewer become the protagonist in the film?

Charles reads Logan's memory. He is a huge century-old memory for ordinary people. Because this matter is of great importance, Charles also glanced at Logan's private memory, but only passed by.

More emphasis is placed on memories related to Eric, himself, and other variants.

These memories are complicated and even confusing. Charles analyzed that the special fate card may not have allowed Logan to travel through time and send him back to the past.

Instead, he transferred his memory back, or rather. . The memories are shared, and Logan at this point in time gets Logan's memories at a future point in time.

And it is not just a future, it contains countless future points in time, and even a parallel world.

So Logan's memory is complicated to chaotic, which allows Charles to see a lot of himself, the self in success, the self in failure, the old self, the young self, the good self, the bad self. .

The impact of the huge memory stream did make Charles a little uncomfortable, but it did not crush him, nor did he completely change him into another person, another look.

He is still him, but he is more abundant in life experience and life experience.

but. . Charles was more or less affected.

A large amount of memory did not overwhelm Charles and reverse his thinking, but that did not mean that his thoughts would not change.

This is not a change in thinking, but a change. . Now that you have seen a serious error that may occur in the future, why not try to avoid it.

Charles would agree to Eric's own result Shaw, for this reason.

. . .

Charles is not a pedantic person. In the future, he and Eric are two banners of mutants. Eric represents the radicals of the mutants, then Charles represents the moderates.

The moderate flag Charles always looks like a good old man with his attitude. . But it does not mean that he is really a good old man.

Because a good person cannot be a leader and lead a group of mutants.

Secondly, Charles with spiritual ability can create a spiritual cage for Qin Gelei, temporarily suppressing the powerful and destructive power of Phoenix that she cannot control. . So who knows, did he also create some kind of cage for himself, isolate some bad things, and always show the good side?

This can be seen from the mutant's mad attack event, mad attack. . It was Charles and Eric that was born from the combination of the dark side of self-consciousness, a collection of dark minds with self-consciousness.

Eric is a radical among the mutants. He is always hostile to humans. He is the sword hanging on the human head. The mutant's sharpest weapon. He is the mutant's deterrent to humans.

Although compared to Eric's deterrent effect on humans, he is more often intensifying the conflict between humans and mutants. . There is almost no deterrence. Whether it is Stryker or Trask Industries, the mutants are still the same, but they are still more or less effective.

Charles represents hope, and Eric is also hope.

But regardless of whether Eric’s deterrence is effective, deterrence alone will not work, which will only make humans more repulsive and afraid of mutants.

So there must be another flag.

That is to show goodwill, representing the gentle Professor Charles.

So the two extreme flags of the mutants, although it seems that Charles and Eric have different ideas, who can be sure. . This is not some kind of tacit agreement between Charles and Eric.

As the strongest soul mutant in the world, no one can know what Charles is really like.

The mental ability is very good at disguising, he can divide his own soul, cover the side that he does not want to show, and always show that he wants others to see it.

If it is Charles in the comics, then in the realm of mind. . Even if it is easy, it may not dare to compete with it.

No one knows what Charles really looks like, maybe he is really a good guy, or maybe he just pretends to be a good guy. . But because the dressing time is too long, when it grows up, it becomes his true appearance.

But in any case, he is not a good man.

So after seeing the threats they face in the future through Logan's memory, threats large and small, and countless crises, the attitude of dealing with Xiao is not as firm as it was at the beginning.

It is not that he gave up his original heart, because his original heart has never been not to kill, but to guard the mutants and let the mutants truly stand in the sun and be accepted by humans.

Let Eric be the result. . It is not an unacceptable compromise.


Seeing Eric seemed a little preoccupied, Charles exclaimed softly.

Eric recovered.

"Well, very... very good, that's it."

Eric rarely supported him once, and he responded intermittently, which sounded like Gu Yuzuo to him, and after the words fell, he didn't know what to say.

Charles is a little funny.

It's rare that Eric, a dead duck with a tough mouth, has such a time.

In fact, Charles had some doubts about Eric before, because he thought Eric seemed a little weird.

According to his expectations, Eric should not accept this cooperation with Xiao in this calm, although he asked for the final result of Xiao himself. . It will not be accepted so easily.

The hatred between Eric and Xiao is absolutely unforgettable. In the face of such an enemy, killing the other party is a matter of course, and cooperation should not even be thought of!

Charles was already prepared for his bitterness, but unexpectedly, Eric accepted it so easily.

Eric is so stubborn that Charles can see that he lowered his bottom line because of the future seen through Logan and the many parallel worlds, which has changed.

So what is the reason for Eric's change? Charles can't believe that Eric chose to cooperate because he was worried that the enemy was too strong.

According to his style, he would rather not fight in the end. . Otherwise how could he be classified as a tough man by Charles.

Eric's simplicity made Charles a little strange, but he was still a bit puzzled. . But after seeing Eric's supporter at this time, he was dismissed by him again.

After all, even this embarrassment may happen to Eric, and nothing else can happen.

Eric is also human, and it is normal to make some unexpected choices, there is no need to be so fussy.

"Then be prepared, friend."

Charles smiled and patted Eric on the shoulder.

"Our time is running out."

Eric also changed back to the unsmiling look, nodded silently.

. . .

Charles was right. Something happened to Eric. . This made him easily agree to cooperate and cooperate with Xiao.

These things are naturally the conversation that Yi arrogant came to.

Charles saw the horror of the enemy, in fact Eric also saw it, but as Charles thought, if it is only the enemy, then even if Eric knows to be invincible, he will always fight against it.

but. . Compared to foreign enemies, Eric is actually more worried about ordinary people.

Yes, he is now worried about the hostility from ordinary people, because this hostility has always been there, but because the mutants have been hiding, so they are not obvious.

But whether it's Sebastian Shaw or this time's aliens, the entire group of mutants will be completely announced to the world, pushing them to the cusp of the storm.

Humans are always an xenophobic race. When facing the threat of the Black Emperor, they will choose to join forces with the mutants to fight against the Black Emperor, but as long as the Black Emperor is defeated, they will turn around and use the same method for other mutants. Body, including them.

The same is true against aliens. In the eyes of ordinary people, mutants and aliens are actually no different, they are not humans.

After the confrontation with the aliens is over, ordinary people turn around and use everything against the aliens on the mutants. Eric is not surprised.

Because this is them, ordinary people with malicious intentions.

And Eric's mouth-to-mouth ordinary people are not inappropriate. He essentially splits the mutants from the ordinary people, which is not wrong.

Because mutants are not ordinary people, they are not humans, they are never.

They are not from birth.

It's just that before he was awakened, even he didn't know the identity of his mutants, so the mutants were different from ordinary people.

Are two species.

Of course, this is in Eric's opinion. Strictly speaking, the mutants are indeed different from humans, but the long time and intermarriage make almost all humans carry the potential mutant genes, and the two can't be separated at all.

But Eric obviously didn't care.

Those who are awakened are the good brothers, those who are not. . Just ordinary people, potential threats.

Eric is very wary of ordinary people, to the point of near-persecution paranoia, so in the face of this potential threat, he readily accepted Yi Chou's suggestion, and even accepted the temporary joint with Xiao.

Anyway. . He will eventually kill Xiao.

This is the accident that happened to Eric, and it is for these reasons that he agreed so easily with Xiao.

Charles did seem to feel something vaguely, but it was a pity that he didn't delve deeper, nor did he probe Eric's memory.

If he probes, he can easily learn all this.

But he didn't.

This is the bottom line that Charles has set for himself. Unless things are very urgent, he will not easily check the memory of others. This is to prevent him from being lost in the powerful spiritual power.

Eric apparently knew that after seeing Charles, if he wanted to, he could see himself meeting the so-called alien, but Eric still came and did not take any precautions. . Of course, without the helmet on Xiao's head that can resist the soul power, there is no way to resist him.

But he knows Charles, believes Charles, and believes that he will not look at his memory without his permission.

Obviously, he did not guess wrong.

. . .

After a brief communication between Charles and Eric, the two quickly returned to the room and stepped into the room, Charles frowned.

Everyone was around the TV.

"...This is a product that spans the times!"

"It turns everything impossible into possible!"

"Let us interview the feelings of several citizens nearby."

As soon as the picture turned, he turned to a middle-aged man hugging a huge refrigerator. His ecstasy almost shouted into the microphone.

"It's incredible! This is really incredible!"

"I feel like I am living in a dream... This is more bizarre than in a science fiction movie. How did this company do it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is it like acting in a movie, they The CEO is an alien or future person."

"Do you know! I still can't believe this is true!"

With that said, he patted the metal refrigerator on the ground.

If the picture turns again, it is the next person.

"The truth always emerges inadvertently."

Logan lowered the volume of the TV, then said a sigh that was not in line with others, and turned to look at Charles who had just come.

"This is the Destiny Card."

"It's on sale."

"It's earlier than the original time, and it looks smoother than the original."

"The future is being changed."

Charles frowned.

The bad news is one after another. . Communication with Eric is probably the only thing that makes him happy today.

"Why change in the future."

Charles seemed to be talking to himself.

Logan shrugged, signaling that his brain was not his strength.

Both Charles and Moira began to think at the same time. . Everyone came into contact with Logan and knew the future direction in advance.

And Charles and Moira do more, so if the future changes, it must be caused by them.

but. . They just went to see the Central Bureau from beginning to end. Charles recalled the whole process and found that there seemed to be nothing that could cause future changes.

Unless, it is the Central Bureau of what they did.

but. . The future is being changed, and it is important to determine what changes will happen in the future, but more importantly, it is because they also change themselves.

The time left for them is getting less and less, and they have to fight for time.

"Logan... and I went to see Xiao and others, your special training will start now."

Charles said.

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