High Magic Earth

Chapter 1910: There are more and more asterisks

"Where are you going to find him."

Logan asked with a cigar.

Charles was startled.

"You do not know?"

Although he has seen Logan's memory, reading memory is like watching a movie. Unless there is an accurate goal, many details can easily be swept away, such as the question of where Shawn was at a certain point in time.

"I knew it."

Logan didn't care.

"Then Xiao will attack here, kill everyone, take Angel, and you will go to Su* and catch Emma White Queen."

"You want to find Xiao, just wait here."

"But now... I don't know what will happen next."

After all, the future has changed. Charles was silent for a moment, and even he could not be sure that these things would happen next.

They have no idea why the future will change.

The emergence of the butterfly effect is inevitable. The moment the moment he returned from Logan, the butterfly effect had already occurred, but at least it was traceable.

Only now they have not found any traces.

"Then we... stay in the base temporarily."

Charles hesitated for a moment and quickly made a decision.

It was Xiao who attacked the base that motivated him to make up his mind. The danger faced by the personnel of the Central Bureau of the base was that he couldn't sit back and watch so many deaths, so staying is an inevitable choice.

"I will use the electroencephalograph to find Xiao and try to determine his location."

Logan spit out a cigar and did not comment.

But Moira thought about it and put forward different views.

"No... you can't stay here, you and me go to wake the Apocalypse as soon as possible."

Charles couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Moira was so obsessed with the Apocalypse. At this time, she still did not forget to awaken the Apocalypse.

"The future has been changed, but now it doesn't change much. Xiao may still attack here. If we leave, the base will be very dangerous."

"But can you beat Xiao."

Moira asked.

This question stopped Charles. . Of course, this is definitely not a problem for Eric.

"Yes, because I will pierce his head with my own hands."

"no, you can not."

It was not Moira who rejected him, but Charles who re-spoken.

Charles and Shaw and his party had met each other. It was the Hudson River cruise where Eric was picked up. Except Shaw, Emma and Torrent and Asazo were on board.

Although Emma quickly disturbed Charles' mental ability, he still got a part of the message.

For example. . Although these people are not considered warriors, they are also cruel, and there is only a group of mutants around them who are still half-old children, and they can't compete with them at all.

So if there is a conflict with Xiao and his team, can they win, they really can't.

In the original timeline, they were able to defeat Shaw because they caught Emperor White Emma in advance. Shaw did not have the psychic ability, and Charles exerted great power. . It has nothing to do with his special training for these half-old children.

A few days of special training at Xavier Manor had no effect at all, at most to the extent that it barely formed combat power.

Now that history is changing, it is unclear whether the White Queen will go alone to Su* alone, and the rest of Xiao and other talents will attack the base.

If the White Queen also attacked the base with them, if she interfered, Charles' ability would be completely offset.

As for the rest. . The newly recruited children of these half-big mutants are simply not the opponents of the Red Devil and Torrent, and Eric, too, may not be able to defeat Xiao.

Their winning percentage is not great.

Although Charles has his own stubbornness, he will not be stubborn in this respect.

"So we need to wake the apocalypse."

Charles' answer did not differ much from Moira's predictions, she said immediately.

"Xiao is our enemy, as is the Apocalypse, but if controlled well, their enemy may not be just us."

Moira means of course Charles understood, but. .

"You are playing with fire."

"But we don't have much time to choose carefully, do we?"

Moira's method is too radical, and Charles does not agree. Of course, the matter of not calling the apocalypse has been discussed before. Although it does not conform to Charles's tone, there is no need to continue to waste time on it.

But Charles believes that there will definitely be other better ways, more peaceful and more secure. . Unfortunately, as Moira said, they don't have much time to think carefully.

"But how can you be sure that Xiao will not attack here when we go to the Apocalypse."

"Then we need to go back soon.. set off now."

"The risk is too great."

Charles still shook his head.

Eric behind him shook his head. . He was lamenting Charles' useless kindness, and he would do nothing risk-free. He was too naive.

But Eric said nothing.

However, since it was Moira's opinion, she was obviously well prepared.

"We can transfer mutants from here."

"This news can tell the other people in the base, but they don't tell them where they were transferred. When they attack here, they will find that the mutants have been transferred."

"This will no longer be their target."

"We can transfer them to other bases."

of course. . There is still a risk, even if they order all members of the Central Bureau to not actively attack Xiao, Xiao may also be angry and kill the anger after he finds that the mutant is transferred.

But this time even Charles can't refute anything, because there are sacrifices in war, and sacrifices are inevitable.

These are the things he used to educate Raven and others. Of course, he himself cannot be unaware.

And Moira is right, they have no time to waste on this endless discussion.

Charles was decisive.

"You are right... we can transfer, but not to other bases, I have a place, Logan, you take them to Xavier Manor, go now."

"We go to Cairo."

He looked at Moira and Eric and said.

Several people nodded.

Raven and others got up from the sofa, surrounded by Charles and others, and were ready to go. After nearly an hour of debate, they finally unified their opinions. Then they only need to race against the clock, constantly improve themselves, and then follow the plan, It is better to prepare for the future war.

So everyone is full of energy, especially the young variants of Raven, who are not afraid of the sky at this time, but feel that these things are very cool age.

Seeing this, Charles nodded in satisfaction.

They finally looked a little bit. . This is really the best news he has received since today.

But unfortunately the next moment, Hank's weak voice came from the side, interrupting them.

"Uh... Charles, I seem to have found something..."

The momentum diminished.

"Say on the road."

Charles took a deep breath.

He feels that today's doom still has not disappeared.

. . .

On the way to Xavier Manor, Eric sat in the driving position to control the car, the first officer was Moira, and Charles and Hank were sitting behind.

Charles was studying carefully with a stack of information.

However, the information is very thin, and the car has been driven less than halfway, and Charles has finished reading it.

"only these?"

He asked.

Hank nodded.

"Actually, I have heard of Apocalypse before, you know... I have been doing some research, so I tried to understand the first variant in the world."

"But the name I was looking for was Nshabanur, the origin of the mutants, the pharaoh of Egypt's first dynasty. I didn't know that he was the apocalypse, and I just discovered the relationship between them."

"I saw these records when I searched for information about Nshabanur, but it was just that I used it as a mythical biography."

"But it seems..."

Hank shook his head, still with an unbelievable expression.

"Okay, even now, I can't believe this is true."

"The information about these records is only a few words, I can find... only so much."

He spread his hands.

"It says that in the early Nshabanur dynasty, this thing existed throughout the Egyptian dynasty."

"This is also the reason why I think it is impossible. If it is really spread all over Egypt, this history will definitely not wait for me to discover, and it will not be just these records."

Charles nodded and closed the information in his hand.

"As early as the Egyptian era of 3,000 BC, there were records of cards of destiny, and the things mentioned above are very similar to what you know."

He looked up and said to Eric and Moira in the front seat.

Moira was surprised, and Eric was probably a little surprised, but the car was still stable. . Because he wasn't driving with his hands at all, his ability to use it in the driver's seat was perfect.

"There are not many relevant records... I can only think that this group of aliens had also been to Earth five thousand years ago. I just don't know if they are the same aliens."

Moira nodded and calmed down again.

"So... Apocalypse may also know about the fate card."

And she responded quickly, and immediately thought of another key point.

Charles nodded.

"It seems that we need to go to Cairo even more."

. . .

Cairo, Egypt.

After sending Hank and others to Xavier Manor and letting Logan stay there to train them, Charles and others rushed to Egypt.

With Moira's back-to-back game, they landed directly in Cairo on a special plane.

There were only three people coming this time. Logan stayed at the Xavier Manor. The only one who followed Charles was Moira and Eric.

The whole journey was very smooth, they did not encounter any trouble, and there was no news of being attacked by Shaw on the left of the Logan and Central Bureau bases at Xavier Manor. The only small problem is probably that until Cairo, Mo Ira seemed to think of it. .

"Do you know where the apocalypse is?"

At this time, Cairo was far less developed than in later generations. It can even be said that it was quite a period of time behind. The unusually violent wind and sand, coupled with the aircraft that took off later, Moira, who was almost scratched by the dust, couldn't open her eyes.

She had to shout at Charles across the gauze, pulling her throat.


Charles responded with a throat.

Unlike Moira, Charles did not agree to awaken the Apocalypse at first, but before he came to Cairo, he was fully prepared.

He does know the whereabouts of the apocalypse, but it is just a possible one.

This is also seen in Logan's memory.

Only this time the situation is a bit more complicated. . This time he saw himself in Logan's memory. By looking at Moira's memory, he learned where she had strayed into the ruins of the pyramid that buried the apocalypse.

Of course, although Charles saw it, he did not dare to guarantee absolute accuracy. After all, this memory and his almost spanned several worlds, and even the timeline was different.

Hearing this, Moira let go of her heart a little and closed her mouth to stop talking. After all, the sand was too big, even though the gauze was still feeling that the gravel was pouring into her mouth.

After about half an hour, as they continued to penetrate into the city of Cairo, covered by buildings, the wind and sand finally became smaller.

but. .

"Do you really know where?"

Moira had already untied the veil over her face and looked suspicious.

"I know, I know."

Charles is also a sweat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He did encounter a little problem, he saw the location where Moira accidentally discovered and awakened the apocalypse in the memory of Logan, but the location seen in the memory, and Cairo The specific location in the city. . There are totally two sentiments.

Charles found himself lost.

"Don't worry, don't worry..."

He comforted both Eric and Moira.

"Next we just find... find..."

"A carpet store."

"You can find the entrance."

Eric and Moira rolled their eyes at the same time.

A carpet store? When will this be found, don't say they don't know how many carpet stores are in Cairo City. . They haven't even seen one yet.

After Charles continued to run around like a headless fly for a few minutes, Moira finally couldn't help it.

"We ask someone to ask."

She grabbed Charles, then pulled a passing Cairo man and pushed it before Charles.

"We need...one...carpet...sell..."

She speaks half-familiar Egyptian, and c*a agents are not like f*i. They are mainly responsible internally and do not need to speak too many languages. Of course, Moira knows a lot. . But the Egyptian language is somewhat unpopular.

Then she motioned to Charles to go on and describe what kind of carpet store it was.

But Charles spread his hands.

"I can't speak Egyptian."

He is not a fake professor, but the professor is not all-round, and he is not a professor of linguistics.

"Use your psychic powers, psychic powers, to directly pass on the look of that shop to him." Moira tried her best to make an analogy, trying to make Charles understand what she wanted to express.

Charles understood, but he refused.

"No, I will not invade other people's minds at will."

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