High Magic Earth

Chapter 1912: You are so right. .


Exclaimed Charles with a shocked face.

This made Eric pouting.

"Why are you so surprised that you really didn't feel it in advance?"

Eric always thought Charles was too hypocritical, no. . Or innocently, he always thought that things would develop on the positive side and be changed.

But it is a pity that it does not, things will only fall to the worst level.

Charles always thought that everyone would be as friendly as Moira and able to live in harmony with the mutants. He was too naive. Moira is just a few. . Otherwise, why would you need to select the person who communicates with the mutant?

Eric hates this innocence, even if it is too naive, it looks like hypocrisy.

Eric, who grew up in a concentration camp and was deeply persecuted, is obviously at the other extreme. He doesn't look at Charles very normally, but in a sense, Eric is also yearning for this innocence.

Or, rather than being innocent, it is better to say that Eric is yearning for beauty, and in his heart, there is still the last trace of longing for the world.

But unfortunately, both reason and cruel reality told him coldly. . This world is not good.

Especially for mutants.

So he formed the Brotherhood of Mutants.

This is because of this entangled heart, he will involuntarily stay with Charles, even regard him as a lifelong friend.

In the same way, no one knows his true heart is the same as that of Charles.

He pursed his lips and stared at Eric.

"You actually felt something wrong, right?"

Eric smiled when he saw Charles.

"But you don't believe it... no, you believe me, you think things might not be that bad."

Eric shook his head.

"I have to say, Charles, you are more stupid than I thought."

"It's also more naive."

Moira's expression on the side was a little suspicious, but he pulled out the gun for the first time and aimed at Eric. . Of course she chose to trust Charles.

"what are you guys saying?"

She asked in surprise.

Charles did not answer her, and Eric ignored her directly.

The pistol in her hand poses no threat to Eric, even worse than a wooden stick.

"It's your innocence that made you come here, Charles."

"You really let me down."

Charles, who had been silent for a long while, didn't seem to be shaken by Eric. He stared at Eric and finally said.

"Eric, what did you see."

"Why are you doing this."

As Eric said, Charles did notice the anomaly. . These anomalies are manifested in Eric's inadvertent small movements and behaviors.

Speaking carefully, Eric suddenly changed his position.

He should have firmly opposed joining forces with Xiao. . But now he agreed, even if he said he would still find a chance to kill Xiao afterwards, it was not normal.

Eric is not that unsteady.

According to Charles's understanding of him, his idea is obviously not so easy to change, Eric will not take care of the overall situation unless he is alone.

It is nice to say that he is stubborn and persistent, and that he is not willing to do anything. Even if he takes the whole team into desperation, he will not look back.

His corrections are abnormal.

But Charles didn't care.

Maybe it was Eric who figured it out himself. . This is exactly the impact of Charles's ever-naive innocence. He always thought that good people in the world dominated the majority.

Even Eric, especially Eric, is obviously not hopeless.

With this in mind, Charles did not delve into it.

But Charles was actually aware at this time. . Eric should have seen something, something, or. . who.

Because Eric belongs to the kind of stubbornness that he can't understand, there is only one possibility for him to change his mind.

External factors affected him.

But Charles with a naive thought didn't delve into it until things had evolved to the present level.

"Do you want to know?"

Eric sneered.

"Why don't you take a look at it yourself."

Charles shook his head.

Eric's so-called personal glance refers to reading his memory and thinking, otherwise it is called watching.

Charles, who has already set a bottom line for himself, will naturally not agree.

Eric laughed. . Not because at this level, Charles was still reluctant to smile at the reluctance to look at his memory, but rather laughed at his actions.

"It's all this time!"

Eric almost shouted.

"You are still hesitating!"

In fact, even if he didn't read Eric's memory, Charles could figure things out. . He doesn't need to know what Eric saw, but he can know why Eric made such a choice.

There is no doubt that it is because of the hostility towards ordinary humans.

Yes, Eric has always been alert to ordinary humans, even hostile, just as he always suspects ordinary humans are hostile to mutants.

Even if Eric didn't say it, Charles knew it early in the morning.

. . Similarly, Eric does not say that in Charles's opinion, he may just think about it in a sense, rather than really think so.

This is one of Charles' self-deception ideas.

And now, Eric's series of practices is clearly putting his thoughts into practice.

"Stop, Eric."

Charles said.

"Don't let the apocalypse come in contact with the sun... Waking him up also requires us to think long."

Since Eric had an accident here, it is naturally not a wise choice to wake up a powerful and most ancient variant at this time.

A hole was cut in the ground by Eric. No accident. It should be straight. The sunlight can directly touch the apocalypse through it, without the need to dig the ruins, and expose the top of the pyramid buried underground.

Anyway, as long as the apocalypse is awakened by virtue of his ability, he can come out.

Controlling the earth and quicksand seems to be his most skillful ability. . This is what Charles saw in Logan's memory, and he was even able to imprison Quicksilver through the ground.

A mutant with a speed close to the speed of sound.

However, although Eric penetrates the ground vertically, it is clear that the light is not vertical. Charles glanced at the glaring sun above, and they probably did not directly touch the apocalypse vertically.

It may not have been touched, it may have only been touched by a very short reflection. In any case, the energy is not enough to wake up the apocalypse.

He was still awake.

"Don't wake him up, Eric."

Charles said again.

Stop awakening the apocalypse is very simple, just block the hole with a stone, the hole with a thick wrist does not need too big stones at all, it is the most inadequate, and it is too late to step on it with your feet.

But Eric stood in front, and Charles gave up these actions. . If Eric wanted to stop him, these methods would not work at all.

Although he only has a piece of conical gold less than the size of his fist, it is enough for him to solve an entire team, not to mention breaking some stones.

Eric shook his head. He glanced at the sunlight. He could feel that the metal under the ground was heating up, which meant that the sunlight had already reached the bottom, and he didn't know how long it would take to wake up this so-called apocalypse.

"Want to stop me?"

"Simple Charles, control me."

Eric looked at Charles and said.

"Control my thinking, you can stop all this."

Charles did not shake his head this time, but did not really control Eric, just looked at him.

Moira, who was next to him, had heard something from the conversation between the two, but was still not sure, just like Charles's opinion, unless it was spoken in person, everything was just speculation.

"What are you talking about, Charles...what he did."

Moira asked again.

This time Charles did not ignore him, but seemed to explain it to her, as if talking to Eric by the way, whispering.

"You want to use the power of apocalypse to fight against humanity."

"You don't want to fight those aliens at all, your goal is humanity...you are crazy."

"Look, don't you know very well."

Eric shrugged, without much explanation.

"Do you want to cause a war between Destiny Card Company and humanity to benefit mutant fishermen?"

Charles continued to speculate, and Eric still did not speak. Charles felt that he had guessed similarly, but. . but no matter.

"You are unlikely to succeed Eric, it is too late to give up now."

Eric pouted.

"You don't know anything and you just say I can't succeed, and persuade me to give up, I think you are crazy, Charles."

"I know far more than you think."

Charles looked at Eric, who had not changed at all, and was a little irritable. There was not much time left for them, and no one knew whether the apocalypse would recover suddenly in the next moment.

And Charles is right, he can peep at the memories of others, and in these memories, he will naturally know some hidden and unremarkable little secrets.

"Don't wake the apocalypse, Eric!"

Although Eric stood on their side, they were not necessarily opponents of Apocalypse, but Apocalypse was not a monster that could not communicate at all, and Charles felt confident to convince him.

Although he is always self-proclaimed by the children and children. . But since he claimed to be a god, it was naturally impossible for another **** to stand before him.

For example. . The name of Asgard.

This is Charles' dependence.

But although it is simple to say, it is very troublesome to operate. After all, it is communication and exchange. This is one of the most difficult things in the world. Who knows what will happen at that time.

For example, Apocalypse is simply unreasonable, completely ignorant of the other party's eyes, or he finds that the other party is not good at trying to enhance his strength. . Charles did not forget that in the original timeline, the apocalypse was very peeping at his own mental ability.

He tried to exchange his body with himself, transferring his consciousness to his body.

So there were a lot of uncertainties in the plan, and now Eric seems to be on the same front line with the Apocalypse, and things immediately become troublesome.

Because there are too many uncontrollable elements of all this, if Eric and Tian Qi say something, then it will immediately push things to another development.

This is not a push of one plus one greater than two, but the last weight on the balance.

Therefore, Charles will be anxious, and it is absolutely unwise to wake the apocalypse at this time.

"Then you control my thinking."

Eric sneered.

But the next moment, he frowned slightly, because he saw Charles' serious expression and seemed to really want it. .

"Damn it!"

Eric suddenly felt a tingle in his brain, which was much stronger than the kind that Charles peeked at first, which means. .

"You really want to control me."

Eric snarled his head, his strong headaches and interference prevented him from concentrating on his ability, and the uncontrolled cone-shaped gold immediately fell to the ground.

At the same time, Moira also moved.

She has been listening to the quarrel between the two people. Although there is no inexplicable tacit understanding between Charles and Eric, nor Charles' ability to peer into the soul, as an elite agent, her IQ is obviously not low.

For the time being, she didn't understand anything, and she grabbed the most important keywords.

Stop Apocalypse's recovery.

She knew that Charles wanted to control Eric and block the sunlight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But looking at Charles's movement, this didn't seem to be possible in a short time.

So she is not idle, because it is not a difficult thing, even if Eric can not do it, as long as Eric does not make trouble.

So she went straight to the pierced hole.

However, before he ran two steps, Eric waved his hand violently. Various metal pendants on her body carried her, and she was instantly overturned by a distance of several meters and rolled down to the ground.

This fall was not light.

"You will not invade the thinking of others! Isn't that what you said!"

Eric lowered his hand and snarled.

"...Sorry, I just said that in a non-urgent situation, and now the situation is clearly critical."

Eric was naturally dissatisfied, and Charles had not invaded others' thoughts at will. As a result, he even invaded his own and tried to control himself.

But he is also very clear that Charles should still be in a state of hesitation, otherwise he may not have the opportunity to struggle.

Without that special helmet, no one has any resistance in front of Charles, and it takes less than a second to be controlled. Eric obviously can resist and even talk, obviously Charles is hesitant result.

However, Eric's overturning Moira made Charles completely determined.


He whispered again, and then the next moment, Eric must have moved, he no longer struggled, and then raised his hand expressionlessly.

The cone-shaped gold floated with his movements, slowly floating above the hole, cutting off the scorching sunlight from the sky, and then as Charles controlled Eric to give up control of it, it immediately lost power and was in gravity Driven by inertia, it instantly fell into the hole.

Fall vertically.

Gaomo Earth

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