High Magic Earth

Chapter 1913: There should be special effects here

Outside the carpet shop, countless Cairo *chas are coming, *cars are buzzing, flashing multi-colored lights, and worn *car skins are aging howling in bumps and whistling.

"Woo Didi!"

A whistle sounded again, they were like a group of old hyenas, bursting with the last madness in life.

Cairo is already old. Cairo in this era is approaching the end of a city's life. There is no economy, no abundant resources, and no other sources of income.

The weak country makes it extremely slow and poor in development, almost exhausted.

But the arrival of the three of Charles has brought a new vitality to the city. No matter how old the equipment is, how old the city is, how many people spend their lives like zombies, there will still be a final part when the danger comes Be courageous and face it.

Dozens of people have gathered here. They are dressed like the old-world uniforms of the last world, but they seem to be particularly suitable for the city. The yellowish color accompanied by the wind and sand on the ground makes them almost integrated with Cairo.

These policemen were holding a bulky pager and staring nervously at the dilapidated storefront. Their hands were on the waist pistols, looking alert.

Wind and sand whizzed past, and clouds of dust rolled up on the ground. This carpet shop with few people visiting on weekdays was revived by three unexpected visitors. . But it may not be the kind of bustle the shop owner wants.

"Hussein are you here."

"Already in place, already in place."

There are more and more gathered observations, but more and more people do not bring them a sense of security, but make them more nervous.

After all, except for the first wave that arrived at the beginning and had direct confrontation with Charles and the three, most of them just heard the situation on the scene through the communicator.

This obviously does not allow them to truly understand what they are facing, nor can they face it with peace of mind.

And it's obvious that the chief or deputy chief behind him doesn't know what to do, otherwise they won't just order these *chats to gather outside but do nothing.

This remote and dilapidated shop was gradually surrounded by the police who were still constantly coming. They held the old and ruined pistols in their hands, and they looked nervous and said nothing.

The surrounding atmosphere became heavier and heavier, even more tense. . Almost still.

still. . No, it seemed that time was really slowed down at this moment, including outside observations and the hot sunlight from the sky.

Repeatedly, the sun straight down the sky, they fall at a speed that human eyes can't catch, and they come to the ground lightly and carefully, penetrating the soil layer about a few centimeters and then gradually dissipating.

Of course, there are lucky lights that don't stop there. They luckily encountered the hole that Eric penetrated. The ground is not their end point, it is deeper underground.

Their long journey in light years can continue for a distance of more than ten meters, and gradually penetrate into the underground space, eventually. . It fell to a dirty gold surface that was not stained by dirt.

This is where the Apocalypse was buried.

And just as Eric was arguing with Charles above, a steady stream of sunlight penetrated and fell to the surface of gold, and they were cut off by gold, dissipated, and then. . assimilate into.

A trace of misty golden smoke rose on the surface of the gold, and it looked as if the gold was melting.

But this is not actually melting, but caused by the consciousness converter, which has been silent for unknown years, is reawakened, the sunlight is converted into energy, and it begins to recirculate inside it.

Soaring, soaring, more and more white smoke, brighter and brighter.

The golden light emerged from the gold and gradually became rich, from the dull and dull at the beginning, until now it is even more dazzling than gold, just like the real golden light.

As Charles said, as long as enough sunlight touches the apocalypse, then he will be awakened, and naturally he will be able to come out after being awakened. At this time, the apocalypse is in a awakened state, but I don’t know when. Will be. .

Darkness, the sudden darkness suddenly broke all this again.

Charles and Eric above seem to have quarreled for a long time, but in fact it is only half a minute, and then after arguing to no avail, Charles resolutely controls Eric.

The cone-shaped gold fell back down the hole under the control of Eric, and at the moment it entered the hole, the entire hole dimmed again. Because the light was cut off, darkness reoccupied here.

but. . It's just the second half.

The cone-shaped gold is like a bottle stopper, which instantly cut off the water-like light, and the entire hole is cut through by the cone-shaped gold. As the cone-shaped gold returns to its original position, the entire light will naturally be re-blocked. .

Even worse.

After all, the soil will loosen, and it is easy for the rolled soil to shrink the cut holes again.

The endless darkness once again enveloped this pyramid that had been silent for thousands of years. . With the disappearance of light, Apocalypse seems to have lost hope of recovery again.

but. . The light has not completely disappeared.

In other words, there is still a bar.

The cone-shaped gold appeared very timely. As the light became more and more prosperous, the entire converter was clearly in a fully activated state, that is, I did not know how long it needs to be activated. In this state, the apocalypse may be completely in the next instant at any time. recovery.

then. . Conical gold appeared at this time.

The light is cut off, but only the light behind the cone-shaped gold can no longer shine down. There is still a small piece of light that enters the hole before the cone-shaped gold appears, although only a few beams.

But even if there is only a ray of light, it is very important for the converter powered by sunlight.

Under Eric's control, the cone-shaped gold finally stuck at the half of the hole, held steady, and intercepted all the remaining light.

But neither Eric nor Charles can see it, or all humans can see it, only creatures with dynamic vision can catch it. . Even as the cone intercepts the remaining light, there are still the last rays of light that entered before, falling vertically in the front half of the cone.

They are the last remaining before the light in the cone-shaped golden stage, and are falling on the surface of the gold like moths, which are absorbed by all those who come.

Wipe wisp, wiping wiping.

The golden luster emanated from the surface of the gold, and it continued to beat as the sun fell, becoming more and more prosperous, like the buds of the tree of life about to explode, but. .

Suddenly stopped.

It all stopped with the last ray of sunshine, the light jumped twice on the surface of gold, and then no longer radiated out, the golden, foggy luster gradually dissipated, the light shed, and the gold returned to darkness The surroundings became calm and cold again. . It's like thousands of years ago.

. . .

Charles, who controlled Eric above, waited quietly for a few seconds, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately after that, he let go of Eric's control.

After staggering, Eric stood up again. He didn't try to take out the cone gold again the first time, because it didn't make sense.

Even if it was done quietly, he could not conceal Charles in front of him, because Charles did not observe with his eyes at all, but with his thinking.

Eric’s expression that regained control of his body is not natural. In any case, even if Charles’s side is emphasized, he emphasizes that he will no longer invade the psychological bottom line of others at will, and he has no scruples to control his mind. The simple intrusion of Charles by Charles casually made Eric very uncomfortable.

The mental ability is too strong, he must find a way to confront it, otherwise. .

Eric suddenly terminated his thoughts because he was not sure whether Charles was still looking at himself.

In order to divert his attention, Eric also listened for a few seconds, and then shifted the topic.

"It seems you succeeded."

Eric's tone was faint.

"He didn't wake up."

"So, now you are going to talk about something."

Charles was a little helpless and even shook his head in hatred for being incompetent.


He has a harsh tone. By controlling Eric before, he already knows clearly, or sees what is going on in Eric, he actually sees the president of Destiny Card Company in private.

In a sense, it is the leader of their enemy, the leader of the group of aliens!

And what the enemy said. . He even believed.

"Working with them will not end well."

They are all grown-ups. Charles will not argue with Eric about cooperation or non-cooperation. He is going to explain his point of view from another angle.

"But working with them will have a good ending?"

Eric’s point is obvious. He still maintains the theory of ordinary men’s threats. Both men use them, but apparently refer to them differently. Charles refers to those aliens, and Eric refers to ordinary humans. .

"Don't be naive Charles, wait for us to solve the enemy, they will turn around to deal with us the next moment."

Eric's tone was disdainful.


The two began to argue again.

But the two people above didn't notice that when they relapsed into the dispute, the gold converter below did not know how long it was buried, but suddenly there was a change again.

In the darkness, there is no movement under the light.

It was a lustrous luster suddenly appearing on the surface of the gold converter.

In fact, it is not eye-catching. Compared to the light that has been continually exposed to the sun in the past, it is almost different, but it still illuminates the entire darkness instantly.

Because with the sunlight cut off, here has re-entered into a icy darkness, no light, nor any temperature, it seems there is only a silence.

So this sudden burst of light is like the hope that suddenly appeared in the endless night, even if it is small, it is enough for anyone to notice instantly.

What's more, as this ray of light emerged, soon more and more light began to condense on the surface of gold, and the invisible energy began to flow again. The liquid-like golden luster re-dispersed this piece of darkness.

The next moment, a pair of pale scarlet pupils suddenly opened in the dark.

. . .

"Listen to me, Eric."

"Things have not reached such an irreversible level that our primary consideration now is to defeat the enemy, not to fight another battle next."

"Huh... that's not why we don't want to fight if we don't want to fight."

"If you drag the apocalypse into the opposite of humanity, then the conflict will inevitably explode."


Above, Charles was still persuading Eric with bitter words, but before he had finished speaking, a violent shock suddenly emerged from the feet of the two.

Moira, who had just got up and came to Charles, stumbled. Fortunately, Charles pulled her so she didn't fall again.


Charles' expression looked suspicious.

But neither Eric nor Charles responded slowly, and they immediately realized that the only possibility of the shock below was that.

The apocalypse recovered.

Charles' action was still a step late.


At the same time, with almost no pause, Charles turned his eyes to Eric.

Now that the apocalypse has recovered, all the previous disputes between him and Eric will be null and void, because Eric is not so easy to persuade, he must now determine Eric's position.

If Eric is still standing with them, then the plan can continue, otherwise. .


Eric didn't even care about Charles below. He raised his hands directly, and a lot of metal emerged from the surrounding houses, gathered at his feet, and he combined them together to form a huge steel frisbee and stood on it.

"You know my choice."


Charles whispered in his heart ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then he didn't dare to waste time, he quickly concentrated on trying to control Eric to escape from here. . They can only flee here because he cannot control Eric while still communicating and communicating with the Apocalypse.

And once he gave up control of Eric, he would obviously tell the Apocalypse some messy things and induce him to stand on the opposite side of humanity.

Eric's stubbornness was certainly not convincing for a while.

Charles, who relied on firepower, was of course not Eric's resistance. At the last moment, there was a signature Magnet sneer on his face. The next moment, he quickly converged his expression and controlled the metal frisbee like two people.

He has been controlled by Charles.

Although Charles is a psychic master, he is not able to achieve dual purpose. At most, he is still able to move freely while holding others, but if he controls both others and himself. . It's a bit difficult. This is no longer just a realm of mind, but a personality.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Eric's frisbee is lowered, Moira and Eric controlled by him will support his body to the frisbee, he can still control Eric. . Take a few of them away from here.

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