High Magic Earth

Chapter 1914: So what should the title be


Of course, there is apocalypse

But for the apocalypse that has been awakened. . Since the awakening of the Apocalypse has been unavoidable, it can only guarantee a best choice.

That is not to push the apocalypse to the opposite of humanity.

Nothing can be said, and there is no guarantee that the Apocalypse will stand with them, but taking Eric away will at least ensure that the Apocalypse will not be hostile to humans at the beginning.

. . In fact, if there are only human beings now, then there is only one choice for the apocalypse, and Charles and they will never even awaken the apocalypse.

But now in addition to humans, there is another group of gods at this time.

Those aliens, Asgard.


So things have a choice.

but. . Although Charles' idea is good, it is not easy to operate.

After the Apocalypse recovered, the momentum was obviously greater than they thought. Within a short time, another loud noise came, and with the loud noise, the entire ground was completely exploded by the Apocalypse from top to bottom.

Seems to be overturned.

"not good!"

Charles' consciousness returned to himself as soon as possible, because he saw through Eric's eyes that a huge crack appeared not far from where Moira was standing.

It is too late to control Eric’s aid in the past, and Moira’s help alone is not enough to escape here before danger comes.

So Charles instantly returned his consciousness to himself.


Moira, who was holding Charles, felt light in her hand. Before she could understand it, she saw that Charles had grabbed herself by the hand and dragged herself forward.

Moira had no time to think about it, and Moira, who hadn't cut her consciousness around, had been staring all around naturally knowing the danger here better than Charles.

This is a place more dangerous than the earthquake zone.

She didn't dare to say much, and hurried forward with Charles quickly.

Eric in the air was also in a trance, and immediately realized that Charles had just invaded his own thinking just now, but the rubble he had lifted was enough to threaten him above. He had no time to complain, and he pulled up while controlling the frisbee. Height, and then take yourself away from this dangerous range.

In the next moment, he saw that the ground below collapsed as if hit by a meteorite, and in the center of the collapse, a golden triangle building was rising.

That is the top of a pyramid.

Above this pyramid, a tall skin with a blue state is suspended in a vacuum. With his hands raised high, countless soil rolls around like a dragon, like a vortex in the deep sea.


Eric realized the identity of this person.

However, relative to the apocalypse, he was still more concerned about Charles’ comfort, and looked around with his eyes. After finding out that Charles and Moira had ran out of a relatively safe range, Eric then withdrew his eyes and continued to control the frisbee. , And then slowly fell towards the apocalypse.

. . .

On the other hand, Charles had already taken Moira out of the ground collapse.

Charles, who has not been in a wheelchair, is not weak. His good habits make him even more capable than elite Moira.

After all, it has a gender advantage.

Charles who ran out of the carpet shop immediately saw Cairocha surrounded by a circle. . He did not show any panic.

Because like Eric’s point of view, no matter how weak the mutants are, in a sense, they are completely out of the scope of ordinary humans.

They are no longer humans, but transcend humans. . It is the future of human evolution.

Even now humans refuse to admit it.

As for the powerful mutants such as Eric and Charles, human beings are no threat to him. As long as Charles is willing, he can control everything in front of him in an instant.

And at this time. . These Cairo observations outside are not as good as the natural disaster.

"Rewind! Go backward!"


Cairo, as a city close to the Great Pyramid Group, is not surprised by the various ancient ruins unearthed, but it is very experienced, and ground sinking is also a common thing.

There were wise people present at the first time that even the vibrations and pits of the ground were associated with each other, and then thought of the pyramid, and then the three people who had entered before.

Perhaps it was the three of them who discovered the ruins and then accidentally dug and collapsed them.

Damn it!

Faced with such natural disasters in the ground, these observations are obviously unable to control the situation. They must withdraw some distance outwards. At the same time, through their experience, the architecture of their ancestors is often very strong, and the ground will not affect too much. A large range, as long as a dozen meters away, may be enough.

So they moved quickly, but did not plan to go far.

But Charles knew that it was not enough, not enough.

Because what they are about to face is not an ordinary pit, but the world’s first and oldest mutant, Apocalypse.

Without hesitation, Charles put his hand on Moira's shoulder. The next moment, his mind entered Cairocha's highest position on the court.

"Retreat! Retreat! Evacuate nearby civilians!"

He shouted in Egyptian.

And Moira felt that he was one in the hand, and Charles had returned to his own consciousness.


Although the two came out from the carpet store, but because of the chaos on the scene, plus Charles intentionally let the people around ignore him in thinking, so they were not discovered in the first place.

Moira knew that things were beyond her control, and she ran out immediately following Charles without a word.

As for Eric. .

I can only wait for the situation to subside before planning.

. . .

Xavier Manor, the predecessor of the future Xavier Talented Youth College, welcomed two uninvited guests shortly after the departure of Eric Charles and Moira and others.

Not Xiao and Emma alone, but two other strange women.

"Keiko... sure we didn't find the wrong place, how did they get to Professor X, and the development of the plot has reached this point?"

The two very destined and Yi clamored on the same article. . Well, maybe not the same one, but the two women in some similar alleys, La Nina and Keiko, are standing quietly outside the Xavier Manor, sneaking their heads inward through the fence.

Of course, La Nina is fairly normal. . But Keiko sauce is a real hard-core probe, because she actually stretched her neck out a full distance of three or four meters, reaching into the fence to observe.

It looks strange and terrifying.

"Also... could Keiko paste her head back and look pretty."

La Nina seemed to rub her arms with tingling scalp, grunting in dissatisfaction.

Then she saw that the head of the beauty who was four or five meters away suddenly turned her back and glared at her, frightening her to quickly receive the sound, only to whisper a few words.

"Now counting on the plot?"

But Keiko shrunk her head back as expected. . It was like a band of rubber bands snapping back on her shoulder with a snap.


La Nina rubbed her shoulders again.

"It might as well reach out..."

She murmured again

Seeing Keiko staring back at her again, she made a surrender again and again.

"The appearance of that kind of thing clearly exceeded our expectations...it should not belong to this world."

"The plot has been disrupted, maybe it was done by a new human... it may also be done by an angel. Although it is unlikely, we better be careful."

Keiko, or the woman named Yamami Keiko said.

La Nina looked at Keiko who always had a serious face, and bored her lips with boredom.

Her analysis is indeed true. The X-Men is a typical superhero world, which means that the X-Men world is the home of those new human beings, those angels and demons, not theirs.

These creatures are regulars here, but they are not, so it is not surprising to encounter new humans, angels and even demons here.

But neither angels nor demons will do such boring things. It is the interest of new human beings to change the plot of a specific world.

Only they who are also free people will always be full of enthusiasm for such things because they were also ordinary human beings.

In order to enhance one's own strength, in order to obtain special treasures in the world, for money, for women, even simply because of interest.

Angels and demons will not care about these things. . Perhaps the demons may be interested occasionally, but the plots they are interested in are all confounding plots, not subversion of a subworld.

It can be seen from a bite of a new human being. . They are obviously not new human beings, and the mark on Yamami Keiko has clearly distinguished the two.

Origin Conference.


Well, as more and more free people are born in the world in recent days, the origin conference is no longer the situation of three or two big cats and kittens, and their income has also increased considerably.

Although the quality of the members is uneven, and even some of them can be attributed to social waste, but overall it is good.

And the origin meeting is Mianlong one-on-one income. . There is a feeling that the miniature version of Hogwarts can also prevent social waste and uncontrollable factors from being added to the greatest extent.

Even if they come in occasionally, they all have their own uses, after all. . There are always many dangers, but the tasks that have to be done need cannon fodder.

Although the current Origin Conference is not all wizards as it was originally, every member can still use more or less magic, even natural magic and instinct.

Needless to say, they are all members of the mysterious side.

In other words, it is on the same front as Yi Chao.

It's a pity that Yi Chou hasn't returned to the present world for a long time. I don't know about this series of changes. For example, there are more and more free people, or even to the extent that they can't hide it. exist. . In other words, even if you often travel to and from this world, you may not know it.

After all, the origin conference has always been deeply hidden.

"So... what should we do?"

"Give up contact?"

La Nina asked.

"No... that potion is important to us."

"We must get it."

Yamami Keiko's tone was firm.


La Nina nodded vigorously and clenched her fist with full of energy. "So, are you gonna do it!"

The next Yamami Keiko turned blankly, staring at La Nina.

"No, just keep quiet."

. . .

"Pay attention to the left!"

"Be careful on the right!"

"Stare at the opponent's eyes!"

"Where are you looking?!"


With some painful chanting from Alex, he was once again fell to the ground by Logan. . The wailing of Charles's expensive floor even surpassed that of Alex himself. One can imagine how heavy he fell.

He was lying on the floor in big letters, like a salted fish that had lost his dream. After three or four minutes, he failed to struggle to get up from the ground, because this was not the first time he was dropped by Logan today. On the ground.

It is the fourteenth time!

And Logan, as always, had no intention of pulling him up.

"Why should we practice fighting, my shockwave is enough to blow everything in front of me to pieces."

Feeling sore, Alex complained loudly.

But Logan was obviously too lazy to take care of him, but lighted a cigar and waved at Darwin next to him.

Then taking advantage of Darwin's just coming and still moving between the body, he punched Darwin's face with a punch.


Darwin was unresponsive and was beaten to the ground by an old punch from Rogan. . Fortunately, the ability of Darwin's mutants is survival of the fittest, and the ability to resist attacks is much stronger than that of Alex, who is only an ordinary person.

The moment Rogan punched his face, his skin turned into a hard rock. The rock resisted the direct impact for him, and did not cause substantial harm, but the indirect power passed still made his head. faint.

Of course, Logan is also uncomfortable with his muscles to hit the rock, but Logan’s ability is a regeneration factor, and the perennial battle has already made him numb to the pain, and he does not care about this little injury.

It is simply a natural coach.

Rejecting his lips, Logan's expression was too weak, and he beckoned to Raven, who was nervous next to him, while coping with Alex Road.

"Is that shock wave going to kill the gun ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No, but I can blow the gunman into pieces."

Logan turned his head.

"So kid... Even if I don't take a gun, I can beat it into a sieve."

"The ability is a talent, but it is not the only means. How to develop the talent Charles will tell you after returning, and I, I will only teach you how to die on the battlefield."

"Give me the ability to die."

Alex continued to yell unwillingly.

"But it's not right, kid."

Unfortunately, Logan was not a good-tempered guy. He chose the most direct method, which was to pierce the sharp bone claws out of his hands and gesture to Alex on the ground.

The latter closed his mouth wisely.


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