High Magic Earth

Chapter 1916: It's the door that moves first

The underworld is a very important part of ancient Egyptian mythology, whether it is Greek mythology or Egyptian mythology, it is an indispensable huge world. The guide Benu Bird sounds like it only has the ability to communicate between the two realms, but as the sun **** Symbolizes that it may have some weakened abilities similar to the sun god.

  . . That is all-around.

   After all, the sun **** La is the master of the Egyptian mythology system.

   However, as the mysterious creature of the abstract and idealistic, such as La Zhixin, Benu Bird does have a bias in power, that is, it is better at the same idealistic ability.

   For example, prophecy, mind control, Gu * animals and so on.

   Simple fighting, even igniting the fire of the sun, is not what it is good at. Even if it can be ignited, I am afraid that it will be messy and difficult to control.

  . . But the above are all La Nina's guesses about the benu bird, because this is her own situation, her blood is derived from the benu bird, then she will infer that this is the case for the benu bird.

   But who does it really look like?

So in terms of combat power alone, fighting is not the area where La Nina excels. She is more adept at things like soul, prophecy, etc., but the specific performance is only easier than other wizards in learning to capture telepathy. , Far less than the level of natural mastery. . It's really weak, and it's not as good as the natural goddess.

   But who made her weak about her bloodline development?

   But even at this level, she is a lot better than ordinary wizards. At least she will hit Alex with a large group of spiritual power and will not kill him. . probably. .

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

  As mental energy spewed out, La Nina's pupils were immediately occupied by pale colors. At the same time, Alex also hugged her head and issued a series of screams. The whole person fell to the ground and twitched continuously.

   Logan responded quickly.


  He has a lot of fighting experience, and seeing mutants of all sizes and strange abilities, he immediately realized that Alex was controlled by his mind.

   Logan didn't go to see Alex's situation, and he couldn't help much. In terms of his style, this time he prefers to be reckless towards the enemy.

   Because as long as the enemy is resolved, then all problems will be solved.

   He sprinted for two steps, pierced his hands with bone claws, and then jumped from the steps of the gate of the manor, and flew to the two of La Nina below.

   looks like a cheetah preying in the grassland.

Unfortunately. .


   As a standard combat power unit of the mutant, Logan, one of the five* multiverse avatars, has few enemies besides Xiao He who can be quickly resolved by one blow.

   On the contrary, he is more often resolved by the enemy in one blow.

   Then, by virtue of his undead disgusting ability, he would continue to stand up and forcefully open with the opposite side.

So it’s only half a second, and Logan, who has just jumped, hasn’t fallen yet, just look at another woman beside the mind-controlling woman. The Asian woman who looks similar to Mariko suddenly waved, as if shooting a fly A beat.

   Immediately afterwards, Logan felt a huge force coming from the side, making him unable to take advantage of the air and control himself.

Or. .


   He was shot on the ground fiercely.

   Yamami Keiko had no mercy, because she knew who this person was in front of him, Wolverine with a regeneration factor, and a dog skin plaster that could not be killed.

   In order not to be glued to him, she can only start with a ruthless start.

   Logan was shot down with a blow, scaring the new mutants behind to jump. . Although after half a day of training with Logan, what is the use of half a day? In the face of this sudden battle, Raven and others still don't know what to do as if they are headless flies.

   But finally did not scream all the way as Xiao attacked the base.

   "Back! Back!"

   And at this time, it is the personal ability that is shown.

  Alex collapsed on the ground and was unable to resist. As a researcher, Hank was helpless. Even Raven was full of panic at this time, and Angel was ready to run with her legs pulled out.

   But Darwin, only he calmed down instantly and then stood in front of everyone.

   He transformed his whole body into a material he is most familiar with, a stone material similar to a layer of limestone, blocking everyone behind.

   "Get out of here! Hurry!"

   said anxiously.

  Under his reminder, everyone finally reacted, Hank turned around and ran away, but fortunately, Raven's eyes quickly grabbed him and signaled him to move Alex away with her.

Angel, next to   , was so helpless for a moment, but she quickly found her position. She stared at the two women outside the gate, breathing hard, and then vomited out.


   It seemed that a liquid of sulfuric acid was sprayed by her.

Hank, Darwin, and Raven are all variants that favor close combat. Although this world is not just about fighting, people with different abilities shouldn’t just use abilities only for combat. Based on the battle, the high and the low are divided.

   But combat effectiveness is indeed a critical factor. . Because weak meat and strong food are a truth applicable to many worlds.

   And in the face of some sudden situations, only fighting and force can protect themselves. After all, living is the foundation of everything.

   The ability of Shockwave Alex in several people can be used for long-range attacks, and is a very powerful long-range attack.

   But now Alex is down. . Therefore, their only long-range attack method is Angel, who chooses the codename Angel.

  Angel has wings and can fly. They are a pair of wings similar to dragonflies. They are usually hidden behind her in a tattooed state and can repair themselves in a tattooed state. At the same time, she can also spit corrosive saliva from her mouth.

   is the acid that she is spitting now.


   It is a very unscientific thing to be able to spit out acid in the mouth, so there is no need to care why the acid can be spit out a distance of more than ten meters by mouth alone.

  Acid is like a piece of cheese thrown out, and it instantly crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and then fell. . On the door frame.


   The strong corrosiveness immediately corroded the top of the door frame, and the time was slightly paused for a second or two, and then the whole door frame collapsed from the top.

   "Bang! Bang!"

   The cracked door frame hit the ground and made a loud noise.

  Angel couldn't help but suck. . After all, she was fighting for the first time, and the quasi-head was almost impossible.

  Although this acid did not attack the enemy, it also achieved the expected goal, because the brain of the broken door frame collapsed, and it really blocked the enemy's sight.

  Darwin took the opportunity to want to protect them and run backwards.

   As for supporting Logan. .

   Seriously, they didn't feel that they could help Logan, instead of dragging their feet behind, after all, they could tell by their fighting status.

   If the first reaction of Rui Wen and others was just a fight back, then it may indeed have some effect, but based on their panic appearance. . Obviously only help.

   And Logan's ability is the regeneration factor, even if he loses for a while, there is no worry about his life.

   Instead, they sent themselves to each other's hands, and then Logan would be bound and threatened.

   "Quick! Quick!"

  Darwin stared at the front while making Angel and others retreat.

  Reven and Hank lifted Alex up and down. . He is not heavy, even if heavier, the strength of both Raven and Hank is enough.

   Mainly because Alex was constantly struggling because of pain, which made it very difficult for the two to lift him.

   But as Darwin looked outside through the half-frame that still fell from time to time, he suddenly felt that a great crisis had enveloped him.

   The next moment, he had no time to make any response, and he saw that the constantly collapsed gate froze suddenly. . Sudden stagnation like time was imprisoned, and even the acid bubbles that were corroded and grouted on the top were solidified on the wooden board.

   Then. .


   is like some kind of explosion. A huge wave of gas suddenly appeared outside the gate. It exploded very quickly, which was completely unexpected by everyone.

  But Darwin calmed down at this time.

   Because if it is just an explosion, he is not afraid.

  Only within a second, the erupting blast wave came to them in a blink of an eye, but Darwin did not evade, but opened his arms in response to the blast wave, trying to block some attacks from the front for the Raven and others behind him.

   Sure enough, the sudden eruption directly destroyed the entire gate of the manor. The explosion was mixed with a large amount of wood chips and rubble, and banged on Darwin. . But he didn't feel much.

   Survival of the fittest is too good for defense.


  Although it was covered by Darwin, the explosion still caused people such as Raven to panic. The modern people are very afraid of such attacks, because it is easy to associate some dangerous weapons, even the mutants will not leave.

   So I couldn't hold it back, and Ruiwen and others began to scream. . Well, for their first fight.

   It didn't hurt to hit Darwin at all. He didn't even feel much, but he still didn't relax his vigilance.

  Because he realized that the slight sense of threat still surrounds him.

   Darwin looked around cautiously, trying to find out such a threat to his existence, but no matter whether it was around, he didn't notice the slightest anomaly until. .


A tingling sensation suddenly appeared in his brain. The strong scream made him such a firm-hearted guy couldn't help but scream out, but this sigh came and went quickly, and he felt it the next moment It disappeared again, the kind that disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

but. .

   But. . But what you should do. .

   The explosion soon ended, and Raven stopped screaming and immediately saw Darwin sitting on the ground. She was startled and hurried over.

   "Hey Darwin, you didn't..."

  But before waiting for her to lift Darwin, Raven suddenly saw Darwin's godless eyes staring blankly at the floor in front of him, as if the whole person was stupid.

   Ruiwen stayed on the spot.

this is. . Vegetative?

  Stupefied Raven did not notice that with the disappearance of the explosion, Alex no longer struggled, and the new attack did not continue to appear. It seemed abrupt, and it all ended suddenly.

   But, is all this really over.

"Da da."

   Obvious, not.

   The smoke dissipated, and a pair of high heels stepped on the floor to appear in Raven's ears. She looked up and saw two strange women walking into the gate that had been blown into ruins.

   "Sorry...but we are really not malicious."

  La Nina said first.

   It was just that she glanced around. . I feel that her words are really unconvincing, but fortunately, she is a wizard besides Benoo.

   "Restore as before."

  In the eyes of Raven staring at him with anger and fear, La Nina pulled out her wand and swiped around.

In an instant, the black mark on the ground began to disappear, as if it was slowly wiped off with a rag, and the scattered wood and gravel were also drifting into the air under the drag of some invisible force, as if falling Completely restore everything broken on the gate.

   Cracked floors, collapsed doors, broken lamps, everything that was damaged during the battle was repaired under the wand of La Nina, and it was brand new.

  In these few seconds, Ruiwen blinked and watched what happened in front of him. . I can't believe my eyes at all.

  This ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What is the ability of this mutant.

At the restored gate, Logan walked in with his head dangling. Although Samiko Keiko had just left his hand, but with the speed of Logan's self-healing, a few minutes was enough to make him slow down. , Or even to return to an absolutely good state is more than enough.

   It's just that the blow in the head is not so easy to get rid of, because even the Wolverine can't repair the mental damage.

   So he looked like he was drunk and his feet were very unstable.

   stepped into the door staggeringly, Logan seemed to be drunk overnight outside and just returned. . At the same time, he also looked at the door that was still brand new.

  He just fell to the ground. Although he didn't take part in the battle, he also heard a banging explosion. . The battle was so fierce, but now this is what is going on.

  Rogen is behind, Raven and others are ahead. Although the fighting powers of the two sides seem to be unequal, they still vaguely show a gesture of encirclement, surrounding La Nina in the middle.

   But neither La Nina nor Yamami Keiko felt any tension.

   "I have to say...we are really not malicious."

  La Nina looked at Ruiwen and others in front of her, spread her hands, and expressed sincerely.

   Just her gaze moved to Darwin, who was still sitting on the floor opposite.

"What's up with him."

  La Nina immediately lowered her voice and asked Yamami Keiko next to her.

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