High Magic Earth

Chapter 1917: I feel the title is serious again!

The unacceptable La Nina was not nervous.

Darwin is a non-trivial character. He is lighter because he died earlier, and heavier is because his death makes the entire X-Men more cohesive, and even his death is considered to promote the X-Men. A small number of reasons for birth.

Just like Coulson to the Avengers.

Now because of the change in the plot, Darwin has not died in the hands of the Black Emperor, or the Black Emperor has not yet attacked them, but don’t let him have an accident in his own hands because of the plot inertia.

Then the relationship with the X-Men cannot be reconciled.

"He is fine."

Yamami Keiko frowned.

"I launched an attack at the spiritual level, he should have adapted and resisted autonomously."

"What do you mean?"

La Nina looked confused.

"His ability is survival of the fittest."

Yamami Keiko glanced at La Nina sideways.

"In order to resist my attack, he may have changed his spiritual level... I don’t know what he changed his spiritual realm to, maybe it’s reinforcement, maybe it is reinforcement, but maybe it’s because he vented his spirit I might have become a temporary idiot."

La Nina understood it this time, and looked at Darwin as if she had some idiot's blank eyes, and she couldn't help but change her face.

"How long will it take..."

"The ghost knows, maybe a few years or more, maybe the next moment..."


Before Yamami Keiko's words fell, Darwin on the ground heard a breathless breath, like the dried fish re-entering the water.

He gasped heavily, and his eyes were restored.

Yamami Keiko shrugged.

She was right. At the very moment, in order to resist Yamami Keiko's attack, he did empty his mind. In other words, he turned himself into an idiot temporarily.

He became an idiot and resisted Keiko's mental attack, but he still passively turned himself into an idiot, as Yamami Keiko guessed, in order to avoid danger. . No one knows when he will change back.

After all, none of this is under his own control.

But thankfully, Darwin's ability is called survival of the fittest, not evolution of the fittest. . Otherwise, he cannot recover so quickly.

Darwin was able to leave the idiot state again, most likely because of his ability to perceive that as an idiot, it is difficult for him to survive in the normal human world, so he regained his normal state.

He is the survival of the fittest, survival means integration and survival, not evolution.

In fact, if Darwin’s ability is the evolution of the fittest, then Charles cannot find Darwin at all, because Darwin has evolved into a higher level of life as early as a dozen years ago, because he may have been born since birth. Maybe it's evolution.

Then it won’t take long, maybe when he is two or three years old, he will become a state of life that humans can’t observe, so Charles will never know him, because he has entered a higher latitude to survive, it is some kind of non-existence Life in the conventional field.

Therefore, Yi Biao's speculation at that time was not impossible. The Black Emperor Shaw absorbed the shock wave energy released by Alex when he attacked him, and then hit Darwin with his backhand.

Darwin could not bear it and was blown into powder on the spot.

But who knows whether he was actually blasted into powder, or transformed into a higher life form in an instant to adapt to this energy attack, for example. . Energy life form.

Turned into an energy life body naturally does not need to worry about energy attacks, at least it does not need to worry more than humans, and even he does not need to worry about how to survive in human society, because he is essentially higher in life than humans, no survival Worry, the ability of the fittest to survive will naturally not degenerate Darwin into human form again.

so he. . It may have become the current human science and technology, and the unobservable life forms may also be.

But it is only speculation whether this is the case. After all, Darwin will not use his life to conduct such experiments, and in a sense, there are no results at all.

If it fails, it goes without saying that he died. Naturally, everything is meaningless, and even if it succeeds. . In fact, he has no way to tell the people here. After all, he has become a higher form of life, who knows what it will be like at that time.

Perhaps Yi Biao has a way, he has a way to observe higher life forms, at least he can judge whether Darwin is dead or alive, and Yi Biao is also able to do so, so-called cruel enough.

but. . It is obviously not cost-effective to use Darwin to do this kind of experiment as the material of the God-creating plan. After all, the former can only satisfy the curiosity of Yi Chou, and the latter is the actual combat effectiveness.

The survival of the fittest has great potential.

Darwin's sudden soberness scared Raven. . It was mainly his shouting.

In fact, Raven didn't realize what happened to Darwin just now. The communication between La Nina and Keiko Yamagata was very low, plus the mixed use of Egyptian and *, she couldn't even hear it. Understand, so she didn’t realize Darwin’s precarious danger.

But it is always a good thing to wake up, and Raven sees clearly. In the past, their performance was ordinary or even bad. Except for Logan, it is probably only Darwin who performed the best.

With him there is one more reliable companion.

Raven quickly lifted Darwin up, and by the way, instead of having a headache and screaming, he sat on the ground, and Alex, who was gasping for breath, was behind him.

"who are you."

On the other hand, Logan asked after whispering after blocking the door behind the whole process.

He is not really full of brains and only knows mang. Although most of his performance is like this, it is because he only needs mang.

Logan's strength is not bad. Although it is much worse than such guys as Charles and Magneto, it is still the best among the three-level mutants.

And he still has this almost immortal body, in this case, he really does not need to use too much mind.

But not using his brain doesn't mean he doesn't have it. Logan is also a guy who has survived several wars. His brain is definitely not slow.

It is obviously not a fight of the opponent as now. . Logan's choice was very sensible, he was not prepared to fight to the end.

"This is a good question."

La Nina smiled at Logan.

"I am La Nina, she is Keiko Yamami."

"As for our identity..."

La Nina and Samiko Kee glanced at each other.

"We are magicians."

. . .

"You mean, magic?"

After La Nina's apparent identity, several people looked at each other. The first reaction was naturally disbelief, but La Nina said that she could enter the room and talk in detail. . Although Ruiwen and others did not think this was a good idea, they had to agree because of their strength.

They could not beat these two women.

But even after finding a place to sit down again, Rui Wen and others still have a face of unbelief, after all. .

"... Is it the kind of magic I think?"

Rui Wen gestured his hands, puzzled, and seemed to carry a little girl's longing for fairy tales and magic.

The Hank beside him is also a face of concentration and doubt. The impact of these recent events has been too great. Parallel worlds, aliens, time travel, and now there is magic.

He is a researcher rather than a combatant. He is naturally interested in these things, and he has not been physically harmed. In addition to an extra guy who always calls him Bigfoot, his recent life is not bad. Not only did he not give him Bring too much impact, but there are many more friends and one in his heart. . goddess.

Darwin and Angel have calm expressions, and their presence is not high, especially when facing outsiders, but the former is because of calmness, the latter is because of timidity and does not want to cause trouble.

Only Alex's face is stinky, after all, only he was directly attacked. . But he also strangely did not happen on the spot.

Of course, although Alex's mouth owes a lot, he is only a half-year-old child after all. He is not a murderer. He stands up and sends a shock wave to the two. . Perhaps after training with Charles, he could stand firm and attack the enemy, but not yet.

Ok. . It may also be because he consciously failed to shoot himself or was unable to aim correctly. Because this shock wave hit, it is more likely not to hit the two women on the opposite side, but to everyone except them.

In addition, if you look closely, you will find that Alex looked at La Nina, the woman who just smashed his head with huge mental strength just now Something is wrong.

It’s like, it’s like. .

Well, it seems that he likes his brother Scott's laser eye Scott, who likes dangerous roses with thorns.

La Nina and Yamami Keiko are not very old. They are actually only a few years older than Ruiwen and others, and they can still be classified as their peers. The Asian face caused by Samiko Keiko makes her look small It's been several years. . If it weren’t for her to keep a cold face, she might be more like a child.

As for the former La Nina. . The Mediterranean atmosphere of Egypt makes her look more mature than Samiko Keiko.

But her actual age is indeed not large, so this seemingly slightly contradictory age conflict brings her a little extra rhyme*,

No wonder Alex will be excited, no wonder he. . No wonder a ghost! Is he shaking?

Faced with Raven's doubts, La Nina and Keiko were more calm, because they were not the first to face such a situation and such a problem.

As the backbone of the origin conference, they have traveled to unknown worlds, and it is inevitable that they need to expose their identities. Therefore, they have long been accustomed to this set of questions, and even very skilled.

"Yes, the kind you want."

La Nina replied calmly, taking out her wand and shaking towards the table in front of her.

"Da! Da! Boom! Boom!"

The next moment, with the wide eyes of Raven and everyone watching, everything piled on the table came to life.

The coffee cup jumped from the table, twisted its handle, and continued to jump forward as if it were on its hips. The cushion of the coffee cup also stood up, and the edge of the arc was recessed, making the two sides look like The human feet make small steps that cross forward and try to move forward.

Logan’s beer bottles leaned on each other, forming a phalanx, and even standing by Raven, the half-eaten snack bags stood up. Twistedly trying to keep up with the pace of his own kind.


Then as La Nina flicked her wand again, it all returned to peace, and the coffee cup, coaster, beer, and half a bag of snacks all landed on the table. . If it weren't for all of them to switch positions, it would be like nothing had happened before.

"Oh my god..."

Hank opened his mouth blankly, unable to say a word, and his brain, full of knowledge and whimsy, could not give him any explanation.

In fact, if all of this is technology, he can indeed guess that it is the ability of a mutant, then there is nothing surprising, but if it is magic. .

Well, Hank admits that this piece is completely a blind spot for his knowledge.

But this is not the end, because it is just such a demonstration, it is actually difficult to prove anything.

So the next moment, Yamami Keiko also took out his wand.

When the wand flicked, the things lying down on the table immediately moved back to the same position as before, dancing back to the original position again, which means that this is not a unique ability of La Nina, and Yamami Keiko can also magic, So she can do it too.

Immediately afterwards, Yamami Keiko's wand moved again.


This time, the sound of some metal colliding with each other appeared out of thin air, and then there was almost no pause. A gold coin popped out in the direction of Yamami Keiko's wand and fell to the ground, then the second, third The number of gold coins dropped began to increase, and even within a few seconds they began to fall like rain.

"Wow! Wow!"

The crisp sound of the collision of gold coins stimulated the ears of everyone present, and Jin Cancan's color stimulated their eyes.

The gold coins on the ground are beginning to accumulate more and more.

The rain of gold coins lasted for more than ten seconds, and finally when Sammi Keiko terminated all this, a small pool of gold coins had already accumulated on the ground.

How tall is half a person~www.wuxiaspot.com~ These are these. . "

Hank swallowed.

"Of course these are fake."

Yamami Keiko rolled his eyes impatiently, then put away his wand and sat down.

La Nina shrugged.

"The gold coins are fake, and they will disappear as the magic disappears. But this is enough to prove our identity. We use magic, not mutants."

Raven and Hank nodded instinctively. . It's probably that I haven't regained my thinking ability. After all, it's a young man, who has a low resistance to novel things, so it's okay.

But the well-informed Logan was not confused by these tricks. He leaned on the sofa and did not discern whether they were mutants or so-called magicians, but asked directly.

"Why do you tell us these things."

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