High Magic Earth

Chapter 1919: But it's almost there!

The wind whizzed at Eric's ear, blowing a few chaotic hairs from his small head. . Eric suddenly felt it necessary to wear a helmet.

In addition to having the ability to resist mind control and wind and sand, this helmet is more because he feels that he is just going to bring a helmet.

The self with the helmet is complete.

Eric thought this way, he lowered the metal frisbee under his feet and saw the humanoid below.


He looked at the strange presence in front of him.

Thousands of years ago, Egyptian gods, the earliest mutants, too. . The first variant in the world.

Whether this series of titles deserves its name is not sure, but judging from the strength of the present Lai Tianqi, he still seems to be very powerful.

Use his words. . Probably right.

The gravel is roaring, waving like a long dragon in the air, the earth is shaking, and the cracks like the entrance to **** are constantly cracking out on the ground, one after another.

The pyramid shimmering with golden light was pulled up from the ground by the apocalypse. As he controlled the surrounding ground and the gravel was rising, the successive vibrations had risen a few hundred meters in height.

And Apocalypse stands on the top of the Great Pyramid, a dirt platform built by him.

The dust dragon formed by the gravel surrounded him. For a time, he did seem to be a god.

Eric soon came to him. . Tianqi naturally saw him too. He lowered his hand and seemed to make a light gesture. The roaring gravel around him gradually quieted down and became a peaceful piece again.

The apocalypse looked at Eric, and also did not speak, between two people spanning over a thousand years. . Falling into some kind of silence.

. . .

"Hello... Apocalypse."

Eric was the first to break the silence.

He looked at the **** in front of him thousands of years ago, his expression was a little tangled and he paused. . He was also not sure what to call it.

So the tone is somewhat erratic.

"Hello Stranger."

Responding to him was the apocalyptic voice of Apocalypse.

Okay, this is a good start, right, at least he can communicate. . No, the Apocalypse was able to communicate already, otherwise Charles would not think of awakening him.

Eric continued to think about these useless things, but with the apocalyptic greetings, he fell into a certain silence again.

. . Because he is not Charles.

Charles is good at communicating with people, even if he does not have the mental ability, he is still a half-psychologist. After all, reading the memory and thinking of others has been reading for so long. Even if he has not studied psychology, Charles knows human nature very well.

So Charles understands how to communicate with people, and he understands it well. . At least it will not be as cold as he is now.


Eric was silent.

"How long do you sleep... for a long time."

"how long?"

Tian Qi asked.

"I'm not sure when you lived, so it may be three thousand years, maybe four thousand years."

"But there should be no difference between the two."

"They are too long."

Eric said.

Tianqi nodded.

"It's too long."

Then the two fell into silence again.

This caused Eric, who looked like a cold male, to collapse. . Hell, this guy couldn't say more, now he doesn't know what to say, and Eric decided that he will never take the lead this time.

Eric, who decided to remain silent, began to observe the apocalypse.

Seriously, it looks like apocalypse. . It's a bit different from what he imagined.

Although Logan had seen the Apocalypse, or he had a memory of the Apocalypse, but only Charles and Logan knew what the Apocalypse looked like.

Because Charles can read and remember, although others heard the existence of the apocalypse from Charles, it was just a name.

Of course, there is one more person who knows what the Apocalypse looks like now, and that is Eric.

According to Eric's original expectations, the Apocalypse should be an Egyptian, or an Egyptian thousands of years ago, he should have the most prominent characteristics of the Egyptians.

For example, white Egyptian costumes, golden decorations, black eye shadows, hats and hair like crafts, etc.

but now. . But the guy who is now in front of Eric, he is not sure if the other person is human.

Blue skin, the most prominent feature of Apocalypse is blue skin, and except for blue skin, the other is almost the same as Eric expected.

Whether it is clothing or gold jewelry and tattoos, are full of rich Egyptian style.

In addition, he still retains the characteristics of humans, limbs and heads, and facial features that have not changed much, so it is not unacceptable except that the blue skin looks strange.

After all, he is also a mutant, and there are all kinds of strange shapes among the mutants. . It's just that Eric didn't expect this to be the case with the original mutant. He thought he should be perfect.

Oh wrong, he remembered that Charles said that the apocalypse can change the body, then this body will be replaced sooner or later, it does not matter.

Eric thought about these messy things in his head.

In general, his first impression of Apocalypse is not bad.

He thinks that Tian Qi’s impression of him should be good. After all, the communication between the two people is strangely strange, and one question and one answer is like an old friend who has known each other for many years.

But clearly their survival time is separated by thousands of years.

Look at it this way. . Isn’t the Apocalypse so difficult to communicate, Eric thought that this kind of **** thousands of years ago, when he woke up, he would be blinded by the self-proclaimed gods, even after thousands of years, he still thought he was a god, Egypt Rick is ready to fight against each other.

After all, according to the vision of the gods, I must have taken the younger brother after waking up, and myself, obviously, is a very good helper.

But unexpectedly, the apocalypse is not as he imagined.

"I need to understand this world."

Thinking of Eric suddenly heard the apocalypse suddenly, his eyes turned to the apocalypse, then nodded in agreement.

"You really need to understand."

"So what do you do... study?"

"I do not know either."

Apocalypse shook his head.

"Because I don't know anything now."

"There should be a quicker way, but everything here makes me feel strange, except that the building allows me to find a trace of familiarity."

"I'm not sure if what I know is still what I know."

The words of the apocalypse sounded a bit nagging, but Eric understood it.

"I know."

He nodded.

The meaning of apocalypse is very simple. He is very new to this world. Maybe he has some abilities, but he is not sure whether it will work if the times change.

For example, what kind of things are done through the Great Pyramid, who knows how many pyramids there were thousands of years ago, and how many years after the thousand years ago, things like this, obviously he can’t do now.

It is necessary to have an initial contact with this world before the apocalypse can determine the next thing.

"Do I need to leave here."

"Do you have a place for me to go?"

"Still here...just fine."

Apocalypse said again.

Do you have a foothold? .

Eric glanced around. The Great Pyramid had risen several hundred meters under the height of the apocalypse. Although it didn’t sound very high, the pyramid was a triangle, so it was integrated. They looked at the top. Everything is very small.

Charles hasn't been seen for a long time, and there should have been a lot of Cairo inspections nearby, but in this case, they don't even have an ant size in Eric's eyes, which is obviously not a concern.

But imagine those aliens, Eric still decided not to cause trouble first, low-key development.

Now is not the time to start the fight.

"Come with me."

He whispered to the apocalypse.

. . .

Below, Charles and Moira have come to a relatively safe zone.

As for those Cairo and ordinary people around Cairo, they were naturally dispelled by Charles using their psychic abilities. The appearance of the Great Pyramid did not cause much casualties except for the destruction of a large number of buildings.

"He was awake?"

Moira asked nonsense. . She seemed a little nervous.

Charles nodded silently.

Things are moving in the worst direction. Apocalypse not only awakened, but Eric also stood with him. If the apocalypse stood at the opposite of humanity under Eric’s words, then both the mutants and the ordinary humans Is a huge loss.

The only gains are those aliens.

Apocalypse's actions against ordinary people naturally make ordinary people hate mutants. . They don't care if Apocalypse is with Eric or himself. In the eyes of ordinary people, they are all mutants.

This is indeed true.

And this is precisely the purpose of those aliens. Provoking war, fate cards will be demanded by ordinary people.

Secondly, if the apocalypse stands on the opposite side of ordinary people, then they cannot naturally oppose the ordinary people, which means that they and the apocalypse are enemies.

They will lose the power of apocalypse. . The power against those aliens will be weakened again.

So anyway, pushing the apocalypse to the opposite side of humanity is a very stupid choice.

Charles believes that Eric is not that stupid. . But he did so, which obviously has a reason, and the reason is actually very clear to Charles.

That's when Eric once had private contact with those aliens.

He didn't know how the aliens found Eric, but he didn't believe what the alien and Eric said, and didn't believe a word.

It has nothing to do with it, but simply does not believe it.

But Eric clearly believed.

In other words, because of his extreme humanity, he subconsciously chose what he thought. . That is, mutants and aliens can actually join forces.

Ordinary people who failed.

Charles shook his head. Eric was completely wrong this time. . In fact, he still wonders why Eric chose to believe so easily, really only because of his hatred and resistance to human instincts?

But in any case, because he didn't discover Eric's anomaly earlier, the current situation has evolved to an almost irreparable extent.

The apocalypse was awake, and there was this Eric beside him.

Charles took a deep breath.

"Let's go back first."

He said to Moira.

The two of them clearly cannot see the things above the Great Pyramid. They can't even determine where Eric is, but there are only two possibilities.

One is that Eric and Apocalypse continue to stay here, directly using this as a base to start declaring war on foreign countries.

The other is to leave first, and the Apocalypse will collect his men. . Follow what the Apocalypse did in the original timeline.

No matter which kind, they are irrational to stay here.

If it is the former, he will face Tian Qi and Eric together. In Logan's memory, none of them have ever played Tian Qi together, not to mention that he has only one person now.

the latter. . If he stays here, then he will definitely be directly targeted by the apocalypse.

You know, if it is him, then the apocalypse may not intend to take him as a subordinate, but may directly look at his ability and try to plunder his ability.

Staying here is definitely a wrong decision.

"Leave now."

Thinking of this, Charles immediately said to Moira.

Although Moira was an elite, she encountered such a thing. . In other words, since the relationship with these mutants, it is difficult for her to control the scene.

Hearing Charles' words, Moira made no rebuttal and nodded quickly.

The two quickly ran across a few streets, and came to a jeep that had been pre-released. With a throttle, they ran out of Cairo.

Moira has already contacted the base on the road, they will transfer a helicopter again, but this time they can only be taken away from here temporarily, if you want to return, you need to transfer to another plane again.

Although the communications in this era were not developed, the Great Pyramid was born, and it appeared in this almost unnatural supernatural way. This matter still spread quickly.

News has been received in many places. . This makes their departure difficult.

But it's not as difficult as imagined~www.wuxiaspot.com~It took about twice as long as it was when I went, and Charles and Moira came back outside the gate of Xavier Manor and got off the helicopter At that time, they were in a bad mood.

After all, everything was perfectly planned when I went there. . Charles had thought that there would be an accident, but he didn't think there would be too much. Even if an accident happened, it should be within his control.

But unfortunately, accidents are accidents, and those who are completely beyond their control are called accidents, and the result becomes what they are now. Apocalyptic awake Eric also stood with the apocalypse.

This is almost the worst option.

Charles didn't even know how to make the next plan with Logan and others after going back.

Taking a deep breath again, Charles calmed down again. He is now the backbone of these people. Can he himself panic first? He still needs to continue to think about and find the right way out of this chaotic situation.

but. . Well, Charles touched his hair. He felt that there was a reason for his future baldness.

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