High Magic Earth

Chapter 1920: Don't take mutants for improper dry food

When he stepped on the lawn of the villa, Charles had readjusted his heart. He and Moira came to the manor and saw the um. .

"Logan...uh, hello..."

Charles greeted halfway, and the target saw La Nina and Yamami Keiko sitting on the sofa, beckoning with a little hesitation, Charles had already figured out the cause and effect of their arrival in an instant.

This naturally reads Logan's memory.

Yes, Eric clearly made him understand the truth, the bottom line should still be there, he should have his own bottom line, and keep the bottom line inside, otherwise uncontrollable and arbitrary abuse of his ability will only let He gradually indulged in this omnipotent power.

But it is not now, it is not the right time, it is not appropriate now.

The enemies they face are much more harmful than the indulgence of his own power. Now is the time when he needs his power, not when he sticks to his heart.

So when faced with this sudden situation again, he decisively chose to read Logan's memory, instead of sticking to conventional methods and waiting without result.


It's interesting. Charles saw the so-called magical technique displayed by La Nina and Yamami Keiko, and touched his chin without a beard.

In fact, like Logan, he couldn’t see what they used. They were actually mutants, but mutants with abilities like magic. . Charles is also unclear about the real magic used.

But Logan insisted on waiting for Charles to come back for obvious reasons.

That is, although Charles cannot be determined, he can be determined through them, for example. . Read their memories.

"Meet so, Professor Charles."

"Nice to meet you."

The two on the sofa responded kindly.

Although there were many doubts in his heart, Charles still kept a smile, and at the same time his psychic abilities started silently, trying to peek into the thinking of the two and see more things coming.

But in the next moment, Charles's movement would be a slight pause.

because. .

"Please forgive our uninvited.... I know that this behavior is generally not welcome, but I am afraid that we do not have so much time to get to know it from scratch."

La Nina stared at Charles' eyes.

Charles seemed to be at a loss for a moment. He touched his nose and said nothing, but nodded.

Logan, who was most familiar with Charles, immediately noticed the anomaly. . Yes, the person who is most familiar with Charles is probably Logan, even Moira is certainly not as familiar as Logan.

Although Logan has just joined Charles' team, in other timelines, Logan is an old acquaintance of Charles. Logan has too much memory about Charles, and he is not familiar with it.

Logan noticed Charles' abnormality, and based on his reaction, nothing unexpected. . He should have tried the memories of two people to no avail.

Logan, who spit out a cigar, stared at the two women on the opposite sofa through the smoke. . It seems that they have two brushes.

This is indeed the case.

Charles tried to spy on the thinking of La Nina and Samiko Keiko, but was unsuccessful. He seemed to be disturbed by something, like a protective net protecting the brains of the two of them, isolating the exploration of his mental ability .

This is the first time Charles. . No, it should be the second time, feeling the taste of the failure of the peeping of the soul, the first time should be on the white queen Emma.

Two soul mutants?

Charles was a little puzzled because the interference he received on the two people was very similar, as if they were disturbed by some kind of the same power, and had the same origin.

It is impossible. . They are really like what they say, what kind of magician, this way of protecting thinking is a magician's unique means, they use the same spell, so the effect is the same?

Charles is a wise man. As a wise man, of course, he realized the biggest difference between a magician and a mutant in the first place.

That is. . The special abilities of mutants cannot be controlled, not that individual mutants cannot control their own power, but that they cannot choose what abilities they have.

But the magicians' special abilities can be controlled. They can have special abilities through learning and systematic understanding, so-called magic, and they can even mass-produce.

Of course, the premise is that everything is true.

Unable to read the memories of the two, Charles, like Logan, couldn't tell whether they were talking about true or false. In his heart, Charles and Logan were similar, and they were not convinced by the two people's rhetoric.

magic. . This is really hard to believe.

Aliens, time travel, parallel worlds and the like, although they are also unbelievable, but they are also theories in the scientific field, but magic, magic. .

Charles shook his head in his heart.

He still feels that these two people should be mutants, but the abilities are more special, and one of them also has similar psychic abilities to him and White Queen Emma.

This psychic ability opposed his psychic ability, and was able to protect his companions, which made him feel some kind of homologous power in the two.

Charles touched his nose, his heart twisted.

Although he did not succeed in snooping on the thinking of these two ladies, he did not have to worry about his thinking being spied on by the two of them. Charles is very confident in this regard.

So he can rest assured thinking.

The time was silent for a few seconds, and Charles didn't say anything.

In addition to the reason why he tried to return the two of them without success, there was also the sentence that La Nina seemed to mean.

Uninvited guests. . Of course, the two of them are unsolicited, but their short, momentary soul temptation just now is obviously unsolicited.

This sentence may also imply that this matter is inside, so Charles will feel a little embarrassed and even touched his nose in a panic.

After all, he is not the old traitor in the future.

But there is only one second of waste.

The remaining moments were still enough for Charles to respond adequately.

"You are right, we really don't have much time."

Reaching out to La Nina, Charles finally spoke again, breaking the silence.

"Don't be so polite, you can call me La Nina, she is Keiko Yamami."

"Charles, this is Agent Moira."

Charles said briefly.

Both of them tacitly skipped the short temptation and confrontation in the field of mind.

"Why did you come here?"

Charles asked straight away.

La Nina is also very direct.

"As I said, we have a common enemy, and the longer the time, the more unfavorable to us."

This is a truth. The longer the time in this world, the greater the risk that La Nina and the two may be exposed. To know that this is the base of the new human, the ghost knows when there may be a new human suddenly appear. in this world.

Although there may be a group of independent new human beings like the origin meeting in the mysterious free man, this world should be a very hidden base world they developed. It is unlikely that they will enter other new humans by accident.

But it is still possible.

So it is not a wise thing to delay too long.

La Nina is telling the truth, but this is her and Samiko Keiko’s consideration, and listening to the ears of these mutants of Charles, the meaning of this sentence becomes, the longer the time, the card of destiny The company's power will become greater and greater.

This is also not conducive to mutants.

Although the meaning of the two is different. . But the results actually matched.

So Charles did not doubt him, but nodded.

"Okay...if you really came here for this matter, then I have a very sad news that our enemies will probably have one more."

"Apocalypse, and Eric standing on his side."

La Nina froze, instinctively glanced at Yamami Keiko, then she asked in disbelief.

"Apocalypse? He... recovered?"

Charles's expression remained unchanged, and even his eyes did not shake, not at all because La Nina revealed it inadvertently. She seemed to know that the Apocalypse should not be awakened at this point in time, and answered as usual.

"Yes, Eric and I awakened him... but something happened."

La Nina twitched her lips and muttered in Egyptian.

"It's strange that such things don't happen unexpectedly."

"Also with Magneto."

But since this is the case, La Nina is thinking about them, they. . Not to mention the muddy water!

Before coming here, she and Keiko Yamami didn't know about the apocalypse recovery, because this was obviously a big deal that Charles and Eric had just done!

She and Yamami Keiko did successfully use the technique of brain occlusion to resist Charles' psychic abilities, but that's all, and in turn peeked into Charles' psyche or something. . It's just dreaming.

Yes, Charles found that his mental ability failed to return because of La Nina and Sammi Keiko's mastery of closed brain.

This magic can be said to be the novice magic of Wan Jinyou. It is extremely practical and the crowd is suitable for a wide range of occasions, especially La Nina and Yamami Keiko, who often wander in different worlds and need to contact different people.

Because it is inevitable to come into contact with people like Professor X who have telepathy.

Therefore, closed brain surgery has become a necessary skill.

Almost everyone in the origin conference will have closed brains, and at least at the mastery level, the brain is really too important for a wizard. After all, magic is not limited to combat, but it cannot be denied that every wizard is walking. Ammunition depot.

If this was countered by one of the psychic abilities, and then returned to the base camp of the origin meeting, all kinds of magic exploded. . Even if the group is not destroyed, I am afraid it will cause heavy casualties.

There are many magical injuries that are unsolvable.

Therefore, La Nina, who is proficient in closed brain surgery, easily resisted the invasion of Charles. . But in fact, closed brain surgery is also the only magic about mind and thinking that the two will know.

The amount of other magic in Harry Potter in the novice world is quite a lot, but there is not much magic in the field of mind and thinking.

And for wizards, sub-worlds with magic and spells are inherently scarce resources. . With so many people in their origin meeting, only a few were found.

The most typical Harry Potter world, there is the world of the Lord of the Rings, the world of Merlin legends, the world of wars, and the world of a certain Warcraft. .

There are many worlds discovered, covering a wide range of people, from the old gods to the gods of the level of the old gods, down to the classic existence of the gods of nature and gods, and the non-human races of orc goblins.

But there is not much magic that can be used by them.

Regarding a certain war-fighting world, the magic of ancient Egypt is basically not a system with the magic they are familiar with. The spiritual power there depends on authority. The power of the priests comes from faith and God’s blessings. Similar, from blood and talent.

But that's what they are born with. Although it fits well with the purpose of the origin meeting, they can't learn.

A large part of La Nina’s power comes from the bloodline, and like those mythical creatures, they continue to develop and trace their bloodline origin to obtain more power. This is indeed the purpose of the origin conference.

But this is not enough, so they need to find other magical powers that they can learn. . The talent power of mythological creatures is also bloodline, obviously they can not learn.

So they have a lot of contact with the world, but they can really promote learning and let everyone master the magic, but the number has not increased much.

Many of the magic that everyone can learn are not obtained through these high-end worlds, but are exchanged with other free people, such as the demon world of a certain brother~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but most of the magic of the devil hunter Both have great drawbacks, and the price paid is disproportionate to the power and is not popular.

Brain Occlusion is basically the mastery of La Nina and Sammi Keiko. It is also the only thinking magic. It is also used to resist Charles’s invasion of thought. In turn, they want to see something in Charles’s head. They don’t have Method.

. . This is also thanks to the movie world of mutants. If it is the comics world, I am afraid that with their three-legged cat-like brain occlusion, they may not be able to resist Charles’ spiritual invasion, let alone peek into Charles’ brain. Too.

The apocalypse was actually released, and she and Keiko did not expect this possibility at all, because according to the normal timeline, there was at least 21 years before the apocalypse of the apocalypse.

Who knew Charles would have thought of releasing Apocalypse in advance!

How unimaginable they are.

Magneto, Apocalypse, Professor x, if there is another black phoenix, this is a big event that is comparable to infinite gloves!

The two of them were mixed in, and it was okay.

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