High Magic Earth

Chapter 1921: At this time, the wheels of Ait's history are needed


La Nina's face was just right.

"I have also heard his name... Proclaimed as the world's first mutant, the origin of all mutants, why do you think about awakening him."

"Because our enemy is too powerful."

Charles's face was calm. After the accident of the Apocalypse and Eric's betrayal, the young Charles was growing at a flying speed.

"I believe you feel it too."

If you don’t feel it. . It will not come to seek cooperation.

"So Apocalypse is now our enemy?"

La Nina didn't have much entanglement in this regard. It was the same for her anyway. She and Samiko Keiko would not be involved in these things. Of course, she would not tell Charles about this.

"If nothing goes wrong, yes... and there is Eric."

"Mr. Lansell need not worry."

La Nina said in diameter, looking at Charles' obvious doubtful expression, she explained.

"Now he seems to part ways with you, but believe me... Mr. Lansell will eventually be on your side."

Otherwise, he would not be Magneto.

La Nina added an unspoken word to her heart.

Listening to La Nina's evaluation of Eric, Charles smiled bitterly, not knowing whether she should be happy or angry.

"But even the apocalypse..."

La Nina sighed pretendingly.

"The situation is bad for us."

Charles did not deny that his face was as usual.

"The good news is that Apocalypse is not just our enemy, he will be our common enemy."

La Nina continued to analyze.

"But the suspicion is that even if we really want to cooperate with humanity to fight the apocalypse, I am afraid that humanity will not completely believe us."

Hearing this, Charles frowned slightly, because this idea sounded familiar, if his memory did not appear to be in such a terrible decline in old age. . That was half a day ago, Eric supported this view!

Humans can never believe in mutants.

It's not so good. Charles's heart was awkward. The other party's concept was very similar to Eric's.

In other words, even if their common enemy is the Apocalypse, after the Apocalypse incident, they will not be people on the same road.

They and Eric are obviously together.

"This is a fact."

Seemingly seeing Charles look different, La Nina shrugged.

"You can't deny it, do you?"

Silently, Charles didn't refute, nor did he agree, but just nodded, because he now wanted to hear what La Nina had to say next.

"If the leech is there... the situation may be better now."

Charles frowned again.

"Leech can eliminate the ability of mutants. With this premise, human resistance to mutants will be reduced, because they will treat mutants as a disease, and this disease is now under control..."

Charles frowned deeper and deeper, and suddenly interrupted La Nina before she finished.

"But the leech is not here."

Although Charles said so, it couldn’t stop La Niña’s first half from being heard by Raven and others. They didn’t seem to realize anything at first. They didn’t realize that La Niña seemed to be inadvertently after a moment of stun. The heavy information contained in the news revealed by the time.

"Is it true that she said, Charles?"

"What is a leech? Who is he?"

Hank was asked.

If any of the several mutants present did not really like the identity of their mutants, it might be Hank.

Raven's ability is to change her appearance. Although she really looks like a dark blue skin with scales, what she can't get through is just the level of her heart. If she wants, she can use her own real style completely. Appearance survival.

Any appearance is up to her to choose.

Alex's ability is to gather energy at the chest and release a shock wave in the form of a ring. Although this is not under his control, it cannot be denied that the shock wave is powerful. . And it seems that this does not have much impact on his life, unless he puts it around everywhere.

Darwin's ability is survival of the fittest. It is very powerful and does not interfere with normal life. Angel's ability to fly and spray corrosive liquids is also good. . Especially can protect her who can work in the * hall.

Needless to say, Logan and Charles, in a sense, their abilities are comparable to gods.

With Hank alone, his ability is not only useless, but once exposed, he will be laughed at by others. . Seriously, Hank even feels that others are afraid of themselves, better than mocking.

In addition to being useless and mocking, his ability even interfered with his normal life.

Like a return to ancestor phenomenon, the feet are reduced to the hands like apes. . What does this mean, oh well, it can make him run faster.

But compared with the disadvantages it brings, this benefit is too small.

Hank didn't like his ability, he didn't like it at all, and he didn't like the identity of his mutant. So if any of these people were present, who would get rid of the identity of the mutant if he could choose. . Then there is no doubt Hank.

It is conceivable that the appearance of leeches will give him a great impact.

You know, in order to get rid of the identity of the mutant, or to his uselessness, and only bring him ugly feet with endless abuse, Hank has already studied the so-called antidote in private and tried to offset it. .

It's just that the research of pharmacy lacks many key things, and there has been no progress.

"Is it true that she said?"

Seeing that Charles was silent, Raven couldn't help asking.

She didn’t seem to be able to get rid of her ability. Although her mouth and heart were always disgusted with the blue skin that was different from others, she really let Raven make a decision to give up her ability or get rid of her identity as a mutant. Will hesitate.

And hesitation, in fact, already represented her inner decision.

She questioned this matter, one was curious, the other was. . Such great news for people with the ability to eliminate mutants! And from the reaction of Charles, he obviously knew it before, and he didn't tell anyone!

"it is true."

Charles hesitated and nodded.

"That's also a mutant, code-named Leech, a little boy. Any mutant within a meter of him will temporarily lose his ability."

"There are research institutes that try to create mutant human ability inhibitors by studying his blood."

"All right."

Charles interrupted Raven's desire to continue questioning and turned to look at La Nina.

"Miss La Nina, I don't know how you learned about the leech, but he is not there."

He looked at La Nina, but said to everyone including Raven.

"That's something about another parallel world. It has nothing to do with us. Our world has no leeches."

Of course, it can not be said that it is completely irrelevant, because the parallel world timeline with leeches is in the future, so in a sense, they also have the opportunity to be born with leeches.

But there are only opportunities. . Because this future will be avoided by them. The future of the leech also gave birth to a more terrible killing machine, that is, the sentinel robot that created humans and mutants.

Now that we know when the end is coming, Charles, Eric and others will naturally try their best to avoid the future of the birth of sentinel robots, and they will wipe out the mutant leech that may be born.

These things. . There is no need to tell others.

La Nina nodded her way, and had no intention of getting entangled in this topic. It seemed that it was just an accident that she accidentally mentioned the leech.

. . Because her purpose has been achieved.

Yes, La Nina’s goal is not really to eliminate the hatred between mutants and humans. This goal is really too ambitious, and it is also the core of the entire mutant world. Only Eric and Charles are like this. Something that only the protagonist can touch can be touched by others, and there is absolutely no good ending.

What's more, even Charles and Eric have exhausted their lives and failed to fulfill their wishes. . La Nina had no such selfless spirit.

And although Charles is a moderate among the mutants, even moderates have their own bottom line.

Erasing the abilities of the mutants and turning them into ordinary people means that if they are serious, they will wipe out their nature, which is obviously the bottom line of Charles' heart.

If La Nina insisted on the leeches, she might have a relationship with Charles.

So her goal has never been a leech.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if there are no leeches. We can beat Apocalypse once, and we can beat him a second time.

With no nutritional advice in his mouth, La Nina secretly watched Hank's expression.

Seeing his thoughtful look, La Nina nodded secretly.

Yes, Leech is not La Nina's goal, Hank is.

Although Hank’s ability sounds useless, the people here either release powerful shock waves comparable to laser weapons, or they can become the world’s best spies, or even live forever. As a result, he is. . Just run fast?

But in fact, Hank's initial position in the team was not a combatant, but a researcher, or a researcher affiliated with the Central Bureau.

In the original timeline, he was code-named the beast because he used the potion he developed.

Something called an inhibitor is actually a catalyst.

Hank has been trying to eliminate his own big feet that are different from ordinary people. Even before the advent of Charles and others, the research has begun. However, because of the lack of many key factors, the research has not proceeded smoothly, or even at the theoretical stage.

But with the arrival of Raven, Hank's research progress began to advance by leaps and bounds.

Not only because the goddess is present, but also that her own goddess seems to be very distressed about the appearance of ordinary people, giving Hank the motivation to restart this project again, but also because Hank got the blood and genes of Raven.

As the code-named Raven, her blood has a very strong plasticity. Among the mutants, it is also a very special existence. Bolivar Terras studied the sentinel after getting Raven's blood. Robots, then it is not surprising that Hank worked out some kind of catalyst after getting Raven's blood.

The progress of Hank's experiment is leaping forward.

The special cells contained in Raven's blood not only inspired him, but also complemented the key factors he lacked in his previous experiments.

In less than a week, he produced finished products, two medicines that he thought were inhibitors.

On the eve of the decisive battle in the original timeline, he found Raven holding a potion and told her that the potion could solve her long-standing troubles, but at this time Raven had already recognized her original face and she no longer resisted herself. The identity and appearance of the mutants, in turn, persuaded Hank to accept himself.

The conversation between the two broke up.

Raven did not use the potion, but Hank returned to the room but did not withstand the confusion, or that he always adhered to his original intention, the original purpose, to be a normal human being.

He used the potion.

Then the change began.

Hank wanted to make an inhibitor that would eliminate his feet that were different from ordinary people. . Sounds like an incredible thing, because it is necessary to change the growth of bones, but also to change the muscles, skin, nerves and so on. It seems that it can not be done by a single medicine, at least after undergoing large and small operations.

But in fact, it does not need to be so troublesome. The Phantom Cat loses its ability to penetrate the wall when it is beside the leech.

The ability of the mutants cannot be explained by science, so the inhibitor can restore Hank's feet, and obviously there is no science.

If you insist on explaining it, it is the x gene. It is the x gene that caused everything for the mutants. If you remove the x gene, everything will return to normal.

Unfortunately, the fact is not what Hank thought.

It was Raven's special cells and genes that inspired Hank, and the main material of the inhibitor was Raven's blood genes.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You must know that after obtaining the blood of Raven, Tras Industries developed the sentinel robot, which is not an inhibitory robot, but also an evolutionary robot with constant self-improvement!

So no matter what special characteristics are contained in Raven's blood, it is not inhibition, but evolution, release, and transcendence.

Hank apparently did not conduct further research, or did not understand it after studying it, so he made the finished medicine in a hurry.

So he became a beast.

The so-called inhibitor did not suppress his x gene, his nature, but catalyzed them.

Originally, Hank had only returned to his ancestors on his feet, but under the catalysis of the Raven gene, he began to have some kind of ancestors throughout his body.

His hands became like his feet, his legs and arms became extra thick, his skin appeared thick blue hair, his bones began to become strong and firm, he began to become powerful, he was like Yes. . Became a real ancient beast.

The beast was born.

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