High Magic Earth

Chapter 1922: Similar to human beings

So the medicine made by Hank is not an inhibitor at all, but a catalyst.

And this potion. . This is the goal of La Nina and Keiko's trip.

Catalytic agents, and still act on the genetic level, which is not exactly what they need. . Although this seems to involve x cells, it has little effect.

According to the original timeline, there is no difficulty in obtaining this potion, and it is simply not valued in the original plot.

But the ghost knew that such a change had occurred in this world.

This time it was in trouble.

But looking at Hank's thoughtful expression. . Obviously, things don't seem so troublesome.

La Nina achieved her goal.

On the other hand, Charles didn't know these things in La Nina's mind, and still seemed to take her answer seriously.

"But this time we don't have a piano."

He frowned and shook his head.

"It's difficult to defeat Apocalypse... no, it's almost impossible."

La Nina suffocated.

"Sorry...I ignored the current time."

Of course she knows that there is no piano at this time. If the phoenix does appear here, maybe she and Keiko will now turn around and run away. Even the target medicine may not be taken care of.

After all, the power of Phoenix is ​​too strong. . It is so powerful that it is not at the same level as those of Apocalypse and Charles, and they are not at all accessible to them now.

The reason why these things are clear and still say so, naturally is because La Nina's inattentiveness, because her purpose was not to help Charles and others, but to get Hank back to the correct timeline, Quickly make the potion.

As long as the potion was in hand, they immediately left.

Who cares about the life and death of these mutants.

But after hinting and reminding Hank of these words, La Nina couldn't put forward any useful suggestions. She and Keiko had to mix in Hank here to make the potion. God knows how long it will take.

and so. . She must make some valuable suggestions, at least for Charles to initially accept them.

"if it is like this.."

La Nina made a thoughtful look.

"We are afraid there is only one choice left."

"That is to join hands with humans to fight against the Apocalypse, and then deal with our enemies. Of course, if the situation changes, the apocalypse does not need to fight better."

Charles froze for a moment.

"This is not the original plan, what's the difference?"

Without them, Charles' original plan was like this, and it could only be like this, but the biggest problem was how to deal with the apocalypse, and how to ensure that humans would not turn their faces afterwards.

Of course, the latter can actually be ignored for the time being, but the former. . Even if human beings are added, can they overcome the apocalypse?

I'm afraid not necessarily.

"Of course different."

La Nina seemed to see what Charles thought.

"I know that without the help of Qin, we have no chance of facing the Apocalypse, even if human beings and us are one heart, there is not much chance of winning."

"But we have another helper."

"Fate Card."

"Are you going to use Destiny cards to deal with Apocalypse?"

Charles immediately understood that pulling a group of enemies against another group of enemies was the reason why he and Moira awakened the Apocalypse, and they wanted to hold the apocalypse against the group of aliens. . It's a pity that in the end it became a mess.

"And apocalypse... and it must be our enemy."

La Nina continued.

"There is also the issue of hatred between humans and mutants."

"It's not that there is no solution, but that it lacks a key condition."

"What is it?"

Charles was really a little curious at this time, wondering what the woman who claimed to be a magician could say in front of her.

"Humans are an extremely xenophobic race."

"I believe you understand what I mean."

But La Nina didn't answer directly, but began to say something that seemed irrelevant. Charles was not in a hurry. He listened patiently, patiently, and even nodded in agreement.

"Variants are different from humans, and it is precisely because of this that humans specifically exclude mutants. After all, the two are essentially different."

"But there is actually another key point that cannot be ignored. In fact, between mutants and humans, there is actually an essential similarity."

"That is... they have the same origin, the same ancestry."

"Humans and mutants are homologous, used to be."

"You mean..."

Charles seemed to understand something La Nina wanted to express.

"Yes, if another alien race appears at this time, a race that is essentially different from humans and mutants."

"For example... Aliens."

Suddenly, there was a feeling in Charles' mind.

Yes, there is no exaggeration or falseness in La Nina's remarks. Even the previous question and analysis are repeated again, but it is only a different perspective.

And this is another angle. . In an instant, Charles opened his mind.

That's it. They seem to have fallen into a certain misunderstanding. Now, what they really care about is not just the problem between mutants and humans, because they all have to face a common enemy, that is. . Alien.

Those so-called gods.

Compared to humans, mutants are heterogeneous and special, but compared to aliens, the difference between humans and mutants does not seem to be that great, because in the eyes of aliens, both are heterogeneous.

In the face of aliens, humans and mutants should unite because they are homologous creatures. Although there have been differences over the long period of time with continuous evolution, the two are still originally homologous.

Although this unity may be short-lived and fragile, it also means. . Things may not be as bad as imagined.

"It seems you think of it."

La Nina laughed.

"And these are facts, they are indeed aliens, and we... are indeed magicians."

. . .

Although Charles did not come from outside the box, he was right about the Rocky group. They were indeed aliens.

Although it is accurately from a parallel world, it is also very appropriate to be called an alien. To know that Loki is the second princess of Asgard, but it is a real alien.

But as the native in the box, Charles apparently did not know these things, he just hit by mistake.

While La Nina and Yamami Keiko come from outside the box, naturally they are very clear about these, which is also the most advantageous support for La Nina at present.

Advantages from outside the box.

It is with the crushing of these information levels that La Nina can slap her head and think of a bad idea in the past.

. . Of course, this is not fooling Charles, Charles is not so good fooling, if he can't say it, he will certainly not agree.

The group of new humans with Rocky's existence is not a problem as an alien. With this premise, like La Nina's point of view, the conflict between mutants and ordinary humans will be greatly alleviated.

There is naturally a conflict between the two, but this conflict is not worth mentioning in front of foreign enemies.

Human beings are such a contradictory race.

"We are really magicians."

La Nina smiled again and said.

"Since all aliens exist, why can't a magician exist."

"It's different."

The corner of Charles' mouth was slightly unchecked.

"What about God?"

La Nina asked back.

Charles language stuffed.

He couldn’t refute, because Loki’s memory was what he saw with his own eyes, unless the memory was fake. . Memories of months, years or even decades can be faked, but memories of hundreds of years and thousands of years.

"Aliens are real."

La Nina suddenly said to Charles seriously.

"We magicians also exist."

"Just in front of you."

Charles was silent this time, no rebuttal, no doubt, but nodded.

Obviously he has realized La Nina's implication again, the existence of aliens is not so easy to believe.

Especially bring a series of concepts such as time shuttle, parallel universe, save the world and so on. . This is simply a science fiction novel that combines all the elements.

Even science fiction doesn't dare to write this, it's too complicated to throw on the street!

But if there is a proof, its credibility is greatly increased, and the existence of magic is obviously a very good proof.

The premise is that it can prove itself.

Going round and round, Charles' gaze fell on La Nina's face again. . He felt that with her IQ, she could understand what he meant.

La Nina really understood.

"We are not mutants, but magicians, I know you don't believe it, then..."

"In your mind, what is magic?"

Charles still did not answer immediately.

Although he is growing fast, he is much calmer and more reliable than before, but concurrency problems are also increasing rapidly, for example, hesitating about this.

He thinks more and more than before. A cautious character like him, once stimulated, it is easy to go to a certain extreme, he and Eric are actually like this.

And now Charles actually has much thought. . This trend.

Once people think more, they will look forward and backward. Charles’s silence at this time is for this reason. He is thinking about why La Nina asked, if she has any other purpose, if she said it, would it? It became him helping La Nina think about how to prove their identity, not herself.

After all, answering is always more difficult than asking questions.

But Charles didn't speak, and Raven, who had been listening to heavenly books, seemed to finally find an opportunity to join the discussion.

"I know!"

She said slightly excitedly.

"Magic is... it's impossible, become real!"

A typical answer, most people will have this idea after reading children's fairy tale books, thinking that magic is an invisible and omnipotent existence.

La Nina seemed to have heard more of these answers. She was not surprised, but just asked with a smile.

"What about mutants?"

"In the eyes of ordinary people, aren't mutants like this?"

Rui Wen was suffocated and couldn't answer, because she thought about it carefully and realized that things really seemed like what La Nina said.

In ancient times, humans were ignorant that flames and lightning were regarded by them as weapons of the gods, and controlling the flames were the supreme gods. Now, the technology has been able to do most of the things, but there are still almost endless things. It cannot be done.

But mutants can.

This non-scientific x-cell can do all this, so in the eyes of ordinary people, the mutants seem to be undoubtedly undoubtedly divine.

They are afraid of mutants. . It's like the ancient human being was afraid of flames.

Charles said quietly.

"So, you mean you can't prove it."

Having said so much, Charles feels that La Nina's implication is that she can't prove it. After all, the power of the mutants is indeed incredible, and it's not too much to compare to magic.

So even real magic is here. . It may also be difficult to discern.

But unexpectedly.

"Do not."

La Nina shook her head.

"Magic and mutants still have the most essential difference."

"It's not that magic is omnipotent, or what magic can do."

"The reason why magic is magic is because it can be juxtaposed with science, but it is just another kind of existence that science cannot explain."

"and so.."

"It can be learned."

. . .

Looking at Charles even breathing a little, La Nina was satisfied.

The reason why Charles has such a reaction is mostly because he is still young, followed by it. . Magic is indeed an incredible existence.

He was able to accept mutants, because mutants are a product of science and technology. Charles was originally studying genetics. Everything is traceable and the logic is clear, so he can understand the mutants.

Their existence is not a miracle.

But magic. .

Even though La Nina told Charles that magic is nothing but science, there is a subject that humans haven't explored~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he still has some inability to accept it.

After all, stories about magic and fairy tales existed very early, and spread far, even if Charles had heard a lot when he was a child, it inevitably brought some subjective colors.

His excitement was justified.

La Nina was calm.

Because of such a thing, she was not the first time she encountered it.

In many parallel worlds, obtaining trust is not an easy task. Even if they show their identity and even use magic, they still have some people who do not believe it.

If it is a lower-level world, it is better to say that, similar to some magical middle ages, as long as you can take out a few pieces of stone into gold, change gold coins out of thin air, or use a big fireball to slap your face, then most of them can confirm the existence of magic.

But some of the more advanced existences, such as the world of mutants, the world of superheroes, or the future world, and the near-planetary world, it is not so easy to prove the existence of magic.

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