High Magic Earth

Chapter 1923: Hell is actually more flustered

Just like the situation that La Nina and they are encountering now, in some worlds, not only the technology itself can already do most of the things, there are even genetic mutations.

There are blood, cells, or whatever.

The principle of mutation. . Don't say that this principle cannot be explained by La Nina. I am afraid that even the mutants themselves cannot explain it. Naturally, don't try to figure out the principle behind it.

And most of these things are very unscientific, and indeed no different from magic.

At this time, it is difficult to prove that magic is true.

Fortunately, La Nina and others are not unprepared. After all, such things have happened so much that they will naturally find a solution.

That's what La Nina told Charles to learn.

The most essential difference between magic and mutation is that mutation relies on individuals, or genes, blood, or other energies. It is uncontrollable. Since it is uncontrollable, it is also very difficult to replicate.

But magic is different. Although magic is not as organized as science, it can still be learned.

Even if it is just an ordinary person.

. . Well, of course, ordinary people can't do it. Magic is also gifted, but explaining these is obviously useless and pale, and they must directly make the most powerful proof.

And in the end, it really made the two find a kind of magic that almost everyone can use, get started quickly, and have significant effects.

. . .

"So... magic is so troublesome?"

Charles was next to La Nina, watching her busy with Raven and others on the ground in the basement, and using paint to paint the classic pentagram that appeared most frequently in TV series, and using magic to There were pits of unknown significance on the ground and walls, Charles couldn't help asking.

"No, of course not."

La Nina shook her head.

"Learning magic is not difficult, but if you want to achieve a low threshold, everyone can use it, almost no magic in strange conditions... it is very troublesome."

"Do you think that magic can be learned by everyone?"

"It also depends on the talent, even if you are determined to be a scientist, you must look at Satoshi or not. The conditions of magic will only be more harsh than science."

Charles couldn't refute it, and Hank, who was helping La Nina busy, nodded again and again.

"Yes, just like a researcher, not everyone is competent."

It sounds like a simple approval. . If it weren't for saying this, Hank's gaze fell on Alex.

Alex, who was pestering La Nina, was just sneering.

"Oh, Bigfoot."

He uttered silent sarcasm with his mouth.

This made Hank's face black.

If it is in peacetime, Charles will definitely come up with his increasingly strong professor style to educate the two, but now he obviously does not have this thought.

After a while, I chatted with La Nina again, and tried to find out some information that La Nina deliberately revealed. The preliminary preparation work was finally completed.

"What's the use of this."

Looking at the magic circle that was finally completed, Charles wiped the non-existent virtual sweat and asked suspiciously.

La Nina and Keiko Yamaguchi drove the others aside, and everyone withdrew from the magic circle, and then they each lit some candles at the edge, and the magic circle on the ground suddenly looked more similar, often appearing in TV series. Kind of inferior magic circle.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, it can't make people use magic right away, but..."

La Nina blinked mysteriously at Charles.

"It allows you to see another world."

. . .

"another world?"

Charles froze.

This is far from the answer he expected.

"Yes, another world."

La Nina said.


The scene was quiet.

Although it was Charles who communicated with La Nina, Logan, Raven and others were on the sidelines. Everyone was quiet when he heard La Nina's words.

"This is impossible."

Moira retorted subconsciously.

"Hell... Does **** really exist?"

"Gods all exist, why **** cannot exist."

La Nina shrugged.

"This magic circle can make people's souls enter **** for a short time, but it is only on the edge, where there is nothing but monsters."

"No need to worry about getting hurt, because **** is not so easy to enter. Using this magic circle can only be considered as a smuggling, so no monsters can touch you. The moment they try to contact you, you will come back again. To your own body."

"Back to this world."

La Nina showed an inexplicable smile.

"Because you are not only worried that you will be injured, but **** is even more worried that you will bring souvenirs back every time you go down."

"That will have a great impact on hell, and it will also affect the human world."

Although La Nina spoke lightly, the people present were not so relaxed.

For example, Hank, as a researcher, he was full of questions at this time and wanted to ask, but even because he had too many questions, he finally didn't know where to start.

Raven and others are similar.

Charles is the most calm, or that there are too many things worth shocking him recently. Over time, he has become accustomed to. After experiencing the aliens, parallel world, shuttle time, Nordic gods, and other baptisms, the surrounding mutants The acceptance of the guy has become quite high.

Isn’t it hell, it’s not a demon, Lucifer or something might be true, even the Nordic gods exist, why can’t they exist?

As long as **** is regarded as another planet, or parallel world or something, those gods and demons are actually no different from aliens.

"There are demons there?"

"Who knows."

La Nina spread her hands.

"Maybe there may not be, but I haven't seen it anyway."

"I know."

Charles nodded, but seemed to stop talking.

La Nina naturally understood his doubts and concerns.

"This magic circle can prove the existence of magic."

"Because like I said, it can be learned."

"So I mean, you have learned it now, and even later, even without us, even if you are not a mutant, as long as you draw this magic circle and perfect it according to the key points, it can connect to **** and work. ."

"You can try it in private."

The eager expressions of Raven and others around him immediately frowned and instinctively entered the stage of educating people, but before waiting for his long talk, La Nina pulled out a stack of pamphlets from her arms.

"I have written the detailed content on it. This is our flyer."

Charles took a look.

"Guide your mind, a three-minute journey to hell, author... Benu Bird?"

He looked up.

Looking at Charles's gaze, La Nina's pretending blushing blushed,

"Don't look at me like this, the magician also wants to eat... I don't all say that magic can be learned, and our propaganda is not very normal."

"You guys post these things on the street?"

Charles ignored the curious gaze of Raven and others and shook the book.

"How is it possible, is it good to ask for money, and it will not be sent casually, and must pay a sufficient price...such as money or something with a magical talent, we will only contact them."

"Otherwise magic is already known to everyone. But you obviously don't know."

"All right."

La Nina interrupted Charles' curiosity.

"Regarding the magic circle itself, I know what you are worried about. There must be risks in entering hell. Anything in this world is risky. There is no riskless thing."

"But the danger of this magic circle is not high."

"There are no demons in hell, at least I haven't seen them, nor ghosts or ghosts, or soul bodies with memories of life, so the idea of ​​finding important people who have passed away in **** can also be eliminated."

"The only ones there are monsters, some monsters that look like dwarfs, they have no reason or wisdom, and they have a certain degree of aggression."

"But the magic circle only makes people's souls enter the space of **** for a short time. It belongs to smuggling. The space of **** does not welcome us and has been resisting us. There is no need to worry about danger, because those monsters try to attack us. It will be pulled back in an instant."

"Hell is more worried about real contact than we are."

"So the danger of this magic circle... is already very low."

"So, who of you intends to give it a try."

Although the words are yours, La Nina's eyes fell directly on Logan, but unfortunately Logan didn't even look at her at all, but still stared at her cigar and swallowed.

Charles did not speak, but was meditating.

Others have a lot of problems. Although La Nina has explained a lot, it is obviously not enough. Since there is such a problem of devil angels and even heaven like hell, are there really people who can’t find it?

But Moira blocked them back one by one with her eyes.

After a long time, Charles still looked at Logan, and the very understanding of Logan certainly understood Charles's meaning. He nodded, smoked his last cigar, and then strode into the magic circle.

"how should I do."

Logan asked.

"It says in the manual."

La Nina pulled out a handbook again and threw it to Logan. She flicked her finger, and the handbook floating in front of Logan began to flip through the pages on her own, and finally the book pages opened in a more middle position.

"Just read it."

Logan looked impatiently at the text in the manual and began to recognize the correct pronunciation.

"Faith... Faith too..."

He stumbled.

Then in the next moment that the voice hadn't fallen yet, Logan had already lost his soul and fell to the ground.

. . .

Charles stared solemnly at the falling Logan.

Although La Nina explained it clearly, how could such a thing be explained in a few words.

another world. . hell.

Well, thanks to the appearance of a Nordic **** Loki in advance, Charles was psychologically prepared, otherwise he would not be so easy to accept the setting of hell.

But even so, there are still many concerns.

The most natural of these is the security issue. Although La Nina said that there are no demons out there, her credibility is inherently unknown.

For example, is this really what she said, is it leading to another world, hell? Instead. . Something else, like. . Illusion?

Even Charles was a little nervous at the moment, let alone others.

For example, Moira, who had the same frown, a nervous face, and Raven Angel, and others. Of course, Hank had a puzzled expression on his face, but he didn't know where to ask. As for Alex. . This guy is still watching La Nina in secret.

But La Nina obviously didn't notice these things because. . She was also nervous at this time.

This magic circle is not fake, in other words, it can really connect hell.

Although it seems simple and unreliable, it looks like a good thing, but this magic array is actually real.

It does not come from the few resource worlds at the origin conference, whether it is the Lord of the Rings or World of Warcraft, do not like to use this magic to communicate hell, or magic array. . There may not even exist the concept of hell!

This was another good partner of La Nina and Keiko, who had gone to the present world to meet Josie Ken and exchanged it from another free person from a non-origin meeting.

From a world of demon hunters. . Not a world of demon hunters with two brothers, but a world of very, very small demons.

When they went in, they didn't know the plot at all, because no one had watched it at all, and even knew the movie. After they came out, they searched for evil supplements on the Internet, and they found a bad movie with a small cost.

But although it is a bad film, the logic is smooth, or because the information revealed in the present world is part of the information that the world sends out, and it also has undergone some artistic processing by the recipient, that is, the director and the author, which already has deviations.

It is normal to have logically unsuccessful places ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but when entering the world, the world itself, there will be no such mistakes.

That is to say, everything is based on facts.

The plot is bad, and there is nothing good, but there are still many magics that can be achieved. . There are also some very interesting and valuable magic.

Just like the magic circle that Ken exchanged for the soul to enter **** briefly.

Of course, they can’t be sure whether it is **** or just a different space. After all, in many worlds that don’t have the concept of hell, this magic can also be realized, bringing the soul into another world briefly, such as in the devil. Quit.

And according to La Nina's observation. . There seemed to be a little shadow of **** there. As Benu Bird, the messenger of the underworld, her judgment is still very credible.

Although the underworld is different from hell, it is not much different.

So they finally defined this magic circle as a magic circle that can make people's souls enter **** for a short time.

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