High Magic Earth

Chapter 1924: Mutants in hell

This is of course no problem. Although there is something that even La Nina can't understand, there is indeed a strong sense of death in this space where the magic circle sends the soul to another space.

She bet on the dignity of her benu bird!

And places related to death. . It doesn't matter if it's called Underworld or Hell.

Of course, the original version of the magic circle has many problems. For example, the time that the soul stays in another space is very short, much shorter than imagined, no more than three minutes at most, and it can stay longer now, or La Nina. It strengthened it with the blood of his benu bird.

In addition, Ken and Keiko Yamami also made a lot of effort. It can be said that in order to modify this magic circle, the three of them almost used their lifelong learning.

In addition, other people from the origin meeting came to help, and this is the magic circle with very low risk.

But even if the danger has been minimized, La Nina is still not at ease.

Because it is magic after all, the uncertainty is too great.

Science and technology also have a strong uncertainty, and accidents also occur in the experiment. Accidents are inevitable, but the science and technology field is about logic. They are very logical, and the frequency of accidents is lower. Through logic Inference, it can effectively avoid some problems that will occur.

But magic is different. It is a very disorderly existence in itself. Even if it is to learn, it is simply to learn to use rather than interpret the principle, so it may have more accidents.

However, La Nina was not worried.

Of course, not every time she uses this magic circle, she will be so distracted as she is now, because if it is only shown to a medieval king, then she will not use a little care.

The king died when he died,

Although it was a little troublesome, it was a big deal, so La Nina was not worried at all.

But the mutant world. .

The water in this world is very deep, and it is not comparable to those unknown kings of the Middle Ages. If something goes wrong, the ghost knows what will happen.

When the magic circle was taken into this world, some unknown change would inevitably occur, so after Logan entered the magic circle, La Nina stared at it almost all the time.

It is best to make strong proofs, if not. . Nor can Logan have an accident.

. . .

Logan felt a dizzy moment in his head.

The cleverness of fighting on the battlefield all year round made him wake up again in an instant. He slowly headed, staring fiercely at the surroundings.

. . Where is this?

Logan felt that his head was still groggy.

The regeneration factor keeps him from fearing injury or even immortality, but the only thing that is not immune to is injury and suppression from the spiritual level.

It is a real mental injury, not something that is stirred up in the head by thought motivation.

Even if it became a paste, Logan could still recover and recover, but it may take a long time for the lost memory and thinking to relax.

So he will have amnesia for years or even decades.

Now Logan suspected that his thinking was confused again, because everything in front of him, everything he saw was dim.

"This **** little one."

Logan suspected that La Nina was playing tricks and he complained fiercely.

There must be no problem with his eyes, no matter what injuries, diseases, regeneration factors will make him heal instantly.

So since it is not an eye problem, it must be that someone is messing with his brain. He hates what others do to his brain. The second thing he hates is that someone does something strange to his bones. . For example, a scene.

Cursing fiercely in his head, Logan looked around again.

It's still gray and a little yellow, like the color in the old photos, with a sense of nostalgia and inexplicable sadness.

Some kind of invisible wind blows around, making the surroundings more and more cold. It is a kind of forest cold, which makes people chill.

Logan's curse stopped abruptly.

Because he found that it seemed that La Nina didn't have any ghosts in her head, but that there was indeed a problem with his eyes.

Do not. . It's everything around, the world around it, originally this color.

A world full of yellow.

So, hell?

Logan deserves to be a well-informed guy who has not only experienced four wars, but also saved countless worlds, and experienced the doomsday future and the ancient gods fighting. The strange situation around him is just a small scene for him.

Although he couldn't get his head clear, he didn't panic.

So it must be **** here.

After discovering the abnormal situation around him, Logan quickly thought of the cause and effect. Since the strange array of the magic circle is still able to send himself to hell, now this strange situation may only come to hell. of.

Thinking of this, Logan held both hands, and the sharp bones and claws flowed out along the gap of the knuckles. Although La Nina said that the attack here is invalid, whether it is attacked or attacked, it will leave the world in an instant, but Logan still believed in his hands more.

Feeling his bones and muscles continue to break and heal as bone claws grow, his heart becomes calmer.

As long as his abilities remain, he is invincible.

Because a creature can't stop death, then there is nothing to stop him.

Logan carefully observed the situation around him.

He is on a barren road.

Or a highway close to the city.

The reason why he judged it this way was because he was surrounded by broken cars, broken roads, collapsed street signs and advertising signs, as well. . A signpost lying at his feet.

Highway 3 in Las Vegas.

It turned out to be here.

Logan habitually wanted to touch a cigar, but touched an empty space. He immediately searched twice and found that he seemed to have brought nothing but a suit.

"Damn it."

He mumbled.

"The beginning of this journey is really unpleasant."

Without much hesitation, after discovering that there were no significant dangers around him, Logan started striding forward. His stride was large and his pace was fast, but there was not much noise.

It seems to be able to absorb the sound here is generally a reason, and the other is because. . Logan's pace was tempered in countless battles.

Although he doesn't care about these things himself, the fighting style is a rash word, but he has participated in too many battles, even if it is a pig, after a hundred years of fighting career, it is also a war pig.

Not to mention him.

It seems that after a few breaths, Logan has left a distance of more than 100 meters, but compared to this road, it is still only a small part.

The way forward still seems to be long.

But what Logan’s beast-like instinct didn’t make him feel was that shortly after he appeared here, some monsters of the same color as the surroundings appeared in the back of the surrounding cars, and shattered. After building the walls, they are hidden in shadows and hidden in corners. . Dare not show up.

And such monsters surrounded a dozen of them around him.

But this is just a drop in the ocean.

Because if you zoom in, you will see that this road is centered on Logan, and all these monsters are within a hundred miles.

Thousands of densely packed.

. . .

Logan seemed to keep on going, but he was constantly analyzing useful things, for example. . He is feeling the changes in his body.

And he felt that he didn't seem to be tired.

Yes, the regeneration factor keeps him from fatigue, muscle and bone fatigue is almost zero, but mental fatigue is unavoidable.

But even if the infinite is close to zero, the fatigue value still exists, but it recovers quickly.

Logan's control of his body is very meticulous. The existence of regeneration factors can make him feel every movement of his muscles and bones, and now his degree of fatigue recovery. . Very unusual.

As if his energy had been increased, Logan felt as if he was unstoppable.

And this does not seem to be an illusion, but a real existence.

Logan frowned slightly.

Secondly, he felt that his perception was not as sharp as before, perhaps because the surroundings were too quiet. . It was so quiet that he could not hear anything, as if the concept of sound did not exist in it.

Logan wanted to step on the ground hard, but he was worried that the sound would be transmitted far away, deafening, and causing some unnecessary trouble, so he didn't do it for the time being.

If for a while trouble really comes. . Then he will give it a try.

There is a faint smell of sulfur in the air, which is in line with the portrayal of hell. When you see it, it is a dark yellow that seems to be withered. In general, this space is very uncomfortable.

Logan meditated and remembered in his heart, while counting his own heartbeat, he had stayed here for at least ten minutes.

But in the past ten minutes, he has been on the road except for the road, and there have been damaged roads around him, and he has seen nothing else.

Well, in addition to various broken cars, billboards, and the rest stations and roadside once. . and many more.

Logan's footsteps suddenly stopped in front of a broken car.

He finally realized something was wrong.

This car. . It doesn't look like a product of the seventies.

Logan looked at the LCD screen inside the car, the wreckage of the mobile phone scattered on the seat, and the decoration and fuel tank near the rest station next to it.

these things. . It seems to be the product of at least the 21st century.

No wonder he didn't find it for a while.

Logan often travels through time, traveling through different timelines, and he has a long life span, whether it was in the 1960s or 1970s or after the 21st century.

But it was from the nineteenth century to the twenty-first century. . Therefore, his concept of time is very indifferent, and he will not feel strange about many things around him that are used to.

After all, he has seen both his head TV and LCD TV, so he will not feel abnormal. . And people will subconsciously ignore what they are accustomed to, and turn a blind eye to what they are familiar with.

But he realized now.

After listening for about half a minute, Logan continued to lift his foot forward.

and so. . Is this time he once again shuttled the timeline?

He thought, he was not sure what he was now. After all, it might be the so-called hell, but who knows what the **** is like?

Thinking about it, Logan's footsteps stopped suddenly.

Intuition tells him that he is being stared at by something, although he has not heard the weird voice, nor has he seen any gruesome enemies. . But he doesn't feel wrong.

This is the intuition that he has exchanged for his death hundreds of thousands of times.

Stopped, his feet stood, his knees bent slightly, the bones and claws of his hands extended a few centimeters outward again, and Logan stared around with fierce eyes.

have what. . There must be something. .

Ruins, scrapped cars, collapsed billboards, walls. . As far as I can see, everything is desolate ruins, but Logan is still unhesitating and unmoved.

It was about Logan's firm expression that made those things realize that the human in front of him would not regret his heart. They have been found, and even if they continue to hide, the other party will not relax their vigilance.

So after about a few minutes of confrontation, a rustling voice suddenly appeared in every corner around.

Logan was very light and unchanged, only his eyes were more fierce.

In the next moment, something like a hairless wolf dog, or a large mouse-like thing appeared around them. They crawled out of the scrapped car chassis, came out of the shadows, and emerged from all corners.

They crouched on cars, walls, scrapped buildings, densely packed, and in just a few minutes, they occupied everything Logan could see in front of him, at least hundreds.

"...This is really a monster."

Logan muttered ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Okay, he admitted that La Nina did remind him that there are monsters in hell, and only monsters. . But it has not been said that there are so few "monsters".

Although Logan was surrounded, he did not panic.

First, according to La Nina, he will not be in danger, because this group of guys really want to attack himself, then he will leave **** in an instant, and second, even if La Nina said that it is false, he has an immortal body, Not afraid of death.

Even if he fought here for a few days and nights, he must win.

So Logan stood calmly, and even had the mood to observe these little monsters.

At first glance, they look like hairless dogs, but if you look closely, you will see that they have a clear distinction between limbs and heads, so instead of dividing them into dogs, it is better to say that they are shrinking humans.

Just like the monsters like the dwarf goblins, but they are thinner, smaller, and uglier.

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