High Magic Earth

Chapter 1925: Logan: Unlock new achievements

"Drink! Grunt!"

It seems to feel that the tall creature in front is not very annoying. This group of monsters did not rush to rush, but twittered screaming at a distance from Logan.

They jumped on the scrapped cars, the broken walls, made a grunting sound, and grinned at Logan's teeth from time to time, making a threat.

These monsters may be waiting for companions.

Logan, experienced in combat, immediately realized that they didn't immediately start.

You know, Logan has not only participated in four human wars and battles between countless variants. He also has extensive experience in other battles, such as hunting.

He was born at the end of the nineteenth century, at the tail of the farmer's era, and mankind is striding into the period of modern times.

. . At that time, his adoptive father aimed his gun at the modified version of the flintlock gun, one shot and one fill.

So he inevitably has a deep understanding of primitive hunting, and in the process of continuous wandering and flight, he often leads the life of Ru Mao drinking blood, and Logan has a deep understanding of the habits of beasts.

Although these monsters are not beasts, he can see their abacus at a glance.

But Logan was not in a hurry.

He is not worried about death, so no matter how many companions these monsters call him, there is no difference between him, but the difference between longer and shorter battles.

And it seems that in this suspected **** place will not die, once he comes into contact with the creatures here, he will instantly return to the original world.

He has nothing to worry about.

So there was a weird confrontation between the two parties. Logan didn't panic and stood calmly. The monsters didn't dare to hug them, but jumped on the spot and waited for more companions.

The two sides waited quietly, as if the last tranquility before the storm.

"Squeak! Ji!"

Logan felt more and more twittering in his ears, which meant more monsters were rushing here.

This world seems to have a certain sense of sound, and any sound is much smaller than normal. . Logan has already tested it.

After the arrival of these monsters, he grabbed the skin of a scrapped car with bone claws. The sound of a sharp object that was enough to cover his ears across the metal became even meowing.

In this case, the sounds of these monsters can still be heard through Logan’s ears without knowing how much distance, which is enough to show how much they have come.

several hundred? Thousands?

"The devil is on."

Logan murmured in distress.

"When will this kill?"

With a grumble in his mouth, Logan was finally ready to fight this time. If nothing unexpected happened, the number of these little monsters should have been enough.

And they. . It should be unbearable.

Fighting is inevitable. . Of course, it would be best if we could avoid fighting.

The bone spur opened slightly, Logan's legs flexed slightly, his face calm.

Like a lone wolf desperate.

. . .

In fact, if Logan had the perspective of God, he could see that there were more monsters coming around than he expected. . Much more.

They are like locusts, densely popping up from all directions and touching the ground, like a huge ant colony.

These monsters are black and pressured, and the speed is not fast, but the number is exceptionally large. They almost completely cover the entire ground, leaving no trace of meaning, the cars are covered by them, and the broken walls are also disappeared. What you see . . Only this dense group of monsters.

See no end.

Their number is more than a few hundred or a few thousand, they may have exceeded 100,000 or even a million, as if there are these monsters in this world, and the monsters of the whole world have gathered here in Logan.

. . For the only good news, probably these monsters are the only ones, and no more strange creatures have appeared.

This is probably good news.

the other side.

As Logan predicted, after all the big crowds of companions came over, these little monsters obviously had some inexplicable courage.

Although they are still so thin and ugly, although after the outbreak of battle, they still need to attack Logan independently, but the emergence of a large number of companions still makes them instantly have infinite courage.


After screaming provocatively at Logan again, the little monsters at the front gave a ferocious roar, and then rushed at Logan.


Logan was also unwilling to show his weakness. He tightened his muscles like a cheetah and rushed out in an instant. The sharp bones and claws crossed the air like a sharp blade, even flashing cold light, and struck them with sword spirit monster.

At the same time, these little monsters who took the lead in attacking were like the first snowflakes driving an avalanche. With their movements, other little monsters that had surrounded Logan around also moved in an instant, crazy towards Logan Pushed, fiercely depressed.

Although the height of each of them may be less than half a meter, hundreds of thousands of small monsters piled up together can still create an atmosphere like the top of the mountain.

The kind of even timid people will be paralyzed by this avalanche-like scene.

But this obviously didn't scare Logan, and even he didn't pay attention to what was around, because at the moment of the fighting, only the nearest enemy was left in front of him.

See everything before killing, this is how he fights.

Time seemed to be delayed, Logan's bones and claws moved slowly in the air, and the monster on the opposite side slowly rushed at him. . Then it gradually got closer and closer, and Logan could even see their ugly skin, sporadic teeth, dry eye sockets and sparse hair.

In the next moment, time was slowed down again, and Logan's bone claws had been precisely aligned with the fatal part of the monster's suspected neck.

According to Logan's experience, if this attack does not fail, then it is enough to solve this monster.

but. .

As expected, the feeling of bone claws entering the flesh did not appear. Just at the moment when Logan's bone claws seemed to attack the little monster, a burst of darkness suddenly appeared before Logan's eyes, and then it was. . Circling around.

. . .

Charles is very patient, he is much more patient than before.

War is really a thing to hone people. Even though the war has not officially started yet, Charles has learned a lot from it.

Has become a lot.

He was not so patient before.

Of course, it might only be because Logan had only been in a coma for a few minutes.

Charles and Moira were alone outside the magic circle. Without La Nina speaking, neither of them would dare to make any interference easily.

Although this group of mutants is still young, it can't do such a stupid thing.

However, although Charles can remain calm, Moira and Raven and others next to him have already appeared anxious. Although Logan has not slept for a long time, although the magic circle has begun to function, everyone will say nothing. The atmosphere seems a little too silent.

And this silence will obviously make the inner uneasiness multiplied.

Humans are emotional animals, and women are the best among them.

Time passed again for two minutes, exactly five minutes later, Charles finally asked.

"How long will he come back."

La Nina's eyes did not leave Logan and the magic circle, and she said without looking back.

"No longer than half an hour."

"This is the longest time the magic circle can allow the soul to stay in hell. Secondly... if he is unlucky and encounters those monsters in advance, he will return early."

Before La Nina's words fell, everyone saw Rogan lying in the magic circle suddenly jumping from the ground, his hands spurting bone claws, as if there were any terrible enemies around him. In a flash, you are ready to fight.


. . .

As before, darkness came and went quickly, and when Rogan regained light in front of him, he saw Charles who was watching him.

The vision was restored.

The surroundings are no longer gray, and always have the color of dusk, but they have regained the vivid colors. . Sure enough, it was a problem of that world.

Logan immediately realized that he was back. He looked down at Charles calmly, and saw Hank, Raven and Alex, as well. . La Nina.

Squinting his eyes uncomfortably, Logan retracted his bones and claws back.

Then he nodded at Charles and walked out of the magic circle without a word.

La Nina breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Samiko Keiko, and did not keep up with others such as Charles and Logan. Presumably they wanted to whisper something.

. . .

Charles and Logan stepped aside.

"Where is hell?"

Logan shook his head.

"I haven't seen **** again, and I don't know."

"But that is really another world, the whole world is shrouded in dusk."

Seeing Charles's eyes differ, Logan quickly explained.

"This is not an art description, it is true that the whole world is a dim color, and some is like some kind of pollution."

Charles nodded.

"I'm not sure if it's hell, but it looks like another world anyway...it's more like a world with an end, a parallel world or something."

"I saw scrapped cars, buildings, and highway signs leading to Las Vegas there, depending on the technology of the car there may be forty years later."

"And like the woman said, there are monsters, many monsters, the number is at least ten thousand, but I came back the moment they attacked."

"It really doesn't seem to be dangerous."

Logan quickly recounted his experience.

Although these are his personal experiences, they are not necessarily credible. It is not that his experience is fake, but that Logan cannot be sure that all of this is absolute.

such as. . Maybe he was able to come back in danger this time, or maybe when everyone else went down, they couldn’t return in danger.

This result can be devastating.

Charles was naturally aware of what Rogan wanted to express, and he nodded, indicating that he knew.

In fact, now that things are up, it is not so important to determine the identity of La Nina and Samiko Keiko, because what they need is just a way of thinking, a correct way of thinking, temporarily uniting humans and mutants.

Even if it's dealt with well, this combination may be permanent.

Because as long as foreign enemies invade, then humans and mutants have the opportunity to temporarily abandon the previous suspicions, then. . If foreign enemies are always there.

Therefore, the identity of La Nina and Keiko Yamami is not so important.

If they are really so-called magicians, then naturally they are very good, the plan will be smoother, and the credibility will be higher, but it does not matter, as long as they behave like, then no one can debunk.

. . Even their mutants themselves do not know how many abilities the mutants might have, let alone humans.

So after figuring this out, Charles patted Logan's shoulder and said nothing, he believed Logan must know that he would handle everything.

Sure enough, Logan didn't say anything, so he followed him again. . Demonstrated absolute trust in him.

"You have proven your identity."

Charles smiled.

"Welcome to you, our friends... welcome to join us in resisting the coming enemy."

The change was abrupt, even abrupt, but Charles knew that the two people on the opposite side could understand what they meant.

Sure enough, La Nina did not have any accidents.

"It's an honour."

She said with a smile.

Several dark-bellied guys reached an agreement in tacit agreement. . But it does not mean that these little cute girls around can understand that Moira is better to say something. In fact, she is no stranger to such things.

After ignoring the matter of finding the apocalypse, her reason was immediately rediscovered, and now she knew the meaning of Charles' every move.

But Hank and Raven did not understand, especially Raven.


Raven saw that it seemed that the matter was over in a few words, and immediately asked in a low voice, "Aren't we supposed to go down and confirm."

She refers to hell~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Of course, Raven didn't really want to help Charles, she was just curious about hell, after all, it was hell!

If there is a danger, she may hesitate and do what she can, but seeing Logan come back unharmed, obviously it is true that any danger will return instantly.

So what is she worried about at this time?

So seeing that Charles seemed to skip these things, she immediately reminded.

But how could Charles let them into the unknown world, the so-called hell. . He still didn't believe in La Nina, so in the face of Raven's request, he turned a blind eye.


He said quietly.

"Bring others back first."

"Me and our new companion... there are many things to talk about."

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