High Magic Earth

Chapter 1926: Let the title retain the original taste again

Although reluctantly full of hearts, under the deterrent of Logan's face, Raven and others slowly walked away from this hall.

honestly. . They also want to visit Hell! !

As Charles often talks about, no matter what Moira and Eric say, even if the war really inevitably affects everyone, it is impossible to deny the fact that these guys are still children.

. . Although Charles himself is not much larger than them, his situation is different and cannot be generalized.

Young people of this age are full of curiosity. It is conceivable how attractive a magic array that can lead to **** is to them.

They simply ignored the danger in it, and the only thing they could see in their eyes was curiosity.

Maybe they are all for some cool things, not for some dangerous tasks and work.

Ordinary people and mutants, except for the x genes and special abilities, are essentially different, but there are not many differences in thinking.

After all, the mutants lived as ordinary people before awakening x-cells, were members of ordinary people, had the same education and the same life experience, and so on.

So the more young people of this age group die, the more they die.

Even because of the special abilities, the mutants probably die worse.

But it is a pity that all this has been strongly stopped by Logan.

After all, they really can't beat Logan, even if they really use their abilities like Alex Angel.

Logan is an undead body, and even death can't stop him, what else can beat him.

So they could only obediently obey and was rushed back to their rooms by Logan.

Although the war is coming, but on the eve of this war, they still feel the long-lost, even college atmosphere that has never been there.

The expulsion from the instructor!

. . .

On the other hand, Charles soon led La Nina and her to the study, which will be used as his office in the future, and can also be regarded as the principal's office.

Accompanying Moira.

Charles poured half a glass of whiskey for several people, and then the four sat down.

Realizing that Charles seemed to be paying attention to Samiko Keiko, La Nina explained to her companion.

"She doesn't like talking very much."

Charles smiled friendly.

"I can tell."

The topic was gradually opened, and the atmosphere between the few people was harmonious.

"Why are you here?"

And since several people have reached preliminary cooperation, there is not so much temptation in Charles's speech, and now there is not so much time to allow him to waste time on it.

"To defeat the enemy."

La Nina answered quickly, and the answer was the same as before.

But Charles knew that she knew the hidden meaning of her question. . He was just fooling around, so he decided to switch to another way of asking questions.

"Then why do you beat him."

La Nina knew that the problem could not be avoided, and she knew that Charles would have such doubts because he still did not believe them.

This is normal, and no normal person can easily believe these things, especially at the juncture of war.

"It's a prophecy."

La Nina said.

"You know."

She shrugged.

"Magic... will always have something to do with prophesying these nagging things. The prophecy tells us that if we can't defeat this time's enemies, then the whole world will be peaceful forever."

Charles's mouth twitched slightly.

Because this really seems to be a reason he can't refute.

"The prediction you made?"

He asked sarcastically.

La Nina shook her head.

"Prophecy is indeed my area of ​​expertise... but among our companions, I am not the best at it yet. It is not the prophecy I saw, but someone else."


She looked at Charles.

"Do you think the magician is the only one of us?"

Charles didn't speak, but even if he couldn't read the mind, Moira could see what Charles was thinking at the moment.

Probably. . Does the magician actually exist?

Well, there is no need to continue to discuss this issue.

"So, what are your good plans?"

Charles skipped the topic decisively.

Regarding the plan, Charles certainly has a plan. After the two of them inspired him, the plan gradually became clear.

And during this short period of thinking, its veins are becoming clearer.

But Charles naturally wants to listen to these two people first.

Or La Nina's plan.

The answer was that he was still La Nina.


But La Nina did not answer his question, but raised the matter of prophecy again.

"I know you don't believe the so-called prophecy...but it is true."

"I understand the enemy we are about to face."

Charles' expression didn't change, and he didn't urge La Nina to talk about her plan, but conformed to it.

"We also understand that Logan has told us everything from the future."

"But the future will change."

La Nina's tone was relaxed.

"The future is not not fixed, it will change, and no surprises, it has changed now. Don't say you haven't found it yet."

Charles couldn't deny it.

The future has indeed changed, or he did it himself. Since the moment he decided to release the apocalypse with Eric in advance, the future has changed.

Of course, there may have been changes in the future before that. After all, the release time of Destiny Cards is several months ahead of what Logan knew.

"And the prophecy is not static."

La Nina continued.

"I said that it wasn't me who made the prophecy, but prophecy was indeed one of the areas where I was the best. In other words, I also had the power of prophecy."

"So, as long as I see what has changed, I may be able to draw more information based on the prophecy. This is not worthless."

Charles was silent.

He still doesn’t believe in prophecy, but he can call it a special mutant ability. La Nina understands it, and if it’s true, in a sense, it’s a very good one. ability.

Can help them.

And while Charles was silent, La Nina said again.

"And according to what I see now... Next, you are ready to seek the help of the president."


"He is also a mutant."

. . .

La Nina knew that the enemy's information was certainly not the so-called power of prophecy, or the superpower brought by x-cells.

What she relied on was nothing but the superiority of the information outside the box.

The other party is obviously a free person. Since she is a free person, she can more or less see some of the other party's abilities and details.

Needless to say, the well-known plot characters like Rocky, she can recognize no matter how many come.

Of course, La Nina did not lie. As a Benu bird, she is really good at predicting this ability. This ability is born and naturally exists in her blood.

And she guessed Charles' next plan. . In fact, it came from her prediction.

Otherwise, she and Yamami Keiko didn't know that Kennedy was actually a mutant. Of course, it was nonsense to invade Charles' brain to learn what happened.

It is her ability to predict.

Before coming to Xavier Manor, she briefly glanced at the future with a crystal ball, and did not see much valuable information, but he heard it clearly.

"For compatriots' sake, Mr. Kennedy will help us... we need his ability, and he will need us too."

Although there is no head or tail, with just one sentence, enough things have been exposed. . Kennedy is a mutant!

Combined with what Magneto once said, he was not assassinating the Kennedy, but trying to kill him, he was a compatriot, and the two soon realized a point they ignored.

Then Charles's plan can be speculated.

. . .

Charles was really surprised.

For a moment, he even doubted whether his brain was actually peeped by the other party, but in the end he chose to believe his own spiritual power.

The other party may have learned his next plan in some other way, rather than peeping into his brain.

perhaps. . It may really be some kind of prophecy-like ability.

Seeing that the two were not temptations, Charles did not deny it.


He nodded.

"Mr. Kennedy is also a mutant...and his abilities are special."

La Nina frowned.

Charles does not have the habit of selling customs, let alone, if the two plan to participate in the next plan, they will inevitably know some corner information.

"His ability is to control machinery."

La Nina's heart was slightly startled.

Her first reaction was to think of Magneto. . Unexpectedly, Eric was so obsessed with Magneto, and if he lost one in the Apocalypse, he had to find a replacement.

But in the next moment, she realized that Kennedy's ability may not be the kind of metal she wanted to control, but the machine itself.


"The cards of Destiny Card Company are all made by terminal machinery... There is a huge database at their headquarters, and the birth of each card will be recorded in it."

"We need Mr. Kennedy's ability to find some key cards."

What Charles said was really the kind of ability that La Nina thought.

This reminded La Nina of Mika Sanders. . The child of the super hero who can control all the machines, he is simply a natural enemy of some machines.

Once a free man took him away from the world of super heroes and entered the mechanical enemy, the robots of the whole world soon changed their owners.

But later. . I heard that the free men tried to attack the Matrix world again, but unfortunately they could not be sure which level of the world they were in, whether it was a real world or a virtual world, and then there was no news of them.

Mika also disappeared.

Those new humans have only discovered a super hero world, so with the disappearance of Mika, there is no second super ability who has the ability to control all the machinery so against the sky.

Unexpectedly, there was even one of the X-Men.

"Good plan."

La Nina said.

"Do you need my help? I'm good at prophecy and mind magic. If necessary, I can help convince Mr. Kennedy."

"Do not."

Charles refused decisively.

La Nina shrugged.

"I have forgotten that the one who is in front of me is the strongest soul master in the world."

But Charles looked serious.

"Don't mess up... We didn't come for war, and the rash use of psychic abilities is likely to make everything slip in an unpredictable direction."


La Nina shrugged, "I got it"

She certainly knows Charles's attitude towards humans. If he wants, he can actually control the thinking of some key people and let them declare that they are in harmony with the mutants.

But as Charles said, this is not a good solution.

After all, false is false, and one day, lies will be revealed.

And Charles didn’t do that. In the original timeline, the Blue Devils had assassinated the highest one. . The existence of this makes the relationship between mutants and ordinary people sharply deteriorate.

In the end, when the X-Men got everything done, Charles took the others and signed some kind of agreement with the highest person in charge.

When signing the agreement, he used some hints of mind, which only succeeded in winning a period of peace for the mutants when they were able to get things done perfectly, and with the condition that they had certain military deterrents.

but. . The end result.

Sentinel robots have been conducting research in secret, because their principals simply do not obey the words of the highest, responsible person.

Although the mutants have signed an agreement, in their eyes, it is not as good as a piece of waste paper.

Finally, ten years later, the sentinel robot was born, and the end came.

So mind control is not advisable. It may be able to control for a while, but it will eventually be destroyed, and even if Charles can control everyone, accidents will inevitably occur.

Just like the birth of sentinel robots.

In addition to the bottom line of Charles' heart, so. . He never took this path.

La Nina, who had seen the X-Men and did not know how many times, of course knew this. She said this only to imply that Charles was not a ruler, and laid some foundations for certain outliers in the future.

Charles is doubtful about La Nina's guarantee, but he has no good way~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can only nod.

"That's good."

"not much time.."

Looking at Moira next to him, Charles whispered.

"I see you are done."

After La Nina put forward a new idea, except that Charles thought of a plan, Moira was actually similar to Charles thought, so she was already communicating with her superiors and trying to contact Mr. Kennedy.

After all, she is now a bridge between mutants and ordinary people. The above also attaches great importance to mutants. In the end, her request was still approved.

And as soon as this thought appeared, it was immediately seen by Charles.

Moira nodded strangely.

Charles did not stay, he stood up directly.

"We are going now."

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