High Magic Earth

Chapter 1927: One is John, the other is also John

"So, mother."

"Have you ever thought about this now, such a day."

"I, I finally became a normal person, a healthy person... and not only that, I also became the most special kind of people, those lucky people, those..."

"Super hero."

"I've never expected all this."

Ilya's mother gently tidyed his tie for him, turning it from a mess to a clutter.

"You can be healthy and safe is my best wish."

"But now, obviously you have done better."

His mother's eyes seemed to be sparkling, but the tone was as gentle and firm as ever, supporting Ilya forever, never changing.

"I know."

Ilya gently took his mother's hand.

"I know it, I always know it."

His tone is gentler like never before.

"But mom, do you really think I am a superhero now."

"Oh...my Eli."

Ilya's mother gently held his face with her hands.

"In my eyes, you will always be the best, always be... no matter what you look like."

Ilya closed her eyes and smiled.

As smart as he is, of course, he has long realized that his mother seems to spoil him too much, that kind of unconditional support and spoiling.

To some extent, such education has failed.

But he didn't care.

Because in his view, everyone has never learned how to be a father or mother, and everyone is a parent for the first time.

This can't blame them.

Doting can indeed destroy a child, make him self-willed in endless doting, and eventually become intolerable and abandoned by society.

But if the child is strong enough, such a thing will not happen.

Anyway, his mother is the best mother in the world.

This kind of unconditional spoiling is exactly what he needs. God knows how many times he wants to leave this tragic world that is only painful to him.

But all because of this love. . And stayed.

Without his mother, he may have died long ago.

His mother gave him life, and gave him the courage to live a second time. . She is the best in the world.

In fact, Ilya does not care whether he is a superhero or a supervillain. He had never cared about these things before. He could even sacrifice countless innocent people in order to find the evidence that extraordinary individuals really existed.

Now, he would not care much.

All he cared about was the encouragement from his mother.

His mother really supported him as always, never changed, even. . He has gone further and further on the path of evil.

. . Yes, as smart as he is, of course, he has long been aware of his mother's hesitation and misalignment.

No matter what he becomes? The subtext of this sentence is what it is now is not a good thing. . But even so, his mother still supported him.

as always.

"I know."

Ilya closed her eyes and smiled softly.

"And I will get better."

Ilya clapped his mother's hand on his cheek, his voice low. . And firm.

When he opened his eyes again, there was no gentleness in his eyes anymore, but only calmness, silence, even. . Some kind of cold.

Ilya turned and walked out.

. . .

"You are three minutes late."

Ilya just went out, and the others waiting at the door followed. Elena walked beside him, Yi Chou’s secretary and the real chief of the Destiny Card Company, followed by two of them. bodyguard.

"There are less than ten minutes left before the press conference. I hope you are ready."

Elena's voice was quiet, and she seemed not to be afraid of Ilya at all, perhaps. .

"You know I am not an ordinary person."

Ilya didn't mind Elena's indifference. He seemed a little unaccustomed to such formality, instead of a purple ball-patterned ball suit, he shook his shoulder uncomfortably and adjusted the shoulder line of his shoulder.

"I know."

Alina knew something, she didn't know how much she knew, but in any case, she seemed to have no difference from the attitude of facing ordinary people.

"Then you should know that I am the general manager appointed by Mr. Angomaka."

She stared at Ilya calmly, her tone still calm.

Ilya smiled.

"You are a smart person... Unfortunately, it's just a smart person."

"I like smart people like this, it would be nice if David was like you at that time."

Elena did not continue to speak, apparently she was not interested in who David was.

The two went silent for a distance.

No one else appeared here along the way, only the security personnel who stood every few meters on both sides. Since the details of the fate cards were disclosed, these security personnel were recruited. . The current number may not be enough.

Not far away, the door of the conference hall is in front of you, and the door has not yet opened, so the two can hear the noise from the reporters and the media.

"So... is it really no problem for me to come forward?"

Ilya, who seemed to be silent for a while, said suddenly.

Elena turned her head slightly.

"What do you mean."

She can see that Ilya is not a frightened person, and can even be said to be a daring person, so he asked this question for sure not because of the cowardly press conference.

"I am a black man."

Ilya spread her hands.

"This is a mistake."

"So I am here too."

Elena said calmly.

"And you are just my assistant."

Ilya shrugged.

In the next moment, Alina had strode forward and pushed open the door of the conference hall.

Almost at the same time, the camera with a dazzling flash kept shooting, and it seemed to shake people's eyes completely.

However, as an ordinary person, Alina's expression remained unchanged, and she strode to the podium with an indifferent face, and Ilya followed her next.

As a black man, Ilya was able to assume such an important position in this era, and indeed surprised many people a little.

But after all, as a deputy, this kind of attention only stayed for a moment, and soon moved away, because today's big news still falls on Elena.

"Miss Fayrel, your company is known as a cross-century..."

"Your company's products!"

"I suspect you are doing false advertising, Miss Fayrel, because all this is completely impossible, you need to give us an explanation, maybe a live proof..."


Alina had just sat down, and the questions below swarmed up. This was no longer one after another, but it was like a tsunami and a landslide.

But being able to recommend herself to Yi Chou in succession, and successfully being appointed as the head of Destiny Card Company, Elena obviously has two brushes.

Her business skills may not be weaker than those well-known commercial plot characters.

Although it is said that most of the plot characters are capable of exaggerating for the plot needs, in the real world, there is not absolutely no mapping.

Perhaps the performance of the characters in the plot seems to be super-genius first-class. . But the real world can actually be found.

The number may not be large, but there are still two.

And as an easy clamor that lacks neither money nor force deterrents and means, I want to find such talents in New York. . It is naturally very easy.

Alina didn't change her face. She looked at the crazy reporters as nothing, and made her own arrangements, so that the sound around her could be lowered unconsciously.

Then every few minutes, she has mastered the whole situation again.

"This is the new product launch conference of Destiny Card Company. This conference itself is a brand-new way of interviewing, which has created a precedent in the press."

"But compared to our Destiny cards, this thing becomes worthless."

"The press conference begins."

. . .

Washington, Kennedy Office.

As the signature facade, the top handful of people, Kennedy's office is naturally luxurious, including many technologies that can be displayed and used, and are also top-notch.

For example, the TV surrounded by Charles and others at this time.


"You can call me John."

Kennedy interrupted Charles.

Charles gave a slight pause, and didn't make any excuses.

"Okay, John... the situation may be worse than we thought."

Charles' voice was low.

Several people were sitting in front of the TV.

Moira, Charles, John. . And John.

But the former John was the Mr. Kennedy, and the latter was Moira’s highest supervisor.

After all, it’s obviously unlikely that Moira wants to see this John alone, because she is not qualified enough, and there must be more people to introduce.

Her highest boss is still qualified.

At this moment the four of them were sitting on the sofa, which was facing a slightly thin TV. . Yes, when other people still use bulky TVs, and even Xavier Manor is no exception, John's office has been replaced with thinner technology.

At this time, the picture on TV is the press conference of the fate card company where Alina is present.

Looking at the gradual progress of the press conference, Charles is obviously not optimistic.

Neither John spoke, they were meditating, or saying. . Probably still digesting the news brought by Charles.

Shocking news.

. . .

Almost smoother than expected.

About three hours ago, Moira tried to contact Kennedy through the John of her highest supervisor, and after many layers of screening and recording, they finally got an invitation to come half an hour ago.

Then they saw this John.

He speaks much better than he thought.

The identities of Charles and others were naturally cleared by Cha, and then placed in front of him. It is probably the same kind of identity that made him slightly relaxed. Although at first he did not talk about his true identity, but soon, with the Charles gradually explained the severity of the matter, and he let other unrelated personnel temporarily retreat.

Only four of them remained.

John admitted his identity. . A mutant.

In addition, he performed special skills for several people on the spot and was able to switch TV channels without a remote control.

Well, as a mutant who has awakened his abilities, of course John is very sure of his identity, and his vision and family, as well as the resources he has access to, are enough to make him recognize himself as a mutant, not Misunderstand yourself as some other monster.

But he always felt his ability was useless.

Yes, you can only switch a TV channel or make the toaster heat up faster, so you won’t be late for work in the morning, what's the use?

He didn’t think that his ability could be used to invade various weapons, but. . But seriously, apart from themselves, what other people in the world have weapons controlled by more advanced technology?

Does he want to fight himself?

and so. . John doesn't think his ability can play a big role, at least not in these years. I don't know if he can see the day when technology leads the world before his end of life, so that his ability can be useful.

Based on this consideration, John did not feel that Charles and others came to seek his help, himself.

And more likely. . It is to seek the help of his identity.

However, in view of the fact that Charles said seemed serious, John still admitted his identity after hesitating a little.

He could see that Charles seemed to know his true identity. . Imagine the other person's ability to introduce themselves.

Mind reading! It was strange that he didn't know.

The cooperative relationship between them started very quickly.

Charles has thrown away those useless problems, such as being soft-hearted and sticking to the meaningless bottom line.

Similarly, John is also a very aggressive person.

In this era, the guy who can sit in his position is more or less superb, and few parallels can come on board.

So the cooperation between them quickly became harmonious.

. . The only one who was a little dazed was probably another John. As the supreme boss of Moira, he had no idea what he was going through today.

Alien? parallel world? Time shuttle? God? Then their top person in charge is still a so-called mutant?

God~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is the world going to be destroyed?

Well, listening to these things they say, the world does indeed seem to be on the verge of destruction.

John decided to still be his own little transparency. He admitted that he did seem to have some abilities, but relative to saving the world. . He felt he was helpless.

At least he must be helpless before he can figure out everything.

So let's leave everything to them for now.

Mutants. .

On the other side, another John was thinking.

But he, neither as his external identity or his own identity, can let him pull out of it like the rest.

He is already in a storm.

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