High Magic Earth

Chapter 1930: Apocalypse: stabilized

"You know them?"

Eric asked very interested.

He felt that the apocalypse had different expectations. He was a god. At least according to Hank's records, he was a well-deserved king of ancient Egypt thousands of years ago.

Pharaoh, high priest, even. . Gods.

He was the only supreme being at that time.

Eric thought he used to be a god. Even if he was not the kind of guy who was too lazy to communicate, he would be somewhat inexplicably arrogant. He thought that even after a thousand years, everyone would still submit to him.

But unexpectedly. . In front of him, the apocalypse did not look like a god, but more like a person.

It seems not much different from other people he knows.

and many more.

Eric suddenly felt like he had found something blind, a man thousands of years ago. . Is it the same as the modern era after a thousand years?

Wouldn't this be a fake?

"Of course I know."

The apocalypse ignored Eric's suspense.

"As I said, they created Destiny Cards, Destiny Cards... it was created by them!"

But Eric clearly failed to comprehend the key points in the apocalyptic discourse.

Or if you realize it, you know nothing.

"So... what happened to the Destiny Card?"

He asked innocently.

The apocalypse was silent.

Yes, he destroyed the Destiny Stele and destroyed the information of the Destiny Cards. He gathered most of the Destiny Cards and completely destroyed them. Instead of using ordinary means, they used the power of their mutants.

Apocalypse is very confident in his means. In other words, the card of fate has been completely erased from history by him, and will not leave a trace of it.

if it is like this. . People who are thousands of years old may not even know their existence.

Because according to the rudimentary history and messages he saw on the television before, the card of fate seems to have truly disappeared from this world for thousands of years.

If it wasn't for a thousand years, it would reappear. . I am afraid even the Apocalypse feels that those people, these terrible cards, have completely disappeared.

but. .

"How much do you know about Destiny Cards."

Asked by God.

"Not much is known."

Eric doesn't actually dislike communicating with people, he is not tired of the world, he is just aggressive, especially for those who target mutants.

But things in a good mood can also be communicated, otherwise there will be no future fast silver, scarlet witch, North Star. .

And to treat the mutants is another attitude. Although they are also cold, ruthless and unreasonable, they still have a feeling of looking at their families.

He and Charles seem to be fighting fiercely, but neither side has suffered any damage for so many years.

And apocalypse. . Nature is also divided among them.

"Those cards can become real things. A card draws a bottle of wine, it can turn into a bottle of wine, draw a weapon... it can become a weapon."

Eric's tone was calm and gloomy, as if with some kind of brewing before the storm.

But Apocalypse nodded, then shook his head again.

"you are right."

"But not all right."

Facing Eric's gaze, Apocalypse left the vicinity of the TV and returned to his wooden chair. He sat down gently and closed his eyes.

The skin on his body suddenly started beating, as if a lot of earthworms were buried under his skin, did it burst out of the tortuous veins.

"You have realized the key point."

But Tianqi didn't seem to be selling things. Although he closed his eyes, his voice continued.

"They can be used as weapons."

"Or...they are weapons."

"It must have said that everyone can have a fate card, every unique card, right."

Eric recalled the slogan he saw yesterday. . It seems so.

"This is not accurate."

Apocalypse still closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Like stone."

"The picture of a fate card is a stone. This is the most common card. Its role is also very simple. It is to turn it into a stone about half a fist and throw it out...or whatever. "

"There is no other special place."

"Each stone is different. Although they are all stones, some have sharp edges and some look smoother."

"And in a sense, this is indeed different, even unique."

"Each stone is different, and even the entire world may not find the second piece exactly the same, so to some extent, they are indeed unique."

"everyone is unique."

"But under this, there are still many duplicate cards in Destiny Cards, such as stones, wine, food, even short swords, and shields."

"Although they have different angles and each has a slight deviation, they can still be grouped together."

"So destiny cards are not without duplication. There are many chances of duplication. Most people are the most useless fate cards.

"Only a small number of people will suddenly have some very rare but truly unique fate cards."

"But... this is what we have to do now."

Eric asked.

The apocalypse disappeared like an earthworm beating under the epidermis. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at Eric.

He didn't seem to change anything, nothing changed on his body, as if he was really just taking a break.

but. . But if you change a mutant who has vision, look closely, you will find that the blue skin of Apocalypse is constantly fading and fading.

"You have seen that, the card of fate is the weapon."

"But what you don't realize is how strong they will be."

Eric frowned, and motioned to the apocalypse to continue.

"In my time, the Destiny Cards already existed, the group of people... I'm not sure if they are still present, they appear even earlier than me."

"Fate cards once swept my country."

"Everyone has his own card, whether it is a slave, a slave owner, a gladiator, or a slave owner of a gladiator."

"Most of them are useless cards of fate, but there are still some people whose cards are unique."

"I’ve seen cards that can turn myself into monsters, I’ve seen cards that can summon monsters, I’ve seen weapons that can separate the sea with a knife, and I’ve seen it. I can destroy a planet in a moment. Skills."

"They are all given to those people by fate cards."

"Now, do you still think it is just a weapon."

Eric was silent.

Why in the future, humans will gradually have the ability to fight mutants. Except that the awakening of mutants seems to be declining like a tide, a large part is due to weapons.

They are really sidelined and able to fight the mutants.

Well, Eric’s inner mystery was finally solved.

But the mystery was solved. .

"do not worry."

Eric still hasn't changed his mind.

"This time, they are on our side."

"But I said it too."

Apocalypse stood up again.

Under Eric's frowning and doubtful gaze, his blue skin began to fade quickly, replaced by large patches of normal skin.

Soon, the entire skin of Apocalypse changed a color, and it seemed no different from ordinary people.

His face is no longer a strange dark blue, but has become undoubtedly an ordinary person.

The apocalypse that showed its original appearance does not seem to be as imagined, his appearance is very ordinary. . But the reason why he can change his body frequently is obviously not much reference value.

Of course, even if he faded the strange blue, some patterns and decorations on his face were still on top, such as metal foil and the like.

Apocalypse did not explain the changes in himself, but continued.

"They can't believe it!"

"They are not mutants, nor are they ordinary human beings, they...not even from Earth!"

Eric frowned.

He obviously did not agree with this view of the Apocalypse. After all, it was for this reason that he tried to awaken the Apocalypse.

The war between humans and mutants is inevitable. Although Eric does not believe that the future cannot be changed, or that the future will always be reversed and become the original future, he knows another fact.

The conflict between mutants and ordinary humans. . It will erupt after all.

Instead of waiting for its passive eruption, it is better to preemptively, since there is a battle between ordinary humans and mutants, then just like that person said.

Why, the victor cannot be the mutant.

In fact, what Charles wants is to save the world, and Eric. . He has only two goals from beginning to end, revenge, and making the future of the mutant better.

So he supports this war, not stop it.

Only this time the winner. . It will be their mutants.

Only in this case will he agree to awaken the apocalypse, because he needs to use the power of the apocalypse to add some chips to the victory again.

And now, the apocalypse actually seems. . Not optimistic about those aliens.

If this is the case, they seem to have to deal with the aliens while dealing with ordinary people? Well, even Eric is a little bit unsure about this situation.

Because without the help of those aliens, it is just ordinary people. . Well, if there is apocalypse, it seems that there is no chance of winning.

After all, Apocalypse just refused to cooperate with those aliens, not against ordinary humans.

Only in this way, he has become the same as Charles in the treatment of aliens, and he believes that with the end of the alien battle, Charles will definitely prevent him from turning around against those ordinary people.

and so. . No way.

"We will deal with them, those aliens."

"It's just after we deal with those ordinary humans first."

In the face of high-end combat power like Apocalypse, Eric said he could explain a few words. . Of course, the more important reason is that he probably has not been sure to deal with Tianqi.

It can only be explained.

But Apocalypse shook his head.

"You don't know them at all, nor do you know what happened in my era."

Eric raised his head.

"you can tell me."

But the Apocalypse did not intend to answer.

"I am also very interested in dealing with ordinary people."

"But after we settled the matter of destiny cards, otherwise... we may have no future."

"Even if I have slept for thousands of years and want to regain my original position, it is not difficult. The highest weapons of mankind are indeed a threat, but it is easy to solve them."

Eric frowned.

His frowns never let go.

Eric certainly knows what happened to aliens. They are not on Earth. Who knows what they plan to do.

If it is possible, he does not want to seek the skin with the tiger. He first dealt with the aliens and dealt with ordinary people. This is the best solution.

Just Charles. . Won't agree.

And he has the ability to stop them.

Because Eric listened to the information revealed by Charles and others, Apocalypse tried to regain control of the entire world in another world.

But he failed and he was stopped by Charles and others.

and so. . If they really dealt with the matter of fate cards, when Qi Kai and humans start fighting, I am afraid that all this will be repeated again.


Eric said.

"Even if those guys are really unbelievable."

"But you didn't realize another important point."


Apocalypse asked back.

"Our strength."

"Without the help of those guys, we simply can't get a war with ordinary people."


The apocalyptic shook his head, and didn't seem to take this assumption into his mind at all.

But this was only because he did not belong to some news.

"It's enough for me alone."

"But you failed."

Eric interrupted him.

"On the original timeline, in another world."

The apocalypse was stunned.

Although he is a guy from thousands of years ago, he has slept for thousands of years, but he also knows a lot of things, such as the concept of parallel world.

He had thought about this before. Of course, the terminology of the ancient Egyptian era should be different, and it would not be called a parallel world.

Fortunately, he just made up a few things that have been missing on the Internet for thousands of years, and the only thing he still doesn't know is the paper products.

So apocalypse certainly understands the meaning of parallel world.

"Another me~www.wuxiaspot.com~Apocalypse thoughtfully.

"Not the other you, that's you."

Eric sneered unkindly.

"Parallel worlds, we can't be considered alone at all."

Tianqi wanted to try to refute.

"But they are still you."

Unfortunately, Eric shrugged and stopped talking.

Apocalypse did not immediately refute this time, but pondered, the parallel world failed. . This means that there seems to be a lot of things he does not know in this world.

After all, judging from the information he currently knows, he will probably not fail, and there is nothing that can stop him.

But obviously. . Not all he knows.

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