High Magic Earth

Chapter 1931: Classic cannon fodder

Just when the Apocalypse and Eric seemed to be different from the original timeline, with the official appearance of the fate card, Yi Chou finally began to deal with these mutants. . Started directly.

New York State, Darkis County.

"I like the quiet moment before the storm, which reminds me of Beethoven."

At the intersection outside the town, wind and sand swept over the ground. The barren weeds grew on the edge of the road, and some large pieces of gravel were scattered around the surrounding not yet dense groves.

Desolate and dilapidated, although it is not a dry plain area, but rather some woodland, but the first sight of this ruined town will make people feel this way from the bottom of their hearts.

And the breeze blowing with the sand and stones rolling on the ground is silent at the intersection of the town. I don't know when, there are two more figures.

Yi Xiao turned the black round hat in his hand, then grabbed it and put it on his head.

Another breeze blew through, and some tiny gravel rolled with the wind, hitting the edge of Yi Chou's leather shoes, leaving a little muddy yellow mixed with black.

"Have you heard? It's like lying in the grass...you can hear the grass growing...and the sound of insects crawling..."

Yi Xiao glanced at Athena with a cold face beside her, turned her eyes, and caught the dilapidated town road sign not far away from the ground.

"Daqisi County Huan..."

"Can you stop playing terriers."

Athena saw Yi Biao's pair ready to ask if she liked Beethoven's expression, and interrupted him very politely.

"These terriers are too old and boring."

"Father, did you step into the senior stage in advance."

Yi Chou pouted.

"Speaking like you were born two thousand years later, you are not as old as thousands of years ago."

Feeling a bit of coolness, Yi Chou shook his mouth decisively, then gestured casually at the dilapidated road sign next to it.

"It seems that we have found the right place."

He seemed to hear Athena snorted softly.

Seeing that this matter seemed to be exposed, Yi Chou soon began to toss.

"You really don't like Beethoven... I really don't understand the folk songs of the Middle Ages, what's so nice, you are a Greek god, not those Nordic gods."

The roles of Yi Ao and Athena seem to be reversed.

This time it turned into a lot of nonsense, but Athena began to speak coldly. . This is not the case.

The only thing that changed was Yi arrogant, his character was up and down, and even Yi arrogant himself could not understand the reason temporarily.

After all, the soul realm has not been touched by him.

Fortunately, Winnie intended to let him try a different life and be exposed to different things. Don't be magic every day, just keep your face cold every day.

Simply arrogant will not deliberately change anything.

Because he also wanted to accumulate all this as a surprise, waiting for her. . The day when I woke up.

So the only thing that changed was Yi Chou, as for Athena. . She just doesn't like the current clamor, but she will get used to it.

Athena gave Yi Huo a glance and said nothing.

"do you know."

"I'm not interested in anything... I like the feeling of old times, shrouded in the dim streets of New York."

"That seemed to be in the 1970s or 1980s."

"But... that's only in the lens."

"When I came here, my eyes were only dirty chimneys, useless industrial waste gas, poverty, disease... this is simply..."

"If you dare say the world is dirty again."

Athena stopped.

"Today you will do it alone."


Yi Huo shrugged.

The two of them walked all the way and said that they soon set foot inside the town.

There are not many people in the town, but there are also a lot of them. Walking along the way, you can occasionally see young people riding bicycles or swinging children.

But after seeing the two of them, they decisively avoided.

Of course, there are also guys who stand boldly based on Athena's appearance and stand in the distance, and these guys are generally not afraid of death.

after all. .

"We seem to have attracted a lot of attention."

Yi Xiao looked at the responses of the residents on both sides and took off the black round top hat again, turning it around in his hands.

"That's because you are too dazzling!"

"Why not collect the blood stains."

Athena said angrily.

In addition to these hard-working young people, there are many people who are watching this far away, as Yi Chou said, they attracted a lot of attention.

As for the reason. .

There must be the reason that the two of them belong to outsiders.

In this era, especially in such remote rural towns, outsiders are actually very rare, and now the entire America is actually not developed.

Although many big cities have already sprouted the economy in the future, it is a big city, such a small town and town, still full of backwardness and primitiveness.

Transportation is not as convenient as it will be in the future, roads are not available, transportation is expensive and slow, and outside the city is far less safe than later generations. . This era is a golden age of madness.

Countless killings recorded in *, the things done in this era are horrifying. . And this is still recorded.

There are no cameras or other monitoring methods, and there are countless killers that have not been recorded. .

This era is insecure.

This has resulted in very rare outsiders in remote rural towns, and it may be normal for strangers to come from outside for months or even a year.

And although the residents of the town are all longing for big cities, not everyone has the opportunity to go out. Knowledge, money and various other necessary conditions make them have no courage or possibility to go to big cities.

Many people may not even leave the town where they live forever. There are schools, hospitals, restaurants and a few jobs in the town, which is considered a self-sufficient closed society.

This is the American town of this era.

In fact, there is a small town in California that has been reduced to a building, Whittier, where all the people live in a building with a health center, supermarket, school, and even a post office and police. * Bureau, playground, etc.

They have lived there all their lives.

Whittier’s external passage is a tunnel not far from the building, and only through the mountain through the tunnel can he really leave the town.

The tunnel is not long, but it is very narrow, and it is a single-lane passage, so no matter you enter or exit, you need to confirm whether there is a car in the opposite direction in advance. Otherwise, if the two parties encounter in the tunnel, only one of them will get out.

Most of the towns are closed, so there is no accident here.

Therefore, the appearance of Yi Chao and Athena easily attracted a lot of attention, and in fact, except for the two of them, they are strange foreigners. . There is another reason, or a bigger reason, that may be the large blood stains on Yi Chong's gray coffee-colored suit.

Belongs to the blood of the mutant.


Listening to Athena's complaint, Yi Chou sent a dissatisfied rhetorical question.

"You don't know..."

"do not think so."

Athena interrupted him.

"This is not interesting."

Although Athena is the goddess of war, and fighting is simply broken * flying, it can be described as very disabled*, but in fact, in a sense, she is still an elegant god.

After all, she is a goddess.

Although her battle is full of *fishing and cruelty*, that is inevitable, and does not mean that she is such a god.

Athena is very elegant.

Naturally, she doesn't really like the style of Yi Chao now. . In this cruel style, she still prefers the elegance that turns the other party into ashes in the calm.

"Who are you, don't move, raise... raise your hand!"


With a sharp braking sound, a somewhat worn black car quickly stopped a short distance away, *the car side was in front, two *chassmen came down from the door, and were surrounded by one after the other* Beside the car, holding a pistol, shouting at Yi Chou and Athena.

Yi Chou's eyes turned away.

"Look, trouble is coming."

Athena next to her sneered.

"This is not trouble."

But Yi Chou's views are obviously different.

"It's a good time for publicity."

"...But the terminal of the Destiny Card is only available for trial in New York. There is no such thing here."

Athena was puzzled.

Yi Xiao turned his head again and smiled at her.

"No, not a fate card."

He said.

The two inspectors are very nervous. Although they are inspectors, they are not much better than the others. After all, they haven’t left the town very much in their lifetime. The inspectors here are not transferred from outside. Whatever is basically people living in the town.

And a large part of them are passed on from father to son, and sons are passed on to the next generation.

This is true for many positions in the town, regardless of length, such as librarian, clerk, etc.

After all, it is a small closed society.

The two people who are not very experienced * Obviously, they don’t have much experience dealing with big scenes. After all, the most they deal with every day may be the short quarrels between the parents in the town, or the children who are naughty and the pets lost.

As if the other party seemed to be a murderer, it was the first time he encountered it.

They are also very nervous.

What Yi Xiao could see, their hands with guns were shaking. . It even makes people wonder if they will miss the shot because they are too shaking.

He could also hear the two's voices trembling, apparently just doing things outside.

Therefore, Yi Chou took a few steps forward again, then stopped calmly, avoiding stimulating their fragile and timid nerves.

"Hello, two officials, good noon."

It took some time in another town, but it was not too long, it was only half a morning, and it is still noon.

"No... don't move! Raise your hand! Raise your hand!"

But Yi Biao's greetings obviously didn't work as they should. The two guys were still full of bad attitudes and were not friendly at all.

"Two officials, I am here to find someone, just to find someone."

It seems that Yi Chou has been shouting in the air, the tension between the two has gradually calmed down, and courage has emerged from their bodies again.

"Raise your hand! Immediately!"

One of them shouted loudly and raised his gun threateningly.

But Yi Chou obviously will not really cooperate with them.

"I'm looking for... A young man named Christopher, Christopher Bradley... Of course, he may be a half-old child."

The two policemen looked at each other.

Child in Bradley's house. . As the members of the town, the two of them naturally knew the information of the town's citizens, and they immediately thought of who the person Yi Biao was looking for.

strange. . The Bradleys are usually honest. They usually work at work, get out of school, and they look no different from others.

How do you relate to such a guy?

But no matter how the relationship is involved, it is enough to seize the trial.

"Raise your hand! Immediately!"

The policeman continued to yell.

His companion was obviously not so irritable.

"Who are you! Why are you looking for him."

He asked.

Yi Chao ignored the former and thought about the latter.

"Me?...I'm a mutant."

"I am looking for him because he is too."

Yi Biao's words did not cause much repercussions, and there was no effect that Yi Biao's words were all enemies when they fell off, or the onlookers drove away.

Because in this period, mutants are not well-known things.

Even the previous two observers didn't know it. After listening to Yi Biao's answer, the two of them didn't respond~www.wuxiaspot.com~ didn't realize the key problem.

There was only one person. Among the crowd not far away, there was a man whose middle-aged man had just changed his face slightly and seemed to think of something.

But in contrast, these two *Mr. Guan. .


One of them even questioned again and wondered.

But the other person was obviously very grumpy.

"Don't say so much nonsense, just lift it..."

"Yes, too much nonsense."

In the next moment when his voice hadn't fallen yet, Yi Chou then backhanded it and didn't know where to take an old-fashioned step over half a meter long*.


Load and aim!

There was no hesitation in the flowing clouds, and there was a loud bang, and the violent gentleman seemed to be hit by a bored boxing out of thin air, and the whole person fell back to the ground.

Another *cha obviously didn't expect such a thing to happen. He froze for a moment before attempting to shoot with a gun.

But it was too late.


"Too slow."

Raising his hand was another shot. With a huge roar, the police officer stepped directly into the footsteps of his companion.

Yi Xuan tried to raise his gun and blow the muzzle. . But the length of more than half a meter dispelled his idea.

"It's still an old-fashioned step*."

He turned his head to Athena and seemed excited.

Athena just rolled her eyes, and then glanced at the shock. The curious and hostile eyes have turned into fear, and even some of the crowds who have begun to sneak away.

No one dared to stare at her wherever she looked, not even a young man with strong strength.

Soon, Athena found a figure that seemed to be worth paying attention to. . A middle-aged man who left in a hurry.


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