High Magic Earth

Chapter 1932: Classic door opener

The man seemed strange.

Athena doesn't have any magic skills, she just feels intuitively that this person seems a little wrong, and in the crowd, it looks a little abnormal.

This is the intuition of the gods, the intuition of the goddess.

Others either shot their legs and ran to their homes after Yihou shot. They looked embarrassed or stood on the spot. Although they were afraid, they were still lucky to think that the two guys who seemed to be gangsters would not kill.

Only this guy. . Although he was in a hurry, he was not afraid, but more worried.


Perhaps he is from the Bradley family. . Athena realized something.

But she didn't speak, because treating a group of ordinary people, even if they were mutants, there was nothing worth doing.

On the other hand, Yi Chou touched his backhand again, and his rifle had disappeared.

Because of the deterrent effect of the two shots, everyone was staring closely at his every move, which seemed to become magic and the action immediately made everyone burst of riot.

"be quiet."

Yi Xiao said with a smile.

It was just a short sentence, but it was very deterrent, because the crowd quickly calmed down.

People in the town are not new to this kind of thing, because more than a decade ago, there were cowboys and gangsters who roared past on horses.

Of course, this place is close to New York, close to the interior, such things will be less.

In the western wilderness area, even now, there are still such things.

The town is not safe, and many robbers with guns will use their own force to rob. . Of course, most of the time it is just robbing, not killing too many people, because this will attract the siege of the * party.

A dozen years ago, it was a wanted order.

Of course, there are also heartbreakers who will slaughter the entire town, but there are very few such people, even among the robbers.

Obviously, they regarded Yi and the two as robbers.

Most of those who ran home had guns. They were going to pick up the guns to fight back. Even if they could not oust or kill the two of them, they would at least be able to protect themselves.

Most of the rest, there is no guts and no force to protect themselves.

Facing Yi's arrogant guns, they could only tremble.

Although I was a little puzzled about Yi Huo's whereabouts to get the guns, but no one dared to speak out.

"You all see...I'm a legitimate defense."

The crowd was very quiet, everyone lowered their heads, and even if they were disdainful about Yi Chou's words, they did not refute it.

Yi Huo feels a little boring.

He doesn't like to bully ordinary people, he just wants to experience different experiences and experience different things.

"Well, it seems that your interest is not high."

"Then I will go straight to the subject."

"I'm here to find someone, you all heard, Christopher Bradley, tell me where he is, and I will leave here if I find him."

"Everyone will be fine."

The surroundings are still very quiet.

Yi Chou's voice is very clear, he can ensure that everyone can hear. . But none of them responded. Obviously, in addition to not wanting to betray their neighbors, it was also an important reason not to be a bird.

In such a relatively closed town, a small town is a small society, this time betrayed his neighbors, even if Yi and the two left, the rest of the day, they will not be able to raise their heads in the town.

This may last a lifetime, or even the next generation.

So no one dared to speak. . After all, what they think is probably that as long as they don't say it, anyway, someone will say it sooner or later.

In addition to this reason, I just don't want to be this early bird.

It's not just Asians who have this habit. In the face of danger, all humans are actually the same.

It’s not a good thing to give directions to robbers, and it’s not easy at all.

If you can't lead the way, you have to knock on the door yourself. You must know that the Bradleys also have guns. Whoever is shot is theirs.

Naturally, no one dared to be the first bird.


Yi Xiao naturally knows what these guys are thinking.

He took the rifle out again, flicked it in his hand, and made a knock, and the bullet was loaded.

Yi Chou's eyes began to sweep towards the crowd. . Wherever he went, all men, women and children bowed their heads and dared not look at Yi Chou.

Then he stared at a trembling middle-aged fat man.

There are many elderly people, children, women. . But Yi Chou has not reached that level.

Of course, it's necessary to change Yi Huo at all times and don't care about these things. For example, if you kill all the people in a small town in front of you, then you can solve the God, so Yi Huo doesn't mind starting at all.

But is it a necessary moment now? Obviously it's not that far.


Yi Xiao carried the rifle on his shoulder, strode to the man, and then stopped in front of him.

Someone nearby moved away a little bit like a dodging plague.

The unlucky egg selected by Yi Xiao didn't realize who Yi Xiao was talking about, because this guy seemed extra timid. When Yi Xao walked towards him, everyone else looked up and quickly lowered, Or when he used the afterglow to see who was so unlucky, he still lowered his head.

He didn't seem to realize anything until Yi Xao's footsteps stopped in front of him and he could see Yi Xiao's shoes with his head down.

He shook even more, and trembling, he slowly raised his head.

But looking at his movements, Yi Chou suddenly felt a little hairy. This shot seemed to be too much like the so-called plots often seen in movies.

Don't give this guy a straight look after looking up, or a zombie face or something. . Here is the world of mutants. If you suddenly get into an exorcist or a demon, you will be scolded*.

After all, this is the territory of the new human beings. It is normal to appear demonic zombies, but it is not normal to appear other magic monsters.

"Don't... don't kill me..."

Fortunately, these scenes that Yi Chou envisioned did not appear.

Lifting his head, this is still a normal person, a guy who was scared of guts.

He looked at Yi Chou and the gun in his hand, and said tremblingly.

"It won't kill you."

Yi Huo said softly.

"As long as you tell me where Bradley is."

The man was still trembling, but he didn't answer Yi Chou's question, but just kept begging to let Yi Chou let him go and not kill him.

Athena next to him looked bored.

Obviously a magic, no, not even magic, a thing that can be done with a look, the memories and clues that can be dug out, it must be so troublesome. .

But there is no way, who makes Yi Huo the boss, the father, and the father, whatever he wants.

Yi Xiao is still smiling, but he is also inevitably brought with impatience, he is indeed experiencing a different life, experience, etc., but since it is an experience, then it is inevitable to have a preference.

The way of rubbing like this is obviously what Yi Biao doesn't like.

So he raised his gun and knocked on the barrel.

"Look, this is a gun."

"So... take me, believe me, no one will blame you."

The icy firearm apparently carries the most intuitive threat. After feeling the fatal crisis, the guy no longer hesitated, nodded tremblingly, and then rubbed forward.

"please hurry up."

Yi Xiao put the gun on his head.

Motivation comes from crisis.

In less than three minutes, this guy took Yi Chao and Athena to a villa on the edge of the town center, which is considered a residential area of ​​the town, but it was very desolate.

exactly. . With the continuous progress of the two people, the surroundings have become more and more desolate, mainly because there are few people.

Almost everyone ran away after Yi Ao took the unlucky egg and ran away without a shadow, and those who ran to the house did not dare to go out even when they got home and got the gun.

After all, it has been more than ten years since the era when the cowboys raged. Many people have forgotten that period for a long time. That is the thing of the previous generation.

Therefore, not everyone has the courage to resist, and like the people of that period, they will pick up their guns to fight back after the officials in the town fell.

Of course, it may also be because the robbers of that era rarely killed the town, but there were also many killings. They did not want to see their wives and daughters suffered, and it was not like putting their lives in the mood of others.

Even the standing force in the town has been weakened to almost nothing, and long-term peace has arrived, so they have long lost courage.

Protecting their family members is also a key factor for them to persuade themselves.

So Yi Chao was almost unobstructed along the way. Of course, no one was seen. Everyone ran back to their home and hid.

until. .


The hapless man said tremblingly.

He stopped Yi Yi with a villa.

Yi Xiao looked at this villa. . Very good, did not see anything.

Unlike Japanese-style houses, there is often a nameplate written in front of the villa, **** residence and the like, nothing outside the American-style villa is normal.

Only a high-standard place will hang road signs, instructions and the like.

The surname of Bradley is not written here, but Yi Chou feels that this unfortunate man would not dare to deceive himself.

He waved his gun.

Just when this unlucky egg closed his eyes tightly, and thought Yi Yi was going to solve himself, almost screaming in fright, he seemed to suddenly realize what Fu Lingxin really realized and opened his eyes, fast seconds After a bit of annoyance, I realized that the other party's action just did not mean to kill myself, but when I let myself roll, I hurried to the distance.

As for whether Yi Chou will shoot from behind. . Obviously outside his consideration.

At this time, I only had to escape, which mattered other things.

After letting the bad luck go, Yi Chou came to the villa.

This is not a luxury villa, so there is no iron fence or stone wall outside, which is directly a wooden door and a three-step ladder in front of the door.

Yi Chou strode to the door of the room and knocked on "Bang Bang Bang".

"Is this Christopher Bradley's house!"


But the answer to him was just a shot.

The person inside the door did not answer, but directly put the gun behind the door. As Yi Knock knocked on the door, he shot directly, the bullet smashed the door, and then penetrated Yi Yi's body.

Well, if it is a general robber, then this time must be cold, because although the wooden door penetrates, the subsequent power is still too heavy for an ordinary person.

Or to think about it from another angle, since this type of firearm can penetrate the wooden door, then its own strength is estimated to be not small.

But a pity. . Yi Chou is not an ordinary robber.

Even if he behaves like an ordinary robber.

The gunshot fell and the air seemed to be quiet for a few seconds. The people in the room obviously knew that this approach would be effective, but they were not sure if he had hit the other party.

But he did not dare to open the door, so the scene was stalemate for a while.

until. .

"Well, it seems that I want to change the question, not to mention whether it is the Bradley family..."

"Is there anyone in the family!"

Yi Chou knocked on the door again and again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

This time he responded to three shots.

Three bullets in a row, the inverted triangle showing the character of the character flew out of the door, hitting Yi Chou in an instant, and even the wooden door that had originally broken a big hole became because of this powerful impact and tearing force. Tattered, it lost its original protective effect and hung on the gate like a rotten wooden board. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

but. .

"Very well, it looks like someone is here, so I came in."

"I don't need an invitation."

Yi Chou's voice sounded again, but this time there was no gunfire in the room.

Probably the other party realized that this was useless to Yi Huo. . Although he may not know the identity of Yi Xiao and the steel body of the pseudo-Kryptonite, he thinks that Yi Xiao avoided the bullet by standing or some other way.

But no matter what kind, the firearm attack is obviously doing useless work. In order to save bullets, the people in the house probably have given up this attack.

Of course, it is the Bradley family here, and it may be known that Yi Chou directly resisted with the similar ability of the steel body.

Yi Xiao stooped down and looked inside through the large hole where the wooden door was broken. The house was a little dark without lights. It was a typical villa-style building. At the same time, he also saw a black shadow disappear quickly around the corner. . Probably the male host who attacked his Bradley family.

Tossed the already broken wooden door aside, an iron fence was held in front of Yi Chou.

There is an iron fence in the wooden door, which is a common structure of the villa, and it is also a kind of safety protection. The iron fence is very sparse. It is a foldable fence similar to the triangle. You can pass the fence through the fence after opening the wooden door. communicate with. . Avoid some dangerous couriers and the like.

But this obviously cannot stop Yi Chou.


The muzzle was aimed at the lock of the iron fence. With a sudden shot, the iron fence collapsed instantly.

Yi Chou pulled it away, pushed it aside, and said to the house.

"Christopher Bradley."

"Have you received a letter from Owl."

"Oh... sorry, I forgot that Rowling hasn't started writing yet."


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