High Magic Earth

Chapter 1933: 1 second into a thriller

Although all this looks like a normal *room* robbery, it may just be cruel.

However, it is just like that.

After all, there is an essential difference between Yi Chou and ordinary robbers. He and humans have the most essential differences.

"I'm in!"

Pushing the tattered iron gate to the side, Yi Chou squeezed in unkindly, like a cold executioner from the night rain...

the other side,

Lester Bradley kept his wife and children retreating into the living room.

He heard the door of his house violently kicked open, heard the sturdy iron gate squeak under the brutal force and then crashed into the wall.

Immediately afterwards, there was a silent silence.

But he knew that it was not that the other party had left, but that the other party had already entered.

"Da da!"

At the next moment, the sound of footsteps sounded again, and the heavy footsteps stepped on the wooden floor, making a weird mixed sound.

Something like a roaring roar from the monster's throat.

Leicester couldn't help but hold the gun grip, he took a deep breath, raised the muzzle, and pointed it at the corner wall of the living room leading to the door.

He is scared, but he cannot be scared.

Because he could feel the slight tremor of his wife behind him, and his children... Christopher seemed strong, but he was also a little trembling.

He wants to protect his family, so he cannot be afraid.

"do not be afraid."

Leicester gestured with his mouth.

"...Will be fine."

Christopher seemed to want to say something, but he was sternly stared back.

"Da da!"

At the next moment, the sound of stepping footsteps sounded again, and it seemed to be getting closer and closer, which made Leicester have to refocus his attention.

Lester Bradley, Christopher Bradley's father, and he is what Athena noticed before, the middle-aged man with a strange behavior.

Athena's hunch was correct, and he did have some secrets of his own.

That is his family, his son... Christopher.

Christopher first showed this special power when he was eight years old, when it was Christmas Eve, and Christopher Jr. had been waiting for Christmas Eve.

The family would have enjoyed a great meal together, and then after the dinner, they would also make games together.

But... bad luck, there was a power outage that night.

Christopher Jr. was very disappointed. If it was just an ordinary child, there would be no way to be disappointed. After all, the power outage was not their business.

But Christopher Jr. is a mutant.

In a state of emotional excitement, Christopher Jr. exploded his power for the first time. He... lit all the lights of a whole street, or electrical appliances.

But only a few minutes.

Fortunately, because of a power outage at the time, even a brief call in the middle did not cause any waves and attention. Everyone thought that the voltage was unstable.

Leicester and his wife, as parties, naturally noticed the abnormality of Christopher Jr.

After a period of time, after their continuous experimentation and exploration, it can finally be concluded... Little Christopher has some powers that are different from ordinary people.

He can control electrical appliances, only the kind of control that can be turned on or off. More precisely, they can be turned off and on by cutting off the current.

In the case of current, he can cut off the current, in the absence of current, he can make the current out of thin air.

Although Leicester finished his education after finishing high school, he also knew the idea of ​​conservation law... This discovery surprised him.

But instead of treating Christopher as a monster or a tool for making a fortune, he carefully hid his special abilities...and cared more about him.

Obviously, Christopher is lucky in the group of mutants who mostly have a miserable childhood.

As he grew older, Christopher Jr.'s ability became stronger and stronger. He could even make an electrical appliance run without electricity, and similarly, Leicester and his wife gradually grew older.

Just when Leicester thought that his family would spend his life in peace and ordinary, that person... found it.

Leicester flattened his muzzle and waited for the man outside the living room.

When Yi Biao broke into the town as an uninvited guest, Leicester was among the first crowd of onlookers. He didn't care much about it at first. Although there were not many outsiders in the town, they continued one after another. Hundreds and thousands of people also have.

There is nothing surprising.

They are not a closed environment here, they can go to big cities at any time, even if the road is far away, and the cost is not low.

But when Yi Biao spoke of the mutant and had already named Christopher, he finally smelled something unusual.

Leicester doesn't know any variants, but he knows that Christopher is special, and there is nothing special about their family, so if the other party comes to Christopher... then it can only be his ability.

With Yi Biao's sudden drawing of a gun, he was even more aware of the imminent danger. The so-called quietly, he quietly left among the crowd.

The result was no surprise, the other party... really came towards them.

"Where are you... in the living room, or in the room."

"After all, you have nowhere to hide, do you?"

"Come out, believe me, I am not malicious."

The wicked voice was getting closer and closer, which made Leicester's hand holding the muzzle harder and even whitish.

No matter who is coming, he will not let him... hurt his family!


The smoke burst...

"Ding Ding-Ding Ding -"

"It's an unfriendly way to say hello."

Yi Xiao stood on the spot, watching the squashed warhead fall to the ground, then flicked a few times in place, collided with the ground and made a jingle.

He had just turned from the short corridor in front of the gate to the interior of the living room, and he was greeted by a full-bodied bullet attack.

Unfortunately, this is useless.

As the rolling warhead stopped, the scene was silent.

Both Yi Biao and the Bradleys watched the flattened warhead on the ground silently.

Lester's eyelids flicked, and he looked at Yi Biao's tattered jersey, with several clear holes in his clothes, and finally knew why he failed to block the opponent from the door.

The muzzle in his hand fell slightly. Obviously, in this case, the firearm was probably useless.

But in the same way, he also knows why the other party came over, because the other party, like Christopher, is a person with special abilities!

But regardless of whether the other party has any special abilities, Leicester will not let Christopher and the other party go, this is the most basic responsibility as a parent.

"who are you."

Leicester asked.

He obviously didn't want to communicate, but because he couldn't beat him, he had to talk.

"A mutant."

Yi Xiao spread his hands.

"Look... we finally started to communicate. Isn't that good?"

"What are you doing."

Yi Biao didn't answer his question, and Leicester didn't care either. He didn't care who the other party was, what the other party's name was, and he cared more about what the other party would do next.

"I came for him."

Yi Chou pointed behind Leicester.

"For his talent."

Behind Leicester is a middle-aged woman with a thin and weak body. Although she has some wrinkles on her face, she can still see the beauty of her youth.

I want to come here is his wife, and besides his wife, there is a child who looks like fifteen or six, but I don’t know whether it is a genetic genetic cause or some other reason. He looks a little thin, not like other The fifteen-six-year-old is so strong.

And this...should be the main one this time, Christopher Bradley.

"No matter who you are."

Leicester instinctively wanted to raise the muzzle, but thought it seemed useless, so he resisted the idea.

"Neither will he follow you."

Yi Huo shrugged.

"Look, this is the problem."

"You don't really have a choice...are you?"

Lester didn't answer, but apparently his resisted face had already been answered, including his wife, but Christopher hesitated...I don't know what he was thinking.

Yi Huo shrugged.

The situation was somewhat unexpected and not beyond the control.

According to the original plan, the perfect situation is naturally that Christopher's parents are not good to him. After discovering his special ability, he is regarded as a monster... just like he is no longer a child of the two.

This is also the childhood situation of most mutants. It is very strange logic, probably it is... a special worldview of the mutant world.

And Yi Xuan appears at this time, it will show a savior's posture, whether Christopher wants to retaliate or just want to escape, Yi Xuan can easily gain a loyal man.

But of course, there are exceptions to everything, as is the case now.

As for the current situation, it is not bad.

After all, for the entire creation plan, only half of the manpower was collected, so Yi Chou cannot guarantee that everyone will be willing to join in the next manpower collection.

Inevitably, there will be reluctance, even hatred, threatened to join.

What was the situation at that time... Yi Biao has not tested it yet.

Although there are many ways to brainwash and ensure loyalty and magic first, it is best to have relevant experience.

Now, isn't it just a good time to accumulate experience...

Athena waiting outside was a little bored.

She leaned against the wooden fence, her head tilted back slightly, and looked at the sky boringly.

Anyway, she couldn't understand Yi Xiao's bad taste now.


But Athena, who was looking up at the sky, suddenly turned her head to the end of the long street on the right... She seemed to feel that there was something peeping at her.

But looking around, it was empty.

Is it an illusion?

While Athena was thinking about whether to take a look, just as she was spending time, she suddenly heard someone coming out of the room.


Coming is easy.

Shake her long blond hair and gather her hair to the side. Athena stood up straight and asked casually.


Yi arrogant answer.

"So what about that kid?"

Athena frowned slightly.

"Leave here first."

Yi Xuan did not answer Athena's question, but showed her a direction, the right side...that is, the direction to leave the town.


Although Athena was a bit puzzled, after all, the two of them were the protagonists, and she had nothing to refute.

The two went back and forth on the same road as they came.

Athena walked on the side of Yi Huo, and did not fall too far behind. It was about the same level of walking shoulder to shoulder, as usual.

But I don't know why, there is always a strange feeling in Athena's heart.

She couldn't tell the reason, so she decided to talk about something.

"Don't say they were killed by you too?"

"You know that we don't have many choices...now it's just the initial stage of the experiment, and many materials can be used."

"No, it can't be like this."

Yi Chou shook his head.

Athena was a bit puzzled and scratched her head.

However, although she participated in the God Creation Project, she was actually just a viewer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ viewer. The true creator is still arrogant. Even Lucy’s understanding of the nature of the God Creation Project may be necessary. More than Athena.

Therefore, she had no say in the plan for creating the God, and what Yi Biao said was what she said.


Athena squinted at Yi Chou, was he not going to say it, or...inconvenient to say?

Thinking about it this way, Athena suddenly felt that it was a good choice to communicate with Yi Huo through heart communication.

It's more like not saying something, but it's inconvenient to speak clearly.

"You can speak now."

The spiritual connection between Athena and Yi Chou has never been broken, but the control is in Yi Chou, and it is not often used.

Sudden contact, still able to contact.

"Say what?"

On the other side of mind communication, Yi Chou seems to be a little puzzled.

Okay, Athena shrugged, it seems that he really didn’t intend to explain anything... It’s true that she, as the goddess of wisdom, doesn’t understand these things. Although she has a gap with Lucy in the fields of magic technology and other fields of study , But not much worse.

In fact, she can also help Yi Chou in the creation of God plan.


Athena said unwillingly.


Yi Chou on the other side seemed to whip.

"Let you wait outside and just wait honestly. I won't take too long on this side. You're a **** anyway. You don't even have this patience."

"Bradley's situation is a bit interesting, and I'm still communicating... although I also feel that the final choice will evolve into hands-on."

"So don't bother me with anything, I'll break it first."

Athena: "...?????"

Silently, Athena seemed to feel that something was wrong.

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