High Magic Earth

Chapter 1934: What style is this time

Is there something wrong?

Athena was puzzled by the logic between Yi Biao's words, and within half a second, she suddenly realized what was wrong.

But it was at this time that Yi Chou also said to her.

"You are waiting for me here."

"I will be back soon."

He made a slight gesture to Athena and turned to walk like a villa next to it.

This is a residential area of ​​a small town. Although the population of the small town is sparse and the economy looks neither prosperous nor developed, the planning of the residential area here is still very good.

The appearance of the villa is a bit shabby, unlike those of high-end residences, but between each villa's courtyard, there are still some roads, street lights, and facilities such as trash cans and mailboxes intersected.

The direction of Yi Huo is here.

Between the two villas.

But Yi Biao did not notice that at the moment he turned around, Athena's eyes also followed, calmly staring behind him.

Like the quiet before the storm, the ice gradually builds up in Athena's double pupils... murderous concentration! ...

"You were found, go away."

At the same time that Athena communicated Yi Chou with her psychic abilities, the Yi Chou's heart in front of her was also in constant communication with the outside world.

"how is this possible."

"I didn't reveal any flaws."

This Yi arrogant seems a little unbelieving.

But although I didn't believe it, the action followed the voice in my mind very honestly, and turned to the side road for the first time, away from Athena behind me.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the voice in his mind was explained again.

"Not your problem, Raven."

"The two of them also have psychic abilities...be careful!"

This voice sounded a bit helpless, but the voice had not completely dropped, so it changed from helplessness to exclamation.

Yi Huo...or Raven’s reaction is very fast. In addition to her communication with that voice, she has always been in thinking. Thinking can be said to be the fastest thing in the world. Several factors add up. On the occasion of a sudden attack, he suddenly vacated and turned over, even avoiding the attack of Athena.


But when Yi Chou fell to the ground on one knee again, as he slowly raised his head, he had spread from his face to his body, and turned into a man with blue scales and a woman.

The magical woman, Raven.

"I should have guessed it would be you."

Athena retracted her foot and stepped on the ground, cracking the ground, as if she was throwing a right foot from a dozen meters high by a boulder, watching Rui Wen frown.

"Although we are meeting for the first time... but seriously, I already hate you a little bit."

Without saying a word, Ruiwen ran back and turned around.

Athena's movements paused, and she thoughtfully looked around, but also did not hesitate, but stepped out immediately and followed behind Raven.

"Be careful!!"

Anxious prompts suddenly sounded in Raven's brain...

Yes, Raven.

The first thing that came out of the villa was not Yi Chou, but the magical woman who changed from Raven to Yi Chou's appearance. As for waiting outside, she seemed to feel that someone was peeping at her Athena, her I feel there is indeed nothing wrong.

Someone was indeed peeping at her, and the reason why she did not find the person was because the person was originally in a place where she could not see.

Professor Charles' telepathy.

Athena felt a bit strange in Yi Chou's speech, and thought he had something to communicate through spiritual communication, but when unexpectedly discovered a short communication, she found Yi Chou's speech logic seemed even stranger.

After froze for half a second, Athena realized that the object of spiritual communication with her was not the person in front of her.

The positioning reminder of the mind communication is telling her... Yi Biao is still in the villa of Bradley's house.

In other words, this person is fake!

With this conclusion, Athena guessed his true identity in an instant. After all, in the mutant world, it can be simulated as another person without flaws. It is estimated that only the natural ace spy.

The magic woman.

In the same way, when Athena realized that the person in front of her was a magical woman, Professor Charles, who was peeping here from a distance, also knew Athena's idea at the first time.

Of course, he realized that the magical woman had been exposed, prompting her to leave here quickly.

But it's a pity that it's still slow.

In other words, in terms of force, the Witch Woman and Athena are not at the same level, and even if prompted by Charles, they can’t change anything.

The second reminder is still very timely. In addition to being able to deform and change the appearance of the magical girl, its physical quality is far superior to that of ordinary people. The pinnacle of boxing champions, or long-distance runners, exists in various fields.

She flicked forward again, tumbling on the spot, avoiding the attack from Athena at the back again.

But even if there are multiple elements superimposed, her evasion is dangerous and almost even not.


The Athena in the rear was still a foot, and the gravel splashed.

"Don't stop Riven! Get out of there!"

"I know!"

Raven crawling up from the ground responded angrily.

Now she is not the courageous devilish woman who has attempted to assassinate high-level leaders of various countries in the Paris Parliament in full view.

Her combat experience and her heart are far less rich and determined in the future. This made her only want to escape when she was in contact with Athena for the first time... Of course, she was also hit by mistake A correct decision was made. After all, if she tried to confront Athena, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Charles, who is far away, actually sees it more clearly than Raven.

Raven is definitely not Athena's opponent, definitely not.

Because when Athena first launched a tentative attack, she already thought that the guy in front of her was not an arrogant but a magical woman. At the moment of the attack, she instinctively collected half of her power.

In this way, both the speed and strength of her attack are much weaker than her normal attack, and it is because of this that Riven escaped her probing attack at the very beginning.

But obviously, as Athena gradually let go of her hands and feet, Raven was unlikely to resist, not to mention resisting Athena's attack, even trying to avoid it was very difficult.

Fortunately...they are not without resistance...

"You really have nothing to run."

Athena's accompanying third attack really caused damage to Raven, she couldn't hide at all, and was kicked directly by Athena on her arm.

The terrifying power made her suddenly flew out sideways and fell aside, and there were irregular bends and twists in the arm that was hit.

Obviously it has been broken.

Struggling twice on the ground, Raven finally got up again.

Athena who came over shook her head.

"You still have other people here."

"For example... Professor X."

"No wonder I always feel something peeping at me."

Athena looked around, as if to find out Charles' position.

At the same moment, at the moment she turned her head, hiding in the roof of the villa next to it, also possessing a keen, as intuitive as a beast, Logan also noticed the opportunity.

He leaped from above the villa on the right, like a cheetah when preying, with sharp steel claws like a knife, like Athena rushing past.

Of course, Athena will not be attacked by small tricks like him.

But she also stopped walking towards Raven.

"... or this one is more annoying."

Looking at Logan with a rough beard, there was a trace of disgust in Athena's eyes.

As an ancient Olympian deity, Athena doesn't actually treat humans as ants...or all humans.

There are still a small number of human beings that she can see in her eyes, communicate equally, and even take a high look. Some unspeakable things may happen.

This is also regarded as the tradition of the Olympian system.

When it came to the male **** headed by Zeus, and the other goddess of the Hera family, everyone was half a catty.

Otherwise, there will not be so many gods born.

But of course, not everyone can be looked at by gods. Only those who are the most excellent, handsome, and even mortals who can be called gods on earth can enter the eyes of these gods.

These people are often called heroes.

Is Logan a hero? Although killing people is like hell, but well, he is barely considered to be, after all, has participated in many major events that save the world... although most of them are to save mutants.

But in the eyes of Athena, he is definitely not.

The reason is simple, Logan does not meet Athena's aesthetic.

Logan is obviously going to be wild, and his rugged appearance is his signature... This is very attractive to the passionate Phoenix.

But Athena likes the classic and elegant beauty, which is also the mainstream aesthetics of ancient Greek gods, such as those golden sections, marble-like smoothness and sturdiness... and the like.

Logan obviously didn't fit her vision.

In this case, Logan is not a hero.

After all, in the eyes of Athena, the definition of hero is not only to have heroic action, but also to have heroic demeanor, as well as the related mentality, ability, courage, guts, etc. that can match the title of hero... This worldly appearance.


It's harsh, but why is it called a hero, and the number of heroes is so rare?

Of course, this kind of aesthetic can also be denied. After all, the Greek gods cannot represent absolute, but also, just like this aesthetic can be denied, the Greek gods can always insist on their own views.

Athena clearly insisted on this point of view, so Logan couldn't get into her eyes anyway.

Even...some disgust.

Looking at the rugged Logan, Athena looked like an uncivilized beast.


She snorted coldly, kicked out on one leg like a whirlwind, and instantly hit Logan's chest.

When Athena's legs were still in the air, her armor began to appear, but not all of them appeared. The main body and skirt of the armor did not move. ...Including some dazzling golden boots.


Logan only felt a tremendous force hit in an instant, as if he had been hit by the front of a large truck when his chest collided.

The next moment, he flew back all over again.

How to go back to that kind.

At the same time, a bite of blood spewed out of the mouth, and some small debris fragments were mixed.

Before landing, Logan felt that his injury was serious, his entire chest collapsed, and it looked like he had lost half of his body from the side.

Not only did a few bones break out on the outside, and they looked bloody, but the blood in his mouth spewed out as if he didn't need money.

The injury is serious.

But... for Logan, this injury is actually not too serious. He doesn't even need to give him too long, he can heal with his own regeneration.

But the real problem is that being able to beat him like this in a single blow means that it is almost impossible for him to be Athena's opponent.


Logan fell into the small yard in front of the villa and rolled around the lawn twice, staining the blood stains around it.

Fortunately, taking advantage of this opportunity, Raven did not waste time, but got up and sprinted two steps away from Athena again.

Although this distance is meaningless in Athena's eyes, it is the same as nothing.

"give up."

Without going to see Logan, who was recovering on his own, Athena showed a big villain's attitude and dragged her tone, following in the direction of Raven's escape.

She has run into the corner at the end of the villa~www.wuxiaspot.com~ disappeared from Athena's sight...but that doesn't mean she is safe.

"Humph, you..."

As soon as Athena stepped on the ground, she was ready to explode the speed to the extreme... The kind of extreme close to half the speed of sound, but just before the speed exploded, she suddenly felt a little trance in front of her eyes.

Is it... trance?

It seems like a moment, and it seems like a long permanent.

A strange feeling enveloped Athena, but at the same time she fell into a trance, an invisible wave suddenly emerged from her body, bursting like a scanner, and instantly let her wake up again.

Professor X!

Athena immediately realized what had just happened. It was Professor X trying to control herself with mind control, regardless of whether Professor X succeeded in controlling... He obviously disturbed her.

But although Athena is not magical, the creation of the God plan also considered these spiritual controls at the beginning of its establishment. The protective power given to her by the God of Creation plan made her wake up again... but it seems that it has been a while.

Athena frowned because she noticed that there were suddenly more people around her.

They were wearing some bloated combat uniforms, wearing helmets, and the weapon in their hands was a metal stick that was more than one meter long, not like a mutant, but more like an armed combat team.

"you guys……"

Under normal circumstances, Athena's reaction will not be so slow, even less than half a second is enough for her to leap out of the circle directly.

But obviously, Professor X's mind control still affected her.

Athena's thinking was half a beat slower than usual, and it was at this moment that this quirky metal rod had already reached her.

"Cracking crackling!"

At the next moment, a dazzling arc of light emerged, and the electric current exploded!

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