High Magic Earth

Chapter 1936: The title is still 1 point shorter

"power ups!"

The commander of the combat team responded quickly, and the moment Charles' reminder sounded, he gave the order without hesitation.

"Kaka! Kaka!"

Four buttons were pressed instantly.

A strong electric current erupted in an instant, and the wires connected to the surface of the metal mesh even splashed with sparks as if ignited. The surface of the metal mesh was covered with azure arc metal in the blink of an eye.


The whole weak electric field made a crackling electric current, making it rustling.

Although the combination of metal mesh and weak electric field seems simple, it is definitely a black technology in the mutant world. . Try the same principles and techniques in other worlds.

Guaranteed to short-circuit instantly.

This is also the mutant world and other superhero worlds. . Well, in fact, it is the difference between the two worlds of Marvel and DC.

The latter, whether it is Marvel or DC, ordinary people are just ordinary people, they simply can not resist those super villains and the disasters that come and go.

Their biggest role is to serve as a background board for disasters, casualty data at the time of statistics, or to give superheroes a shot of motivation and motivation.

Even if they finally succeed in having the power to resist. . It was also after some kind of mutation or some kind of extraordinary power and substance.

In other words, not relying on their own power, but on the same old road as those superheroes and supervillains, but on their own, after all, they cannot fight against those extraordinary existences.

But ordinary people in the mutant world are different. They have the courage, the courage to fight and dare to fight. From the mutant secret service that monitors ordinary mutants, to the Trask industry that hangs high-end combatants of mutants, they use their own The sweat of struggle and struggle grabbed the white queen, angel, cousin, etc., and then. . Cough.

All in all, the ordinary people in the mutant world are also a group of fighting forces that cannot be underestimated.

This is also a different characteristic between different superhero worlds, otherwise why is it also an extraordinary individual, the world on the Stark side can be respected and admired, and here, it will be reduced to the situation of everyone shouting.

It just doesn't make sense.

Not only is it because the mutants are out of control, but it is also because they are more likely to awaken their abilities when they are strongly stimulated.

More because of the world purpose and core of the mutants, which is to show the conflict between people's hearts and put it in the film industry, that is, the positioning of literary and artistic films.

Since it is necessary to show conflict, the ordinary people as secondary protagonists cannot be ignored. Naturally, they also have good fighting power.

Of course, in addition to combat effectiveness and black technology, the ordinary people here have the courage, independence, and the spirit of resistance and resistance are much more than those next door.

They have the courage to fight against those extraordinary beings, and dare to fight.

Rather than seeing the aliens and signing an agreement to surrender, if you find that you are not enemies, you will lose your resistance.

This is their biggest advantage and the most powerful weapon.

The commander of the combat squad showed no mercy. He put on a look of emotion, watching the wire continuously releasing current. . The entire metal mesh is enveloped by the arc.

But in fact, as ordinary people in the mutant world, they may indeed have a good fighting power when dealing with mutants, but this fighting power is placed in front of Athena. . It may not be so easy to use.

After all, although the mutants here have great power, most of the bodies are very fragile. A particle bomb may kill their lives. Except for those mutants whose body changes direction, they may be different from the ordinary in terms of destructive power. There is not much difference between people, and their hearts are fragile.

The weak heart is one of their biggest shortcomings. . It is also one of the main reasons why ordinary people can fight against them.

Even if they don't believe in themselves, they are hesitant, not to mention others.

Under the metal net, Athena suddenly opened her eyes.

Her head was a little groggy, Charles was uncomfortable, and she was no better. She seemed to be forcibly stunned, and her entire head was buzzing.

With the solidity of the body of the **** Athena, there are definitely not many people who can do this on the physical level, but Charles is taking a mental attack in the spiritual realm.

The slightly restored Athena felt something covered her body, not heavy, as if she were covered with a quilt. Of course, she didn't use the quilt on Olympus.

What will it be. .

As the goddess of wisdom, the wisdom she has always been proud of did not let her get an answer. The dizzy head affected her thinking, and even the goddess of wisdom, nothing can be guessed out of thin air.

She also needs clues to infer!

But before waiting for Athena's head to be fully awake to see what was covering her, a burst of numbness suddenly entangled her again. . It is still a feeling of current, and it is stronger and more intense than before. .

Athena finally opened her eyes suddenly.

"court death!"

She uttered a cruel drink.

The high-voltage current that provoked more significance than real harm hit Athena many times, and finally angered her completely.

She now has a sense of outrage. . It was the feeling of overturning the ship near the port, although Athena occasionally made fun with Yi Pang by turning over the ship to make Yi Xuan be careful not to take the lead in the world of mutants whose fighting power is suddenly high and low.

But when this thing really happened to her, she was still blinded by anger for a moment.

Although these combat squads did not cause any substantial harm to her, but with Charles did indeed make her seem a little embarrassed, is this not a ship overturn?

Su Ma's electric current made her completely awake from the muddy nightmare, and her coldness and rage gradually filled her eyes. At the same time, she also had a touch of golden luster in her hands.

Athena was full of irritability in her whole body, unlike her arrogance that used to provoke and arrogant in the past, nothing happened. At that time, Athena erupted, only endless fighting intentions, and. . Standing high, overlooking the ethereal sense of everything.


Athena is a **** after all. Although she always behaves like a woman in the world before Yi Chou, she is a **** after all.

When she felt that her dignity was being provoked, the majesty from the gods finally appeared in a flash.

It is not like the direct ignorance of mortals on weekdays, just like watching the gods of a group of ants, but it is real, with indifference, coldness, and cruelty. . real.


The golden light flashed again, and the pressure of the tonnage of the metal mesh did not hinder Athena. She stood up directly from the ground, while waving the double-edged scimitar in both hands like a storm, and the metal that covered her in a blink of an eye. The net ripped open several cracks.

At the same time, the golden armor also seemed to grow out of her, a little bit, covering every inch of her body, golden and bright.


Outside the broken metal net, the voice of the commander of the combat team came.

outside world.

The commander of the combat team realized that the metal mesh was torn open a few times and realized that it was not good.

At the moment when Charles' reminder appeared in their heads, he gave the order to turn on the electricity, and at the same time aggravated the weak electric field and increased the blocking power of the metal mesh to the extreme.

It was indeed quiet for at least a dozen seconds at first, but the commander of this squad was not sure whether it was because of the blockade of the weak electric field metal mesh or whether the other party was still in a situation where they lost their power.

But this question was answered after a few seconds, because. .

The metal net hardly blocked the other.

"Tear! Tear!"

The commander's pupils shrunk, and it took almost a few seconds for the metal mesh to rip open and the metal mesh torn apart.

This means that the metal net can hardly block the other party. . The reason why the other party still didn't make any movement just now is because she is still in the situation where she loses her mobility.

Now that her mobility was restored, she broke out almost instantly.

Seeing this, the commander gave the attack order without hesitation.

Of course, although it is an offensive command, the ammunition they use is not a deadly ammunition, but an anesthetic bomb with a powerful anesthetic effect.

What they still think is to control each other.

"Dang! Dangdang Dangdang Dangdang!"

But at the moment Athena appeared, these bullets instantly became a joke.

The slanting bullet storm was held in front of her with a double-edged scimitar, and the scimitar waved. Athena's body immediately rolled up a whirlwind. She seemed to dance in the storm's eyes, between clanking and crisp, double-bladed scimitar or Blocked the bullets out, or cut them in half, and none of them was placed within half a meter of her body.

War dance! War dance!

Athena's speed is very fast, beyond the limits of ordinary human reaction and capture. Perhaps she can indeed evade bullets with speed, but in the face of such a intensive close-range bullet storm, it is actually difficult for her to resist it by herself. of.

But she doesn't need to rely on her own reaction to force resistance, because her war dance can do all this easily.

This ancient and mysterious dance of war is not inherited by anything, but is unique to Athena. She is an ancient Greek god. . Naturally, like those mortal heroes, what skills are passed from what gods.

This dance of war is her unique skill.

It is somewhat like the so-called gun fighting technique in a certain world. It is an efficient killing technique that fits perfectly with Athena, without a trace of extra fancy movement, but full of classical elegance.

Used to block bullets, naturally there is no suspense.

It's like resisting arrows in an older age. . Don't think that arrows are not as fast as bullets. Ordinary bows and arrows may not, but at the level of God of War, but there are no ordinary bows and arrows.

"Dangdang Dangdang Dangdang!"

Athena rolled up the storm, as if setting off a violent torrential shower, intercepting all the storms of the combat team's bullets, and making their attack lose its effect instantly.

The commander of the combat team was dumbfounded, and even the bullets lost their effect. . The terrible level of the enemy far exceeded their expectations.

Despite the use of narcotic bombs, the firearms are still those firearms, but their power is not attenuated.

At the same time, the commander realized that if they couldn't even take the bullets, they might be a little dangerous.

Because this time. . Their alternative means have been exhausted.

Even if they can find a way to restrain each other in the future, they may not be able to survive that time.

The commander's face was grim.

He must find a way of life, a correct way, and give the correct instructions, otherwise every minute and every second, there will be heroic soldiers killed by him, and must be quick. .

Fortunately, when the commander was sweating a little, he suddenly discovered that they were not fighting alone, but this was a joint operation.

because. .

"Retreat! You retreat first!"

It was not only the commander who saw their terrible situation, but Charles, who was still in the distance using his psychic powers to look here, was also aware of it.

The other party. . The strength of aliens exceeds their expectations.

So Charles did not hesitate much, immediately communicated to the almost restored Logan, and told him to cover others to evacuate, and at the same time told the news to the combat team under siege of Athena~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At the same time, Logan, who had recovered, had rushed into the enclosure in a blink of an eye.

"Be careful!"

The commander and the combat team knew Logan naturally, and this guy seemed to be dead. . What a terrible ability to envy.

But despite this, when Logan rushed into the encirclement circle, the combat team subconsciously slowed down the offensive frequency.


As soon as the commander was about to ask what you rushed in, he remembered Charles' voice in his head.


Without dragging the ground, the commander who knew Logan's ability was very at ease with Logan. Although Logan might not be able to defeat the enemy in front of him, he would never die.

So the commander directly gestured to all the members to retreat.

Athena's double-edged scimitar also stopped. She was able to withstand the bullet storm. In fact, she seemed to be in the enclosure, but as long as she was given a few minutes, she would rush out like a caged beast, taking everything. They all slaughtered.

So as Logan joined in the moment the frequency of attacks slowed, she immediately seized the opportunity and rushed straight out.

Athena's target is naturally a member of these combat teams.

But the next moment, Logan was in front of her.

"Go away."

Athena's voice was calm, but Logan was able to hear the icy cold in it, without a touch of emotion.

Logan habitually prepared to open his mouth to taunt a few words, anyway, he was not afraid of death and could not die, ready to calm the hatred properly.

But the next moment he discovered that even if he didn't plan to speak, Athena chopped at him with a knife.



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