High Magic Earth

Chapter 1937: Temporary rescue title

Rogan was frightened to flash aside. After all, he was also a battle-hardened veteran. He had a much stronger sense of battle than Raven. He couldn't keep up with the speed of Athena, but she was lucky enough to escape.

Almost one step away!

Frightened with cold sweat, Logan also realized the reason why Athena did this. Obviously, she didn't put herself in the eye and launched the attack without saying a word. She wanted it and was sure to end it in a moment. Fight, and then continue to chase other people.

Since we can end the battle in no time, there is no need to talk nonsense with ourselves.

Was underestimated.

For a moment, the Japanese style of Logan took it seriously, the pointed claws spread again a few centimeters, and then slammed toward Athena... but it was empty.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Athena had come to the side of Logan in an instant and waved his knife down, as if to cut him directly into two pieces.

Logan quickly evaded sideways again, but the speed was a little slow, avoiding the main attack, but a deep wound was still cut at the shoulder.

Fortunately, his ability is regeneration, these small injuries have no effect at all... Instead, he waved his claws and thrust at Athena again.


But... for the time being, even if he stabbed Athena, whether his bone claw can break through Athena's armor, because at the moment he stabbed, Athena has jumped again by an arc, as if beautiful The dancer turned behind him.

Logan pounced again.


Well, after losing two times in a row, Logan realized that he was indeed not the opponent of this guy.

Strong attack, it is estimated that there is no possibility of winning.

But he is not afraid, because he didn’t want to beat each other, but dragged on each other. Secondly... he was not afraid of death. What else is worth fearing in this world?

Realizing this, Logan began to switch offense.

He was no longer as radical as the previous two, no longer thinking about hurting Athena, but trying to entangle her so that she was not so easy to get rid of... well, it was to solve himself.

In a blink of an eye, the two have fought a dozen times... Of course, it is more accurate to say that Athena beat Logan, and Logan can only passively block and avoid, embarrassed.

But Athena, who was equally keen on fighting, still frowned slightly.

She also sensed Logan's intentions.

The guy in front of him is like a slippery loach... No, it's more difficult to entangle than a loach. He's like a dog skin plaster, not only slippery, but also strangled.



Athena's offense was sharpened again.

Logan's greatest reliance was his undead body, and his combat experience was also abundant, which dragged Athena in place under desperation.

But both Athena and Logan could see that he couldn't drag on for long.

So Athena didn't try to bypass him even after realizing Logan's intentions, using the speed to throw him away, but was ready to complete him.

In addition to her still being confident of ending the battle quickly, it was also because... she didn't really value the matter of chasing the combat team and Raven.

This matter is not important.

She and Yi Chou did not come to the X-Men. The ghost knew why the X-Men appeared here, but no matter what the reason was, it would not disrupt Yi Chou's plan.

So she can catch it, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't.

For now, the difference between the strength of the mutants and theirs is somewhat large. Even if they awaken the Apocalypse, the Black Emperor, Magneto and Professor x, etc., I am afraid they will not have a high chance of winning.

There is nothing to worry about.

And...if Athena really wants to chase, then let Raven run for five or six minutes first, and then she will be able to catch up after she solves Logan.

At this point in time, there is no Blue Devil in the X-Men, so there is no teleportation ability. If the Black Emperor has joined forces with the X-Men and the Red Devil joins, it is also called.

After all, this matter is not important in itself.

These thoughts inside Athena Logan didn't know, but he noticed the change of Athena's fighting style again in the first time... It's also very simple, that is, she is more fierce.


The scimitar cuts straight, the shape is a little weird, the scimitar with two edges is seemingly flashy, but it is extremely dangerous in Athena's hands.

Her war dance, she, and the double-edged scimitar are all in one. Under the three of them, she is like the wildest dancer in the world.

Logan was able to resist at first, dodge by instinct, but later, he soon became unable to even see Athena's offense.

Can only keep dodge indiscriminately, trying to be less attacked.

But... it's too slow.

There was a crunch, because Rogan’s dodge route was a bit confusing, and the two bone spurs happened to be caught in the attacking range of Athena’s scimitar. The scimitar was cut straight down, and the stiffness was far less than that of the Edman alloy. Root cut off.

Logan felt that his right hand was light, and the movement was a little unnaturally biased, and immediately Athena seized the opportunity, followed by a few consecutive knife drops, instantly making Logan's half of the body bloody.


Tough guys like Logan couldn't help but cry out.

After all, being cut off like this repeatedly is not a good taste.

Although the pain was unbearable, he still turned around and twisted his body with amazing perseverance, reopening Athena's offensive momentum.

And just in this short moment, the blood on his body has stopped, and the scary wounds have even begun to heal slowly... The regeneration is terrible.

Athena's face did not change, but the scimitar had already screamed in the air as if it had broken.

Logan didn't dare to be too big. One rolled to the side, but was kicked by Athena on the back, and the whole person rolled out a few meters away.

But he was obviously not as vulnerable as the combat team that had been slaughtered by Athena almost on one side. This attack was nothing to her at all. After turning over, he climbed up from the ground again.

It just looks awkward.

Between the rise and fall, Logan’s injuries just cut by Athena had recovered to more than half... but the two bone spurs were broken but they did not grow back immediately, and there was only a bare thorn in his right hand... Although it is useless.

Bone spurs are no longer within Logan's super regeneration range, although they can grow back, but the speed is not fast, at least it can't catch up with this battle.

Logan, who was climbing again, did not continue to attack.

Not because the bone spurs were broken, he knew very well that even if the bone spurs were intact, the effect was not great, but Rogan saw from Athena's increasingly fierce style that she was determined to solve herself.

That being the case... he didn't have to consider the problem of delaying time, because the other party wouldn't leave at all, but he needed to protect himself more.

Although he will not die, but if he is cut off his limbs or head, he will also lose his fighting power, and it will even take a long time to heal again... the more...

"Damn it!"

Logan paused, then gritted his teeth again.

Because just when he thought that Athena was going to spend with her unending death, Athena suddenly turned around, as if she was about to give up herself...to chase others.

Logan quickly rushed again.

But the next moment, he realized it was bad.

This is a trap!

The constant change of Athena’s fighting style makes it difficult for him to stay calm all the time. After all, she seemed to be preparing to chase other people at the previous moment. The next moment, she looked like she never died. I wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of it... This made Logan a little tired, and naturally revealed flaws.

He simply fell into Athena's trap.


Athena looked back suddenly, and the double-bladed scimitar shone with golden light, like a meteor falling into the sky, and instantly fell to Logan's face.

Avoid it! ...

Yes, this time Athena seemed to get rid of Logan's entanglement and chase other people's movements, but it was just a trap. The meaning was to let Logan throw himself in the net.

The rhythm of the battle has always been under the control of Athena, but Logan is not stupid. After discovering Athena's imposing momentum, he immediately began to shrink and defend to the maximum extent to protect himself, far from being stalking. Fight attitude.

Although Athena is confident to forcibly solve Logan... but since there is a trick, why not use it.

After all, Logan has the most natural disadvantage, that is, his fight is purposeful, he needs to hold Athena, and she does not.

She wants to go and go, and she wants to fight.

This means that at least half of her feet are on the verge of victory...

At the same time, the combat team under the cover of Logan's desperation also quickly evacuated. They are professional personnel in the field of combat. Naturally, they know that procrastinating at this time will only kill more of their companions, but will not play any other role. .

So what they withdrew was that they did not drag the mud at all.

Soon, he joined Charles and others in the rear.

In addition to Charles, there are also Ravens who have just withdrawn shortly, and Alex, Moira, the most powerful killer although they are not mature yet, and several newly established, are special The main personnel of the department responsible for this incident.

"Where is Logan?"

Charles can dominate the whole situation through telepathy, but Raven doesn't, and Charles can't tell Raven about these things at this time.

Forcibly controlling Athena made him in a very bad state. At this time, he felt very tired... completely supporting.

When Raven saw other people evacuate without Logan, he immediately thought about it.

In the future, Raven was mixed with Magneto, or biased towards Magneto. It was the main battle among the mutants. Naturally, she did not have a good impression on humans, and she actually already has such a trend at this time.

It's just not obvious.

But even at this time, even Raven was very clear that, compared to the fact that these combatants sold Logan there, it was more likely that Logan could not get entangled by the opponent.

How strong that guy is, Raven has a personal experience.

As soon as his head was hot, Raven wanted to find Logan, but the next moment, he was instantly stunned by Charles who didn't want to talk nonsense.

Charles's eyes fell on the commander of the combat team.

The commander did not have much hostility towards the mutants of Charles. After all, these things were organized and screened by Mr. John himself. He and Charles and others would naturally not pit him.

Of course, it is impossible to say how much the combat team respects and cooperates with Charles and others. After all, they do not know each other. They belong to the airborne managers. This situation is normal.

They only retained the most basic attitude of superiors and subordinates.

Seeing that his eyes were swept, the commander was just preparing to report... He still had a little affection for the current boss who let others cover his team and evacuate first instead of killing the enemy with his life.

But before he could speak, he saw Charles's gaze, and then nodded silently to him.

The commander was silent.

Although no one spoke or communicated, he strangely understood the meaning that Charles wanted to express.

No need to say anything, I know it.

The commander remembered this, the guy opposite had telepathy, what he thought, he could know everything if he wanted to.

Hell... there is such a boss, is it good or not.

Just as the commander was struggling, he was not idle.

Logan’s condition is not good, he knows it well.

So whatever you want to do... it's better to be quick.

Thinking of this, Charles forced to endure the headache, spreading his psychic abilities again, looking for a goal, and then whispered in his heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I need help. "...


Logan's luck has always been bad, and basically no miracles will happen to him...the same is true this time.

Athena's double-edged scimitar fell firmly on his body, on the part between his shoulder and neck. Remember "→m.biqug" on the mobile phone for a second to provide you with wonderful reading.

And there is no suspense. The sharp machete and the tonnage-level force directly split the Logan that has not been infused with Edman alloy into two.

His right hand fell to the ground, his right shoulder was instantly cut off from the shoulder... The huge wound instantly made Logan lose all his mobility.

He knelt down on the ground, and blood poured out like no money.

The wounds healed quickly...but Logan was too injured, and his healing speed was much slower than when he was injured several times before.

And it is difficult for such a large wound to heal itself.

Athena closed her knife and stood in front of Logan.

"Relax, you won't die, you won't today, and you won't."

"Because not yet..."


Logan is a very important person. Maybe Yi Chou will capture him as a material, maybe he will be solved, but it is not until his death anyway.

So Athena didn't intend to kill him... Of course, it was okay to grab it back, and believe that with the evil taste of clamor, a little guidance and transformation to make Logan stand on Charles's opposite side, it seems also very interesting.


But before Athena's words were finished, there was a popping sound suddenly near her... she was very familiar with the sound, a phantom sound.


She thought it was Yi Chou's arrival, but the next moment, her eyes just turned, Athena was slightly surprised, because...

That is not easy.

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