High Magic Earth

Chapter 1939: What you must experience as a fellow wizard

"The wounded!"

"Doctor! Need help here!"

"Quick! Our manpower is not enough!"

"That's not going to call people yet?! Waste! Do you want me to say these things!"

In the temporary base, the scene was chaotic.

The combat team returned with wounds, and blood and wailing swept everything around them in an instant. . The scene was chaotic and even uncontrollable.

Mr. John frowned at everything.

Charles is beside him. . He, Rui Wen and others naturally returned successfully. They were in the temporary base of the special operations team.

Mr. John's family is very big, and after cooperating with Charles, he naturally cannot occupy Charles's Xavier Manor as a base, but that is the ancestral property of others. Mr. John has not been so poor.

This base is much larger than the previous c*a base, and it is even twice as large. . And the facilities are complete.

Anyway, Hank loves this place.

However, with the complete facilities and sufficient manpower, even prepared, but at this time the scene is still somewhat uncontrollable chaos.

No one can think of such a large number of casualties.

The special squad of the first echelon has almost no one, and the ones who come back alive are also in a state of serious injury and dying.

Looking at the casualties under his hands, neither Mr. John nor the few guys in the surroundings who looked at the military at all looked very well.

Charles' face was naturally unsightly.

Only La Nina looked as usual.

Yes, after taking away Logan, Athena quickly left the scene, the main target disappeared, and she was not interested in the remaining fish.

Although these guys make her very embarrassed. . But if it's a head-to-head battle, she doesn't mind giving them a memorable way to die.

But when they obviously lost their fighting power, even in Athena's style, she couldn't do such a thing as continue to exhale with the corpse.

Even if she is a cruel god. . She still has the last dignity of God.

Charles, who was always watching there, immediately realized that this was an opportunity.

He asked La Nina to return there, and then took away some of the members of the special operations team. . Athena's attack power is huge and fast, hardly human can bear, most of the people attacked by her are dead, and one blow is fatal.

But there are still some survivors.

It is a pity that he was seriously injured and was dying.

La Nina brought back less than ten, all survivors of those echelons. . These numbers of wounded people should not theoretically make a base so chaotic and understaffed.

but. .

There are too many seriously injured.

The main reason is the inconsistent proportion of casualties. Athena's attack was too brutal, resulting in almost no minor injuries and all serious injuries.

You know, even if it is a small-scale war, there may not be so many seriously injured people. Ten of them may be serious injuries that are not dying, although broken hands and broken feet are also irreversible serious injuries. . But the rescue level is not high.

And now, almost everyone who is brought back is dying, which has caused a shortage of manpower for treatment.

Looking at the chaos below, Mr. John's face was very unsightly.

But he didn't blame Charles or anything. . He knew that it was not Charles’ responsibility. He knew the story completely, and similarly, they lost so many people in one simple contact, which fully explained the terrible nature of the enemy.

Charles did not exaggerate.

At this time, the infighting was obviously irrational, not to mention that the problem was not with Charles.

but. .

"You don't seem to command battles very well."

Mr. John is not going to continue to watch here. The treatment is proceeding in an orderly manner. He turns around and returns to the office.

Charles and others quickly followed.

The secretary put the brandy for these people, turned the glass, and Kennedy went straight to the subject.

Charles had to bow his head.

"This time I miscalculated the enemy...I didn't expect them to appear there."

Kennedy put the glass down.

"We made the same mistake."

"But I am not talking about this."

"You really don't command combat."

The Special Action Team was not originally under the control of Charles. Kennedy recruited people to let them follow Charles.

But Charles is actually only responsible for a guiding role.

Whether it was trying to attack Athena or trying to control her, it was not Charles' order.

At first he just wanted Logan to lead Athena away, he wanted to get the kid. . The family was rescued from Yi Chou.

unfortunately. .

But of course, as the nominal leader, when the battle was defeated, the orders given by Charles were also effective.

It's just that Charles obviously has no ability to turn the tide. The only thing he does is to issue a retreat order. . Fortunately, this is also a correct order, which has saved them a lot.

Otherwise, more people may die.

But again, if you change to a more professional person, even if you are not able to turn the tide, it may be better.

This is what Kennedy means.

Charles didn't use his psychic abilities. After all, he was an ally, and the main reason was. . He didn't want ordinary people to have too much fear of mutant life.

If he abuses his mental abilities, such negative effects will surely occur.

Because no one likes what they think in their hearts and heads, they can be easily known by others.

But even without the mental ability, and Charles' IQ, he can hear the true meaning of Kennedy's words.


Charles has no objection.

Because, as Kennedy said, he is really not good at directing combat. . Even if he fights for mutants, he only serves as a banner and uses his mind to control the scene.

Instead of actually fighting to command the battle.

Exclusively specialized, they really need one. .

"This is Stryker, Sergeant William Stryker!"

Seeing Charles did not refute, Kennedy pulled out a young officer next to him.

"Don't look at him very young, he is the best commander of our time."

Charles froze for a moment.

For a while, he controlled his expression, showing something strange.

"This is good."

Charles said slowly.

"I am also looking forward to...cooperating with you in the future."

The young Stricker stared at Charles brightly, his eyes seem sincere. . But Charles always felt that there was something else in it.

Stryker. .

How could Charles not know Stryker.

His little understanding of the future and other parallel worlds is obtained through Logan's memory, and most of Logan's memory is related to Stryker.

Whether he first joined Stryker's combat team, or later Stryker experimented on him.

It can be said that Stryker has penetrated Logan's half of his life, and at the same time without Stryker, there is no such title as Logan Wolverine.

Edman alloy is not cheap.

Similarly, Stryker, who is extremely malicious towards mutants, often launches conspiracies against mutants. Although not as terrible as the sentinel robots of Tesla Industries, it is also very difficult to tangle.

Stryker's conspiracy is also a catalyst.

Without him, the mutants would not be so united.

So it's hard to say whether Charles should thank him or hate him. . Well, there is no denying that Stryker is a bad guy.

From the perspective of the mutants.

Charles thought about many candidates that Kennedy might recommend, but he never thought of him. . And he actually joined the new department that joined forces with the mutants.

Wait, he may not have been malicious to the mutants at this time, just interested.

After all, his son should not have been born yet, and he had not killed his mother, Stryker’s wife, because the mutants were out of control.

He shouldn't be so malicious towards the mutants. . Right?

Charles stared at Stryker's eyes.

Okay, hope so.

Three days later.

"Confirm his position? Are you sure?"

"...More than 80% sure."

Hank fiddled with a machine and was speechless about Charles' question.

Since the operation suffered serious casualties three days ago, Charles has been nervous, or unsure of many things, as if afraid of another problem.

To know how to locate and find the hidden king of the Black Emperor, it is just a matter of chance.

How could it be 100% certain.

Fortunately, Charles was only a bit worried before the action, which seemed to be a bit of a loss, but he was not stupid and immediately realized that his problems seemed a bit stupid.

He touched his hair and did not continue to ask.

Three days passed.

They also spent three days at the base.

In fact, the real rest time was actually not even half a day, and Raven, who was not seriously injured, accounted for the majority. Logan, who was almost half dead, recovered completely after La Nina brought him back, and his hands were reinstated. It was connected, and it seemed like he was not injured at all.

As for the members of the action team. . Not to mention three days, giving them thirty days, I am afraid that they will not be completely healed. Even if the injury is done, it may leave serious sequelae or even disability.

These three days, in fact, is still mainly positioning the Black Emperor, looking for his position.

Since they realized each other. . That is to say, after they searched for some variants, they felt that the Black Emperor would become the target of the other party sooner or later.

Whether the Black Emperor and others died or joined each other, it was not a good thing for them.

So the best option is to contact the Black Emperor one step in advance, it is best to let them join.

According to the original plot, that is, the original timeline and history, Charles naturally knew the whereabouts of the Black Emperor, but now everything is disrupted, and the ghost knows where the Black Emperor is.

For three days, Hank and other information personnel locked the position of the Black Emperor.

He did not set off for Siberia, but remained here. It was not far away to find him, but only across several cities.

"... Any news from Eric?"

Charles asked again.

Hank shook his head.

But relative to the Black Emperor, Eric's whereabouts are more concealed.

He had obviously joined forces with the Apocalypse, but I don’t know why. This apocalypse also seemed to be a little different from the original Apocalypse that Charles knew.

He didn't even make a big deal out of it, didn't call the four knights, and then declared war directly to the whole world.

Theoretically, Eric was not good at hiding, with apocalypse, the speed of exposure should be faster, but as a result Eric’s whereabouts were even more concealed than the Black Emperor.

Hank didn't find it at all.

Really. . strange.

"OK then."

Charles quickly put Eric's things behind his head. After all, the next thing they faced was Black Emperor Xiao. . Not Eric.

Look around.

"If we are ready, we will start now."

His eyes skipped Logan, Raven, Alex, as well as the surrounding action players and their commanders. . Young Stryker.

Needless to say, Logan, Eric is gone, Logan is Charles' best helper, followed by Raven, whether it is Raven or the relationship between Charles and Raven, she will definitely choose to follow.

Alex is one of their most powerful combat capabilities at this stage, and after three days of temporary training, he has control over his own energy. . Well, there is still no good control.

Needless to say, the action team and Stryker must also go.

And besides them. . And La Nina.

After all, now they have not found the Blue Devil, and without La Nina, no one can teleport at all.

No one made a rebuttal.

Charles nodded at La Nina~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This operation and mission have already been said before, it is not a fair and solemn operation. . If it is necessary to classify it as a secret operation, naturally no pre-action declaration is needed.

They are already mentally prepared.

"I don't think so."

La Nina is actually mind-reading. She is not a natural telepath, but she is also more skilled at using this magic than other wizards.

After all, there is a talent for spiritual magic.

At that time, reading the memory of Alex was a deep memory, and it was a lot of memory. . That's why Alex is in such a painful situation.

As for now, just reading the surface and watching these guys think they are ready. . It's very simple.

La Nina didn't use spells at all, she could see with her eyes.

She shrugged her shoulders and grabbed Charles next to her.

"Trust me... teleporting over such a long distance, it feels absolutely uncomfortable."

"Are you really ready?"

Starting from Charles, the remaining people quickly formed a circle and connected them separately. The phantom shift must bring talents to be able to teleport. They have known these things for a long time, and this time of course moves quickly.

"of course."

It was Stryker who answered La Nina.

No matter what the young Stryker thinks about the mutants, it is clear that confidence is at its peak.

"The best soldier stands before you."

He looked at La Nina.

"OK then."

La Nina shrugged carelessly.

"hope so."

Then whispered in a low voice.

After all, this transmission is directly separated by more than half of America, and it also carries so many people. . That feeling, indeed, won't be too good.


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