High Magic Earth

Chapter 1940: Attacking Charles

California, sunshine, beach, and sea.



Somewhere in a relatively empty forest.

"Quack quack!"

Along with a burst of crackling, the flock of birds flew away and rushed into the sky in fright, never looking back.

And in the place where the crackling sound appeared, a dozen people in the line appeared in the forest out of thin air, surrounded by weeds, which was not so conspicuous.

This group of people is naturally Charles and others brought by La Nina in phantom dislocation.

but. .

Well, whether it is a mutant of Charles or an ordinary person of Stryker, the first time he landed, the action was to bend down completely, supporting the trunk or companion next to him, and bowing his head to retching.

"It feels bad."

La Nina leaned her arms to one side, and looked at Sergeant Stricker with a chilly tone.

Just now he danced the most joyfully, what our soldiers are the best, our soldiers are firm in heart. . It's almost as if the world's first world is invincible.

Stryker gasped, watching La Nina say nothing, and he didn't have the energy to answer him.

However, Stryker did seem to have two strokes when he was young. After about ten seconds, he helped the trunk to stand up again for the first time.

He gasped heavily and wiped the corners of his mouth that didn't exist.

Phantom shift will not really let them spit out, the nausea that seems to be tucked into Conan is just a psychological effect.

Just get used to it.

"Where is this?"

Stryker tried to calm his voice.

He didn't want to lose cowardice in front of this woman. . Now the performance of him and his soldiers makes him very unhappy, regardless of whether La Nina is a mutant.

Well, there are many reasons for this. For example, La Nina is a woman. La Nina has a natural temper and Stryker does not deal with anything.

Anyway, Stryker felt that the tone in front of him was strange, as if the woman who had nothing to do with him was upset. He even felt that the feeling of this transmission was so bad that La Nina deliberately tossed them.

But he has no evidence.

"I do not know either."

La Nina shrugged her shoulders, took out a piece of gum and started chewing.

"I'm only responsible for sending you to the destination...the original destination."

"Shouldn't you decide other things."

Stricker nodded and said no more.

It is easy to determine the general location. Although it is impossible to determine whether La Nina said that it is true or false, or whether her transmission is really so accurate, it is better to have an initial position for positioning, which is better than the search of the whole world.

A few of the other soldiers had eased. Stricker beckoned. They unloaded the communication equipment they had originally carried and crouched on the ground to get busy.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Charles and others also breathed out the fresh air and recovered from the dizziness.

Looking around, Charles suddenly frowned.

"I feel them."

There is another soul mutant beside Xiao, Empress White Emma, ​​and her mental ability is even comparable to that of Charles.

At first, just before getting in touch with these things, when they met Eric, they had a brief encounter with Xiao.

At that time, Charles and Moira didn't know that the situation was serious. They hurriedly called for people to prepare to capture Xiao directly. It happened that Eric also found Xiao's whereabouts. He was going to kill Xiao on the spot to avenge Xue Shao.

Of course, in the end, no one succeeded, either Eric or Charles.

But that time, Charles knew that there was a very powerful soul mutant around Xiao.


She directly shielded Charles' mental ability.

As long as Emma is there, he doesn't want to directly control Xiao, or other people around him.

But fortunately this time, their purpose was not to control Xiao, and then to fight them to death, but to be reasonable!

That's right, it makes sense, of course, if there is a chance, Charles does not mind. . But he felt he might not have this opportunity.


Raven asked next.

The power that the magical woman brings to her is not just deformation, her various physical qualities are far beyond ordinary people, including resilience.

Although not worse than Wolverine, it also surpasses the average top athletes.


Charles whispered.

His so-called feeling is to feel Emma.

Of course, because he knew of Emma’s existence, Charles didn’t scan as soon as he came up. If so, their arrival and location would also be felt by Emma.

Charles is just a very ordinary releaser of his psychic abilities, and then perceives the existence of Emma.

Although the description is somewhat abstract, the mental ability is like this.

If it is a metaphor, like a radar, Charles can see a radar that others cannot see. This radar is his mental space.

This space is not a space in a substantial sense, but it is easier to describe it with the word space. It exists abstractly, and may or may not exist.

But Charles was able to see it. . This is the spiritual ability.

He saw another person on the radar. It seems that there are not many people with current mental abilities. He can only think of it as Emma for the time being.

Rui Wen pouted, stopped talking, and turned away as if uncomfortable.

This made Charles, who had no time to use his psychic powers, a little puzzled. . He could be regarded as a sweet boy who grew up with Rui Wen anyway, but he still couldn't figure out what Rui Wen was thinking about every day.

Woman. .

Charles turned to look for Logan and Stryker.

"I may have found them."

He said.

Although he was a little unhappy with Stryker, it is not the time for conflict, and speaking of unhappiness, Logan should actually have more say.

He also has memories and is the original owner of Stryker's poisonous hand. .

Although Logan didn't look good, he didn't get angry. Charles felt that he had no position to target Stryker.

after all. . The sentinel robot that destroyed the mutant was not invented by him.

"California, East 30."

"There is no deviation from the intended destination."

At this time, Stryker and his men also determined their location, which was tracked and where Shaw might stay.

There is no offset.

In this case, the soul mutant found by Charles is really probably Empress White.

Several people gathered together for a short conversation, worried about the delay, and they soon decided to act according to the original plan before departure.

And yes, immediately.

. . .

Black Emperor Xiao lying on a sun lounger on the deck of a yacht, basking in the sun lazily.

The latest submarine he got was parked in the deep sea not far away. Although this distance and depth are desperate for humans, there is the red devil Asazo, and their return to the submarine is only a moment. thing.

Can withdraw at any time.

He has nothing to worry about.

. . Well, it’s not without it, that is the situation that he has become more and more unable to understand recently.

Although floating on the sea every day, either docking on the shore, staying on the yacht to bask in the sun, or staying in the submarine, absorbing nuclear energy under the deep sea, and busy provoking war. . But Xiao also pays attention to current news.

After all, he doesn't care about the news, how can he keep up with the times and get first-hand news.

Destiny Card Company. . What the **** is this?

They seemed to be pouring out overnight, and it made Xiao become ignorant of the world overnight.

What the **** is the Destiny Card? Xiao once carefully read their advertisements and interviews with various TV stations. Although he didn't distort it, if there was no exaggeration in the advertisement. . This thing is indeed a cross-epoch existence.

Something that can change the world.

The fact that it can be turned into a physical object from a card is enough to change everything.

. . Xiao was once a scientist, although it was a fake, mainly to study mutants, but also possessed certain scientific literacy.

He could see that the invention called Destiny Card was a kind of existence that shocked the world.

But after calming down, Xiao felt that this might not have been done by humans. . Not an alien, not to say that Xiao directly saw the identity of things and realized the identity of Yi Xiao and others.

What he means is that Destiny Cards has been created by Destiny Cards, which may have been created by mutants, and a mutant with special abilities created all this.

Destiny cards are the power of mutants, not technology.

He thinks this is reasonable. . Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why human technology has suddenly made such a leap forward. This is not a leap, it is simply a wormhole jump!

The emergence of Destiny Cards is indeed somewhat unexpected, but careful consideration has not had much impact.

After all, according to his original plan, it caused the Third World War. Under the war, everything will be turned into a gray fly in the nuclear strike. . Smoke extinguished.

Everything is gone, and he naturally has nothing to worry about.

Of course, the ability of Destiny Cards is indeed very interesting and powerful. . If according to Xiao's consistent attitude of being kind to his fellow mutants, he should leave this mutant with the ability to make fate cards.

Pull the other party into the group. . Even if the win is unsuccessful, the other party should be killed.

After all, this is a rare ability.

But in fact, Xiao's true attitude towards mutants has never been this way. . This can be seen from the fact that he can force Eric to enhance his ability, or to kill his mother as a threat.

He doesn't care about any fellow mutants. In his eyes, everyone is just a tool. His only purpose is to achieve himself.

The supreme power, and the king of the world.

So he was anxious that this mutant who could make a fate card would die, because this ability is too strange to threaten him.

So die. . In fact, it is the best.

The matter of fate cards delayed him for a few days. Not long ago, Emma found that the power of the mental ability person she encountered last time suddenly increased, and it should be some kind of mechanical assistance. . In order to recruit troops to buy horses.

I originally planned to find a time to meet this guy, solve them, and gather some people, but the appearance of the fate card delayed this matter.

But since the card of fate will not change the plan too much, perhaps, it is time to deal with these things.

Xiao turned his head to look at Emma next to him, but suddenly found Emma frowned, seeming to be sensing something.

Instinctive sense of danger flooded Xiao's heart, and he shouted without hesitation.



The red devil appeared behind Xiao in an instant. With the red devil as a helper, Xiao's heart calmed down a lot, and at the same time, when he heard Xiao's call, the torrent also came out of the cabin.

Several people gathered on the deck and saw a small boat approaching quickly in the distance.

The torrent was cold, and there were tornadoes in his hand, and he was about to overturn the dinghy, but Xiao narrowed his eyes and looked more clearly. He saw the people above.

. . Without Eric, there was the psychic mutant that I met last time.

He raised his hand and interrupted the rapids.

"Put them up."

A crazy smile appeared on Xiao's face. . Although it is dangerous, it has an immortal meaning.

Soon, Charles, Logan, Raven, La Nina and Stryker came to the yacht~www.wuxiaspot.com~ welcome you. . My fellow citizens. "

Like Eric, Shaw put out a pair of mutants united to the outside world, hello everyone and I have a good attitude together.

But Eric is really good for mutants, for the sake of the mutants. Although he is also snobbish, that is from the perspective of a leader.

Since the mutant joins him, he naturally cannot tolerate mistakes. After all, joining the Brotherhood and running to him, relying on his protection are two concepts.

The former has a higher status, and since it enjoys the corresponding status, it must also pay corresponding responsibilities.

Moreover, Eric is also very aware of the notion that mercy does not lead soldiers, so he is still very harsh on his own people, and on the mutants who do not join them, his attitude is relatively gentle.

But Xiao. . He was obviously just acting. He didn't even care about the life and death of the mutants. Even the White Queen, such a loyal and loyal man under the rapids, could sacrifice it when necessary.

This is purely a personal factor, regardless of the mutant or ordinary person.

"Nice to meet you... Sebastian... Shaw."

Charles also nodded.

The greeting has already been greeted, and the consciously invincible Xiao is too lazy to go to the subject.

"So what are you doing with me, my countryman, are you going to join me?"

Xiao smiled and opened his hand.

"It's not a surrender."

Charles' tone was faint.

"But we do need to join forces. A big disaster is coming. If we don't join forces... Everyone can't escape death."

Charles hadn't thought about persuading Xiao in three words, so in the end, maybe he still had to do something or use other methods.

Therefore, Xiao's words did not interfere with him.

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