High Magic Earth

Chapter 1941: Xiao: Don’t panic

Shaw was stunned by Charles' words. He thought about many possibilities, the verbal abuse of righteous words, or the persuasive persuasion. . But I never thought about this possibility,

Cooperation? Invincible enemy? What is April Fool's Day today?

Xiao was amused, but replied with a smile following Charles's meaning.

"Disaster? Well, let's count as a disaster."

"So talk about your difficulties carefully."

Xiao's tone made Charles very unhappy. . Or everyone on the scene is very unhappy, whether it is the Stricker team as an ordinary person, or Raven as a mutant.

Although his tone is not high above, but inside and outside the words reveal a kind of charity.

It was as if he had control over everything.

But Charles did not show dissatisfaction, now he has learned to control his emotions. . He is growing rapidly in the war that has already begun.

Even the most hot-tempered Logan did not hear Xiao talking nonsense, and Raven and others would naturally not say much. Although Stryker is not a mutant, he is nominally under the management of Charles. He may be in the future. Not a good man, but he is a good soldier.

The greatest feature of soldiers is to obey orders.

"Our enemy is Destiny Card Company..."

Charles's face remained unchanged, and he began to talk slowly.

. . .

Charles soon told Xiao about the harm that Destiny Card Company would cause in the future, their origin, their identity and the terrible place.

After listening, Xiao Ruo thought, even destiny, always with Xiao as the core of the rapids, Asazo and others were also thinking separately.

The same ability of telepathy, although canceling and shielding each other with Charles, can still tell whether Emma is true or false, and his face is not very beautiful. . Very grim.

After all, the future that Charles talks about is terrible, and everything is incredible.

There was a brief silence for a few minutes in the atmosphere, probably Xiao was digesting the news brought by Charles.

But after a moment.


Xiao suddenly raised his head again, his face still holding the nasty smile that thought he was in control and opened his hands.

"Are you here to join us?"

He asked with a smile.

Charles frowned slightly.

"I thought I had made it clear."

He knew that Xiao was pretending to be stupid, or that he had never thought about cooperation. . But this is not strange. It was strange to persuade Xiao in a few words.

Before coming, Charles was already mentally prepared.

This is a long tug of war, and even when necessary, it may still use force.

. . Of course, Charles is not a fan of confidence. They will definitely be able to defeat each other. If at first Charles still felt that he was the most powerful soul mutant in the world, and no one could resist, then he should learn after several failures. Introspect yourself.

This time, he was really confident.

Because in addition to Raven, Alex, Logan and others, they also have two powerful off-site assistance, Yamami Keiko and La Nina.

Regardless of their combat effectiveness, only the transmission ability similar to the red devil Asazo can make Charles and others invincible.

Why Xiao has not caused the Third World War, nuclear war has not erupted, and there is no nuclear waste everywhere to let him absorb at will. . Matching his ability to absorb energy is as arrogant as a human god.

It is precisely because he has the loyal man of Asazo.

The ability to teleport is really too flexible, whether it is offensive or running away is first-rate, especially running away, almost no one can stop them.

Keeping up with Asazo's teleportation only with dynamic vision or speed. . In this mutant world, after all, it is a minority, or almost no.

The existence of Athena is not a mutant, or even a human.

If you want to capture Asazo, you must rely on special variant abilities, such as the power of the phoenix, the power of the apocalypse, and so on.

but. . The number of these special abilities is actually less.

So with teleportation, it can be so arrogant.

Asazo has the power to take Xiao away from the battlefield at any time, as does La Nina and Yamami Keiko. Charles can be said to be at the same height as Xiao. . Of course there is nothing to advise.

But although he is not afraid of Shaw, Charles does not want to break out of conflicts. If communication can be used to solve problems, it would be better.

"I heard it clearly."

Xiao laughed.

"You want to join us... get my asylum."

His eyes fell on Charles, and then skipped over, one by one on Raven, Logan, Alex and others. . Obviously, these people were brought by Charles, who wanted to join him.

Of course, Stryker and several special forces were naturally ignored by him.

"Don't go in circles."

Charles decided not to continue talking nonsense with Shaw.

"You know what I mean.. The two of us can only join forces. If they are fighting each other, neither will be their opponent."

Seeing Charles so straightforward, Xiao naturally no longer fooled him as if to tease them.

"This is where the problem lies."

Xiao shrugged and smiled.

Then at the next moment, his face quickly froze, staring calmly at a man headed by Charles.

"I don't think I need your help."

"Because even without you, I can solve those so-called...aliens, right?"

Speaking of which, Shaw also turned his head and smiled at Emma deliberately, as if mocking the timidity and insignificance of Charles and others.

Alien? They actually believe that, well, even if there are aliens, but what about aliens, these ordinary wastes on Earth may not be opponents of aliens, but they are mutants.

It is the future of mankind, the evolution of mankind, the innate existence of the leader class.

How could they not be opponents of aliens.

The 1960s and 1970s were the years of hard science fiction and punk style. Aliens, time machines, and Star Wars were the mainstream of science fiction in this era. Everyone is no stranger, even every child does it in his childhood. The dream of a captain of the stars.

Xiao is no exception.

Although he didn’t believe in aliens in the first reaction, he quickly chose to believe. After all, Charles didn’t need to use such ridiculous reasons to deceive him. Secondly, since they all existed so powerful mutants, then why Starman cannot exist.

But the aliens that Shaw didn't feel were as powerful as Charles said. This must be an exaggeration. . Well, the Destiny Card does look magical, and it seems to be able to threaten him, but what about nuclear war.

In the face of nuclear strikes, everything is nothingness.

It's just that Xiao thought that he was invincible in the world. After everything was under control, Xiao didn't realize that Emma's smile on his face was not as natural as it used to be. . The same is unscrupulous.

Because Emma, ​​who is a soul mutant, can learn more information through Charles' inner heart fluctuations, Charles is not talking about hypocrisy or exaggeration.

Charles is in fear, this fear must not be faked. . Perhaps, their trouble this time is indeed big.

Xiao didn't notice Emma's far-fetched, he turned his head again, staring calmly at Charles and others in front of him.

"And you guys."

Xiao's eyes were cold.

He didn't tell lies, he really felt he could solve the so-called aliens. . It's like solving these people in front of Charles.

"So... if the enemy is as terrible as you said, why I'll solve you if I'm not here."

He stared at Charles, then looked around and swept the others.

"Then bring together the living forces."

"This way our odds will not be greater."

"Because this is not cooperation, Xiao."

Charles's expression remained the same, after all, he was well prepared for Xiao's non-cooperation.

"If you and I get into a fight, then we will inevitably consume unnecessary power. We should not waste our living power on each other... Those alien talents should be our enemies."

"Although I don't think it would cost you anything to solve, can I understand your words now... We haven't got to talk?"

Xiao shrugged.

Charles shook his head, his expression still calm.

"No... we have always talked, as long as you want."

"But in fact, I don't want to."

Xiao raised his voice and his face changed. . This is a precursor to what he wants to do.

"You have no money at all..."

"In fact, I think you should need it."

But just before Xiao said the words "hands on", the voice of a strange woman suddenly entered horizontally.

This made everyone surprised.

. . .


Xiao responded the first time and was the first to show anger.

He didn't find each other?

Of course, Shaw itself has no means of detection, but Emma has it. As a soul mutant who is almost the same as Charles, Emma is also a walking radar.

Emma will remind Xiao whenever there is any trouble.

This time Charles came prepared and opened the mind shield. Emma did not discover them in advance, but eventually found it, just like Charles first noticed Emma, ​​or, like a sudden undetectable piece on the radar. It looks like black cloth.

The **** cloth was there, and the ghost knew there was a problem.

Charles discovered Emma in advance because they were originally directed at Xiao and his party. As soon as he landed, Charles looked for the shielded black cloth on the radar and naturally saw it at a glance.

And Emma found Charles. . Although the black cloth is special, it is easy to be ignored. Only when the black cloth keeps moving or even approaching, it may be found.

So Emma discovered it later, but after all, he also found Charles's trail.

But this person. .

Seeing Emma shaking her head very vaguely, Xiao's face was not good.

He was arrogant, but not really stupid. Emma didn't find the other person making him feel strange. . I also felt threatened.

The fierce and red devil next to him had been with Xiao for such a long time, and he was very familiar with Xiao. When he saw his face, he knew that things had changed and he was ready to fight.

It was also the vigilance of Charles who was also vigilant, and Charles vaguely realized who the person might be. . After all, except for those aliens, at this point in time, there should be no other people coming over.

No, it might be Eric.

In any case, Charles was the same as the others for the first time, a little closer to Xiao's side, and the position in front of the voice.

Xiao naturally realized this, but he said nothing.

At the next moment, under their watch, on the corner of the deck on the other side of the yacht, a group of three walked out slowly. Apparently, it was them who interrupted Xiao before.

Two very strangely dressed women and one. .

"Red devil?"

Xiao’s pupils shrank, and the rapids around him were similar to that of Asazo, because the man walking at the end was almost exactly the same as the red devil Asazo, with the same red skin, the same wagging tail, and even wearing a similar black style. Suits.

If it weren't for the difference in appearance between the two, they looked like a person.

But in a flash, Xiao responded. The other party should also be a mutant, and should be a mutant with the same ability as Asazo~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I did not expect that the mutants with similar abilities will have similar physical characteristics. Exterior. . This is a point he never thought of.

In the past, Xiao was obsessed with the power of mutants, and even studying them was a half-scientist, and the hatred with Eric was born during that period.

But it makes sense to think about it. After all, mutants have many unexplained abilities, but in the final analysis, they are basically x cells. Since they are cells, they must naturally follow certain rules.

Xiao looked sideways to Asazo, and found that he was also a face of dumbness. Obviously, this was the first time he knew this situation, and the first time he knew there was another ability in the world similar to him. . Be considered a kin.


Xiao's eyes took a look at Emma, ​​and then he saw Emma whisper to herself.


What is the name of one of them. . Xiao instinctively thought that this was read by Emma by reading each other’s hearts, but soon he understood from Emma’s eyes. This was not to see the hearts of these three people, but from the heart called Charles next to him. Learned from capable people.

He knows the names of these women. . And identity.


Xiao realized something and laughed a little. Now that Charles knows, they are probably the aliens in his mouth, aliens? . . It's ridiculous.

Obviously, Shaw did not think of anything through the words Loki. Normal people would not think that a guy named Loki is a Nordic deity. It may just be the same name and surname.

And Charles. . Did not have time to talk to Xiao.

On the other hand, Charles also frowned.

His unfortunate hunch was fulfilled. The comer was not good. Xiao's guess was correct, because the other party was their enemy, that is, the group. . Alien.

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