High Magic Earth

Chapter 1942: The problem doesn't seem to be. .

Charles recognized one of the women. . She was the one who let him successfully read the memory before, and then they knew their true identity, the woman of a group of aliens.

The **** of deception from Asgard, Loki.

But what made Charles frown was that this time he could not invade the other person's thinking, whether it was Rocky or another strange woman, or the guy who resembled Asazo Red Devil behind him.

This sense of defense is a bit like the woman I met before who injured Logan. . Obviously, they have a unified precaution.

This made it more difficult for him to obtain information through his mind. Charles now can't even know the identity of the remaining two people, mainly the other woman.

Including the guy who hurt Logan. . He did not know his identity.

This is not good news.

Charles couldn't help thinking of La Nina and Yamami Keiko. If his psychic abilities failed, then the two of them could obtain each other's information through magic, which might be the only way for them to gather information about each other.

. . I hope what they say is true.

However, Charles still quickly converged, after all, their current priority should be to deal with the three people who appear now.

they. . It's not like coming with goodwill.

. . .

"You should be the aliens in Mr. Xavier's mouth."

Xiao looked at Loki. . And Daenerys, and Neferhot who fell behind.

"I can understand."

He said.

"Our mutants are to ordinary people... indeed like aliens, we can even call ourselves gods."

"I understand you."

"So...would you like to join us, beautiful ladies."

"I will destroy the world and create the world. I will be the supreme being. Come to my side. There will always be your place here. You will become..."

"To shut up."

Loki said coldly.

Xiao's attitude changed suddenly. . there are many reasons.

First, he recognized Daenerys and Loki as mutants. . In fact, Xiao still doesn't really believe in aliens. After all, interstellar space is too far away.

This mutant who wants to dominate humanity and dominate the earth obviously doesn't care about these issues.

If the enemy who appeared in front of him was a cosmic monster with a height of 30 meters and a width of 30 meters, Xiao would have to believe it even if he didn’t believe it.

But Daenerys and Rocky have such obvious human appearance. .

This had to make Xiao doubt.

Secondly, of course, the most important reason is naturally the appearance of the two people, whether it is Rocky or Daenerys are first-class outstanding, although the dress is a bit strange, out of step with this era, but this is for the mutants Aesthetics are not a challenge.

. . After all, Magneto's big purple robe is also popular.

Seeing that the two women suspected of being mutants were so beautiful, Xiao immediately had a distorted thought. He was not a madman who wanted to destroy the world. He wanted to destroy humanity and remake the world.

The world after the nuclear war will be a wasteland. There is no one in human beings, and the same is true for mutants, but Xiao’s ability is to absorb energy, so for ordinary people and mutants, it is a deadly pollution of nuclear pollution. It means inexhaustible energy.

By then, he will be a well-deserved king of the world.

His ultimate goal is to dominate the king. . It is not pure destruction, but since it is king, there must always be someone around, and there must be someone under it.

So when she saw that they even surpassed Emma, ​​Xiao immediately thought about it and was ready to look for herself.

But this angered Loki.

In front of Yi Chou, although she spoke coldly and sarcastically from time to time, after all, most of the time, she showed a harmless appearance. . But it does not mean that she is really harmless.

She, the **** of Asgard, the **** of tricks that everyone fears!

Seriously, during this time, Loki also encountered a lot of loss of face, such as being hit by a sentry robot with a blast hammer or being hit by something else.

But this is all a defeat in battle, and now. .

Looking at Xiao Xiaozhi's gaze, Rocky already sentenced him to death in his heart.

Rocky stared at Xiao coldly.

"Subjugation, or death."

As always, her manifesto is full of the style of the second queen.

. . Through the sentinel robot, Loki has long known that the mutants are terrible. After all, they need to use that kind of terrible robot to destroy the existence. No matter how weak they are, they will not be weak.

Realizing that this is also a world where mutants are prevalent, Rocky was initially panicked and low-key. . When I first entered the world, I was read by the guy named Charles, which is not a good first impression.

But while Yi Busy was busy outside, Rocky did not collect intelligence about the world, and eventually she found that powerful mutants were still a few.

Many mutants are not her opponents.

This made her feel relieved again.

In her view, although the Midgart of this other universe has some more stronger ants, it is still some ants, which cannot escape the fate of being enslaved.

Not to mention that the power to fight the tyrants can be found here, I am afraid that these Midgart ants cannot even resist Asgard’s army.

Even if they are stronger than Rocky's universe.

. . But it has to be said that the power of some ants is still very interesting and valuable.

As for the Black Emperor Xiao, as the main target of attention of Yi Huo and others, Rocky naturally cannot fail to understand.

Absorb energy. . As the wisdom of Asgard, Rocky naturally not only understands magic, but Asgard is not weak in the field of science and technology. At least it is no problem to suppress earth technology. Of course, she knows the concept of energy.

However, in Loki's view, this ability is also strong and weak.

Everything in the world is energy, whether it is the kinetic energy that burst out in an instant when physical means hurt Xiao, or the flames generated by magical means are burned, and the cold air is frozen. . These are all energy.

Xiao's absorbed energy should be able to absorb these, so he is almost invincible. . This is a stronger defense than the undead.

The undead body will still be hurt and painful, but it will not die, but he, he will not suffer even from injuries.

Xiao does have the ability to be proud.

But Loki felt that his absorbed energy was not really absorbed energy. In other words, it was limited and far from being able to absorb all energy, any energy in the entire infinite universe.

For example, the special magic, heart, curse, soul, etc. in magic should be able to hurt him, and he cannot absorb it.

Although magic such as cursing the mind and soul behave strangely, they can ultimately be expressed in the form of energy after all. If you have to use technology to analyze and trace, you can still find traces.

But Loki didn't think Shaw could block the magic, if he could even absorb this attack directly in the form of energy, then. .

It's just that Loki feels that he hasn't reached this level yet, as can be seen from Yi's analysis and attitude towards Xiao.

So Rocky is nothing terrible.

Some S2 announcements were thrown out without blinking her eyes. . Then she remembered to think about it. The meaning of surrender and arresting into material is probably the same? probably.


At this time, Xiao's attitude can be said to be quite good, which is completely different from the impatience when facing Charles and others. . After all, he now wants to show his gentlemanship, then. .


Xiao laughed.

"Of course there is no problem."

He spread his arms, ignoring the look Charles passed to him, and strode forward two steps, standing in front of Rocky and Daenerys.

"But you always have to show your strength."

"The power that made me surrender."

Xiao said frivolously.

He looked proudly, provocatively, and looked at Rocky carelessly, as if everything had already been won.

"But if you can't show it..."


Xiao stared at Rocky, and the twisted and ugly smile had already explained everything, showing what he had not said.

Surrender, or be surrendered.

Rocky was not angry.

She didn't seem to be angry or offended by Xiao's words, but instead looked at Xiao with a smile and responded softly.

"as you wish."

With a backhand draw, her new scepter fell into her hand. . The one made by Yi Chou.

This scepter is much more useful and powerful than her original one. Of course, it is somewhat uneasy to directly use the weapon made by someone else, Loki, even if this person does not seem malicious.

But she is not thinking about trying to transform some, but unfortunately she is not a dwarf of Nidawei, not so superb forging skills.

Simply, it can only be used temporarily.

Rocky's ability to pick things up empty-handed made Xiao's eyes bright. . Not frightened, in fact, most mutants can only have one ability, even if there are changes in the future, they will change and evolve on the original basis.

It seems to be very magical to take things empty-handed, but in a sense, it also looks more like the harmless mutant ability, which makes Xiao more at ease.

Then Loki moved very slowly, slowly raising the scepter and placing the top of the scepter on Xiao's chest.

The whole process was very slow, and it seemed that there was no thought of lifting this metal stick to beat Xiao, so Xiao behaved indifferently. . After all, even if Loki really beats him with a stick, he will be fine.

The scepter fell on Xiao's chest, his gaze slightly downward, and after glancing at it, it fell to Loki's face again.

That means like saying. . I'm ready, please start your performance.

Loki also smiled. She turned the scepter in her hand and then whispered. .


. . .

Xiao’s smile was frivolous and annoying, but he didn’t understand what Rocky was saying.

Because Rocky doesn't speak English at all.

In fact, this is not the language of Asgard, but the language of Warnerheim, or more accurately, the language of Warner.

Most of Rocky's magic comes from her mother, Friega of the Warner Protoss. The eldest daughter does not like magic and prefers to play with a hammer, so her magic can only be given to the younger daughter. . That is Rocky.

There are many more magics that Rocky has learned. It is very complicated. In addition to the Warner Protoss from her mother Frigga, there is Asgard itself, as well as other miscellaneous things she saw from the Asgard library. Many things are the civilization that Asgard once conquered.

Asgard does not advocate magic, they are both martial and good, and this is caused, although there is such a place as the Asgard Library. . But the dust accumulated in it was high enough to bury a half-old child.

Only Rocky went to read the books there alone.

Also because the Asgards do not like magic, no one teaches Rocky Asgard’s magic at all. He also learns Asgard’s magic through self-study and practice by himself.

So although Asgard's magic system is more perfect, the most skilled and powerful power in Rocky is the magic of Warner Protoss.

Passed from her mother.

The curse is one of them.

Xiao waited silently, he was very patient, especially when facing such a beautiful lady, he decided to wait for two or three minutes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ if there is no more. . Uh. .

In fact, it does not take so long.

Less than ten seconds before Loki's curse magic was released, Xiao suddenly felt a heart beat like a heart palpitation.

This. . It's not like pain or pain. If you have to describe it, it's more like a surge of qi and blood, as if your heart beats when you are too surprised or excited.

But this is not a very good experience.

Because Xiao felt that his heart was jumping out immediately, he seemed to have blood flowing all over his body, he could feel his muscles boiling, he could hear his heart pounding, The blood is flowing.

Powerful, but full of life.

but. . On the contrary, it is his true self.

His heart was beating vigorously, but Xiao felt that his limbs were rapidly weakening, his hands and feet became weak, and his head was faint.

He wanted to speak, but found that he could no longer make a sound.

this is. .

He was unable to cover him, and not only did he lose his voice, but soon his hearing and vision began to weaken. In the darkness, Xiao realized the reason for all of this. . Because a cold current and a hot current are alternately appearing on his chest, and pass along the chest, spreading to the whole body.

Obviously, this is the culprit that caused everything.

That one. . Made by a **** woman called Rocky!

In the face of the threat of life, Xiao no longer had the gentle attitude he had before, but instead turned his head to a **** woman. Sure enough, the men were all big hoofs.

But no matter what Shaw called Rocky, he couldn't stop the passage of his life. Shaw wanted to roar, but he realized that he had no voice at all. He wanted to struggle, but he realized that he was the same. . Can't move.

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