High Magic Earth

Chapter 1943: Can't find a title suitable for the style

Just when he did get into a panic for a moment, Xiao suddenly heard Emma shouting behind. ?


He woke up immediately.

Yes, although he cannot speak, it does not mean that he cannot communicate with the outside world. Emma can still see his thinking.

Thinking of this, Xiao immediately stopped panicking.

cough! He calmed down. After all, if Emma could see her thinking, what he thought now, Emma should also know. As the boss, he should naturally leave a calming impression.

Wait, will she see these ideas too?

. . .

White Emma Emma straightened her eyes behind Xiao, as if she was looking at intellectual disability, but she still loudly signaled the torrent to attack immediately.

The first time Loki tried to touch Shaw with the scepter, Emma had a bad hunch that stemmed from her sense of security.

As a mental person, Emma is born to read the hearts and minds of all kinds of people. No one has any secrets in front of her.

Although this ability sometimes annoys her, or even feels inconvenient, most of the time, she still enjoys the feeling of controlling everything.

No one, no one hides in front of her.

And I have to say that the spiritual ability has brought Emma a great sense of security. After all, everyone seems to be transparent in front of her.

So when she suddenly met Rocky, a guy she couldn't see through her mind, Emma inevitably appeared some insecure reactions.

After Xiao showed strange things, this feeling was even more extreme.

really. .

Emma found Xiao's anomaly in the first time, and through Xiao's thinking, quickly learned all the things that were happening to him. Immediately afterwards, she immediately began to call the rapids loudly.

Several people have known each other for many years and cooperated with each other to hear Emma's voice. The torrent immediately sank his hands, and two tiny but extremely strong whirlwinds gathered in his hand.

Then he quickly pushed forward and shook his hands.


The airflow burst!

Although the torrent is called a torrent, its ability is actually to create a cyclone. A strong cyclone can not only cause torrents and tsunamis on the sea, but also kill hugely on flat ground.

In addition to being slower, it is a lethal force that may be even more fierce.

The power of natural disasters is already amazing.

Although it took only a few seconds to condense two small whirlwinds less than half a meter high, the power thrown by him to hit the deck was still comparable to two grenades.


The deck exploded, and Shaw's contact with Rocky Scepter was instantly separated.

"Kill them! Kill them!"

The rapids attack was violent and swift. It can be said that it was directly thrown at Xiao. It seemed that he was not worried about harming Xiao.

In fact, it is indeed the case. As a Xiao who can absorb energy, an attack like torrent is simply ineffective.

Whether it is the debris of the deck that burst during the burst, or the burst of the airflow itself, the debris will lose power and inertia when it hits Xiao's body, and the explosive wave will be instantly absorbed by him and become his energy.

The explosion did not hurt Xiao at all, but the scattered wood chips made him look embarrassed.

But Xiao apparently did not care about his own embarrassment at this time. He even climbed up from the ground, and he roared angrily at the rapids before the man stood firm.

"Kill them!"

Obviously, Rocky's unknown means made Xiao feel a long-lost fear.

Since he stimulated the x gene in his body through a special method and gained the ability to absorb energy through the x gene, he has not felt the emotion of fear for a long time.

Any form of energy coming into contact with him will be absorbed by him, he will not be injured, and naturally he will not be afraid.

Xiao Wu has no worries, precisely because he can absorb all the energy, and everything in the world can't hurt him. In a sense, he is invincible.

So he is fearless.

but now. . This special method of Rocky now hurts him again, and can even kill him.

This makes him. . Feeling a long absence of fear.

The appearance of this ability makes Xiao feel that things are beyond his control. No one should hurt him. The mental ability may be possible, but he is entrusting others to make a helmet that can resist the mental ability, so this is not a problem.

But in addition to the psychic ability, there should be no ability to hurt him, he can obviously absorb all energy.

It should not be there. . No, it must not be there!

and so. . This woman needs to be destroyed!

Xiao, who thought he was invincible, clearly couldn't stand the existence of someone who could pose such a big threat to himself, even killing him, so Rocky had to die.

Sawdust splashed, and the cabin was blown up under the violent attack of the torrent, collapsed, and following the order of Xiao, the torrent did not stop, but gathered two cyclones again, and then pushed it out again.

The red devil next to him is also looking for the enemy with vigilance, always ready to appear behind him to launch a fatal blow, Emma frowned, trying to do something at the spiritual level.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Charles and his party approached quickly.

"She is Rocky."

Bending over, Charles yelled softly as he approached quickly.

"Rocky, the Rocky in Nordic mythology, the **** of deception, she is an alien! It is a god!"


Xiao Yizheng.

Alien, god. . Alien?

If he seemed to understand, he wouldn't believe it aside, if he understood correctly, this strange woman called Rocky was the enemy in Charles' mouth, that is, an alien?

And she is not just an alien. . She is also a **** in Nordic mythology, Loki.

and so. . The gods are actually aliens?

Xiao has been able to study mutants for so many years, and his IQ is not low. In an instant, he thought of many things, although these things are enough to confuse his three views.

"You didn't tell me these things!"

He yelled at Charles with no grace.

And Charles is a very helpless show.


"I thought you could solve these so-called...aliens."

. . .

At the same time, Loki stepped back calmly.

Emma yelled so loudly that Xiao heard, why she couldn't hear Rocky.

She also stepped back early. . The rapid fighting tornado did not affect her at all.

But obviously, her cursed relationship with Xiao also broke off.

Rocky was not good at cursing magic, and cursing magic was not what Warner Protoss was good at, not to mention that her mother did not want her to learn so much dark magic when she taught her magic. . Knowledge about the curse is more sketchy.

Compared to the curse, Loki is still better at illusion.

Otherwise, Xiao will never have a chance to struggle. Although the actual curse magic will take longer to prepare, it is basically unsolvable as soon as it takes effect. . Well, this is also the normal impression of ordinary people on cursed magic, not a real curse.

In any case, Loki's curse effect is weaker, so weak that he has begun to curse, and Xiao can still jump like salted fish and try to struggle.

"Boom! Boom!"

Several tornadoes exploded in front of the two, the deck burst, and the cabin built on the deck was torn apart as if it had been attacked by missiles.

Rocky Scepter swayed in front of her, and the invisible semi-circular protective cover completely protected her, and also kept flying debris out.

"Don't do it yet?"

She looked sideways at Daenerys.

The debris splashed, and the deck was cracking. Daenerys stood still. If you look closely, you will find that she has floated on the deck, about ten centimeters away from the deck. . It is like the sign action of the Kryptonian, but the ups and downs are relatively large.

This is certainly not the ability that Yi Chou later attaches to Daenerys, but her own.

As nine dragons, she can naturally fly. . But that is in the state of appearance, the kind of unsightly appearance that ordinary people cannot even accept.

But as she digs deeper into her own power, Daenerys has added a lot of power that she did not have.

For example, in human form, a part of the external power, flame, ice, venom, and inherited power defense and speed, and even a partial external appearance.

And now. . She obviously had a little more.


It is flying rather than floating. The steel body of the Kryptonians can fly naturally. It is an instinct. Just like human feet walking, there is no need to think about other things, no need to flap wings, they are just floating in the air like that.

Ignore gravity, just like instinct.

Daenerys is obviously different. She is flying. Invisible and invisible wings are flapping behind her, supporting her suspension. . This wing is obviously not a wing of general significance. After all, normal wings are impossible for the nearby Rocky to feel the wind.

Suspended slightly from the ground, debris and debris flying around were ignored by Daenerys. . Whether big or small pieces hit her head, her body was like a fluttering piece of paper. She couldn't even make Daenerys tremble, and then she lost her inertia and fell.

With Daenerys' defense, even a nuclear bomb attack erupted on her, um. . Probably just blow her up to the point of half death.

Glancing at Rocky next to him, Daenerys turned her head and looked at the positions of Charles and Shaw through the explosion, slowly rising a dozen centimeters, and then the next moment. .


There was a short sonic boom in her position, and the whole person had disappeared into the air.

Loki smacked his lips and looked at where Daenerys disappeared.

"Really impatient queen..."

Then she looked around again and found out that Neferhot had also disappeared long ago, not knowing where to go.

Gee. . The ability to teleport is really easy to use.


. . .

In Xiao's anger, he wasn't very pleasant in the short communication with Charles, but as a veteran, Logan didn't relax his vigilance and kept looking around.

Because he has a bad hunch.

Just like when he landed in Normandy and fell into Verdun, there was a very, very, very bad and bad feeling.

He doesn't like it very much.

Logan looked around like a wolf, his eyes glowed with fierce light, his muscles were all tense, he was always on guard. .

"..Be careful!"

But this is useless!

Logan realized this when the enemy came out of the explosion and smashed it down like a shell.

damn it! That's it again!

Logan found that his thoughts could no longer keep up with each other's movements, just like the enemy he faced before, the woman in armor, it felt like this again! That's it again!

A feeling of powerlessness flooded Logan's heart. With his undead body, Logan hardly feared any enemies and opponents. Even if he could not beat each other, he would not have the slightest concession, and he was not afraid of death. Enough to let him bring down all enemies.

But all this was completely destroyed after encountering Athena and Daenerys in succession. . No, there should be Quicksilver, but Quicksilver is not an enemy of Logan.

Athena and Daenerys are not really speed-type players above the real sense, such as those who are extremely fast, but because they are at the very high point of combat effectiveness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if they are not very good at speed, that kind of balance The speed brought about by the data of strength and defense and even bone density is not something Logan can catch up with.

He couldn't even catch the enemy's side, so the so-called procrastination became a joke.

He became meaningless. . No, it should be that the power of most mutants becomes meaningless, even Charles is in a similar situation.

The speed of thinking is indeed the fastest, even exceeding the speed of sound and light, but the speed of thinking does not represent the speed of Charles's reaction. What restricts thinking is actually still the speed of nerves.

And the reaction speed is different, for example, the response speed of the hand fast silver, obviously far exceeds them.

Therefore, no mutants can resist such enemies. Unless they find a way to restrict such an extreme speed, the two guys now appear only. . It is enough to beat them in a mess.

Not enough, far from enough. With their current strength, they can't fight each other. That card is indeed their final hole card, but can they really get this hole card, or even protect it?

Even if that card has the power to touch the parallel world, can they really do more with it?

If it can only touch the parallel world, what would be the best result is that Logan once again passed his memory and thinking back to a farther time to reincarnate all this.

This. .

No, it must. . You must strengthen your own strength, everyone’s strength, but what to do, for example, the ability possessed by Logan is regeneration, and this ability has been developed to the extreme in his countless battles and wars, in addition to the skeleton and In addition to the combination of Edman alloy, how can it be qualitatively changed.

He couldn't think of it.

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