High Magic Earth

Chapter 1944: In this case, superheroes will always be born. . or…

However, although Logan's head was confused, his movements instinctively jumped aside, trying to stop the other party on the way to Charles and others.


Logan succeeded, and he flew out fiercely, hitting Raven who didn't respond, but at the same time made the other party stop.

. . It was that woman, Daenerys.

She floated quietly in the air and looked at them from a height, seeming with endless majesty.



Charles and Shaw shouted at the same time.

The speed of the previous battle erupted too quickly, and only Logan, who had the instinct of the beast and the sensations honed on countless battlefields, reacted.

The others didn't realize what was happening. It wasn't until Logan intercepted himself that Daenerys stopped and suspended in the air, they only saw Daenerys' figure clearly, and realized that just a few seconds In time, the horn of battle has already sounded.

Looking at Daenerys in the air, Charles and Shaw shouted the command of attack at the same time without hesitation.

And the two of them were not idle, Emma and Charles began to concentrate on trying to invade Daenerys' mid-air thinking at the same time, and Xiao began to gather his own energy.

He can absorb energy, save energy, and release it. Now that the nuclear war has not started, it does not mean that he has no reserve energy.

He also reserves a lot on weekdays. . Especially at this time, he has obtained a primitive nuclear radioactive material, which will be absorbed every day. The power and scale have already achieved initial results, but it may not be comparable to the spillover from the large-scale nuclear war he expected. Energy alone.

But there is no room for prying eyes.

Crimson, invisible energy like flames gathered in his hands, from a distance it even seemed to want to release the Turtle Qigong, and at the same time a whirlwind that was too high was already gathered in the hands of the rapids, Alex The scarlet energy luster also condensed on his chest.

At the touch of a finger.

. . .

Not far away, Loki hung far from the sky.

Because she knows very well, if Daenerys really started with each other. . Not to mention that this small-sized yacht can't be maintained, I am afraid that the entire coastline will be set off by huge waves.

How to say she is also the guest of the guy. . You can't let one of the opponent's men attack the embarrassment of Yu Bo.

It is better to avoid it as soon as possible.

Loki, who secretly praised her wit, suddenly noticed that there was another red figure in the midair. . Neferhot.

Probably, he noticed Loki's gaze. He gestured slightly from a distance, then disappeared again.

Putting his lips away, Loki turned his attention down again.


Without disappointing her, with a loud noise and a strong explosion that instantly blew up the yacht, the fighting below erupted instantly.

The light was dazzling, and the intense heat waves and airflow even blew the surface of the water out of a semi-circular depression, not to mention the yacht that originally lived underneath. Debris scattered on the sea.

In the very center of the explosion, Daenerys crossed her hands in front of her. . She still hangs above the sea surface, but she is no longer completely human. She has two cruel wings crossed behind her, also crossing in front of her, as if to block most of the power of the explosion.

Even so, the clothes on her body still looked a bit shabby. . But finally, it was not torn into pieces under Yi Biao's special magic blessing, revealing something indescribable.

Apparently, Daenerys, in the center of the explosion, swallowed all their attacks.

This. . It wasn’t that Daenerys didn’t want to hide, but she couldn’t.

Not because of speed, but because of interference.

In the first time when the attack was condensed below, Daenerys was ready to try to avoid the attack range. As a nine-headed dragon, she was not afraid of such an attack, but it would also hurt.

She does not have the extraordinary power of Logan's self-healing factor. Although her regenerative power is also terrifying, it is only compared with ordinary people and compared with horizontal peers. . Not even better than Logan.

She will hurt when she is injured, and it will take time to recover, and her combat power will also decline during this period.

Daenerys is not stupid, she will naturally want to avoid.

But at this time, the mental disturbance of Emma and Charles also came. Like Athena, Daenerys has only the most basic spiritual resistance. None of her nine dragon heads are proficient in mental abilities. , But somehow has a magic head, the resistance to psychic interference is slightly stronger than Athena.

However, this time she faced was also a joint attack by two Alpha-level psychic mutants.

Inevitably, Daenerys appeared in a trance in mid air.

It was at this moment that the trance, torrent, Alex, and Shaw's attacks also arrived in an instant.

Alex's attack is the fastest, his nickname is Shockwave, it is obvious that his form of attack is also the energy form of Shockwave.

A laser-like shock wave tore the air in an instant, wrapped in boiling energy and came to Daenerys, seeming to destroy everything.

With good luck, the attack never hit the target. Even after a few days of special training by Rogan and Charles, the aiming result still often deviated a few meters away. This time Alex had a strange hit this time.

I don't know if fate finally favored him once. . Or was he aiming at the air next to Daenerys?

Immediately following was Xiao's attack, a large amount of energy from nuclear radiation was converted by him, re-converged, and then thrown out like a discus.

Although the energy released by his ability will not bring the power of radiation, but the energy that originated in the core is still far more irritable than ordinary energy.

They exude a shocking crimson color, converging into a non-smooth spherical shape, as if the flowing magma and the thunder of nature are captured and softened together, forming a color that should not exist in nature. . Weird and twisted romance.

This is the color of destruction.

What arrived last was the hurricane of rapids instead.

The hurricane is powerful and fierce. It seems slow, but it is also amazingly fast. . However, it is still inferior to the launch speed of the energy attack.

The hurricane's attack form is also not a mode of energy attack, it can not produce an explosive form of attack, more is torn and entangled.

Facing the hurricane up close, you will also feel the breath of destruction like a natural disaster, like a giant hand trying to tear the world. . But it seems that it is far from a large-scale explosion. Even if they are far apart, they can still feel the impact of the heat wave and the air current.

But this does not mean that hurricanes are not dangerous.

On the contrary, because of its characteristic of tearing attack, it was originally just to rotate and tore everything that was rolled in like a drum washing machine, and then throw it out. . However, because of the double energy attack of Alex and Shaw, a qualitative change directly occurred.

Formed a fire storm!

Its power is astonishing. The fire takes advantage of the wind and the wind assists the fire. Almost in a flash, the huge fireball that was originally exploded because of the collision of energy formed an amazing fire tornado under the interference of the hurricane.

Daenerys was in the center of the fire tornado, and the scorching air waves continued to hit her like a tide, and the billowing fire tongue was like a curtain of airtightness, and wrapped her tightly in it.

The explosion, which could only last for four or five seconds, burned and circulated for more than ten seconds under the blessing of the hurricane, although the heat continued to overflow with the rotation of the fire tornado. . But the temperature of the center of the tornado storm is still more than ten times higher than the original simple explosion temperature!

This made Daenerys somewhat irresistible.

In the face of Alex’s energy shock, Daenerys was not in a hurry. In the face of the torrential hurricane, Daenerys didn’t even need to hide. It couldn’t shake her, even Shaw’s nuclear attack. , She doesn't need to dodge. . At most it was just scorching her scales.

But when these three are combined, she can no longer be so relaxed.

Although the combination of the three has not caused a qualitative change, the degree of quantification has risen in a straight line, and even has reached the critical point of qualitative, which makes Daenerys so embarrassed.

At first she was obviously confident. . Or it’s too big.

Cross your arms and try to intercept the energy impact from below with just your hands. . She did succeed, however, with her arms firmly blocking Alex and Shaw's attacks.

But with the advent of the hurricane and the formation of the fire storm, Daenerys' situation is not so good.

The central position of the fire storm is not only high in temperature, but also wind-eyed, and the tearing force is very strong. If she does not perform the appearance of the outward appearance, she cannot even break free. . You can't even stop these flames and high temperatures.

So in desperation, Daenerys was partially deified, showing her wings.

"Call! Call!"

The billowing flame seemed to burn through the sky, and it lasted for nearly a minute, before it slowly dissipated.

The flame gradually dissipated, and the high temperature ended, exposing the sky like a sunset glow, and the fiery clouds floating above the sea surface, like the heated cotton wool.

The hot fire storm even ignited the air. . There were suffocating scorching waves all around.

The semi-circular depression formed by the huge baking and air waves also gradually recovered. The seawater gathered and began to pour into it. Soon, the surrounding sea surface was restored to the previous calm again. . The waves drift gently, as always.

In the air, Daenerys floated quietly, her wings still wrapped her, but there were vaguely visible burnt scars in it. . Ash and broken.

The scorching heat in the air gradually dissipated, and it was replaced by a kind of icy cold.

Depressing and suffocating.

It was like a sign before the tsunami.

. . .

Not far away, Xiao et al. also stood on the sea.

The yacht was broken up in an instant. Although there was a submarine as a response, this was Xiao's last retreat. He obviously did not want to be exposed at this time.

And they were able to stand on the sea thanks to La Nina's magic. After all, none of the mutants present were capable of standing on the sea.

Without La Nina. . I am afraid that at this time Asazo will retreat with Xiao and others.

"We succeeded?"

Xiao looked at Daenerys, who was obviously still floating on the sea, and asked knowingly.

Of course, he didn't expect to get a good answer or expect the good news. He just thought it was uncomfortable now and he had to vent.

"Of course not, right...I shouldn't ask such stupid questions."

"So you better tell me what you brought in!"

He asked himself a question, and then looked at Charles fiercely.

"Or do you think I'm stupid?!"

But in the face of Xiao's anger, Charles was calm.

Stopping not far away, he stared at Xiao calmly, even with a slight smile.

"Sorry, I reminded you a long time ago."

He said.

"We need to join forces."

By this time, it was impossible for Xiao to turn his face. Charles knew this very well, so he could aggressively challenge Xiao.

As for what happened afterwards, um. . Then they have to wait until they live to the end.

Sure enough, in the face of Charles' answer, Xiao was obviously angry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he didn't turn his face. . Did not even let Assazo take them alone.

Because he has been approached by the other party.

If the other party can find him once, they can find him a second time, as Charles said, they are all enemies.

Even if Xiao is confident, he will still be invincible once his plan is successful. . But with the kind of power that the other party just broke out, could he really succeed in carrying out his plan?

Xiao is not sure.

If the plan is unsuccessful, he will have no power, and without power, there will be no guarantee that the plan will succeed. . This is an endless loop.

So Xiao did not leave immediately, but instead. .

"We should leave here."

He said to Charles.

"You must have the so-called secret base."

Although there seems to be trouble to find the door, Xiao's attitude is still so annoying, he said to Charles very exaggeratedly.

"It's the kind of secret base that brings everyone together and tries to save the world against terrible enemies...maybe used to fight me."

"of course."

Charles ignored the sarcasm in Xiao's words and nodded.

Xiao gestured to Asazo.

"Guide him."


In the next moment, Asazo had appeared beside Charles, and then put his hand on his shoulder.

Others who had already understood Asazo's teleportation ability immediately connected one by one, and at the same time, Charles, as a psychic ability, also directly transmitted the location and location of the secret base to Asazo.

In this way, even if Asazo has not been there, he does not know where the destination is, he can send it successfully.

But at this moment.

"Don't even want to go one!"

In the midair ahead, there was a cold announcement suddenly.


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