High Magic Earth

Chapter 1946: Once again used to maintain the style of the title

"Then destroy them again."

Eric said.


The apocalypse was stunned.

"Destroy them, again."

Eric said again.

Of course, this time he also explained a sentence.

"You are still alive, and they are gone, you stand here, but the card of fate disappeared for a thousand years, so you won."

"Then what we need to do now is win again."

"Destroy them again."

After talking about it, Eric gave his hand to Tianqi.

But the Apocalypse breathed a sigh of relief.

"But the real question is, how do you know that we won this war."

This time it was stunned to switch to Eric.

"Isn't it?"

He asked rhetorically.

Tian Qi didn't answer, but his movements and expressions had clearly revealed the answer.

They did not win.

"So... how did the fate cards disappear."

Eric was puzzled.

"I do not know."

Facing this problem, Tianqi shrugged easily.

"do not know?"

Even as calm as Eric, the voice could not help mentioning a grade. . After all, this answer sounds too unreliable.

"How could you not know."

Eric asked.

The Apocalypse is indeed different from Eric’s expectations, because in the face of Eric’s doubts, he did not have any dissatisfaction, but still answered with a relaxed tone.

"Because I was no longer there."

He spread his hands like Eric did before.

"My people betrayed me, they attacked me and destroyed the pyramid... Then as you can see, I was buried under the pyramid."

Eric was speechless.

Not knowing why, he suddenly felt that the Apocalypse would encounter such a thing, not surprising.


Faced with this situation, Eric could not help.

"Why did that destiny card disappear for almost a thousand years?"

He asked again.

"I also want to know the answer."

But obviously, the apocalypse in front of him is not omnipotent.

Eric stopped talking.

Seeing that Eric was silent, the Apocalypse spoke again after thinking about it.

"You are right, we are not strong enough."

"In fact, our best option now is to join forces with each other."

Apocalypse looked at Eric. Eric looked up, and he probably understood what the apocalypse wanted to say next.

"Yes, your friend, Charles... We should indeed join forces with him. Only when everyone's strength comes together, our odds of winning may be higher."

Eric actually does not exclude cooperation with Charles. . But he always felt there was something wrong.

It was as if he shouldn’t have gone back to look for Charles like that, but after he had done something big, Charles would ask him.

Of course, Eric did not have such detailed brain supplements, he just felt a little uncomfortable.

So he seemed quite unwilling to ask.

"Not enough with your strength?"

"You were God a thousand years ago."

The apocalypse was silent.

"I am not a goddess."

He said.

"My name is Nshabanur."

"In fact, you can call me Noor."

Eric felt he couldn't keep up with the apocalyptic brain circuit. . Is it time to struggle with the name?

Fortunately, apocalypse, no, Noor's original intention was not that.

"I do have very powerful abilities, many abilities... And, I still had many powerful subordinates of the same elite."

Eric understood the meaning of the apocalypse.

"We need manpower?"

Noor nodded.


"Your friend has telepathy, and his ability to scan the entire world, he knows where to look for mutants."

"But we have nothing."

"So it's better to concentrate instead of dispersing power."

"So teaming up is the best option."

. . .

Mutant special organization, inside the base.

With Charles's psychic abilities as the positioning, there is no slight deviation in the red devil's teleportation, which instantly brings everyone back to the base.

Xiao He and Torrent and Emma did not know how many times they coordinated with the Red Devil's teleport, so they were naturally very skilled.

The first one stood firmly on the ground. After Xiao got out of danger, his attitude became casual and arrogant again.


He looked around.

"I thought when I came here, I would be targeted by many toys."

Although Charles and others were out on a mission, the connection with the base has not been broken. After all, Charles has such a powerful mental ability, and it is the latest communication equipment carried by Stryker and others.

They have long known that Xiao and others are coming. . It has been cleared in advance.

Charles is naturally not prepared to start with Xiao here. Even if he does, it is impossible for ordinary people to join, because as Xiao said, whether it is ordinary soldiers or the firearms in their hands, in Xiao's eyes, they are like toy.

And naturally, it was impossible for Charles to enclose a row of soldiers. . What Xiao said was that it was impossible for a row of toys to be aligned.

Charles didn't pay attention to Xiao for the time being, because although they came back, La Nina hadn't returned yet.

La Nina has her own mind shield, as do the enemies, which makes Charles unable to sense the two of them, and does not know what is happening now.

of course. . Even if I knew it, I couldn't help.


Fortunately, Charles didn't worry about it for too long. After a minute or so, La Nina appeared among several people with a burst of phantom-specific cracking sounds.

Charles glanced quickly, without serious injuries. . It's good news.

Xiao naturally also saw La Nina. . He was quite impressed with this mutant, but he did not say anything about the special situation now, but just glanced at it and withdrew his gaze.

Soon, other people in the base rushed over.

"how is the situation?"

The first person who rushed over was Kennedy. Obviously, they were always nearby, but they could not determine Xiao’s attitude as a dangerous person, so he didn’t show up.

Seeing Xiao seemed to cooperate. . They naturally came out.

Xiao Wei raised his eyebrows slightly.

As a guy with the goal of setting off the third world war, he certainly can't do without knowing what Kennedy looks like, but he never thought he would be here, seeing real people on such occasions.

. . Of course, with Xiao's position and attitude, he was obviously not afraid of the other party, and had no fear, but the presence of the other party here shows that this matter may be more complicated and troublesome than they thought.

"Good and bad."

Because of the heavy losses in the previous mission, Charles didn't dare to sell anything, but said immediately.

"We found Xiao, and he decided to join us, but..."

"The enemy also found them one step in advance, and we fought against each other. The speed and strength of one of them was almost not weaker than the enemy we encountered last time."

Kennedy frowned.

He also read the last battle report. In the face of such enemies, such a heavy battle loss cannot be avoided, but he is actually not concerned about the battle loss, nor does he care.

As the tallest person present, he actually only cares about one thing, that is. . Can the enemy be defeated.

Because of his position, he wants to see farther than Charles,

Charles thought it was a war, a war only related to mutants, but this was not the case. Charles was only right, this is a war, but not just mutants.

Faced with enemies, mutants cannot escape, but can ordinary people hide behind? If the mutants really failed, would they do nothing, do nothing, and turn a blind eye to everything?

That is obviously impossible.

So Kennedy has to consider whether they can defeat the enemy if there are no mutants. . Unfortunately, the final answers from the staff told him that it was difficult.

Unless large-scale weapons are used for cover strikes, light weapons will not hurt the other party at all, and medium weapons may not be able to hit the other party. As for sending soldiers, that is to die.

This is an almost unsolvable enemy.

One is enough trouble.

And now what does Charles say, there is a second such enemy?

Well, now their trouble has doubled. . And this is not the point. The point is that the two enemies with very similar or even similar capabilities can hardly let Kennedy think about the standard.

in case. . Is this enemy mass-produced?

It must be said that Charles did not exaggerate, their enemies were very powerful, too powerful. . It is their almost irresistible existence.

Thinking of this, Kennedy couldn't calm down.

"We need to make a new plan again."

He looked at Charles and said.

"The card you said, it is the key to everything."

"We should start to revolve around it and take the next steps."

. . .

"So, fate card?"

Xiao spread his hands.

"It is the core of everything?"

On the sofa where he was, his arms were exaggerated, like a speaker, his eyes turned from doing to the right, passing Charles and La Nina and others, then Kennedy and Stryker and others. . There is no respect in the eyes.

This is the meeting room.

Not long after Charles and others returned, the meeting was held.

Because their enemies are also in action. . Although they seem to have always been quiet, only Destiny cards are being promoted step by step in New York, piloted, and then prepared to spread out a little bit.

But very quiet is very quiet, does not mean that they have no movement.

Charles directly collided with each other to illustrate the problem, they are not without movement, but they are not noticed by them.

Now that we know it, then we can no longer waste time.

Their time is actually very limited.

The meeting this time was not only to determine the next plan, but also because Xiao and Emma had just joined.

They don't know anything yet.

And in Logan, I will repeat it quickly. . He doesn't know how many times he has said it. He can even use very precise and capable narration with the fewest words to clarify the whole thing.

Just listening to what Rogan said, Xiao still seems not much nervous.

Because he does not understand.

"Since the Destiny Card is in New York, it hasn't been spread out yet... so why don't you launch a nuclear bomb into New York."

"After the attack, all the troubles are gone."

"But New York will disappear."

Stryker said.

But Xiao ignored him, but still looked at Charles with his eyes. . Naturally this flashed a fierce light in the rising Stryker's eyes.

"That's New York."

To live up to expectations, Charles said the same thing.

Of course, he is very clear that innocent people alone cannot stop Xiao's footsteps, which is simply a meaningless useless bargaining chip.

But he has another sentence. . A hypothesis analyzed from other directions.

"And even if a nuclear bomb is actually fired, can we really eliminate the opposition?"

Charles asked rhetorically.

"As far as I know, you have the ability to absorb nuclear energy, and the nuclear bomb can't hurt you, so how can you be sure that the nuclear bomb can end this... instead of making the other party stronger."

Xiao did not refute.

He did not think about it. It seemed reasonable to think about it, but despite this, Xiao did not admit to Charles.

So he put on a casual and arrogant attitude and looked at Logan.

"Which... Can a nuclear bomb end all this in the future?"

Logan shook his head.

"We tried to have a nuclear bomb..."

"But everything is still the same."


Xiao shrugged and spread his hands.

"It seems that this plan can be abandoned."

Because it was not within the scope of consideration, Stryker, who had watched all this from afar, was vomiting. . With so many psychic abilities present, he also deliberately changed to a way of thinking with empty minds. . He is also using it for the first time. I don't know if it is correct or not.

Hoping not to be seen, Stryker kept trying to empty himself.

But at this moment, the two psychics, Charles and Emma, ​​have no energy to see what an ordinary person's sergeant is thinking.

"Nuclear bombs will not end this."

"The key point... still the card."

Charles said.

Torrent sat on Xiao's left side, elbows pressed against his knees, his body bent forward and remained motionless. . He hasn't moved for a long time.

The Red Devil is sitting next to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Erlang's legs are tilted, and she doesn't seem to care about these things. Emma naturally sits on the other side of Xiao. She seems to be very serious, listening to Charles' words, and slowly tilting. Erlang legs up.

"That card?"

Xiao laughed.

"Are you serious?"

"You put all hope on the enemy's things?"

He looked like he had heard a joke.

Charles spread his hands.

"What about you, what are your good plans."

"Go to New York, find them, and solve them."

Xiao's plan was obviously straightforward.

but. .

"Are you sure to solve them? Not by them?"

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