High Magic Earth

Chapter 1947: Really good teammates

Charles' words are very polite, but they are facts.

If it was not that they could not compete against each other head-on, they would obviously not get together here, get together and try to find other ways than head-on engagement.

It's just that Xiao experienced only one defeat in the first game. . Obviously don't think so.

"That's better than pinning all hope on the enemy to create something that doesn't know... You let all people desperately, and then pin hope on something you are not sure about?"

Xiao shook his head.

What he said seemed reasonable.

In fact, if it weren't for Logan to speak first, I am afraid that Hank and Charles and others might abandon the original plan under the encouragement of Shaw.

But what Logan described, the future showed. . It was really desperate for them, and even Charles was constantly losing, deciding to choose a steady way.

Find the cards, and then reverse everything.

The card that can touch the multiverse is the core of everything. Once they find it, they have the opportunity to change everything.

. . This is their only chance.

Because of the difference in combat power between them and their opponents, they can't beat the opponents at all, so this card must and must be the turning point for their victory.

Otherwise, even Charles is unable to return.

Joining Eric, Shaw, and even Apocalypse does not mean that they have the power to resist each other, because according to the news that Logan brought to them, even if they unite, with the strength shown by the other, they will still lose .

So the joint owner is not to resist. . But for that card, then they can have the power of the next battle.

These things are what Charles saw in Logan's memory, but he said nothing.

Yes, he did tell other people about this card, its existence, its role, its key, but after realizing that the enemy might also have psychic abilities, Charles immediately blocked the message.

In fact, if other people carefully recall this time, they will find that they do not know what the card is, they have forgotten it.

They only know that it is critical, but specific information. . They can't think of anything.

A key card.

It’s okay for the enemy to know this news. After all, the core of a fate card is a card, and it’s normal for a key card to appear.

As long as there are no other clues, it is impossible for the opponent to take advantage of the advantage.

In addition to the clues of the card itself, Charles still has a lot of things to tell others, just to prevent the leakage of information.

Now he knows the most information. . Second is Logan. Although Logan is the owner of memory, he has many things that he may have forgotten. It is far better to read Charles again.

And third. . It is not Raven and others, but Kennedy.

Finding cards requires his ability. Some things must be made clear. Second, Charles believes that Kennedy is absolutely safe here.

Because he wouldn't go on the battlefield at all, he would definitely be protected very well, and if all were invaded. . Then this intelligence guard will not hold up, I am afraid it is meaningless.

There are many things that Xiao did not know, and Charles dared not tell him. . He also has the protection of the spiritual ability, which is Emma.

The news told him that Charles could not block it because Emma blocked it, but Emma could block him, but not necessarily the real enemy.

So it is better not to talk to Xiao too much about many things.

In addition, although Xiao’s first contact with the enemy ended in failure, it does not mean that he will definitely think that the enemy is invincible, after all. . The opponent has the advantage of sneak attack.

"Trust me."

Charles said.

"That's our only chance."

"Logan has seen many futures, and we have totally failed. That card will be our only chance."

Xiao spread his hands and seemed to be too lazy to continue his theory with Charles. He leaned back and leaned on the sofa without talking.

Both Torrent and Asazo did not do anything. They obeyed Xiao's orders. Although Xiao now showed an impatient appearance, as long as there were no specific commands, the two would not act arbitrarily.

But Emma, ​​who is more independent, behaves strangely.

She seemed serious, and she seemed to believe Charles. . This is actually not surprising.

Because as a mental person, Emma can see much more than Shaw. Since this time, she has been constantly scanning the memories of other people around her. Although there are bits and pieces, many are blocked by Charles. , But still enough for her to restore most of what Logan said at the time.

The mutants brought by the sentinel doomsday, the world extinct black phoenix that broke out to destroy the leech, and of course, the command card crisis they are facing now. . Is it so difficult for them to have so many disasters in the future?

Emma knows better than Shaw that their situation is serious now, but as Charles said, there are many things they can’t tell others.

As a mental ability person, Emma has absolute confidence in her mental defense, and she can also be diamondized, but for others, she is not so confident.

Fortunately, as the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, Emma and Xiao have a close relationship, even if these things are not said. . She also has other means to make Xiao understand the seriousness of the situation.

But this matter is not mentioned first. In the memory of these people, Emma is not without gain, because she seems to see a very interesting thing, but it is ignored by everyone.


Emma leaned on the sofa and said with a lazy and arrogant attitude like Xiao.

"You may have forgotten something."

Charles and others chatted and immediately focused on her.

As a spiritual ability person, Charles can clearly perceive that Emma has been glancing at other people's hearts, such as the partial memories of Kennedy and Logan that he deliberately covered up.

But Emma was obviously not here to make things happen, so she didn't find out in depth. She and Charles were in a state of peace.

Seeing Emma talk suddenly, Charles also realized that she might have discovered some details and clues that were ignored by them.

"That potion."

Emma said.

"Aren't you ready to perfect it."

As her eyes fell on Hank, Charles and Logan immediately realized what she was talking about.

Inhibit medicament.

Or. . The appearance is to suppress the pharmacy, but it is actually a catalytic pharmacy. The mutant has the ability to evolve the pharmacy. Well, that thing has no name, but according to the news that Rogan brought from the future, Charles, who is also a school bully, immediately reversed it. effect.

According to the role, there is nothing wrong with the name.

The experience of being watched by everyone is obviously the first one. Hank is very shy during this period, and he does not have the cheeky kind of future diplomat as a mutant. Of course, that may also be the thickness of the cheeks after the incarnation of the beast. The intensity of the hair is also related to the color of the skin so that he cannot see the reason for his blush.

But in any case, Hank is still shy now, and with so much sight, he is obviously at a loss.

But his mental quality is not bad, just a few seconds, he immediately calmed down, and he also understood the meaning of Emma.

But he hesitated.

"That potion..."

He said uncertainly.

"That potion allows us to evolve."

Emma said casually.

It's not like talking about the evolution and future of mutants. It's more like discussing what to prepare for a while, whether to eat Chinese food or French dinner.

"I don't know if it's your cause or the reason for the blue hair that makes your whole body grow...but you can investigate and block these problems."

"Shouldn't it be troublesome?"

Although Emma is also a psychic ability, it is obviously not a schoolmaster like Charles.

Although the psychic person can read the memories of other people, reading does not mean that he can remember, even if Charles has forgotten.

And remembering doesn't mean learning, it depends on talent.

Xueba is not for everyone.

Emma is very talented in dressing and dressing, and is not weak in the ability of mutants. If she breaks away from Xiao in the future, she may also find that she is also talented in management, whether it is pure business or running her own. Site.

But in scientific research like Charles, her talent is not very high.

She wasn't sure if Hank could do it, but he wanted to make things like evolution potions. . It shouldn't be difficult to change colors.

. . probably.

"You can make them, and each of us will try them."

"You think our strength is not enough?"

"Then think of ways to increase it."

Emma's fingernails seem to be scorning that you group of stupid boys can't even think of such a simple question.

Charles and Hank looked at each other.

On the other hand, Xiao apparently did not know what the evolutionary potion is. After all, Logan simply talked about the problems they faced with the fate card, and did not say about the other few futures. He naturally did not know that Hank’s future would become Beast because of a potion.

Charles didn't say, Shaw didn't have the mental ability like Emma, ​​he didn't know anything.

Looking at Emma, ​​she immediately explained to Xiao about the evolutionary potion in a few words, but Xiao frowned.

Xiao, who is the abacus of the world's king in the future, obviously does not like to see such things appear. Although it will increase the strength of his mutants, it will also increase everyone else's.

This is not appropriate.

But Emma would even advocate and agree. . Xiao was silent for a while, but still did not refute.

The situation is very complicated now, even if Shaw is not optimistic about Charles, he doesn't plan to obey his orders, but he doesn't plan to make that early bird himself.

The people present have different reactions.

In addition to Shaw and Charles, there are actually third parties and fourth parties, that is, Stryker and others led by Kennedy, and La Nina and Samiko Keiko who have a decreasing sense of presence.

But at this moment, La Nina almost jumped up without excitement.

Emma did not rescue him in vain.

Now let's not say that Charles and Xiao and others feel the situation is getting more and more complicated, and even La Nina is gradually feeling that the situation is getting out of control.

Not to mention La Nina's side, Yamami Keiko will make no progress.

It was only La Nina who followed Charles before, so Yamami Keiko stayed here, as well as Hank and Angel Salvador, as well as Darwin and Sean.

These people have no fighting, Darwin is biased towards defense, although El Salvador can fly, but the power of spitting is really difficult for Biar Alex.

Sean is also the same, Sonic is good, but there is still a gap with Alex, not to mention Hank. . He is a pure logistic person. Even if it becomes a beast, it is only suitable for small-scale combat. It is really difficult to play a role in large-scale combat.

It’s not that they stay here every day. Nothing happens every day. In the original plot, these young people gathered together, probably because they finally found their kind and peers. The first day came a carnival party, there was no Training mind.

It was because of Darwin's sacrifice that they condensed together.

But this time, although there was also no urging by Charles and others, Darwin did not sacrifice, but because of the instructors sent by Kennedy, they were not as lazy as they originally were.

I work diligently every day, but most of them are physical fitness and normal combat training. . Their mutant ability is obviously not something that ordinary instructors can develop, which requires Charles and others.

Although Hank also followed his training, he was busy with his own affairs most of the time.

. . Not making potions, but making combat suits.

This combat suit is not just an ordinary piece of clothing, it contains a low level of technology, for example, to help Siren Sean use sound waves to let himself fly, and help Alex to condense his uncontrollable abilities and become a cluster. Shape, etc.

So this is not easy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But it is not what Sammi Keiko and La Nina want. They don't care about the combat uniform at all, they want to suppress the potion, get it, and leave.

When La Nina came back, she heard from Hanami Keiko that Hank didn't even start researching. . Almost could not help throwing a soul-evil spell on Hank's face, let him concentrate.

But in fact, not to mention the Soul Conspiracy, they can't do many deliberate things. After all, Charles still pays attention to them from time to time. Although they are not afraid of these mutants, they can't get it by fighting the drugs.

The ghost knew what Hank would do by then.

But now, Emma has reiterated the old things and re-introduced the thing of inhibiting the potion, which was not proposed by the two of them, neither abrupt nor obvious, but also highlighting the importance of potion.

. . Why didn't this make La Nina happy.

The title of El Salvador should be given to Emma!

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