High Magic Earth

Chapter 1948: with. . False good teammate

(); Seriously, the complexity of this world seems beyond imagination. . This was the conclusion after La Nina discovered Daenerys.

Athena didn't recognize her, because the recognition was not high, but Daenerys, her recognition was too high.

The world of the song of ice and fire has always been sought by their origin conference. The current mystery is not high, but the background may be infinitely high.

There is no high-end power, full of resources, it is simply a perfect logistics base.

. . Unfortunately, they did not find it.

I haven't heard any other free people luckily discover that world.

result. . Now Daenerys has appeared.

This world is not a world of wizards. If Daenerys throws from the world of the song of ice and fire to the world of two brothers, La Nina may not be so surprised.

Perhaps it was the brothers who did something else, maybe it was a failure to summon the demon, and dragged Daenerys by mistake.

After all, it is also the site of the wizard.

But here, here is the world of mutants, the place of new human beings. Although the origin conference has not fully understood the grievances between the new human beings and the wizards, it has also noticed anomalies.

The two large worlds seem to be disconnected, the world of wizards, and the world of new humans.

So how did Daenerys appear here.

La Nina’s first reaction was that the new humans also began to invade their world. Just like the origin conference sent them into this world by some means, the new humans also sneaked into the world of the song of ice and fire, and Take away Daenerys.

But at the next moment, after seeing Daenerys' destructive fighting style and combat effectiveness, La Nina had a second guess in her mind.

perhaps. . It's Daenerys who has some power to break the dimension wall, maybe. . What?

One punch daenerys?

It's really scary.

But in any case, the complexity of the world has exceeded the imagination of the two of them, they can no longer go away.

After the situation here is reported, they need to continue to observe. If something big happens, perhaps the origin meeting will also join hands, when Mianlong will come in person, maybe.

But the priority is still

I got the inhibitory medicine, but now the importance of the inhibitory medicine has moved back. What is happening in this world? . The importance of exploring this cause may be before the inhibitory agent is obtained.

Of course, whether it is before or after depends on how important the reason is.

but. . If it is possible, La Nina still doesn't want to miss the thing of inhibitory medicine.

The world of mutants is a little special. In this world, not only human beings as one of the protagonists, but also can contend in other superhero worlds. It is simply a variant of the templates of the protagonist protagonist, and can even be overpowered.

This is simply incredible in other superhero worlds.

How can ordinary people beat superpowers?

But here it is.

Therefore, even in the face of such extremely unscientific things as x-cells, humans can target x-cells and develop various inhibitor suppression ring devices, or even use x-cell weaponization.

This black technology for superpowers is also one of the characteristics of the mutant world.

So suppress the medicament. . It's not as simple and useless as it sounds.

Otherwise, let the scientists of other worlds try to make a medicine for superheroes, whether it is a medicine to suppress Hulk or a medicine to suppress the desperate virus. . It's embarrassing!

Inhibition of medicaments is still very valuable.

Emma is indeed God assist.

"...Inhibition agent?"

but. . Just as Emma did not disappoint La Nina, Charles did not disappoint them either, and he showed obvious hesitation in the face of the suppression of potions.

"We can't be sure..."

Charles's tone was full of words.

To put it bluntly, he still doesn't like mutants using these weird potions.

It wasn't that he rejected any medicine. When the stray bullet controlled by Eric was accidentally injured and paralyzed. When the wounds in the early stages of paralysis were often painful and unbearable, he chose to use the improved version of Hank based on the suppression of medicine.

Temporarily activating the strength of his limbs, allowing him to regain the possibility of walking, even avoiding pain, but the price is that the suppression of the potion really succeeded in suppressing his mutant ability.

Forced by the pain, Charles had no choice but to accept it.

This medicine, and because of the outbreak of the Vietnam War, the students in the mutant school he had just opened for a few years could not avoid military service and went to the battlefield. He was once frustrated, relying on this medicine to paralyze his daily drinking. , Drunkenly dreamed of death.

He refused to let him drop the potion and regain the soul.

So he is not like Batman repelling non-human beings, repelling all human transformation, just. . It's just different.

He used potions for treatment, and now they use potions to enhance the power of mutants and make their abilities stronger!

He always felt, always felt. . Some are not good.

Emma sees Charles' hesitation and throughput in her eyes, and she is also a person of spiritual ability. She can't see what Charles thinks, but Emma is not a vase. Although she has no talent in scientific research, she is very human, so she is very perceptive. keen.

She immediately noticed Charles's careful thought.

It is nothing more than worrying that after the mutants have mastered this potion, it will attract the hostility of ordinary people, and even some mutants will take advantage of the chaos.

But is it. . Without this potion, would ordinary people not be hostile to mutants, and would the situation of mutants become better, would there be no ambitious mutants like Xiao?

Oh, according to the memory of the beast from the future next to him, in the future, the situation of the mutants has never been better.

Only getting worse and worse, never improving, and the enemy is constantly appearing, it seems that there is no period of tranquility at all.

There was contempt in his eyes, and Emma's mouth smirked even more.


"We are about to lose. If we fail, we will have nothing."

"And you are still considering these things forward and backward?"


Emma spit out two words, saying she was not optimistic about Charles.

"You are really a failed leader."

Charles was silent.

He was also thinking about suppressing the gains and losses after using the medicine, because the uncontrollability of medicine is too great, and the ghost knows what will happen after they use the medicine.

After using that potion, Hank turned into a beast, and his body grew blue hair

Hair, limbs began to become wider. . He became a humanoid monster.

Although they now know the future, Hank begins to make up for the shortcomings of the medicine as much as possible, but God knows whether Hank can successfully improve the medicine, or whether there will be new side effects after the improvement. . For them, this is an unknown future.

The risk of pharmacy is great, so Charles is hesitant, even if it is necessary to use the pharmacy, it should be considered at the last moment, and now they obviously have not reached the last moment.

Charles still has faith in what Rogan said, that key card.

Although the other side has appeared two members who are almost incapable of confrontation. . But when Shaw was united, Charles didn't think they were so easily broken.

There should be no problem in delaying the other party.

In this way, they have a chance to get that card.

According to Logan, that card was the key that allowed him to send his memory back, so the worst, they also had a chance to start again.

Moreover, the core role of this card is to contact the parallel world and the multiverse. Charles does not believe that it only has a little shallow memory. . usefulness.

Charles didn't say anything about these things. Others only knew that the card was the key, but the exact details were probably only clear to him and Logan.

Because Charles is worried that if these things are said, he will be informed by the other person's telepathy. . That is the real danger.

So in a sense, Hank and others really are not optimistic about their next plan, because they don’t know anything, and judging from their current combat effectiveness, they are indeed not opponents of each other.

The highest fighting power is undoubtedly Charles, and originally Eric. . But now they are parting ways, followed by Logan and Alex. Alex's ability is still insufficient.

As for the Magic Woman, Darwin, Sean, and others, although their abilities are considered to be powerful types among the mutants, they are extremely powerful and fast when they treat them. It's hard to use it like an enemy in the realistic version of Superman in the comics.

The newly joined Xiao and others are elites and have first-class fighting power, but it is still difficult to get cheap. . Can only barely pull the scene back.

This is still in the other party only those two

An enemy.

But in the future, they can almost kill the mutants, how can there be only those two enemies, not to mention the ordinary people can use, directly affect the fate of the battle card Libra.

So Charles was hesitant about suppressing the potion, but Hank, the creator of the potion. . But there are some different ideas.

"Improved inhibitory agent?"

Hank, who is the party, murmured at this time, and he seemed very interested.

Upon hearing this, Emma immediately skipped the forward looking Charles and looked directly at Hank.

"How is it possible?"

Facing Emma who is obviously more mature and attractive than Raven. . Hank couldn't help being shy. After all, Xiao et al. hadn't become enemies with them, and Darwin wasn't dead. Naturally, there was no hatred.

Hank seemed to scratch his chin with embarrassment.

"it should be OK."

Despite being shy in appearance, he speaks very confidently. In the field of scientific research, Hank is a first-class existence in the world of mutants.

Just like the black technology, he can easily research out a lot of things that are completely incredible and even unclear about the principle, such as suppressing medicaments.

Upon hearing Hank's answer, Emma's eyes lit up immediately.

"Need more time?"

"One week... maybe two weeks?"

Hank said somewhat uncertainly.

A long time ago, Hank began to study inhibitors, but he lacked the key element of Raven's blood, and now he knows the news of his future success. . Although it was not the kind of success he wanted, it also undoubtedly confirmed that he was on the right path.

This has greatly reduced his time to take detours.

Of course, now that we need to improve the pharmacy, it can even be said that we have completely changed a new research direction, so Hank is still a little uncertain, which leaves himself with a week's surplus.

But even so, his research speed is amazing enough.

For example, Emma. . She originally thought that Hank might give a few months, or even half a year, even if a few months might be fast, but when Hank arrived, it became a two-week period that didn't even last a month.

"you sure?"

Emma Eye One

Squinting, the tone is gentle and strange.

Her tone didn't seem to question, but more like an arrogant attitude like Missy. . This makes Hank, who doesn't have a girlfriend, lose again and again.

"Of course, of course."

He quickly promised, but he didn't notice that Raven's face was getting more and more uncomfortable.

Emma nodded again with the satisfaction of that kind of mistress, and then as if suddenly remembered something, like Hank asked.

"That side effect must be cancelled. If I can't, I will never use this medicine."

"I know."

Hank nodded~www.wuxiaspot.com~For the monster who turned into blue skin, he was still covered with long hair, Hank also refused, if he is invincible since then, it’s better to say, but after he turned into a beast, it is no better than the original. The ability has increased slightly, it can be said that it has only developed its potential.

He will not like it. . His aesthetic is not that strange.

And now that there is a chance to recover, Hank will naturally try to eliminate this side effect. . Even if the research is not successful, it will not leave such obvious side effects.

After all, the inhibitory potion doesn't play the role of suppression at all. The future has confirmed this, but it is catalysis. Since he can't heal his feet, why use a potion to turn himself into a monster.

It's as strange as the foot is deformed, so the whole person is also deformed, then the foot is no longer a deformed disease.

Although Hank had some nerds, he didn't have the brain to this degree.

"It's just that most of the combat uniform has been completed, and then I can do my best to study the suppression agent."

Beside, except for a face, I just want the most primitive suppression potion! Except for La Nina, who was running further and further away, neither Charles nor Shaw had made this decision against Hank to stop it.

Charles is because, even if Hank researched it out, the right to use it was in their hands. Besides, it would take some time for the research, and it would be good to study in advance. . This is also their last resort.

There is hope only if you live, and if you die next time, Charles will not care what medicine is not medicine, how important is the mutation.

As for Xiao. .

He now understood what Emma meant.

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